A purple glitter troll sprinted across the streets. Her silver color hair was tied into a ponytail and unlike any other glitter troll, she actually wore clothing. She rammed into some male troll causing him to drop all his paperwork.
"Hey watch it!" the troll shouted at her.
"Sorry! No time to stop!" The girl kept running until she made it to a theater," Finally!"
The girl didn't pay attention to weather the glass doors were shut or open. She rammed into them and bounced onto the floor.
"Should've seen that coming," she mumbled as she rubbed her head in pain. She hopped back onto her feet and tried to open the doors only to discover they were locked," Just my luck."
The troll looked into the glass doors and looked around for anyone to let her in. Thankfully, a troll with green hair and blue skin came out of the tech room.
"Hey! Jpbake! A little help!?" The girl knocked onto the glass doors. The troll known a Jpbake turned his gaze at the doors.
"Jo!" He gasped. He ran to the doors and let her into the theater.
"Thanks. Is everything set up for the show?" Jo asked him," I want to do this just like Hairspray Live."
"Yea. The cameras are ready to air this on tv and the streets are cleared. What happened? Your 10 minutes late. The place is full of trolls and bergens just waiting for the show to start," Jpbake told her.
"You haven't started yet?"
"No, Tapdancing Giraf said that he had orders from you to not start until you came," he explained as they walked into a hallway that led to back stage.
"That's right. I did tell him that," Jo smacked her head for not remembering. The two trolls finally made it backstage where multiple trolls were getting ready. The air was intoxicated with clouds of hairspray causing trouble to breath.
"Is all this really necessary?" Jpbake coughed and waved his hand in the air trying to get the hairspray away.
"The play is literally titled Hairspray, now go to the orchestra pit and get ready to start the music," Jo hurried him.
"Got it," The blue and green troll ran off, nearly bumping into the actors as he did. Jo prepared straighten up her sparkling blue shirt and was about to go on stage," Ok, here we go."
The purple troll stepped onto the stage and looked into the audience.
Sorry for the wait. I had some trouble but better late than never. Anyways, I would like to thank Jpbake first for coming to conduct the music. You may recognize him from his work like The Troll Queen, Poppy and the Phantom, and my favorite so far, Eden. ( audience applause as Jpbake bows and takes a seat in the orchestra pit) And of course, My stage director, TAPDANCING GIRAF, He's a very kind giraffe troll for helping out backstage. Now let's get to the point! Welcome to my fourth parody! I will be making this as unique as I can because not only is this my favourite play but when it comes to Broadway, you gotta dream big to be big! Right? Hope you all enjoy it. ( Before Jo can go any further, she turned to notice a hook coming for her. Seeing her eyes were fixed on it, the hook slowly left) Now you may notice some differences in the roles. There will be times when Poppy is playing as Tracy, Branch will be playing as Tracy… ( She turned to her left to see the same hook coming. She pushed it away and cleared her throat) As I was saying, I had to do a lot of twisting…. ( she looked up to see the hook was coming down. Again, she pushed it away ) I had to do a lot of twisting to match the trolls with their characters AH! ( A trap door finally took the girl away. She landed on a mattress with a giraffe troll next to it. He was kinda short and had some shades on)
" Sorry Miss Rivera but we have a play to get started," TAPDANCING GIRAF pulled onto the ropes opening the curtains and prepared the cameras.
Everyone starts clapping in joy as Jpbake starts conducting the opening number.
TAPDANCING GIRAF turns on the cameras and starts filming the scene
On screen, The credits start to roll
Director : riverajocabed1
Music by : Marc Shaiman
Conducted by : Jpbake
Justin Timberlake : Branch
Anna Kendrick : Poppy
Gwen Stefani : Suki
Zooey Deschanel : Bridget
Christopher Mintz-Plasse : Gristle Jr
Ron Funches : Cooper
Christine Baranski : Chef
Kunal Nayyar : Guy Diamond
Russell Brand : Creek
Icona Pop : Satin and Chenille
based on the 1988 John Waters film Hairspray
Baltimore MaryLand, 1962
The sun has started to peek over the horizon signaling to all the trolls a new day was starting. In the streets, a rainbow troll was riding his bike and tossing the news papers to the doors. On the front paper was a headline that read, Animal trolls protest across the streets of Baltimore once again.
On the bottom was another story that read, Teenage glitter trolls refused to cover up and expelled from school.
