"Perce." Grover muttered unable to do anything about the situation in front of him. Ever since Annabeth's death by Gaia weeks ago he had been like this. They both had lost so many friends during their time in the war but the last straw for his best friend had been Annabeth's death. Even when they were so close to finishing the war.
Her death had caused unknown problems for Percy. Though if it was her death alone Grover did not know. While he wasn't nearly as close to the demigods as Percy, the satyr tried his best to make sure to talk to all of the demigods equally and treat them with respect. They received little respect in general and Grover did his best to acknowledge them all.
While Grover gave respect to everyone it was Percy he held the most respect for. He was considered to be the king of al demigods now, it was a title he had received unwillingly after he slayed Gaia in his anger. Grover had been there standing what seemed like only meters from his friend when he slew down Gaia.
Percy's fit of range gave birth to something knew within Percy though. While Percy had been able to control water with ease within the pass something new was shown the day he slew Gaia.
He had pulled Ice from practically nothing. There was almost nothing within the barren wasteland, but Grover saw with his own eyes as his best friend created Ice and pummeled the Primordial to death with it. He created an avalanche of snow and practically dumped it on Gaia, making her unable to breathe. Plus, the pure weight and pressure of all the snow… Grover had to repress a shudder.
Percy looked up. The once wild and untannable sea green eyes were now made of nothing. They were an empty shell of what they once were. "Yes Grover?"
He couldn't do it, for the life of him he was unable to look into his best friend's eyes and tell him to move on. His eyes were nothing but the void, "Nothing Perce." Grover murmured looking to the side.
Percy smiled at his best friend Grover, while he knew the old goat meant the best and was trying to be there for him, Percy knew that Grover was uncomfortable being in his presence. "Go home Grover, I'll finish cleaning up here yeah?" Percy watched his friend nod solemnly and head off, no further words spoken between the two.
Cleaning the rest kitchen only took a few short minutes. While normally a cabin would be assigned to clean the kitchen after dinner, Percy volunteered to clean it, letting the grateful Apollo cabin have a break. The cabin was still feeling the after affects from healing everyone after the battle just three weeks ago. Half of them still couldn't move at all.
"Percy." Percy stiffened, he knew the voice directly behind him and he had purposely been ignoring him since the day of Annabeth's death and for good reason. Would he be disappointed? He had failed to save what mattered most in the end. "Percy look at me."
His hands began to shake, the plate in his hand that he had been cleaning fell from his grasp and shattered on the floor. He couldn't stop it, he didn't want to see the disappointment on the man's face after everything that had happened.
Instead of turning around, his dad walked around the island that was in the middle of the kitchen and looked at Percy. Percy was unable to turn away as his father brought both of his hands together and slapped Percy's, abruptly ending the shaking.
It didn't do much, but it calmed him down just slightly, "Thanks." Percy murmured, looking at the floor instead of his dad.
"Percy, look at me." Percy felt his father's rough hands grab his chin and lift it up to look at his father, Poseidon. The man's eyes looked worried and scared. "You have had me nervous lately, your mother is worried as well.
Percy couldn't help the wince that appeared. Just after the war he had gone to see his mother and the original plan was that he would stay at his moms to recuperate, it didn't go as planned. "Sorry."
Poseidon leaned back and gently took his hands away from his son's chin now that Percy could actually look at him in the eye. "I worry about you." Poseidon repeated. "You don't speak to any of your friends after her death."
"It wasn't just her." Percy murmured, biting his lip and turning away.
Poseidon frowned, this wasn't the way he wanted the conversation to go. It always hurt when a father would see his son broken and the pieces unable to be put back together. It may be his entire life before the pieces would end up being put back together. "I know son. The casualty in war is always high and everyone suffered, just like you." Poseidon felt his voice dry as he set a hand on his shoulder in a comforting gesture.
"I know."
The frown remained there as he took his hand back. "I came here to tell you something son, and I was hoping you would accept."
It was faint, but it gave Poseidon hope as the dead filled eyes had a small figment of curiosity in them. It wasn't often after all that a god visited their children, even if Zeus had lifted the bands on parents visiting their children just this past week. A law that was only passed to his son Percy.
Poseidon opened his mouth once more but this time he hesitated. The situation was fragile and one wrong step could end badly for Poseidon. "Percy." Poseidon got on one knee to look up into his son. "There have only been three users of ice in history, that is something you must know before I start."
Percy looked at his dad in a glancing manor. "I am sure there are plenty of god's and goddesses that control ice."
Poseidon shook his head, "What they control is what nothing but a fraction. People that are gifted the ability to control ice are nowhere near the level that people who learn the ability."
"But I didn't learn it." Percy's eyes were nothing short of an abyss and his face remained impassive. He was just telling the truth here and arguing his point. "Since Annabeth's death it just comes naturally, I can't explain it. Dad I can't even control water anymore." His hands were frozen in place and tears wanted to begin streaming down his eyes. "I can't even touch water anymore without it becoming ice. Moving water is the only thing that isn't effected, I'm lucky enough I can take a shower at this point."
