
Starts about 6 months post Hunger games right before the Tour. Peeta and Katniss are a couple, and Gale is just a friend.

Katniss's prov:

I walked to the woods, I was gonna get some hunting done. Peeta and I had been together, since a month after our arrival home.

I only saw Gale once, and that was when he confronted me about Peeta and I. Once I was in the woods, I grabbed my bow and arrows. I shot a few squirrels and birds before I went to head back. AS I approached the fence, I realized it was on. I scaled the tree, and managed to get on the opposite side of the fence.

I landed on my feet picking up the game bag. 'Just in case... I should hide one at Peetas.' I thought slipping to the victors village, unlocking Peeta's house, which was vacant. Peeta's usually always home. Hmm.. I locked up, and headed back towards my house, slipping on ice, slamming my arm on a statue that was in the village.

"Oww..." I mumbled trying to regain some strength to get on my feet. I felt a hand reach out, helping me to my feet. I looked up to see who was trying to help me up, and I saw Peeta. I stood, as his arms wrapped around my shoulders. "Are you alright?" He asked.

Ever so concerned. "I'm alright..." I responded, laying my head on his shoulder.

"Let me help you get home." He said, kissing my head. I looked around, there were no peacekeepers around so I whispered "I stored my game back at your place... Just as a precaution." Peeta nodded.

We walked the short steps to my house, which I shared with my mom and sister. AS soon as we opened the door, I noticed peacekeepers. "Where have you been Ms. Everdeen?" One asked. "She was at the Hob, then came by the bakery." Peeta answered, keeping his arm around my shoulders which kept me steady.

The peacekeepers looked to me, and said "WEll you should know the fence will be electrified 24 hours a day, and we were hoping you'd pass that along to your cousin?"

"With pleasure." I said, trying to get my balance but ended up leaning back against Peeta. "Are you injured?" I heard the second peacekeeper ask.

I said "I slipped on ice, and wacked my arm against that statue." Peeta, helped me sit on the couch seeing the peacekeepers nod, and left. I looked to Peeta, as mom and Prim came over. After they checked my arm and leg, and fixed my arm which the impact of it hitting the stone statue had broken it, they left me and Peeta alone. "Hey, thanks for convincing them." I said, to Peeta.

"Of course. I'd do anything to protect you." He whispered, to me. Peeta and I had spent lots of nights together, both romantically but mostly non romantically. We both realized we slept better together then when we were apart.

"Hey, Are you feeling okay? You look a little pale." I looked to him and said "I feel fine."

Peeta said "Okay, love. I'm gonna be right back." I nodded, as he left. After we ate dinner, Peeta and I went up to my room, though my mom protested. "Peeta?"

"I don't want you to worry about anything but getting better." Peeta said, gently kissing me before we fell asleep in the comfort of each others arms.

In the morning I woke up, realizing I had failed to keep taking the herbs my mother gave, that would keep me from getting pregnant... I brushed it off though, Peeta and I had way to much going on, and we were only romantically once. I wasn't worried. "Kat? Are you up so early love?" I heard Peeta's sleepy voice ask, as he sat up.

"I'm okay, It's a day before the Victory tour though... I was thinking maybe we should go see Haymitch? You know get some advice?" Peeta said "Yeah. I'm gonna head to my house first and change though. I'll come back so we can walk together." I nodded as he left. I got dressed, and enjoyed breakfast with Mom and Prim before Prim went to school.

"Katniss, I noticed you hadn't been taking the herbs I gave you. " My mom said, causing me to sigh. "No I haven't. But can we talk about this later? Peeta's gonna be back and we have to go do some running around, before we have to go to the Victory Tour." I walked outside, and saw Peeta.

"Why don't you come stay at my place tonight?" Peeta asked. I nodded and said "I'd like that. Then we can talk... without my mom and Prim listening..."

WE walked to Haymitch's, but stopped outside his door. "Kat, You really aren't looking well." I heard him say.

"Can we talk about it later?" I asked. I knew what was wrong. I wasn't an idiot, I didn't know how everyone would react... Especially my mom. Peeta nodded and said "Of Course Honey."

He opened the door, We never knocked just went in because he never answered. "HAYMITCH!" WE called, and found him in the kitchen, drunk. "ABout time you two showed up." He said, as if he was expecting us.

We made our plans, before we headed to Peeta's house. "What's going on?" I heard Peeta ask. "I think I might be... pregnant.. With everything going on I forgot to take those stupid herbs."

I wasn't one to cry often, but I felt the tears stinging in my eyes. "Kat, Listen to me. No matter what happens, I am gonna take care of you and our baby." I heard Peeta, whisper as his arms collapsed around my waist holding me but being careful of my arm.

"What do you want to do?" He asked. I said "I wanna make sure, first. But I don't want to ask my mom, I'm afraid of her reaction..."

"I'll go talk to her." He said, as I sat on the couch. "I'll be back." I grab his hand.

He turned, and said "okay, I get it. I won't go. We can get it later." I looked at him, soft. "I'm just gonna go get something to make some food. I'll be right back. OK?"