Rainbow trolls began to wake up and leave for work.
Inside a house, sleeping in her warm pink bed was a beautiful pink troll. But this wasn't any troll. Her name was Poppy Kendrick. She was the star of the most popular dancing show on earth. The Rainbow Show. She wished for nothing more than a big break in her singing and dancing career. The clock that laid on her dresser soon struck 7 and ranged out loud. The rainbow troll flutter her pink eyes open. She sat up from her bed with a wide smile on her face. She turned off the alarm clock before jumping out of bed and put on her favorite blue dress. She hopped into her seat in front of the mirror and tied her hair into a ponytail. To keep it stiff enough, she grabbed a bottle of hairspray and twirled it around her hair.
( Sing, bold for actions )
"Oh, oh, oh,
Woke up today,
Feeling the way I always do!"
She grabbed her bag and flipped her hair spray into it.
"Oh, oh, oh,
Hungry for something that I can't eat,
Then I hear that beat,"
She grabbed a lunch bag from the fridge and made her way to the living room.
"The rhythm of town,
Starts calling me down,
It's like a message from high above!
Oh, oh, oh,
Pulling me out to the smiles and the
Streets that I love,"
Poppy opened up the door and happily skipped into the town she so loved.
"Good morning Baltimore,
Every day's like an open door,
Every night is a fantasy,
Every song's like a symphony,"
She danced her way across the sidewalks, waving at every troll she past by.
"Good morning Baltimore,
And someday when I take to the floor,
The world's gonna wake up and see,
Baltimore and me."
She then stopped by a window and fixed up her bangs and headband.
"Oh, oh, oh,
Look at my hair,
What do can compare with mine today?
Oh, oh, oh,
I've got my hairspray and radio,
I'm ready to go!"
She was sutch in a good mood that even the rats passing by her feet didn't bother her.
"The rats on the street all dance round my feet,
They seem to say, Poppy it's up to you,
So, oh, oh don't hold me back,
'Cause today all my dreams will come true
Good morning Baltimore,"
She waved hello to a fellow troll coming out of his apartment, unaware that he just flashed a few girls behind her.
"There's the flasher who lives next door,
There's the bum on his bar room stool,
They wish me luck on my way to school,
Good morning Baltimore,
And someday when I take to the floor,
The world's gonna wake up and see,
Baltimore and me!"
She hopped onto a bus and left to her destination.
( talk )
A black haired troll with gray skin patiently waited in front of an apartment door. He wasn't the happiest of the trolls wich made him stand out in a crowed. In a bad way. Rainbow trolls can't seem to accept the fact that a troll can lose their color so they choose to ignore him. While he acts like it doesn't affect him, he still wishes there was a way to get the trolls to see that Rainbow trolls aren't superior to other types of trolls.
"What's taking her so long?" Branch mumbled. Finally, the doors opened up to reveal a red skin Treasure troll with orange hair.
"Sorry Branch, Grandma and I had a small fight if I should be showing off my gem or not," Suki, his best friend, explained to him. Despite how energetic she was, Suki was always kept in the shadows thanks to her strict grandmother. You see, being a Treasure troll meant that you were born with a gem attached to you somewhere. Even when this was a small difference, to be accepted into this society, you had to cover it up. Something Suki wasn't fond of. The two friends walked across the street to reach the bus stop, but as always, Suki stopped to look at the gates of the Rainbow studio. The same studio that aired the Rainbow Show.
"What is it?" Branch noticed she wasn't walking anymore.
( sing )
"I know every step,
I know every song,
I know there's a place where I belong,"
One other thing she dreamed of was to finally stand in the spotlight for once. She grabbed onto Branches arm and ran off into the streets towards the bus stop.
"I see all those party lights shining ahead!"
"So someone invite her before I drop dead,
Before I drop dead!"
Branch shut his eyes and prayed that an incoming car wouldn't hit them.
"So, oh, oh,
give me a chance!
Cause when I start to dance,
I'm a movie star!"
They made it to sidewalk in one piece.
"Oh, oh, oh,
Something inside of me makes me move,
When I hear the groove,"
Branch opened his mouth to lecture her about Jaywalking but Suki silenced him with her finger on his lips.
"You may tell me no,
But my feet tell me go!
It's like a drummer inside my heart,"
Branch thanked the lord when the bus finally came. He hopped on board to only discover Suki still hadn't gone on. He looked out the window to see she was still dancing around.
