Peter waited in one of the large anterooms with Happy and Pepper while his dad and the rest of the Avengers finished signing the Accords. Peter had offered to stay home alone for the day, but Tony had refused to even consider it. He hadn't wanted to let Peter out of his sight yet, so he'd dragged him along with them on the Quinjet. Truthfully, Peter hadn't minded. After everything with Ross, he'd been nervous at the thought of not having his dad nearby.

Peter leaned further onto his crutches, his injured right leg held up off the ground. He still wasn't able to walk on it, and holding it up while on crutches still hurt and drained him, but he'd been careful not to let anyone know. He didn't want to cause any more worry after he'd scared the crap out of all of them recently.

"You sure you don't want to sit down Peter?" Pepper asked from where she sat on one of the nearby couches, typing something on the laptop resting on her lap. Since this was such a monumental event, she'd tagged along in the interest of SI.

"No I'm all right." Peter said turning to flash her a smile before he went back to studying one of the old oil paintings on the wall in front of him.

"Sit down kid." Happy said. "Your dad will have my head for letting you stay on your feet this long."

"I'm fine Happy." Peter said. He knew the man was just as worried about him as the rest of the Avengers. He'd overheard a conversation between Tony and Rhodey earlier when they thought he'd been asleep. Tony had mentioned something about Happy feeling guilty for Peter getting kidnapped under his watch, and then he'd said something else about Happy actually having emotions because he'd teared up when he'd been told Peter had died for six minutes. So even though his dad's head of security tried to act all tough and annoyed by him, Peter knew he actually had quite the soft spot for him.

"Sit down." Happy ordered. "I'm not going to tell you again."

Peter rolled his eyes, still facing the painting.

"I saw that." Happy added.

"No you didn't." Peter said as he turned around to eye him skeptically.

"Yes I did." Happy said then pointed his index and middle finger at his own eyes before turning them toward Peter. "I see and know everything you do pal. It's why your dad hired me to watch you."

Peter quirked an eyebrow up at him in disbelief, although he couldn't really argue about that last part. He knew Tony had made Happy tag along to DC for the express purpose of guarding Peter, which seemed ridiculous since he was still Spiderman even though he was a little hurt. He could still totally defend himself if he needed to. He didn't need his own personal bodyguard. It seemed excessive.

"Boys. Play nice." Pepper muttered from the couch as she stared distractedly at the computer screen.

"I am playing nice." Happy said. "It's the kid. I swear he's trying to kill me."

"No I'm not." Peter denied.

"Then sit down." Happy said in challenge.

"But I'm fine." Peter protested even as his leg throbbed at the lie.

"You've been standing up for over half an hour." Happy argued. "That's too long. Tony said no longer than fifteen minutes. So sit your butt down."

"Seriously? He told you that?" Peter asked, face twisting in irritation. God his dad could get so overprotective when he was hurt.

"Yes and since I'm in charge of you, you're supposed to listen to me." Happy complained. "So sit. Don't make me say it again."

"Fine." Peter sighed heavily but acquiesced. He didn't want to give Happy a stroke.

He pivoted carefully on the crutches and headed toward Pepper's couch to sit next to her.

"No not there. Over here kid." Happy said and indicated the other empty couch in the room that he was standing by. "You need to get your leg up."

Peter rolled his eyes again but listened and started in the direction of the other couch.

"I saw that." Happy deadpanned.


"I swear every day you turn more and more into Tony." Happy griped, the complaint a familiar one.

"Thanks." Peter smirked.

Pepper let out a little laugh from the other couch.

"That wasn't a compliment." Happy muttered.

Peter finally made it to the couch and lowered himself down carefully.

For how annoyed he'd acted with him, Happy sure was quick to help him. The man grabbed his crutches and got them out of the way and then knelt down to help Peter turn sideways and put his legs up lengthwise on the couch in a way that wouldn't hurt his injured leg too much.

But no matter how gentle the man tried to be, moving it still hurt. Peter grit his teeth and let out a nearly inaudible grunt as his leg was set down on the couch.

"You ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine." Peter reassured, feeling kind of bad for making Happy worry. "Sorry."

"You want me to go get you some pillows to prop it up on?" Happy asked. He'd seen Peter in that position on the couch at home countless times this week.

"No that's all right, Happy. Thanks though." Peter shook his head with a grateful smile.

"I'm going to go grab some pillows." Happy decided anyway then pointed a finger down at him. "Don't move."

