It's time to save Alec2.


Magnus2 walks out of the portal. He is at the corner of Flatbush Avenue and Livingston Street, in Downtown Brooklyn. Max's Daddy had been killed in Greenpoint, which is north of the loft and here he is south of the loft trying to save his Alec.

He sees Alec2 and Izzy2 across the street and starts to walk towards them. He sees a demon come at them, pushing Izzy2 to the ground. Magnus2 creates a fireball as he runs closer and throws it at the demon. The demon is destroyed.

Alec2 helps Izzy2 to her feet and looks at his husband, "Magnus what are you doing here?"

Magnus2 looks around, "Saving your life."

"How did you know?"

Magnus2 shakes his head, "Not now Alexander." He sees two more demons run towards them.

Izzy2 and Alec2 take out their seraph blades, as Magnus2 readies his magic.


Robert Lightwood2 holds the Mortal Cup in his hand. He bellows, "Kill him."

An arrow goes through his wrist causing him to drop the Cup. It falls to the floor and slowly rolls away. He reaches for it, but it flies across the room, into Magnus Bane's hand.

Standing next to Magnus, is his son and a blue young man. Robert2 is confused, why is his son here, when he is supposed to be in Downtown Brooklyn.

Robert2 glares at Magnus, "Warlock, give me back the Cup."

Magnus sneers at him, "Asshole, fuck you." He holds the Cup and calmly says, "Demons go back to Hell," then with a flick of the wrist, the Cup is gone.

"Warlock, why is your friend glamoured as my son and who is that blue creature?"

Alec answers instead, "Is there any world where you are a decent man? What did I do to have such a horrible father?"

Max coldly stares at Robert2, daring him to give Max a reason to send a fireball his way.

Robert2 laughs, "What did you do? Are you that stupid? It was bad enough that this warlock was your Protector, then you married him. That rune on your neck should have been removed when it first appeared and YOU should have been sent to Idris away from him."

Magnus glares at him, "The rune bothers you, doesn't it. So why try to kill Alec after all this time?"

Robert2 glares at Magnus as he speaks to Alec, "Enough time has passed. You enjoy being behind a desk, leaving the Institute at four o'clock and being a father to a creature. It was time to teach you a lesson about turning against your own kind."

Alec rolls his eyes, "And how did I 'turn against my own kind'?"

"By marrying a DownWorlder. By being a father to a DownWorlder. You are a ShadowHunter, DownWorlders are not family.

Max suddenly spins around and sends a fireball through the air. It hits Zachary, who was trying to sneak up behind them. Zachary is slammed against the wall. He gets up. Alec sends an arrow through his eye, killing him. Magnus watches Robert2.

Robert2 looks at Max with cold eyes, "Who are you?"

Alec smiles, "My son Max."

"Son? I thought you had a daughter."

Alec nods, "In this world, I have a daughter. In my world, I have a son."

Robert2 glares at him, "And in both worlds, you are with this warlock."

Magnus smiles, "In all the worlds, he is with me."

Max nods, "Sucks to be you, Robert."

Robert2 glances at the doorway. Magnus smiles, "Lamar has already been taken care of. It's just you now."

Robert2 takes out his seraph blade and stabs himself in the stomach. He falls to the floor dead.

Alec sighs, "Coward."

Magnus nods, "I was looking forward to killing him again."

Max pouts, "I wanted to kill him, Poppa."

Magnus smiles, "Maybe next time, Max."

Alec looks at Magnus, "Next time?"

Max giggles as Magnus nods, "I'm sure there is another Robert out there plotting your death."

Alec groans, "I need coffee."

Max giggles and hugs Alec, "Poor Daddy."

Magnus creates a portal, "Let's go make sure Alec is okay."

Alec nods as they walk through the portal.


Magnus2 and Izzy2 keep Alec2 between them as they battle the demons. Then the demons stop showing up. All is quiet.

Izzy2 asks, "Is it over?"

Magnus2 nods, "I think so." He turns to Alec2, "Are you hurt?"

Alec2 shakes his head, "No, I'm okay."

"Are you sure?"

Alec2 smiles, "Yes, Magnus, I'm sure."

Magnus2 pulls Alec2 into his arms and kisses him. Izzy2 smiles as she watches them. After a few minutes she says, "Get a room, you two."

