Third person POV

At the top of Beacon tower, the duel between the new fall maiden, Cinder, and the champion, Pyrrha is coming to an end. Cinder stands victoriously before her injured foe.

"It's unfortunate that you were promised a power that was never truly yours." Cinder taunted, looking down cruelly at the downed champion. Leaning down, Cinder lifted Pyrrha's chin up with one of her fingers, smiling.

"But…take comfort in knowing that I will use it in ways you could never have imagined."

Without breaking eye contact, Pyrrha pulled herself out of Cinder's grasp. Looking up defiantly at her soon to be executioner.

"Do you believe in destiny?"

Cinder's eyes narrowed, she paused briefly, processing the Pyrrha's question. Breaking the pause between them with a single word.

"Yes" she said bluntly with conviction. Stepping back, she outstretched her arms, she called together her bow along with a notched arrow, pulling the bowstring back and aiming directly at Pyrrha's heart.

The champion refused the urge to close her eyes, and maintained eye contact with Cinder.

Cinder let loose her arrow.

'…Goodbye everyone…I'm sorry dad…"

A thunderous voice came from all directions.

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Pyrrha's eyes widened time seemed to come to a stop. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced. She noticed that time had not completely stopped but had slowed down to an almost standstill. She watched in half in awe, half in horror as her impending death slowly sailed towards her.

The arrow was inches away from penetrating her chest. In her peripherals she caught sight of a blurred figure moving apparently unaffected by whatever was causing time to freeze. Like a string being released, time seemed to free once more and rushed back.

As time began to flow freely once again Pyrrha found herself further away from Cinder. The arrow that was going to be her death pinged harmlessly against the ground.


Pyrrha turned her gaze up looking for the source of the voice, recognizing it. Her eyes widening in shock as to whom had come to her aid. A feeling of safety came to her as she realized who it was, but there was also dread.

Standing protectively before her was a man that was radiating killer intent. He had dark burgundy hair hanging down halfway down his neck and deep emerald eyes that held killer intent, all of which was directed to the woman across from him. He wore midnight black jeans along with dress shoes tinted bronze. He was wearing white he was wearing a high end red Victorian tailcoat with golden designs, along with a white under shirt.

The man glared at Cinder with an intensity so full of hate and promise of death, that she took a step back. Before creating another arrow and taking aim at him. He outstretched one of his hand, which was giving of an orange glow. The arrow came to stop midair, the man tilted his head to the side before sending the arrow back. Cinder rolled out of the way of the incoming projectile.

"You think that you can just destroy a school and harm my daughter, and think you can get unscathed!

Cinder grinned at the man as he slowly began to approach her.

Recognizing the danger Pyrrha tried frantically to warn her father.

"No you need to leave you can't fight her! She's too stro…"

She was abruptly cut off as Cinder threw a massive fire ball at the man. The man's eyes widened in shock as the fireball hurtled towards him. The fire completely consumed the man.

Ruby clambered over the edge of the tower, just to witness Cinder throw a fireball at the man. She watched helplessly as he was engulfed in the flames disappearing from view.

Pyrrha began to cry at the fact that her father just died before her. She was alone.

Cinder turning her attention back to the downed champion.

Shockingly a chuckle came from within the flames, which soon dissipated shortly after the chuckle ended.

"What made you think that your flames could destroy that which survived gods and demons, little witch?"

The man step out of the flames completely unscathed. There were only two difference from before he was bathed in the flames. One, his hands were now encased in heavy gauntlets with claw like fingers. Two, his eyes were glowing, brilliant gold.

In the clawed gauntlets two concentrated black spheres formed, clenching his hands shut around them, a vibrant violet light appeared and was quickly replaced by two bound swords.

Casting away her bow Cinder conjured her swords and prepared for the clash of swords.

Both dash towards the other at speeds causing those watching to only see them as blurs. Flashes of violet and vermillion illuminated the tower. Cinder and the man clash weapons against each other. Their blades lock and they fight for dominance. Cinder received a kick to the gut which was followed by a punch to the face. She swung her swords at him, cutting part of his clothes.

Having enough of the man Cinder backed away and unleashes her maiden power focusing a large amount of fire around her. Electricity began to dance and crackle up the man's arms, as he moved them in a practiced pattern. They both unleash their powerful attacks, a fire blast against a lightning blast.

The two beams of power met in the middle and collided, neither gaining nor losing ground. Slowly the lightning beam began to overwhelm the fiery beam. When the beam met Cinder she cried in pain as she felt all her never ending catch fire.

The attack slowly relented and Cinder was kneeling on the ground beaten, smoke rising off of her. Her dress incinerated in a few places, her hair was singed and scorch marks covered her body.

The man began to approach her, with what strength she had left she conjured her bow and took aim.

Pointing a sword at her neck, he asked.

"What are you going to do with that?"

Instead of answering she released the arrow.

Pain suddenly exploded in her right shoulder as an arrow pierced into her flesh. Pyrrha begins to gasp and wheeze in pain as the arrow punctured her lung, the wound emitting a red glow. Falling over she gazed up at the figure of her the man frozen in horror gazing down at her, tears began to leak from her eyes. He shouted out her name, relinquishing his sword and running over to her, scooping her up in his arms.

Cinder gave a victorious smile as she got up from the ground.

"Family is a weakness." She said taking aim at the man holding Pyrrha.

Ruby screamed out her friend's name. White light flows from her eyes as she screams.

"WHAT?!" Cinder shouted in complete shock.

The white light consuming all who are atop of the tower.


Reaching the docks took a while for the man. He was carrying two people, Ruby over one of his shoulders, and Pyrrha bridal style. Upon arrival the waiting crowd composing of students, teacher and soldiers decided to aim their weapons at the man.

Pushing his way through the crowd, Qrow stepped forward, Harbinger at the ready, "Drop her!"

The man halted looked at Qrow and then gestured to Ruby with his head.

Cautiously Qrow began to approach the man. Once he deemed that he was not being deceived, he placed his weapon on his back and gently removing Ruby from over the man's shoulder. He got a look at the man and gave a small nod to him. Following Qrow's move, everyone began to lower their weapons.

Once Ruby was removed from his shoulder, the man began moving forward again. After crossing a short distance he found himself cut off by several students. Most looking tired or injured or both.

Jaune moved forward sword and shield at the ready, "Now give us Pyrrha." When he did not comply Jaune shouted, "Give her to us!"

Giving the boy an unimpressed glare he simply pushed past Jaune and the others and continued on his way.

"Don't walk away from me!" Jaune shouted getting ready for a fight. Ignoring the blonde he kept moving and bluntly said.

"She's coming with me."

"You have no right!"

"Who are you to make such a claim, boy!"

"Her friend and partner. She belongs with us her team. Her friends!" gesturing to Ren and Nora, along with the others around them.

"I have the only right to take her."

"What's that?"

"My name is Marius. Last I checked being her father was the only reason I need to be here."