
Occ characters: I don't own the baker, Katniss's mom or his wife BUT I did/will be giving them a name. Bakers name is Matzo, Katniss's mom: Jamie



Rue Angel

Cinnamon Gale: C.G or Cinna

Rue and Cinnamon: 1 month old.

Delly: 3 months along

Effie: 3 months along.

Katniss's Prov:

I woke up to C.G and Rue crying, I wandered to their room. Peeta had painted it to look like the meadows. So bright and cheery. I nursed and changed both, before carrying them both downstairs. "We're gonna go out and see daddy." I cooed sitting them in little bouncers, Peeta and I bought and kept on the table. They sat there while we ate. I quickly ate my breakfast, before getting their coats on.

After bundling them up, and making sure I had everything I'd need while we were out. I sat the bag in the bottom of the double stroller, then put C.G and Rue in. "Here we go." I said as I got them outside. I locked the door, before walking towards the town.

"Katniss! We haven't seen you in a while. How are you? How are you feeling? How are the kids?" I heard Hazelle ramble off. "I am well thank you." I answered, her first two questions before Looking to C.G and Rue. "They are perfect. We're just on our first outing since they're birth."

Hazelle visited a lot during the first few weeks. Everyone took shifts, Mom had the first couple days, Delly and Effie both were with us till last week. Hazelle relieved them every couple days, except for last week.

"Good. Going shopping or to see Peeta?" Hazelle asked. "Both. Although, I might leave them with Peeta, and go do the shopping. I don't want to introduce them to the Hob yet."

Hazelle said "I can watch them Kat. Bring them over, after." "Are you sure?" I asked. She insisted.

I thanked her and told her I'd be by in an hour, after their feeding. I took them to the bakery, carrying them in. "Katniss! What a wonderful surprise!" Thyme and Rhye said.

"Hey guys. Is Peeta ready to take his break? If so tell him to go to the house side." I slipped into the house side, laying C.G and Rue in the swings, Matzo had bought. "Seriously! Why in that side of the bakery! You Know I always go home and eat with Kat." I heard Peeta complain.

I heard the door open, and I said "Surprise!" Peeta looked to me, then to the kids before engulfing me in a huge hug. "Your here."

I said "I felt like getting out, and thought it's such a beautiful day, why not take a walk to surprise you for lunch. I'm gonna go to the Hob after, Hazelle volunteered to watch them for me so I didn't have to shop with them, and you didn't have to stay off later."

Peeta said "I love this surprise. Thank you Kat. And that was nice of her. Tell her I'll stop by with some bread after work. " We ate quietly, and I took C.G and Rue to Hazelle's. "OKay so They're fed, and changed. So they should be good for a couple hours. I'll be back before then. If somethings wrong send one of the kids running, to the Hob for me, or to the Bakery."

"Katniss, Relax. I can handle them. I promise." Hazelle insisted.

I went to the hob, got what I needed, before going to the butchers. I grabbed some meat, keeping everything in my game bag. "Katniss." I spun to see Rhye. "Rhye. What's wrong?"

Rhye said "Kat... Peeta and the kids need you." I ran as fast as I ever had, throwing the bag in the stroller's basket underneath before bursting into Hazelle's house. "What Happened?!" I said, dropping to my knees beside Peeta, pulling my screaming son to my chest. Peeta held Rue. "I don't know, I laid them down for two seconds so I could get them all swaddled up, to rock them to sleep... Next thing I know they're screaming." I looked to Peeta, as I rocked C.G. "Mommy's here." Peeta stood, still holding Rue, He helped me up as we tried to soothe them.

"It's okay. I'm sure they're okay." I said, gently both C.G, and Rue calming down. Peeta said "Do you think something bit them?" Hazelle, looked under the blanket where the babies were. "I don't see anything. Katniss, Peeta, I'm so..."

"Hazelle, Don't apologize. PLease. It could be something as simple as it's not the home they are used to and me and Peeta weren't here." I said, soft. Peeta and I took the kids out, after bidding a goodbye to Hazelle. "Are you sure your gonna be okay?" Peeta asked as I buckled C.G and Rue in the stroller resulting in screams. I picked up Rue, rocking her, while Peeta got C.G "I'll come with you... Somethings wrong... They never scream like this. Lets go see your mom..."