Magnus2 smiles, "I'm celebrating."

Izzy2 laughs, "I want to celebrate too." She hugs them tight.

Alec2 smiles, "Magnus, how did you know?"

Magnus2 kisses him, "Max's nightmare."

"But I thought that was about his Alec?"

Magnus2 shakes his head, "Turns out it was about you."


Izzy2 smiles, "Wow, I guess they went after the Cup?"

Magnus2 nods, "Robert."

Alec2 closes his eyes as Izzy2's eyes narrows, "Our father wants Alec dead?"

Magnus2 nods, "Don't know why, but he tried to kill Alec in their world as well."

She hugs her brother tight, "I knew he had issues with the two of you together, but to set demons after Alec?"

Magnus2 shrugs, "According to the other Magnus, your father never left the Circle."

"By the angel."

Magnus2 nods, "That would explain why he hated the idea of me being Alec's Protector when he was younger. According to the other Magnus, Robert had plans to kill Alec and bring in Valentine as Head of the Institute."

Alec2 rests his head on his sister's, "By the angel."

"After your mother divorced him here and Valentine was killed, I guess he had nothing else to do but plan your death."

"My death." He looks at Magnus2, "From what you told me about the nightmare, you die as well."

Izzy2 looks at Magnus2, "How?"

Magnus2 gives her a weak smile, "Robert had warlocks preventing me from saving him. So I let a demon kill me."

"By the angel, Magnus, I know you love my brother, but..."

He cuts her off, "No, Isabelle, there is no 'but'. I can't live without him. I've loved him since he was seven."

Alec2 lets his sister go and walks over to his husband. He gently kisses Magnus2. They hold each other. Izzy2 wraps her arms around both men.

Magnus2 kisses Alec2, "We are meeting back at the loft." Alec2 nods.

Izzy2 smiles, "Not me. I don't want to see doubles of everybody."

Magnus2 laughs, "Thank you Izzy."

She smiles, "No need to thank me, Magnus." She kisses his cheek and hugs Alec2, "See you tomorrow, big brother." She walks down Flatbush Ave to the subway.

Alec2 sighs, "Doubles?"

Magnus2 laughs, "It will be interesting. Ready?"

"Not really."

Magnus2 laughs as he creates a portal. They walk into the loft and see Magnus, Alec and Max sitting in the living room.

Max gets up and runs into the kitchen. He grabs a mug and fills it with coffee. He brings it to Alec2 with a smile, "Hi."

Alec2 smiles as he takes the mug, "Hi, you must be Max."

Max giggles, "Uh huh."

"Thank you Max, for everything."

"You're welcome."

Magnus and Alec stand up. Alec walks over to Alec2 and puts out his hand. Alec2 shakes it as the two Magnuses smile at each other.

Alec2 drinks his coffee, "This is too weird."

Alec nods, "Way too weird."

Alec2 finishes his coffee and puts the mug on the kitchen table. He sighs, "I should get back to the Institute and finish up my paperwork."

Alec sniffs, "Nah, let it sit."

Max giggles as Alec2 looks offended.

Magnus2 asks, "Is it over?"

Magnus sighs, "For now."

A portal opens by the door, Maxine is home from school. She looks at Max, Magnus and Alec then over at her fathers, then back again. She drops her bookbag to the floor and squeals, "By the angel, TWO Daddys."

Magnus smiles at Alec, "Her name is Maxine."

She runs over to Alec and looks up at him, waiting. He smiles and picks her up. She giggles and rests her head on his shoulder. She kisses his cheek, "Hello, Not Daddy."

He laughs, "Hello, Maxine."

She giggles as he gently puts her back on the floor. She runs over to Alec2 and he picks her up, "Hey blueberry, how was school?"

She giggles and kisses his cheek, "School was okay, but two Daddys is awesome."

Max giggles as he rests his head on Alec's arm, "What about two Poppas?"

She giggles, "Two Poppas is good too."

Magnus sniffs, "Wait, two Daddys is awesome but two Poppas is just 'good'?"

Magnus2 laughs, "I've gotten used to it after eight years."

Magnus nods, "Twenty years later and I'm still a second class citizen to a ShadowHunter."