He went to the kitchen grabbing a couple things then setting the beside me. "You look weak love. I don't want you to have to get up, unless you have to. Alright?" I nodded.

He left, and I stayed on the couch munching the cheesy bread and drank the coco Peeta had brought. About an hour later, I heard the door open. Peeta came over to me and said "Hey Kat. You look like your feeling better." I felt his lips on my forehead. "Hey. I am a little." I responded.

He handed me a test. "You said you wouldn't go." I said, taking it. Peeta said "I didn't go to your mom. I asked one of the midwives, if they had any spares and swore them to keep it a secret. So we have it when you're ready to take it." I smiled a bit.

"thank you." He nodded, and said "I'm gonna make some dinner." While he cooked, I took a shower and got dressed. "Katniss? Gale is here!" I heard Peeta call up, as I started my descend. "Gale. What are you doing here?" I asked, feeling Peeta's arm around my waist. "I wanna talk." Gale answered.

I said "there's nothing you can say, Gale. I don't love you the same way I love Peeta. I love you like a brother. But I love Peeta, as someone I could have a future with. Someone I can see myself getting Married to. I don't see myself marrying anyone but him, and when the time is right, We are gonna marry each other, if it's what we both want." Wow. Where did all that come from?

I looked to Peeta, who smiled wide. Gale said "I can change your mind." I rolled my eyes, and said "No. Gale. Just go. Get out of here. I love Peeta. It wasn't an act, in the games, or months after. So go." He stormed out the door.

"Really? IT wasn't an Act in the games or for the first month or two after?" Peeta said, chuckling. "Nope. I've always loved you... Ever since we were kids, I didn't realize how much till you were reaped for the Games. I kept it a secret, I thought 'what's the point in telling him now? We could both be dead, in a matter of days.' and when we got home, and I shut myself away for a couple weeks I kept thinking how to tell you. How I could tell you how much I loved you. So no. Never an act."

Peeta smiled, and placed a hand on my cheek. "come lets eat." He said, kissing my lips soft. We sat and ate quietly. After dinner, I cleaned up and Peeta led me up the stairs. Our last night, together in the home till after the Victory Tour. "Peeta?" I asked, looking up to him.

"Hmm?" He asked soft, looking back at me as I sat up. "I don't want to tell my mom until, well we know..." Peeta stopped me.

"hey, Tomorrow I want to ask you something. Okay? Just for know sleep. We don't have to tell anyone, until you're ready Okay?" I nodded, and fell asleep in his arms.

I felt Peeta wake up and go to the bathroom. While he showered, I quickly dressed just as there was a knock. "Katniss? Can you get that for me?" Peeta called from the bathroom. I went an opened the door. "Effie. Portia. Cinna." I greeted the rest of our prep team.

After we finished, getting dolled up we went out and did the interview with Caesar. Right before he said the ending, Peeta knelt down to one knee. I gasped, in utter shock. "Katniss Everdeen, I love you. I always have. The day you volunteered for your sister, and then I got reaped, I knew I'd most likely die, before I got a chance to admit how I felt. I knew I took a chance announcing it to the world. But I'm glad we both made it out alive. Everything since we got back, has changed I know now that I don't want to spend another minute apart. Will you please marry me?"

My jaw dropped, and said "Absolutely. Yes!" I felt Peeta, slid the ring on my finger. After the cameras left, Peeta kissed me soft.

"Come on Children! We are on a schedule!" I heard Effie say. Peeta wrapped an arm around me and led me to the train.

I got sick, which prompted Peeta to get the doc. After I talked to the doc, and Peeta came back in He sat beside me. "How are you feeling, My girl on fire?" I chuckled.

"I'm pregnant, Peeta. With your Baby." I said, placing my hand on his knee. Peeta kissed my head, securing our hands. "It's Okay Kat, We'll figure something out. I promise." I nodded, hoping he was right.

We arrived in the capital, a few days later, the tour was 3 weeks. "Kat. I was thinking about something..." Peeta said as we settled in. "I want to get married, before we see anyone." Peeta responded.

"But everyone will be at the train station, waiting for us..." Our capital visit was a party, at the presidents palace. We left the night after. It took a few days to return to 12. Peeta and I managed to get married, in secret. Haymitch kept the crowd, away from us.

"Peeta. Katniss. WE need to talk." My mother said, before we even got through the door.

I squeezed Peeta's hand, as he said "WE're really tired. Can't it wait?"

"Are you pregnant?" Mom asked, ignoring Peeta's words. "I am, and We got married, in secret. Peeta's idea..." Peeta wrapped his arms around my waist, his hands resting on my belly.

My mom didn't say anything just nodded. I knew she was disappointed, and probably angry. "I didn't plan this. SO I am gonna go get my clothes and Peeta and I will leave. I'm tired." With Peeta's help I gathered what I wanted to bring, and we went to his house.

"She'll come around honey." Peeta said, softly. I hoped he was right... And I hoped, we weren't going back to the arena. The Quarter Quell announcement was in a couple days.