"Suki!" Branch shouted to her but the bus already started to leave.
"Oh no no don't make me wait!
One more moment for my life to start!"
Branch ran to the back of the bus and finally got Suki's attention. She turned around in horor to see the bus was leaving. She had only one choice. Chase down the bus and make it to school.
Poppy inside the Rainbow studio
"Good morning,
Good morning,
Waiting for my life to start!"
The girl twirled around her dressing room and started to pick out an outfit to wear for today's show.
"I love you Baltimore!
Every day's like an open door,
Every night is a fantasy,
Every song's like a symphony,
And I promise Baltimore,
That someday when I take to the floor,
The world's gonna wake up and see,
Gonna wake up and see,
Baltimore and me!"
She finally picked out a fancy dress and placed it on. She ran out on stage and started her dance with the other trolls.
"Yes, more or less we all agree,
Baltimore and me,"
Someday the world is gonna see,"
Baltimore and me,"
End song
"All right children, get off stage!" A lady bergen shouted at them," We haven't even started filming and your already wasting that energy."
"Sorry Miss Chef. We got a little carried away," Poppy laughed.
"Honestly, trolls can be so overly happy," Chef rolled her eyes at the thought. She payed back attention to the papers in her hands," Be ready. The show starts in a few hours!"
At Baltimore's High School
The bus made it's stop at the high school and dropped off all the trolls. Branch was the first to come out. He ran to the middle of the sidewalk and frantically looked around for his friends.
"Dang it Suki. Where are you?"
"Branch look out!" He heard her voice cried out. He turned around but before he can react, Suki crashed into the gray troll on a skateboard.
"Suki," Branch groaned in pain as he pushed her off him," Where did you get a critter skitter board?"
"Aspen lent me one when he saw I missed the bus," Suki bounced back onto her feet and pulled Branch up as well.
"Suki, your not even wearing a helmet or pads. Do you know how dangerous that is?! You could've cracked your skull open or scraped your knees," Suki rolled her eyes and used her hand to mimic Branches lecture," You can get an infection and believe me…"
Before Branch can say anything else. The bell rang signalling all the trolls to run to their classes.
"Blah blah blah, lecture me to death later," Suki ran into the building with Branch close behind.
Inside the class, Everyone waited for the late bell to ring so class can start. In their seats, Branch wrote inside a notebook while Suki was jamming out to a new song with her headphones on.
"What you listening to?" Branch wondered what kind of music she was listening to.
"It's the new song from the Rainbow show. It's called the Nicest Kids in Town," Suki placed the headphones on Branch so he can hear," Their performing it on today's episode."
"Kinda catchy I guess," Branch was never interested in the tv show. He only watched it because Suki would drag him to watch it every single day. Especially when it came to Animal Day. The one day when animal trolls can perform on tv.
"Kinda? It's the best song ever!" Suki chimed and jumped in her seat.
"You said that about yesterday's song," Branch set the headphones back down.
"And it's always true," Suki couldn't stop talking about the show. It got to the point where the two didn't notice the bell ringing and the teacher coming in. As she started doing a problem on the board, she took notice of Suki and Branch talking at the back of the class.
"Suki?" The teacher called to her. Suki stopped talking with Branch and looked ahead," Maybe you would like to do problem 5... On the board!"
"Yes Ms," Suki got up and walked to the board. The teacher's eyes instantly landed on Suki's belly gem. She shook her head disapproving her look. Suki grabbed a marker and placed her hand on the board. But before she can write anything, the teacher interrupted," Sukira Stefani! You know cropped shirts aren't allowed in this school!"
Suki sighed and put her hand off the board.
"Cropped shirts aren't allowed in this school?" Suki repeated while she crossed her arms.
"It's a distraction and a very humiliating habit!"
Suki gave a small nod and bit her lower lip.
"What about Karma?"
"What?" the teacher asked.
"Karma? Right there," Suki pointed at the orange and green troll in front," She's showing more belly than me. In fact she practically has a bra on and you don't tell her anything."
"Miss Karma is a part of the girl survival club, she has..."
"What about Creek over there?" Suki pointed at the purple troll in the back," He doesn't even have a shirt on. And yet you don't say anything."
The teacher was running out of things to say. Her mouth hang open trying to figure out what to do next.
"Miss Stefani, you have no right to be walking around like this..."
