Sorry for my bad English.

Here comes another day for the duo. Those chapters are easy to write since all I need to do is think about their everyday and add something that could happen if any of the characters are around. The principal plot is a different matter, of course. I can't just write whatever is in my mind and expect that everyone will like. I want to be careful with the plot since I already planned a bunch of strange things, even to Remnanat.

Enough said. To the fic!

Beacon actually has a pool.

The place was perfect for what Ryan planned to train his friends in the way of feeling the intentions. Knowing about Ruby's training, Yang offered to accompany her along with Weiss, who saw this as a great opportunity to expand her skills. Put it in short, all team RWBY decide to learn how to feel the intentions.

Along with them, Chocolat decides to help Pyrrha and tag her team along to in this different type of training. She would have no problem in dealing with stealth opponents with her semblance, but she knew that could not depend on her powers every time she fights. So she decides to learn how to feel the intentions when it comes to the time she may not rely on her semblance in battle.

Ren was curious about this ability and decide to give a try and learn more about this curious art. And Nora was with him just because.

They all got ready but Pyrrha could not help but feel uneasy with what they were wearing.

Both RWBY and CNVL, along with Jaune, were wearing bath-suits.

The brunette leader was wearing a brown bikini while Pyrrha was wearing a white bikini with red strings. Ren wore a swim short and finally Nora with a pink bathing suit.

Team RWBY was the same, with Ruby wearing a red swimsuit, Weiss wearing a white one-piece swimsuit, Blake wearing a bikini with a black top and a white bottom, and Yang wearing a yellow bikini with her trademark symbol stamped on her right breast.

Last but not less was Jaune wearing blue shorts.

-So... -Chocolat began as she looks to Ryan. -What are we doing here again?

-I will see how good you guys are in feeling the intentions of someone else.

-Using water balloons? -Blake asked.

-I need to use something that won't hurt you guys physically.

-How can we not know if this is not an excuse to you see our bodies wet for your visual pleasure? -Yang asked.

-In our defense, it was Forest's idea in the first place. -Cardin answered, trying to defend himself.

Strange enough, Ryan was able to get CRDL to help him with what he planned. For all the ruckus both teams caused since the beginning of the classes, some were afraid to get on the bad side of the girls, except for the problematic team.

Those guys deserve some respect from their bravery... and stupidity, but most bravery.

-See you lovely ladies in this situation is just a bonus. -Dove commented.

-Watch your mouth, Bronzewing. -Weiss snarled.

-To be honest, if they do not want to see you all wet, this not will work. -Ryan stated.

-Care to explain? -Pyrrha asked, not liking the idea of being used for the pleasure of team CRDL.

-Like I mentioned before, you all need to detect the intention that corresponds with what you all are trying to feel. So you guys need to feel the intention of someone who wants to wet you all.

-So we can't beat them after this? -Yang asked.

-Hey! -Cardin began. -We are doing you guys a favor here. Do you often punch those who help you? No wonder no one else wanted to be part of this training.

-Excuse me? -Weiss asked.

-I'm afraid he's right. -Ryan said surprising the teams. -I asked at least five teams and none of them wanted to be part of this.

-And what they did say? -Ruby asked.

-They all just said "good luck". Anyway, use this. -Ryan answered and threw to Jaune and the teams a bunch of blindfolds.

Each team and Jaune shared confusion looks as CRDL and Ryan moved to around the pool. Putting their confusion aside, they all put the blindfolds back and got ready. Ren and Blake were taking deep breaths while Yang and Nora were ready to jump away despite not seeing anything. The rest was unsure about what to do.

-So, when will we know when to start-Ahh! -Ruby's question was interrupted by the first water balloon thrown.

-Ruby-Gah! -Yang also was cut by another water balloon throw at her.

Then it began.

Like insects flying around in a confined space, both RWBY and CNVL walked around, bumping in each other while trying to dodge the incoming projectiles, but only hearing about and not knowing how to do makes hard to all of them to feel their intentions, even for Jaune who already successfully dodges Koro's by feeling his intentions.

It made it hard to try with CRDL constantly laughing.

-C'mon, ladies! -Come the voice of Cardin. -I thought that would be a piece of cake for the finest of the first year!

-Winchester, when I put my hands on you-Ah! -Yang had turned to where Cardin's voice came from and during her threat, she received a balloon on her back.

-Alright! I'm ready! Come at me with everything you got! -Nora yelled and immediately, received a water balloon on her face, followed by one in her posterior and finally one on her left cheek, putting her down from the surprise triple attack. -I wasn't ready.

-I swear Forest, -Weiss began. -...if this be just an excuse to... -


-Ouch. -Blake whined, being bumped by Weiss.

-Oh, sorry, Blake.

-I'm Pyrrha.

-So who bumped in me? -Blake asked. -Gah! -And received another water balloon.

-Sorry, it was me. -Jaune apologized. -I think-ugh! -And received a water balloon on the face.

Like a bunch of ants, they run around the pool, bumping and hitting each other as CRDL keep laughing at their misfortune.

Far in one of the windows, none of them notices the figure of Fée watching them from afar with special binoculars, a piece of high-tech with a scanning feature.

-It seems he is trying to teach them how to feel the intentions. -She said to herself. -Such skill which takes time to perfect. Honestly, I'm surprised that jeune Ryan was able to learn such a skill.

-He's a Forest after all. -An old voice spoke. Along with Fée was an old man wearing a black suit, her butler.

-Keep your opinions to yourself, Soie. -Fée stated somewhat annoyed, with Soie bowed apologetically.

She resumed watching the teams getting soaked with water.

Except that this time, one of them actually dodge the water balloon. Seeing that, one of the members of CRDL tried again to wet her, but she dodges again.