"I know son." Poseidon grabbed Percy and pulled him into a hug. While Percy had not cried he was on the verge of crying and yet nothing came out which surprised Poseidon, was this another effect of the ice?
Once Percy had calmed down from hyperventilating, he took a step back, "Thank you."
"Anything for you." He told his son, and he meant it. Zeus be damned he would be by his son in any time of need.
Percy nodded but didn't comment. Poseidon continued on, wanting his son to know the news. "Out of the two ice user's that are not including you, one lives." Poseidon held up two fingers in front of Percy. "The one that is dead gained it through pain and suffering that her village made her endure before she destroyed that village and went on to be one of the most dangerous people in history. She even learned enough of ice to freeze time itself."
Before he could give his son a chance to comment he quickly dropped a finger and continued, "The next is someone currently alive and well." Poseidon's throat dried up once more. How was he supposed to tell his son that the other living girl was a magical girl that cosplayed?
Percy was waiting for his father to respond and when nothing came, he asked, "Dad? Is something wrong."
"You'll see." Poseidon mentioned off handily. Shaking his head slightly he continued for his son, "I want you to meet the other ice user. I believe that she will be able to help you, my son." The eyes filled with nothing, but the void was slightly hesitant, but he then nodded. "Hold onto my hand."
Slowly Percy grabbed onto his father and closed his eyes, he could feel the source of the light and in a flash, they had teleported. "Open your eyes son."
Percy opened his eyes and slight shock filled his face, the once blue sky was turned a dark purple. The cold that he had felt within Camp Half Blood was now filled with a strange warmer temperature.
The most surprising of all was the mansion he was standing in front of. It was bigger then anything he had ever seen. The mansion had beautiful vines that rose up to the roof of the building with a water fountain right out front. It was obvious that whoever this was, was rich.
"Come along Percy." Poseidon gestured him forward to the front door and Percy quietly followed to the front door. There was a big arch way that was in front of the door before you entered with big steps leading to the front door. It was very show off Percy thought.
Poseidon walked up to the front door and gently knocked once. It was quiet, and Percy was barely able to hear it but apparently it worked as a maid came to the front door and opened it. "May I help you?" The made voice was quiet yet stern.
Percy watched his father just smile kindly, "Ah yes. I was curious if Lady Sitri was in at the moment? There was something I needed her help with."
"Name." The stern voice was there, and she watched his father with a critical eye.
"Poseidon, God of the sea etcetera." Poseidon waved his hand; his father had never been one to care about formalities.
"Poseidon!" A voice called from behind the door. The maid was slightly shocked as she was shoved to the side. Out appeared a rather small girl with two black ponytails. Her violet eyes were rather playful. The strangest part about all of this is that she wore a magical girl costume. "How is my favorite Greek god doing!"
"Lady Leviathan! It is most improper that-" The girl waved her off, not at all carrying about the maid.
"Come in! Come in! and whose-" She froze as she stared at Percy. Bright violet eyes met quiet sea green ones. "Oh no." She ran up to the boy and began hugging him tightly. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." The girl began sobbing, burying her face into his neck.
Percy was unsure what to do in this situation. The girl wouldn't let go of him and his father mouthed a slight apology. Gently Percy tapped the back of the girl's shoulders and eventually she let go of him. While there were no tear stains Percy could still tell she was crying. "Don't be sorry, none of it is your fault." Percy nodded and gave her a slight smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.
The girl still held onto his shoulders. It had been so long since she had seen someone so broken. Someone just like her. "Ma'am?"
Shaken from her stupor, she looked at Percy. An instant smile appeared on her face as she grabbed his hand. "Come on! I'll show you to my mom. Come along to Poseidon." At once the girl bounded off with Percy in tow. Percy struggling to not be dragged on his way.
While the outside of the mansion had been rather beautiful in an exotic way. Percy couldn't help but note how dark it was in the mansion. In fact, he could barely see with the dim lights throughout the manor. If it wasn't for the girl dragging him throughout the halls then Percy doubted he would have found his way through the room.
After a while the hand let go and Percy couldn't see at all. "Ah Lord Poseidon. It's an honor to have you here. What can I do for you today?" A voice said from far to his left. Percy turned to stare at the voice but found himself not knowing where the voice came from.
"It is a pleasure Lady Sitri. I was hoping you could help me and my son with something." His fathers voice came from right behind him and Percy looked back at what he assumed was his father.
"Dad?" He asked hesitantly. Normally he wouldn't interrupt the conversation due to the two people who were much higher status then him.
He could feel his fathers frown as he spoke, "What's wrong Percy?"
"I can't see." Percy admitted.
There were a couple moments of silence throughout the room until Percy heard a loud smack. "Ah I forgot. Sorry Percy, but mortals aren't supposed to be in the underworld and slowly lose their sight, my apologies." With a snap of Poseidon's fingers Percy could see once more and found himself rather close with the girl that held his hand throughout the halls.
Another woman was within the room now, she looked like an older version of the girl next to him who looked to be much more mature. She had glasses on her face with a rather stern look to her. "Hello young demigod. I am Lady Sitri." She nodded at him.
