A/N: I know I said that my stories are always in chronological order, but as you read the summary, this is one of the categories that hasn't received any tickling one-shots. So I decided that I will do this one-shot collection alongside my stories. And like in the summary, this one-shot collection has been inspired from many tickle one-shots and one-shot collections that were written by other authors so I'm giving them a huge credit even if they don't know it. A few things to know how this will work.

I already have two one-shots planned, one at the beggining that I posted now and another one later, but i won't post that other one unless it's the last resort. This one-shot collection will rely on reviews. Your job, if you want to see a pup be tickled, you leave it in the reviews. You don't have to worry about who would tickle the pup, I'll have that covered.

Another thing to note: Dusk Mane Necrozma has let me borrow his OC's so I'll also be using them in this collection. A huge 'thank you' to him for that. Here's his list of OC's just so you don't get confused:

Lance(Older Brother of Barel and Phillip,Former Mechanic Pup and Mate of Margareth)

Margareth(Sister of Marshall,Medic Pup and Mate of Lance)

Michael(Chow-Chow),Marshley(Dalmatian) and Larry(Mixed Breed)(Children of Lance and Margareth)

Samuel and Carolina(Father and Mother of Nexie,Lance,Barel and Phillip)

Nexie(Older Sister of Lance,member of the Secret Canine Force and girlfriend of Horus)

Horus(Older Brother of Marshall and Margareth,member of the Secret Canine Force and boyfriend of Nexie)

Jack(Former Chief of the Secret Canine Force)

Phillip(Younger Brother of Lance and New Mechanic Pup)

Barel(Another Younger Brother of Lance and former Security Pup)

Randy(Searcher Pup and Boyfriend of Skye)

Each one-shot will have a title name and a pup in brackets next to it. A pup in brackets will be tickled, any other tickles in each one-shot won't be shown. I'm not done with notes, but if you want to see an example, here's a one-shot below. Read, review and enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own PAW Patrol.

One-shot #1: Facing a fear. (Rocky)

It was a really sunny day in Adventure bay and already, Ryder and the pups were at the beach. Rocky and Marshall were making sand castles, Zuma was swimming, Ryder was playing Frisbee with Chase and Rubble and Skye was taking a flight using her wings. At one point, Zuma looked up from where he was and saw Rocky happily playing in the sand. He knew Rocky was afraid of water, but he was also bored since he swims by himself every time he and the other pups went to the beach. He swam back to shore and ran over to Rocky and Marshall.

"Hey, pups! What's happening?" He asked.

"Nothing new, what about you?" Marshall asked.

"Well, I'm getting bored." Zuma exclaimed.

"Why?" Rocky asked.

"Because everyone plays right here and I swim all by myself." Zuma replied. Rocky and Marshall looked at each other before Marshall stood up.

"Here, if it will make you feel better, I'll go swimming with you." Marshall offered.

Zuma shook his head. "It wouldn't be the same. I wanted to swim with Rocky."

Rocky froze upon hearing that. "Me? Did you forget I don't like water? No, no way, you can't make me!" Rocky said, backing away.

"C'mon, Rocky. Don't do that. Just go ahead, maybe that way you can…"

"I SAID NO!" Rocky yelled out, interrupting Marshall and then he ran off. Zuma looked at Marshall with shock.

"I've… never seen him act like this. What's his problem with water?" He asked.

"I don't know. And if he's still upset with that, then it seems you won't get him in the water that easily." Marshall replied.

"Unless you know how." Both pups turned their heads to see Ryder walking up. "Marshall, you tried to convince Rocky to go with Zuma as an opportunity to face his fear of water, right?" He asked.

Marshall nodded. "That's right, but before I could finish, Rocky just snapped." He said with his head down.

Ryder nodded in understanding before walking over to Zuma. "I know of a way to convince him to get into the water with you, but I wasn't supposed to tell you that." He said.

Zuma smiled brightly upon hearing that. "Really? Will you tell me how to convince him?" He asked.

"Sure" Ryder said as he then whispered something in Zuma's ear. Zuma smirked.

"I can think of a couple of things to get him to reconsider."


