Hey, guys, I'm back with another chapter. Sorry for the long wait, I don't really have a valid excuse, maybe some writers block but I know where I'm going with this. Shoutouts to all of you who reviewed, followed and favorited the story it helps keeps me going! Anyways on with the story!

"Raven, surely you recognize me."

An eerie silence filled the air.


Vernal nodded and moved her arms drawing upon the spring maidens magical abilities and called forth a lightning bolt. It struck Marius, bring up a cloud of dirt and soot.

Raven swung her ōdachi behind her activating her semblance and opening a portal.

"Yang, you and your friend need to leave now!"

"What?! Why! We can help."

Raven turned to Yang and shouted.

"This man is stronger than you can imagine. The longer you stay the more likely you could end up on his list. You and your friend need to leave!"

The dust settled and Marius was still standing, though one of his hands was pointed to the sky a small distortion of light could be seen. His eyes were closed concentrating on his spell.

Marius sighed, "So…we can't talk it out then…I guess you can have this back then."

A lightning bolt shot out from his hand directly at Vernal. The bolt slammed into her sending flying backward. He lunged forward and started attacking the bandits that stood in front of Raven.

"Yang leave!"

Yang looked at Raven with conflict in her eyes, before deciding what to do.

"No! I'm staying to fight!"

Yang dropped into their fighting positions, Weiss following her teammate shortly after. Raven turned her gaze to them and chuckled.

"You don't have a choice."

Suddenly she swung her ōdachi closing the original portal and creating another behind them. The girls looked shocked before Vernal pushed her hands forward blasting them back through the portal. Closing it after them.

Turning back to the problem before her.

Qrow sighs and hangs his head in disappointment. He had spent the day trying to get into contact with the huntsmen he knew. But everywhere he looked, they were all missing having gone on jobs and not returning. It seemed that his entire search this day had been pointless.

The sound of Raven's portal behind him. Quickly turning around his hand flew to his back near Harbinger's handle.

"Raven?" He asked.

Two distinct shouts came through the portal. Shortly after Yang and Weiss unceremoniously came tumbling out of the portal.

Yang rose to her knees and shouted into the sky.


Both Yang and Weiss turned to look at Qrow. She turned to him her eyes glowing crimson.

"What are you kids doing here?"

"We have to go back mom is being attacked by some guy," Yang shouted.

"I'm sorry Yang, but there is nothing we can do to get back there on time." He sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Look, come with me. I think there's a group of people who will be happy to see you."

Her eyes slowly bled back into lilac. Both she and Weiss knew who he was talking about, Ruby and the rest of their friends.

Marius had beaten many of the members of her tribe. With each attack, his attacks were becoming more aggressive. It was only a matter of time before he stopped holding back and unleashed himself fully against them.


She shouted. The bandits stopped and lowered their weapons. Silence came over most of the area, choking sounds were the only thing that remained. One of the bandits was floating in the air. His hands were clawing at his neck, trying to loosen an invisible rope tied around his neck.

Marius turned to look at her with an uninterested gaze.


"Are we going to talk?" Raven asked.

A feral grin crept onto Marius's face as he walked towards her. The bandit behind him dropped to the ground gasping for breath. He stopped before her, staring at her with those piercing eyes. She stared back at him defiantly. The longer she stared the more his eyes seemed to become more furious and glowed brighter. Eventually, she lowered her gaze and looked down at the ground.

A sharp crack filled the area as Marius punched Raven. The bandits raised their arms to go and defend their leader but stopped when Raven raised her hand signaling them to not do anything. Marius continued to punch her. Knocking her to the ground but every time she stood back up.

"Do you have any idea…" Marius asked in a dangerous tone his voice rising as he spoke, "…how long I have been looking for you!" He punched her again. Raven remained still allowing him to take out his anger out, she knew this would happen eventually it was only a matter of time before he tracked them down.

Everything she was receiving she deserved.

"You think you can steal from my family!"

He continued to beat her down. The crowd growing more and more uneasy, their rage and fury increasing with each strike. One of the bandits clouded by his anger ushered a battle cry and charged forward. Raising his sword when he was close enough to strike, as he brought the blade down a hand grasped his shoulder firmly and tossed backward. Scrambling to his feet he looked at what had prevented him from his strike. Shock filled his face eyes as he looked at the creature wielding a massive two-handed sword stood between him and his target.

His shock came to an end when a sudden pain arose in his chest. Gazing down he saw that the massive blade protruding from his chest. His sword clattered to the ground as his hands shakily made their way to his object in his chest. The creature suddenly hoisted him into the air still on their blade. His eyes glazed over and his twitching stopped, his blood dripped onto the creature's face though it remained unaffected. It dropped the body onto the ground and turned to look at the surrounding bandits.

"The weak die, the strong live. Isn't that the code you live by Raven?" he asked in a sinister tone.

There were several flashes of violet around the camp, as more of the creatures emerged. The other bandits looked on in shock and fear and took a few steps back. He relished in their fear, knowing that he could end them all. He made to take a step forward.


He looked down at her.

"Now you return what is mine!" He growled out.

"Are…are you done?" Raven asked as she wiped away the blood from her face.

When he nodded she activated her aura allowing it to heal her wounds. Standing up she dusted off her clothes.

"Follow me."

Raven began making her way towards her tent. Marius remained motionless briefly before giving a nod to the dremora, he turned and followed after Raven, the dremora disappeared shortly after.

"Wait, so the man singlehandedly attacked my mom's bandit camp is Pyrrha's father. Who is also happens to be one of two who can also use magic." Yang said in disbelief.