"Are you sure you can leave for the day?" I asked. Peeta said "I can. I promise." We carried them towards the bakery, while I maneuvered the stroller with one arm. "Rhye. Can you, Thyme, and Dad cover for the rest of the day? Katniss, C.G, and Rue need me."

"Go on. We got it. I'll stop by after with some bread." I smiled, when Rhye said it. "Thanks." We went towards the hospital, which was finished yesterday and where mom had gotten a job. "Can we help you?" The Receptionist said, not looking up. Peeta said "We think something's wrong with our children..."

Peeta's prov:

I looked to where Katniss was, I sat her down she looked tired. The Receptionist said "What's wrong with them?" I looked back to her and said "I was at work, while my wife was doing some shopping.. We left them with a close friend. All I know is They started screaming, while there. Her son, Rory came to get me. I sent my brother to get my wife... They were only settled in our arms, but the second we lay them down they cry again almost like something's hurting them."

"Could they've been bitten by something?" She asked, and I said "We checked, there was nothing there. But it's possible..."

"Come, We'll bring them back." I went over to Katniss, taking Rue gently. Kat stood, with C.G as we followed the nurse back. "I know it's hard, but lay them in the cribs. We're gonna take a look for you." I laid Rue down, while Katniss laid Cinnamon down which resulted in screams. Katniss, was gonna pick them up but I held her against me. "Kat." I whispered, she turned hiding her face in my chest.

"First time parents?" The nurse asked, as I held my hysterical wife. "Yea. They're one month old today. Katniss, felt like surprising me at work and brought the kids. First time out in a month." I sat on the bed that was there, pulling Kat on my lap.

"It's okay. They're gonna be OKay. I'm gonna get the doctor." I nodded, and calmed Kat down. "This is my fault." Kat said. I held her so I could see her face. "Katniss! This is not your fault. It's not. It could be nothing more than them being in a new place without me or you there. Okay? Don't blame yourself. Please." I said, softly.

Katniss said "But..." "No. No Buts." I said, pulling her close again. The doc... I mean Jamie, came in with the nurse. "Well I was gonna stop by, later but whats going on?" I repeated everything I had said earlier.

Katniss's mom checked over our screaming kids. "Katniss, Peeta was this on them this whole time?" Kat and I looked, and sure enough there was a bit mark on the backs. "No." Kat and I said together.

Jamie said "Well looks like a bite." We got them healed and We were able to go home. Once we got home, Kat and I sat them in the bouncers.

I started making dinner while Kat nursed the babies. I finished making dinner just as they was a knock. "Want me to get that?" I heard Katniss ask. "I'll get it."

I went to the door, and opened it. "Here, bro. The loaves I promised. I dropped some off to Hazelle. How are C.G and Rue?" Rhye said handing me the loaves.

I said "Thanks Rhye. They're good, got bit by something. But they're okay now." Rhye left and I served up the food. Both the babies were fast asleep. "Here sweetheart. Eat up." I said, sweetly. We ate quietly, I let Kat clean up while I got a couple swings set up in our room. Neither Kat or I would want to be away from the kids right now.

I returned to my wife and kids, jus as a knock happened. "PEETA? CAN YOU GET THAT?" I heard my wife's voice ask, from the kitchen. I opened the door, and said "Jamie!" She smiled and said "I brought some medicine." She handed me the meds, and I said "Thanks. Appreciate it."

"Twice daily. Preferably after they eat." I nodded, as Katniss called my name. I went into the kitchen with Jamie. I saw my wife trying to clean the dishes holding Rue, rocking C.G's bouncer with her foot. I went over and gently took Rue from Kat, while Jamie picked up C.G. Me and Jamie, changed them for Kat then gave them the meds. Katniss came over and reached for C.G.

"Kat you look exhausted." Jamie commented, She visited a little before we took the kids up. We settled them in the swings, before I turned to Kat. "I'll watch them, if you want to go shower." She smiled, as she went to shower. I watched the kids, till she returned, which is when I went to shower.

I laid down beside Katniss, as she cuddled on top of me. "Hmm, Peeta?" I heard her voice say. "Yes Kitten?"

"Thank you for being so strong today." She whispered. "My pleasure." We fell asleep.