"Why not? Just cause I'm a treasure troll? Just because I was born with a gem attached to me? That shouldn't mean I have to cover up my gem... Oh wait... I'm sorry..." Suki started a sarcastic tone,"... I forgot that we're all supposed look like rainbow trolls. Meaning we need to be the same size, the same skin type, walk on two feet..."
"Sukira!" the teacher smacked her ruler on the table shutting her right up," Leave my class and head straight to detention... NOW!"
"What why?"
"Because I told you to!" She snapped. Suki dropped the marker and stormed out the classroom.
"Hmp, serves her right," A purple troll that was close to Branch mumbled.
"What do you mean serves her right?" Branch turned around to the purple troll behind him.
"That Treasure troll needs to learn that there are standards in society. Standers we all must follow," The so called Creek revealed without even looking from his book.
"Standers? What's so bad about Suki that she can't be who she is?" Branch started to feel defensive.
"Well I wouldn't expect you to understand. Being a gray Troll and all. Maybe if you had some color you would understand the point of view of a Rainbow troll," This last sentence was the last straw. Branch stood out of his seat and looked at him straight in the eyes.
"I have as much right as you. So what if I'm gray? Does that make me any different than you?"
"Branch Timberlake!" The teacher called out to him saving Creek from him. Branch sighed in frustration and turned to the front of the class.
"Yes Miss?"
"Would you care to join Suki in detention?"
"No miss," Branch tried to sound polite. He couldn't afford any bad reputation. Being a gray troll was already hard enough.
At the Rainbow Studio 3:30 pm
"Show starts at 4:00! Everyone hurry!" Chef called out to everyone. The trolls backstage were all suffering to get into their dresses and suits. But no one was suffering as much as the Glitter trolls. A certain silver glitter troll was checking himself out in the mirror.
"Looking good Guy Diamond," He winked at himself before sighing in disappointment," It's a shame society doesn't think so too."
Guy Diamond pulled onto his long sleeves to cover every inch of his arm. Next, he grabbed a pair of white silky gloves to cover his sparkling hands. To finish the look, Guy Diamond grabbed a black hat with transparent fabric around it. He tucked his glittery hair under the hat and positions the fabric to cover all his face but since it was transparent, you can still see some of his features.
"You still look good you know," He heard a female voice behind him.
"Yea I know Chenille," The silver troll turned to see two twins who were conjoined by the hair," I just think I look even better on camera if I could show off my glitter. Why do I need to anyways? Does my glitter skin really matter?"
"It's just how it is Guy Diamond," The twins and Guy Diamond both left to get ready.
At school
Suki was impatiently tapping her feet as she watched the clock slowly move. To her, the hands would get slower and slower with every turn they made.
"Uge! Hurry up," Suki banged her head on the table. After what seemed like forever, the bell finally rang. Like the flash, Suki was out. In the halls of the school, Branch waited for his friend.
"Come on Branch!" Suki grabbed his hand and pulled him across the hall and out the doors. She J walked the streets causing many cars to beep at them.
"Suki this is against the law!" Branch tried to tell her. Suki didn't have a care in her mind. She dragged her friend across the streets.
At the studio
"Everyone get on stage now! Let's go go go!" Chef hurried all the tiny trolls. Poppy was still having trouble making her hair perfect.
"No that won't work!" Poppy let go of her braid.
"Put it in a pony tail," Creek passed by his girlfriend. He had to leave class early in order to make it to the show," You look mega cute in one."
"But it also looks thin," Poppy was stressing herself.
"Just do it!" Chef shouted at her. All the trolls that were ready ran to the stage including Guy Diamond.
"Time to host this show!" Guy Diamond warmed up his dance moves. Even with so much clothing covering him, he was still able to give his best dance moves.
With Suki and Branch
The two friends ran across the streets almost making many cars crash into them.
" Hurry Branch we'll miss it!"
Suki dragged him by a tv store.
"Hello Baltimore!" Guy Diamond introduced the show on the TV. Suki heard this and ran back to the store and pressed her face against the glass.
"Suki... Can we rest?" Branch was out of breath. Suki didn't listen. She was jumping in excitement and had her full attention on the screen.
"I'm Guy Diamond and don't miss our newest dance today! Brought to you by Ultra clutch hairspray!"
"AH! COME ON BRANCH!" Suki shouted in joy and ran with Branches hand in her hand. As everyone in the studio started getting in positions for the performance, the two trolls ran pass a bergen sized store full of pranks and toys. Branch opened a troll sized door and peeked inside.