That night, Zuma planned everything. He was at the beach, hidden under the bench on the sidewalk and waiting for Rocky to come. After about 10 minutes, he saw Rocky coming, with an assumption that he had another bad dream considering water. Once he was sure Rocky would stop, he stepped out and called out to him.

"Hey, dude." Rocky looked back at him with surprise

"Zuma, why are you up so late?" He asked.

"I couldn't sleep. And besides, I wanted to talk to you." Zuma replied.

Rocky then looked down. "I know. I'm sorry I snapped earlier." He apologized.

"No worries. Now, will you face your fear and get in the water with me?" Zuma asked.

Rocky immediately shook his head. "No way. I don't like water, remember?" He exclaimed, but Zuma didn't give up and kept convincing him.

"I'll let you have half my food."

"No can do."

"I'll help with recycling."

"No need."

"I can prevent Marshall from spraying you."

"Forget it, Zuma."

"I won't have to tickle you."

When Rocky heard that last statement, his eyes were as wide as bowling balls while Zuma was approaching him. "Zuma… you-you wouldn't dare. No, please. Don't do it." Rocky tried to beg, but Zuma ignored him and tackled him to the ground.

"Will you get in the water with me?" He asked with a grin. Rocky shook his head.

"Never!" He exclaimed.

Zuma then smirked. "Then it's laughing time!" He exclaimed and began rubbing the mix's breed's belly with his paws.

"Hehehehehehe! Zuma, stohohohohop! It tickles! Hehehehehehe!" Rocky giggled as he tried to push the chocolate Labrador off, but couldn't due to being pinned. Zuma then moved from rubbing his belly to tickling his sides and belly while picking up speed.

"Heheheheahahahahahaha! Z-Zuhuhuhuma, stop that! Stohohohohohop! Ahhahahahahahaha!" Rocky exclaimed as he kept on laughing, even to the point where he tossed and turned, but couldn't shake Zuma off.

"Not until you agree to get in the water with me." Zuma said.

"That'll nehehehehehehehever happen! Hahahahahahahahaha!" Rocky stated despite laughing. Zuma then started tickling his hind paws with his tail and licking his belly viciously. Rocky's eyes went wide as he then went insane.

"AAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA! NOOHOHOHOHHOHOHOHOHO! ZUUHUHUHUHUHUHUMAA! STOHOHOHOHOHHOHOP THIHIHIHIHHIS MADNEHEHEHEHEHESS! AAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Rocky yelled with insane laughter, his eyes filling with tears from being tickled so much. Then Zuma stopped and let him catch a small breath. Rocky wanted to tell him to stop once more, but before he could…

"Now for some serious tickling!" Zuma exclaimed as he then started tickling the poor mix-breed everywhere he could and with everything, paws, tail and tongue and he was going so fast he couldn't keep track. Rocky, on the other paw, burst into hysterical laughter.


"HAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ALRIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIGHT, ALRIGHT! AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'LL DOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO IT, JUST STOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOP! HAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Zuma smiled and stopped tickling him. Rocky laughed for a while and then his laughter turned to giggles before Rocky was panting heavily. At least he was glad all the tickling was over.

"You know… any longer… and I would've…wet myself." Rocky exclaimed in between pants.

"No kidding. Now c'mon, let's get in." Zuma exclaimed as he went inside, but then turned around and noticed Rocky wasn't there. Then, he yelped in surprise when he was tackled from the side by Rocky.

"Now it's my turn!" Rocky said, ignoring the water as he tickled Zuma's belly while being wet.

That was one of the ways to make a pup face its fears. Through tickling.


A/N: See? This is my first one-shot and an example on how my one-shots will look like. Also, here's a little surprise. When I reach a certain number of one-shots, I will be putting one lemon in it. It will be repeated several times,but I'll also point out what kind of lemons you can request. Just be patient with those land it will pay off. Just remember that only the pups will be tickled, not humans.

Please note that if I post a lemon, that one-shot won't be a tickle one-shot. Because of those lemons and whatnot, this story will have a rating like you see now.

To rating judges: when I reach those lemons, if you don't approve this rating, let me know. That's all for now.