The girl next to Percy jumped up, "Oh me!" Bringing out a wand from seemingly nowhere, she rose it to the sky. "I am magical girl Leviathan! I am the defeater of all evil and evil bows to me! I am Serafall Leviathan!" The girl spun in a circle and curtseyed. "But you can call me Sera."
Percy blinked at the girl that was in front of him, while he had seen some weird people in his life this one hit the top. "I'm Percy, it's a pleasure to meet you." Percy dipped his head down in acknowledgment.
The woman stared at Percy for a moment and Percy stared back impassively. He was used of beings of higher power having an interest in him but her's seemed to be different. Pulling out a cup she set it down on the table in front of Percy. "Come sit down all of you." She lowered her hand down towards the seats. As everyone began to sit down she then brought out three more cups but didn't bother to fill them with anything.
Lady Sitri never took her eyes off Percy. Normally by now people would have turned away but she didn't take her eyes off of him. "Perseus." Lady Sitri pointed at the drinks. "May I ask a favor?"
Alarms went off in Percy's head, but he went against his gut and nodded at the lady. Lady Sitri smiled at him, "Can you please fill these up with water? I have heard legends over your mastery in water and I find myself curious."
Percy froze, and his hands begun to shake. He could see his father frown at the prospect but decided not to say anything on it.
It was simple, he had done it so many times before in the past, creating water out of air using the water vapor. He could feel the water particles in the air around them at the moment. He could feel everyone's eyes on them within the room. Closing his eyes, Percy took a deep breath and felt the familiar tugging in his gut.
Opening his eyes, his eyes went down casted as he saw the glasses. There was a perfect amount in the glasses. The water looked pure, crystalized even and yet it wasn't water. It was ice. "My apologies Ma'am." Percy dipped his head, barely able to speak as he saw another part of his failure.
Lady Sitri held up her hand. "It is no worry. I just wished to see for myself." While her voice was calm there was an edge of worry in her voice, but Percy took note of the impassiveness on her face.
On the other hand, Serafall stared at him in shock. "There is someone like me." She murmured and then repeated it. "There is someone like me."
Percy looked at her carefully, Serafall was obviously lost in her own world as she talked to herself and Percy was unsure what to do. Lady Sitri looked over to Poseidon, "I see. You came for guidance and help."
Poseidon nodded to her. "He's lost himself." Poseidon gestured to Percy and shot his son an apologetic look. Percy nodded, understanding the situation.
"I can't help him, perhaps I can help you since we are both parents." Lady Sitri admitted to Poseidon. "He however will need to find his own path and that's even if he lives long enough. Demigod's almost never get past thirty years old unless they are in New Rome." Lady Sitri took her glasses off, looking slightly frustrated. "I'm sorry."
Percy didn't know what to say. She was right in a way, demigods never grew into adulthood and if they did they died quite soon. It wasn't by any means her fault it was just the way of life for demigods. Percy looked to his father, but the man had a sullen face.
Serafall looked stricken. "No, I refuse." The dressed-up cosplayer had a look of defiance on her face.
Lady Sitri on the other hand was hesitant when speaking to her daughter, "Serafall, it is not something that demigods can go against. In the end they all die sooner then later. That happens when you are a mortal." Lady Sitri explained to her daughter.
The daughters head etched her way towards her mother with a defiant look upon her face. "I refuse." Percy watched as Serafall put her hand in a void like area and pulled out a chess piece. A Queen to be exact.
Her mother gasped out loud and Percy's father furrowed his brows. Poseidon sat back in his chair and was quiet for a moment, his eyes off in another land. "Serafall. While I am not happy with this I do believe it would be for the best. However, you would need to know if we ever went to battle…" His father trailed off, clearly unhappy with the scenario. While Percy knew his father would never start a war with anyone on purpose war was still war.
Percy was confused but decided not to say anything, the purple queen chest piece seemed slightly deformed and while he could tell it was a chest piece something was off with the item. It obviously wasn't just a normal chest piece. "Dad, what am I missing?"
Poseidon stared at Percy for a moment. Son could see Father and his eyes were filled with nothing but guilt and remorse. "It is your decision, but just know I believe it would be best for you." He nodded, no other emotion on his father's face.
Serafall stared at Percy now and Percy stared back. Her eyes were so filled of wonder, excitement and most of all caring. There was an edge to them however, a hard look into her eyes that made it seem she would be getting what she wanted.
"Percy." Serafall said, holding her hand out and ice forming it. Percy wasn't exactly surprised and he had suspected it all this time when she kept muttering to herself earlier. "I have never seen anyone just like me. Would you please come with me?" She held out her hand to him and stood up above him. The cosplaying girl in a flash of light changed her outfit and how she looked in an instant. Gone was the magical girl and in her stead was a younger adult that had wisdom and happiness in her eyes.
Percy was hesitant but after seeing his father nod he gently and slowly reached for her hand. Once he grabbed it he could feel the softness of her hand and she lifted him up.
Holding up the queen piece she shoved it into him, hard.
Then that was all that he knew.