"Hi Mr Gristle!" Branch said to a bergen who was talking to another bergen.
"Hi Mr Gristle!" Suki said as well and ran off.
"That's my adoptive son," Gristle smiled.
"You adopted a troll as your son?" the other bergen was disgusted by this.
"Yea, he had such a rough childhood. His grandmother was killed by a bergen," Gristle explained.
"Well at least that bergen knew what she was doing," the bergen walked away leaving a confused Gristle. The two friends ran into an apartment building and to the elevator. Suki started throwing what she can find towards the button. Branch rolled his eyes and use his hair to push it. The elevator opened letting them in.
At the studio
All the trolls have finished fixing themselves up and were now on stage.
"And we're live in 3… 2… 1!" Chef signalled the cameras to start rolling.
( sing. Bold for actions )
Once the cameras were on, Guy Diamond put on a proud smile and started the song.
Guy Diamond
Ev'ry afternoon
When the clock strikes four,"
"bop-bee-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba, bee-ba!
Guy Diamond
"A crazy bunch of kids,
Crash through that door,"
"bop-bee-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba, bee-ba,"
While Creek was doing his dance, a girl had to push him aside for he was in the wrong spot.
Guy Diamond
"Well they throw off their coats,
And leave the squares behind,
And then they shake it,
Shake it,
Shake it!
Like they're losing their minds
You'll never see them frown
'Cause they're the nicest kids in town!"
Branch and Suki finally made it to Branches apartment.
"It started!" Suki ran to the bergen size tv and tuned it on.
"Suki, your grandmother says your not allowed to perspire," Branch tried to tell her but she didn't care. Suki dragged Branch into the coffee table and started the dance with him.
Guy Diamond
"So every afternoon,
You turn your T.V. on,"
"na, na, na, na, na, na-na-na-na"
Guy Diamond
"And we know you turn the sound up,
When your parents are gone, yeah,"
During the dance, the girls paired up with the boys.
"na, na, na, na, na, na-na-na-na,"
Guy Diamond
"And then you twist and shout,
For your favorite star,
And when you've practiced every step,
That's in your repertoire,
You better come on down,"
The boys picked the girls up in the air for a pose.
And meet the nicest kids in town!"
As they put them down, Creek dropped Poppy off her feet and ran off to another spot. Feeling somewhat confused, Guy Diamond offered his hand to helped the girl back onto her feet.
Guy Diamond
"Nice two leggeds
Who like to lead the way
And once a month
We have our…"
"Animal day!"
Guy Diamond
"And I'm the troll who keeps it spinnin' round this is dear Guy Diamond!
With the latest!
Baltimore sound!"
As they danced, Creek tripped on his own feet and bumped into a green glitter troll girl. The girl fell back causing her hat to come off. She panicked as she felt her bun start to come loose. She couldn't let her glitter show.
"So every afternoon,
Drop everything woo!"
"bop-bee-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba, bee-ba"
Guy Diamond
"Who needs to read and write
When you can dance and sing?"
The glitter troll crawled on all fours trying to get her hat that kept getting kicked around. Unfortunately, someone stepped on her hand causing her to pull back in pain. She soon noticed her glove had slipped off as well.
"bop-bee-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba, bee-ba,"
Guy Diamond
"Forget about your algebra,
And calculus,
You can always do your homework,
On the morning bus,
Can't tell a verb from a noun,"
"They're the nicest kids in town,"
Everyone started to form two lines leaving the poor glitter troll exposed to the spotlight. In a panic, the girl grabbed her glove and hat and got in line.
Guy Diamond
"Roll Call!"
Guy Diamond stepped aside letting the trolls introduce themselves.
"I'm Creek,"
The small troll behind him pushed him aside for taking too long.
The glitter troll had no time to put on her hat so she just introduced herself exposing her glitter.
Feeling embarrassed, she ran off the stage.
Sugar Plum,
Mikey, Vicki, Becky, Bix, Jessie, Darla, Paulie!
And I'm… Poppy,"
Everyone cheered in happiness as they got back into their positions.
Guy Diamond
"So, if every night you're shaking,
As you lie in bed!"
"pony-pony, ooh, pony-pony,"
Guy Diamond
"Shake it baby!
And the bass and drums,
Are pounding in your head!"
