Vader found himself with his eyes closed taking a deep breath through his nostrils. He felt and knew it was an actual breath on his own with no help from his suit; in fact despite his eyes being closed he knew he wasn't wearing his suit.


He opened his eyes and looked down at himself. He could feel he was standing on his own two legs, the ones he was born with. His hands..he looked at them both. Both were his too, one was not mechanical. He reached and felt for his face and the top of his head. He no longer had scars from being burnt and he had hair again, including brows. He looked to be wearing Jedi clothing.

"I don't understand.."

He looked up at his surroundings. He was standing in a field full of flowers, a few feet from him there was a lake. He could hear the singing of birds. It all reminded him of his time he had spent with Padme on Naboo.

Where am I?

He took in another breath, but this time with his mouth. The air seemed to taste sweet to him. He took in another breath. It was as if he was drinking a glass of wonderfully refreshing cold water on a hot day with each breath.

He heard what sounded like a giggle from behind. Grabbing his saber and tuning it on the buzzing sound of his red saber was clearly heard as he swiftly turned around and took a defensive stance, ready to destroy.

"Boo!" A small voice said through a giggle just as he had turned.

He was greeted with the sight of a small little girl with long brown hair, her hands covering her mouth to keep from seemingly erupt with laughter. She looked no older than six.

His yellow eyes pierced and narrowed with hatred and annoyance at the little girl in the midst of his confusion. His nostrils flared. Her small brown ones stared up at his eyes happily and excitedly, seemingly unfazed my his fierce expression and cruel eyes.

Her eyes..they look..familiar?

"Found you, Daddy!"