"Oh course! How could I have not recognized him?" Weiss remarked, knowing that she should have recognized him from some of the tabloids around Atlas. Thinking back she also saw some pictures on her father's desk. At the time he was simply a person who had been causing problems for her father down in Mistral.

Ozpin nodded. "Marius has been looking for her whereabouts for quite some time."

"Why is after her?"

"Yang, your mother has crossed many lines and made many mistakes. Incurring the wrath of one of the strongest living beings in Remnant was one of her biggest. It was, in fact, one of the only times where Marius actually came and spoke to the Brotherhood willingly."

"What exactly did she do?"

Ozpin moved to explain, but Qrow beat him to it. "She went and desecrated Jade's grave."

Everyone looked on in shock, some of the group gasped. Disgust crossed their faces thinking about it. Qrow cough and continued.

"Apparently word had got out that they were planning to fill her coffin with valuables and some of her things including some of her gear. Your mother saw an opportunity to make some profit. Raven had the audacity to sneak onto the Nikos property during the funeral. Making off with some of items of worth and Jade's weapon."

"You see Jade weapon was a family heirloom in a way. The metal that was used to make the weapon has been passed down from generation to generation, always a different weapon but the same metal."

"Marius would have gone after her, but his priority was taking care of Pyrrha. So instead he asked us, more specifically me to look for her. Considering he knew that I was related to her it is possible he might have thought I would have a success at finding her than anyone else. Things were looking up for our relationship but one of us demanded too much from him. Marius nearly left shortly after that, but he gave his scroll information if I changed my mind. But as we know your mother can usually only be found when she wants to be found."

Ozpin leaned on his cane before speaking. "As you described it, Miss Xiao Long, it would appear that one of your mother's mistakes has finally caught up to her and that he will not be leaving until he gets what he's been looking for."

Yang nodded in understanding, she knew that her mother had done many questionable things in her life. But to desecrate graves was a thought she couldn't have imagined, all it did was make her think about someone going to the cliff overlooking the valley where they had buried her step-mother, Summer, and destroying what little they had of her left.

"Now, there is a choice you all must take. You can stay and help us defend Remnant from the clutches of Salem or you can walk away and try to forget the truth. If anyone wishes to leave, now is the time. There's no shame or disgrace in abstaining, only in retreat."

Everyone is silent as they decide whether to remain or leave. Yang stands up and looks at Ruby giving a small smile.

"If Ruby sticks around, then I will too. If there's one thing I know about her, it's that she somehow always knows the right thing to do. If we're going to help, if we're going to keep risking our lives, no more lies. No more half-truths."

Everyone remains silent. Ozpin and Qrow exchange a brief look at each other. Ozpin ponders Yang's words for one last moment, before responding.


Yang sits back down.

"So... what now? I mean, what can we do?" Jaune asks Ozpin.

"That is a difficult question. One that I believe is best answered tomorrow."

"What do you mean?"

"With pieces of the board finally beginning to move, the road ahead is undoubtedly filled with hardships and peril. However, it's been far too long since you have all been together. Please, take tonight, enjoy this moment." Ozpin stated as he placed a comforting hand of Yang's shoulder.

Suddenly Oscar's eyes glow, with Ozpin receding back into Oscar's mind and returning control back to him. Oscar looks down and realizes he has his hand on Yang's shoulder. Quickly taking his hand off of her as if he had been burned.

"Geh!" He nervously holds his cane in his hand. Yang and Weiss laugh at him, before hearing a noise from Nora.

"Oooohhh. Raven? Qrow? They're birds! Cracked it!"

Everyone stared at her impassively. There was suddenly a knock at the door. Jaune got up and went to open the door to see who it was. He was not expecting to see the person standing before him.


"Hello!" Pyrrha said with an uneasy smile and one hand rubbing her elbow.

"You should consider yourself lucky that I have not killed you."

Raven grunted in response as she moved things around her tent, stolen goods, hunting trophies, money looking for the object that the man behind her wanted.

She had known that it would eventually happen, it was only a matter of time and being in the wrong place at the wrong time. When you steal something usually you want to make sure that you aren't caught doing it, but underestimating another and being overconfident in oneself only brings disaster.

Finally finding what she was looking for she picked it up. A beautifully crafted spear that shown brightly even inside the darkness of the tent, Jade Nikos's weapon, Tranquil Legacy.

Raven turned and presented the weapon to Marius, who snatched it out of her hands all the while glaring at her. He pressed a few buttons and the weapon shifted into its sniper rifle form, then pressing it again it split apart breaking into twin long swords.

Satisfied, Marius nodded as he confirmed that it was indeed the weapon of his wife. He glanced up at Raven, who stared back at him. He pointed one of the swords at her as he stepped into the shadows of the tent. The shadows clung to him and seemed to pull him further in and embrace them in the darkness. "You should hope that our paths do not cross in similar circumstances. I might not be merciful next time." He warned, before completely disappearing into the shadows, as if absorbed.

Raven felt a buildup of magical energy outside her tent, as quick as it appeared it disappeared. She gave a sigh of relief that she had managed to escape with her life. Tales of his prowess in battle were among some of the most impressive among huntsmen. To be on the receiving end of that power and survive was most fortunate.

"Well, well... picking fights with something out of your league?" a voice came from behind her. She spun around drawing her ōdachi and slashing at the voice. Blade struck blade.

"Now, now is that any way to treat a guest?" Yellow eyes bore into her red ones. "We meet again, Raven."

I'll see you guys next time. I hope that you enjoyed the chapter!

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