"mony-mony, ooh, mony-mony,"
Guy Diamond
"Who cares about sleep
When you can snooze in
They'll never get to college,
But they'll sure look cool,
Don't need a cap and a gown,"
"When you're the nicest
Kids in town,"
As Suki and Branch danced along to the music, a bergen lady came into the living room with a basket of laundry.
"They must think my ears are trash cans," The lady looked into the living room where her adoptive son was," Please turn that racket down! Trying to iron here!"
"Sorry Bridget," Suki pushed it down a bit.
Guy Diamond
"They're the nicest,
They're the nicest,
They're the sugar and spice-est,"
"Nicest kids in…"
They all got into their finishing poses. Creek had to pull a boy to the back in order for him to be front and center.
"Kids in town!
( end )
In the living room, Suki and Branch took a break in dancing and clapped in excitement.
"Can we rest now?" Branch dropped onto the bergen size couch.
"Might as well," Suki jumped onto the couch and sat down next to her best friend.
At the studio
"We're back at 5!" Chef walked around telling the small trolls and bergens," And you!"
Chef pointed at the green glitter troll. The girl was desperately trying to place her bobby pins back in place.
"Brenda! How dare you show off like that!" Chef slammed her papers on the table nearly missing the girl by a centimeter.
"My apologies Ms Chef,"Brenda tried to speak through her fear," Creek bumped into me and my hat fell, then someone stepped on my glove and..."
"I don't want excuses!" Chef yelled at her,"We got thirdy complaints about it! You know the rule don't you?!"
"All glitter trolls must cover every inch of their bodies at all times..." Brenda repeated in a soft tone.
"Exactly! If you can't follow that simple rule, why are you even here!?"
"Take it easy on her miss Chef," Guy Diamond came into the conversation. He positioned his hat so his eyes were visible at the bergen," it's not easy covering up all this glitter."
"Well she should've thought about that before being born!" Chef yelled again. She turned around and walked away. Guy Diamond shook his head in disappointment.
"Sorry Mr Diamond, I didn't mean to..."
"It's alright Brenda," Guy Diamond turned back to her. He handed her the glove and positioned his hat so the cloth can cover his face again," Go back stage and fix yourself up alright?"
The girl shakingly nodded yes. She grabbed her hat and covered her face as she ran backstage.
"Cameraman!" Chef yelled at the bergen who was recording the trolls," I don't pay you extra to ignore Creek. He barely had any camera time."
"Look lady, Your son…"
"Adoptive son," Chef mumbled in annoyance.
"Adoptive son… He isn't the main star. I have to show the other kids too," The bergen told her.
"Either you give him more screen time or I'll make sure you never have an opportunity in show business again," Chef snapped at him before leaving. Near the stage, Creek and Poppy were talking for a while.
"Sorry I dropped you like that. I'm a bit rusty," Creek apologized to her.
"You could've at least helped me up before continuing the dance," Poppy crossed her arms and glared at him.
"Don't be so mad," Creek tried to pull her into a hug but she pulled away. Creek rolled his eyes at how difficult she was being. He reached into his pocket for something," Maybe this will change your mind?"
"What?" Poppy gave him a slide glance. A twinkle then caught her eye. She looked down at his hand to see a silver promise ring," Creek? Is that…"
"Yes it is," Creek placed her hand into his hand slipped the ring onto her finger," I've been wanting to give you this for a while now. Let it be a symbol of our long lasting love."
"Awe Creek," Poppy wrapped her arms around him and gave him a tight hug.
"Excuse me," Chef pulled the couple apart," Save your personal business for the cameras please."
"Yes Chef," Creek and Poppy both walked away onto the stage. Chef checked her watch to see they were going on air soon.
"We're going on air in 5… 4… 3… 2…"
And One! Hope you enjoyed this first chaptered. And if you don't know yet, Branch is Tracy, Poppy is Link, Creek is Amber and Suki is Penny. I know Suki isn't shy like Penny but I just couldn't see her like that.
Anyways, Songs are " Good Morning Baltimore" and " Nicest Kids in Town" both from Hairspray. And I hope TAPDANCING GIRAF doesn't mind being here. If you do I can delete it. And once again thank you Jpbake for giving me permission to add you in the crew. If you like to be in the spotlight then you just need to say so and I'll find a job for you. And I'm gonna do this like Hairspray Live. Where they constantly change scene on the streets and air it on tv. Hope to see you all next time.