"Every step she took had a skip in it and every smile she flashed seemed to be dazzling to anyone that took a moment to look at her. Her bright violet eyes were always filled with mischief and mirth but most importantly they had love within them. She was the most lovable person in the underworld that could bring men to their knees with a single wink. Why am I reading this?" Percy turned, blinking at the script he held before him. Serafall thought it would have been a wonderful idea for him to try acting, a way that helped her cope with what she had gone through.

It was clear that once Percy started, nothing could be worse than his acting skills.

They were in the room that Percy woke up in, the room that would now be Percy's until the day he stopped being a devil that served under Serafall, or died. Whatever came first.

Serafall sat on the edge of his bed as he read the script before her. Her shoulders were shaking from the laughter that was threatening to spill from her. "Percy. The first step to being a good devil is to be a good liar in times of need. The best way to do this is practice acting."

Percy glanced at her then back to the paper. "And the best way to do this is talking about your charming attributes? Or did you just want me to compliment you?"

She shook her head frantically and yet the smile failed to disappear on her face. "That has nothing to do with it. I just think you need to work on your acting is all." The innocent smile that graced her features did nothing to fool Percy.

Percy rolled his eyes and tossed the piece of paper in the air, clearly not having any of it. "Hey wait!" Serafall exclaimed, jumping up from the bed and catching the paper. "What's wrong with it! Did I not put in enough detail?"

Percy shook his head. "It's not going to work Serafall, you're going to have to do better than that."

"Oh?" Serafall exclaimed from behind him. Running up and hugging him from behind. "Does that mean that it's possible? Will you write me a secret love letter and send it to me? Perhaps we can reenact Romeo and Juliet! That was always one of my favorite love scenes from Shakespeare! The pure romance-"

Percy tuned her out as she couldn't stop talking about the old classic. During his little time he had in high school he had read the play and he could say he wasn't impressed. "I meant talking about you at all Serafall."

Serafall staggered back until she reached the wall. Clutching on to her heart, she gasped dramatically. The loud flop was heard as she fell to the ground."Oh Percy, how you wound me so. How could you do such a thing to your fair maiden?"

"I'll let you know when I see one Serafall." Percy could honestly say he had no idea where the sudden bite back came from.

"Percy!" She whined, deciding to change subjects. "How could you do that to your king! Magical Girl Leviathan is very disappointed in you!"

"What are we doing today Serafall?" It was the day after the assassination attempt that had happened and Serafall had barged into his room bright and early. Well what Percy believed to be bright and early if his mental clock was anything to go by.

Serafall smiled brightly at him, the shine of her teeth was bright enough to illuminate the planet. "I have decided! Since you are a brand new queen then why not meet the other strongest queen in existence! That way you can learn how to be a proper queen!" In any scenario it would have made sense but the way Serafall spoke with her playful attitude only made Percy gain a shiver that traveled up his spine.

"Serafall. What does meeting this queen actually entail?"

Serfall blinked at him. "I don't know yet? I'll decide when we get there!"

"That's what I was afraid of."

Serafall tapped her cheek in a playful manner as she stared up at her queen. "Is something wrong Percy? Just know that I! Magical girl Leviathan! Will always be by your side to protect you every step of the way!" She announced. Taking her wand and pointing it up to the sky.

Percy just nodded. "As you say Serafall."

Percy could honestly say he had never seen anyone light up so much by a simple four words as Serafall had. All he could do was nod and pray that the conversation would move on. There was something odd about the way that he and Serafall acted. While only knowing her for a minimal amount of time, there was something of a relief of being able to so casually get to know her. Perhaps it was her cheerful nature that made him open up so quickly. Well quickly so far.

"Well now that you are wide awake! Why don't we take a walk through the city you'll be calling your new home! There are so much yummy goodies in the city! They even have chocolate!" Serafall lurched up from her spot against the wall and went up to Percy, grabbing his hand and yanking him forward. Not giving him any choice but to follow her.

"Serafall, why are you dragging me? I can walk on my own you know." Percy told her as he struggled to keep up, hoping desperately that he wouldn't be dragged like a rag doll anymore.

Serafall just let out an amused smirk. "I'll stop dragging you if you can do the one thing that I have asked you to do." There was a fanged smile that Serafall was evident on her face. Her teasing nature was still there but Percy felt something… different, more serious about her. The sight sent a slight tingle down the spine of Percy's back. It was a smile that reminded Percy of a predator, a smile that Percy had grown accustomed to after seeing monsters stare back at him. Unlike the monsters, something told Percy that Serafall could hold her own against him quite well.

"Very well Sera. Will you please stop dragging me?" Like a charm, she halted and the grip she had on him loosened completely. A red handgrip was etched onto his skin, almost as if she marked herself publicly onto him.

"Good boy." Without another word, she set off in the direction they had been walking in. This left Percy no choice but to follow her. Every step Serafall took down the stairs and towards the front door of the mansion seemed to be a skip or hop. It was as if she was attuned with her own private melody as she walked.

By the time they reached down stairs, each maid and butler paused in their activities and duties to stop and stare and both Serafall and Percy. Though if Percy had to guess they stared more at Serafall's dancing then him.

At the front a maid bowed down to Serafall. "My lady, do you need a ride?"

Serafall waved her off with a grin on her face. "There will be no need! I will be showing Percy around town for a bit then we're heading over to Sirzechy's place! We're gonna have so much fun! Take care Liliana!" Serafall bid farewell and slammed the door open. "It's gonna be a good day today."

