Star Wars: The Light to Meet It

By nurjen

After the team up between Kylo Ren and Rey and killing Supreme Leader Snoke both must make a choice. But where does that lead them? What happens after you created something so huge as the First Order; believed in the legend of the Jedi, you now have only moments to decide your future. What comes in that future?

All characters belong to LucasFilms and Disney.

Rated T.

A/N: Hello everyone! You might know me from my Buffy the Vampire Slayer writings. And I may even get some messages asking about the Elizabeth story. My forum page will have more on that. I am trying a new field and I am a huge Star Wars fan. After the Last Jedi something had me thinking of how it could have gone. Now I felt the movie was great, it went left instead of right and did appreciate that. Anyways, here's a possibility on what could have happened.


The fight was over but the ship was beginning to fall apart they both felt that. Rey then turns to the large window seeing the fleet was still under attack.

"The fleet!" Rey cries out as she runs to the glass window. "We can still," But there was no one following her and she looks to the throne where Snoke sat in two pieces. Kylo Ren stood there in disbelief at what we just did, what he managed to pull off. He just destroyed Snoke, he destroyed a Sith lord. "Ben?"

Kylo responded to his real name and it was strange. It was a name he hears so little and when said usually it's to strike some kind of anger in him, to galvanize him. He looked to Rey as she stood there still breathing heavily from the battle. She was still very much untrained, her moves were sloppy at best and she fought more out of defense than actual skills. "We need to go." Kylo turned back to the throne of his dead master and then back to Rey.

"It's time to let the past die." Kylo announced and Rey was unsure in what that meant.

"Ben, the fleet…" She was starting to panic as she looked to the small ships being picked off. "Your mother is out there" Maybe that would help hasten this. Kylo stared at Rey and then looked to the large window. Could he just leave? What happens then? He has built this new empire, this new society and now she wants him to drop it; leave it all behind. Is that possible? If he leaves what would follow? "Ben, please," Her voice was begging him to make a choice. But what choice would he make?

Kylo then walked towards Rey knowing what two scenarios will happen. He leaves and the whole galaxy will look for him, the Knights of Ren will hunt him. He stays, he can take over, he can rule, she can be with him. Well, the last part was a hope he knew that she was leaving with or without him. But what choice was he going to make? He has only moments to decide what he will do and what risks each has.

Kylo walked a little closer to Rey as she stood there anxious knowing the minutes were getting short. The ship was in trouble, the fleet needed help; so much in so little time. Kylo then held out his hand to Rey. Rey stood still not knowing what the gesture meant, where it was going to lead to. A blind leap of faith is what was needed. What happens when she reaches for his hand? Unlike the force bond when they barely grazed their palms within their minds, this was real.

Rey looked at his opened hand reaching to her. She then looked to his eyes. He was still sweating from the fight, still coming to grips with the reality before him. His eyes said everything, they told his history and even possibly his future. What happens now set the course for the entire galaxy. Rey reached out and placed her hand into his. His hand closed around hers in the gentlest grip. He was one of the strongest persons she came before, he can grip you through the Force and choke you and yet his touch was so light and even warm. Now, where were they going to go?

That is the intro. Let me know in the comments if I should continue on. Let me know what you think and so on. As always you readers rock. Thank you for your comments and encouragement.