Alec2 puts Maxine down.

Maxine looks at Magnus, "Did you just diss my Daddy?"

Max giggles, "Damn, I thought I was bad."

Magnus sniffs, "You are bad." He smiles at Maxine, "I would never diss your Daddy." He looks at his husband, "Alexander, wipe that smile off your face."

Alec pulls him close and kisses him.

Maxine squeals, "Fathers kissing."

Max giggles and nods, "THAT is awesome."

Magnus2 smiles as he walks over to his husband. Maxine giggles as her fathers kiss.

Magnus smiles, "This has been fun, but we should be getting home."

Magnus2 takes his hands in his, "I can't thank you enough."

"Just keep him safe and don't hesitate if you need me."

Magnus2 smiles. He hugs Max and Alec.

Maxine goes over to Magnus. He picks her up. She kisses his cheek, "Goodbye Not Poppa."

He laughs, "Goodbye Maxine".

She smiles at Alec and waits to be picked up. She kisses his cheek and hugs him, "Goodbye Not Daddy."

He kisses her cheek and smiles, "Goodbye Maxine."

She walks over to Max and smiles. He picks her up. She kisses his cheek, "Goodbye Max."

He hugs her tight, "Goodbye Maxine."

Maxine giggles as she stands by her fathers.

Magnus creates a portal and they wave goodbye as they leave one loft and return to theirs.

Alec sighs, "Home sweet home." He sits on the sofa and relaxes.

Magnus sits beside him and puts his head on Alec's shoulder, "It has been a draining day."

Max sits in a chair, "But it was a good day."

Magnus nods, "Yes, it was."

Alec sighs, "I'm starving."


"Sounds good Magnus."


After dinner, Max goes to his room. Alec lays on the sofa, his head resting on Magnus' leg. Magnus sips his martini and plays with Alec's hair.

Alec whispers, "He's not immortal."

Magnus nods, "But there is still plenty of time."

"Does he have to die?"

"I don't know."

"And there is no way of knowing."

Magnus finishes his drink and puts the glass on the coffee table, "No, there isn't."

"But we do know that the rune would bring him back, right?"

"It bought you back, so it's safe to assume that it would do the same for him."

"If you or Max had known I was going to die, you would have done the same thing."

Magnus nods, "Keeping you alive is all we care about."

"Even if you knew about the immortal thing?"

Magnus closes his eyes, "When I woke up alone that night, I wondered if I had dreamt you coming back from the dead. I didn't know what was real. If you were still working or if you were dead. If it had been a vision, I wondered if I could recreate giving you immortality without you dying. I was so scared Alexander."

Alec sits up and gently kisses him, "I know this wasn't easy for you." He holds Magnus.

Magnus relaxes in his husband's arms, "I can go days even weeks without thinking of that horrible day, then it will just pop into my head and stay there until I see you. To think that Max has been reliving it for the last year or so and kept it to himself, scares me more."

"Max is strong."

"Yes he is."

"Maxine is cute as a button."

Magnus laughs, "Damn, if she could, she would have gotten rid of Magnus and kept the two of you."

Alec laughs, "You may be right about that."

"Uh huh, one Daddy per blueberry."

Max moves the empty glass to the side, and sits on the coffee table.

Alec smiles, "I thought you were in your room."

Max shrugs, "I got bored and wanted to hear what you were talking about."

Magnus smiles, "You were eavesdropping."


Alec smiles, "And?"

"And now that we saved Alec, does that mean I no longer will have that nightmare?"

Magnus sighs, "I hope so."


Alec squeezes his hand, "Blueberry, next time you have a nightmare like that, let us know, don't suffer alone."

Max nods, "I will, Daddy."

Magnus nods, "You could have saved yourself a lot of sleepless nights."

"That's for sure."

Alec yawns, "Speaking of sleep, it has been a long day."

Magnus nods as they all stand. Max kisses his fathers' cheeks and says 'good night'. He goes to his bedroom. Magnus and Alec walk to theirs.

After changing into their sleep clothes, they get into bed. They kiss 'good night'. Magnus rests his head on Alec's chest and listens to his heart beating as he holds Alec tight.

-the end-


Next up? I return to the Redefined AU with Maxine's backstory.