Percy paused for a moment and looked at his 'king' for just a moment. Something seemed off about her. While their was the joyous factor of happiness that seemed to be overloading, she was hiding something at the same time. Once the door clicked closed behind them, Percy froze in his tracks. "Serafall? What's wrong?"

"Ah, Ah, Ah! What did I say about calling me Serafall?" She turned around in her tracks with a smile and begun to walked backwards slowly. It was a pitiful attempt to change the subject Percy noticed.

"Sera." Percy nodded as he spoke. Eyes still on Serafall but wanting to make sure he agreed with the magical girl. "Can you please tell me what is wrong?"

"Wrong? Why would something be wrong Percy?" Nothing seemed different as she froze in her tracks. The bright smile was there, the playful nature evident as it had been the past few days but she seemed guarded, alert.

"You're lying to me Serafall. Or at least denying that something is wrong. I don't know how to explain how I know this Serafall but you are hiding something." Every word that Percy spoke only made his confidence grow more and more.

Percy knew he won when Serafall's shoulders slumped slightly- or at least he thought. "Well I suppose something might be wrong but who knows? Oh look a bird!" Serafall exclaimed excitedly and bounded off into the forest.

Utter shock filled him for a moment. Shaking his head, he began to run after her. Running through bushes and trees, the only knowledge he had of falling her was hit gut.

Laughter filled the trees as she ran and he chased. "Catch me if you can Percy!" Wild yet happy laughter sounded out as she bounded through the thickness of the forest. The gaps in the plants became smaller and smaller. No more could he see the sky that was above himself.

Percy didn't know how long he had been running. Seconds? Minutes? Hours? By the time he had lost track of her sweat began to drip down his forehead and his back. Percy could honestly say it was one of the longest chases he had ever done.

"Serafall?" He breathed out afterwards as he had to catch his breath. The only noise that he could hear within the forest was that of crickets chirping. He had no idea what was in this forest that was in the underworld. "Serafall where did you go?"

"Boo!" Serafall said from his left. Turning to his left Percy took a step back and almost fell over if it wasn't for Serafall catching him.

It was the same position they had been in only two days before. He was on the bottom staring up at the mischievous devil. A flicker of amusement was in her eyes and yet the smile was filled with happiness. "Did I scare you?"

Her words shook him from his thoughts. A frown appeared on his features. "Lady Serafa- Sera, please don't do that." His words quickly changed at seeing the look upon her face.

For a moment he stared into Serafall and got a really good idea of how she looked like. While there definitely was some of that playful features in her face it was clear that despite all odds she was a good looking girl. The violet eyes that he often stared into had something odd about it the closer he looked. While she was playful and happy on the outside it almost seemed as if she was fearful or scared? "Sera what's wrong?"

The look of fear in her eyes disappeared at once in a blink of an eye. Tilting her head to the side in a cutesy manor she asked him, "What do you mean Percy?"

"...Nothing Sera, nothing."

"Percy! You can't do that to me!" Serafall began to shake him playfully. In the middle of the forest. Where anything could happen and was actually quite dangerous to be at.

"Serafall don't we have a town for you to show me?"

"What if I want to hold you like this for slightly longer Percy?" The forwardness in her voice caught Percy off guard and he blinked multiple times to process what she meant.

Eventually a light hue appeared on his cheeks."Serafall I insist that we go and move to town." Percy tried picking himself up from the spot that they were in but found himself unable to move. Surprisingly the strength that Serafall was higher then he anticipated and the harder he tried to move the harder she kept him in place. "Serafall?"

"Yes?" Amusement was in her eyes and it was clear she didn't plan moving any time soon.

"Well we still have a lot to do today. You wanted me to meet another queen it sounded like and you also want to go into town."

"That is correct." By now the she wasn't able to hide her amusement and a grin was threatening to split her face in two.

"Well," Percy began. Trying to find a just enough cause to deal with Serfall was harder the more he thought of it. "We can't go do the two things you wanted to do if we just stay like this. Correct?"

"I guess I could see that. But now I want to watch you."

Only Serafall can say that without sounding like an extreme creep. "Well, you can watch me as we go get that favorite chocolate of yours you were talking about?"

"I suppose."

Percy calmly closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Will you please let go of me?"


Seeing as negotiations didn't work. Percy began to try and worm his way out of her hold. Yet all progression that seemed to be made ended up being a futile attempt as her grip tightened on him. "Serafall." Percy asked in a firmer tone. "Will you pretty please let go of me."

"I'll pass."

Taking a deep breath. He asked the question that seemed inevitable. "What do you want?"

"Why Percy. Why would you think I would want anything?" There it was once again. The amusement that flickered in her eyes with another emotion that Percy couldn't place his finger on.

Percy looked at the forest around them. The soft wind seemed to shift the trees from side to side. "Reasons. Now will you please let me go?"

Serafall watched him for one more second and Percy felt a slight tinge of fear that she wouldn't be letting him go anytime soon. Surprisingly though she slowly allowed him up. Unsurprisingly she refused to let go of his hand. "Serafall?"

She blinked innocently at him with a playful smirk, the smirk that seemed to be plastered on her face through the day. "Yes Percy?"


Sorry for not updating my stories. I lost the will to write and its been a struggle as of late. Kinda hit me out of the blue but I'll be trying my best to be writing once again. Once again my apologies.

Pm me if you have any questions! I love to talk to all of you and learn what you have to say about my stories! Have a great day~