-Now I get it. -Come to the voice of no one but Yang.

-Yang? -Ruby asked. -You are feeling their intentions-Ah!

-I just notice that is not different from how the boys usually look at me. -Yang stated and moved her head to the left, dodging another water balloon. -Although is kind hard, too much stares-Ah!

She needs to practice more though.

That sure was a different type of training, and all the girls were not satisfied with the fact that CRDL was going out wetting them without any punishment, but they all agree with Ryan's terms and could do nothing, at least until the next combat class.

Once they all got dressed, they start to talk about what they so-called training.

-It seems I getting the gist of it. -Yang stated proudly, annoying the other girls, especially Weiss.

-How come you from everyone was able to dodge? -Weiss could not help but ask.

-Like I said before... -Yang began, flaunting her assets. -... it is not different from how the boys look at me.

Weiss blushed hard and with an annoyed growl, walked ahead to join Pyrrha.

-So, what we got from all of this? -Blake asked Ryan. -You said that this was just to see how good we are feeling intentions, so how was it?

-In this specific situation, some were better than the others. -Ryan stated, thinking in Yang and Chocolat. -But I think I can think in ways to help you guys practice.

-No more water balloons, please. -Ruby asked.

-Okay, just let me think a little.

-So, what do we do now? -Nora asked. -It is still too early, and we got nothing to do. Uh! How about we...

-You are not going to the arena just to punish CRDL, Nora. -Chocolat stated.

The orange-haired girl pounded.

-How about we go to the Feeding Warriors? -Pyrrha asked. -I really enjoyed the food, and I'm curious about what the chef will serve during lunchtime.

-Pyrrha, please. -Weiss began. -I hardly would call a chef a man who owns such a simple restaurant.

-Says the girl who had a dreamy smile on the face once she proved his special soup. -Chocolat stated, making Weiss' eyes widen and her cheek burns with embarrassment. -I want to give a try on the apple pie. I head our classmates complimenting it greatly.

-Do they also have strawberry pie? -Ruby asked Chocolat, her eyes sparkling.

-I heard they do. -Chocolat answered and she saw Ruby drooling.

-Easy there, sis. -Yang spoke.

-Mr. Stronghold sure knows how to mix the ingredients. -Ren stated. -I dare to say he is more experienced than any five-star chef in Vale with how he cooks and mix each ingredient.

The chef of the restaurant was Brick Stronghold, who is known around Vale for retiring from huntsman job to open a restaurant.

After Ren's statement, each one of them was more adamant to give another visit to the Feeding Warriors, the restaurant they went to when Ozpin had the talk with Koro.

Who could think that such a bulk man could cook so well?

-Okay, I need to know. -Nora interrupted everyone's thoughts and turns to Ryan. -How do you fight rabbits?!

The Feeding Warriors

After a quick trip to the Bullhead, they arrived in the restaurant, and the place was full like the last time they visited.

The place was very famous around for the food, and both teams and the duo could see some of their classmates around enjoying the food. Not even the fact the chef is a faunus stopped them to enjoy what Brick cooked for them.

They sat down in one of the tables and waited for the food, chatting about whatever comes to mind. Strange enough, Yang was very adamant in sitting by Ryan's side.

-So, Forest. -Yang began, getting Ryan's attention. -That boy, Natsu... how long do you know him?

Blake, who as reading a book she brought, heard the conversation and already deduced where her blonde partner was going.

-We know each other from our childhood, but we did not meet each other until a few days ago.

-Can you tell me what he is like? -Yang asked resting her head on her hands.

-I think he is very studious. I remember seeing him alone in the library with a lot of books around him.

-And how he is with girls?

-Not very good from what I can tell.

-You can tell?

-I remember a girl hugging him and he saw a bit embarrassed.

-Hmm, a pretty, smart, and shy boy. -Yang said more to herself than to Ryan. -I like it.

While Ryan did not know what to think about it, Blake could just wish good luck to Natsu.

They keep chatting until the food was brought by the blue-haired waitress, who said that hoped they all enjoyed their meal.

That was going without saying.

Chocolat and Ruby loved the sweet taste of their pies. Weiss ate various steaks in the past, but the one served to her in the restaurant brought joy to her taste. Blake almost let her hidden side come to light when she began to chew the smoked salmon. And Yang nearly rolled in the ground from joy after the first bite and wondered how could a simple hamburger taste so good.

Nora did not want to admit right in the open to not hurt her partner's feelings, but those pancakes could be best she ever tasted in her life. Ren opted for a salad and was surprised how each ingredient mixed so well once he put the first amount in his mouth, even more, surprised how they mixed again once he began to chew. And the spaghetti Pyrrha ordered was nothing like she ate before.

Jaune himself was drooling once he tasted the chicken nuggets he ordered, and Ryan could not describe the taste of the french fries he ate, besides delicious.

During their meal, they all agreed that the Feeding Warriors was going to be a meeting spot for them.

End of the chapter.

The idea for this chapter come after I saw a compilation of anime characters cooking and making those who ate their food something some call a foodgasm.

I plan to put Brick on the spotlight in future chapters, maybe on the next one, but for now, this will do.

And talking about CRDL, I always thought of them being probably the most underestimated team in those fics. It need courage to keep trying to get the upperhand against two teams that are always humiliatiing them, but they always come back for more, mixed with a little of stupidity. But if you turn this around, make other team always getting up after being beaten or humiliated, the readers probably will respect them for that.

Almost makes CRDL like those villains who always come back even after dozens of defeats, the types that everyone wishes they won at least one time, something that never happens to them in this site. So here is my little victory for them.

That's all folks. See you next time.