"I won't." Peter agreed. He couldn't even if he wanted to. Happy had placed his crutches against the wall too far out of his reach to grab. Probably on purpose. And it wasn't like he had his web shooters on to web them over to him. Tony still had them along with his suit.

He watched Happy walk out one of the doors and then return less than a minute later with three throw pillows. Peter had to admit he was impressed. Where had the man even found throw pillows, and so quickly? Sometimes Peter forgot there was a reason Happy was one of Tony's longest standing personal employees. It should be no surprise he could easily make seemingly impossible things happen. He wondered if that was a prerequisite for working for his dad. Pepper seemed to have the same magical power.

Happy gently settled two pillows under his leg and then propped the third one behind his back.

"Comfortable?" He asked Peter seriously, no hint of sarcasm.

"Yeah." Peter nodded appreciatively. "Thanks."

"Just take it easy." Happy directed. "You don't want to set your recovery back."

"I know Happy." Peter said in an exasperated tone. He'd heard the same thing said in countless ways from everyone the past couple days.

Happy pulled a big arm chair over from another corner of the room and placed it so he was half facing Peter and half facing the door that led outside. Peter recognized it as a better position to guard him and keep him safe. Happy sure took his job seriously. As he sat down, Peter saw a flash of the gun on his belt. He wondered how the man had gotten that through all the security. Probably with some other employee of Tony Stark magic.

Happy caught him eyeing the piece before Peter could look away and he sighed and looked at Peter, expression serious.

"Listen kid." He started and then cleared his throat awkwardly. "I know we don't really talk about it, but I just want you to know that I-I care about you. And not just because you're Tony's kid. I mean that's part of the reason, but you're-you're a good kid."

"Thanks Happy." Peter said. He could feel his cheeks heating at the uncharacteristic display of emotion. "I um...I care about you too."

"And I want you to know I would've put a bullet in that piece of shit's skull if your dad hadn't gotten to him first." Happy said with unbridled anger.

Peter blinked in shock at the bluntness.

"Happy!" Pepper yelled, sounding horrified from the other side of the room.

"What?" Happy turned toward her, genuinely confused by the chastisement.

Pepper shook her head and put her computer down on the couch so she could walk over to them.

"You can't say that to him." She explained.

"Why not?" Happy frowned.

"He's a kid!"

"So? He still deserves to know."

Pepper sat down on the edge of the couch so she was facing Peter.

"Honey." She said and reached a hand out to flick a strand of hair off his forehead. "Happy didn't mean that."

"Yes I did." Happy argued.

Pepper shot him a death glare and the man held his hands up in fake defeat.

"He doesn't need to know the details. Do you want him to be afraid of you? Or Tony?" Pepper accused and Happy looked a little chagrined at that.

"I'm not afraid of Happy. Or dad. I never could be." Peter argued this time. It was true.

"I know kid." Happy said and patted his shoulder, but Pepper still didn't look happy.

"Um is that how…my dad…is that how he killed him?" He asked. He couldn't seem to get the vision of Ross's brains blown away out of his mind.

Pepper held her hands out as if to say, 'See? Now look what you did.'

Happy cleared his throat and fidgeted. "I'm not sure."

"You're lying." Peter frowned. "You do know. You both probably know. Why can't you just tell me? I'm not a baby."

"Because Pepper's right." Happy said as he glanced at her and then turned back to Peter. "You don't need to know the gory details. And it's not our decision. If you want to know, you'll have to ask your dad."

"He won't tell me." Peter complained. Even though he hadn't outright asked Tony, he knew even if he did, there was no way the man would tell him all the gruesome specifics.

But maybe Nat would. The details were kind of blurry because apparently he'd been dying at the time, but he had a vague recollection of Nat staying behind with his dad when Clint and Steve had left with him. Although, even if Nat would tell him, he wasn't completely sure he really wanted to know. It was hard to imagine his dad killing someone. Even if that someone was Ross.

"That's probably for the best honey." Pepper soothed, patting the knee of his good leg.

"Yeah. I guess." Peter sighed. He decided not to prod for any more information. "How much longer do you think they're going to be?"

"Why? You bored with us already?" Happy joked.

"Probably not too much longer." Pepper answered and then stood and walked back over to the other couch to grab her bag. She pulled out a deck of cards and came back.

"How about we play a game to pass the time?" She offered.

Peter smiled. He loved Pepper.

"What kind of game?" Happy asked suspiciously. "There's only three of us."

"How about Go Fish?" Pepper suggested.

"What are we, five? I'm not playing Go Fish." Happy wrinkled his nose. "But I'll play Bullshit. You know that one right kid?"

"Yeah. Duh. Everyone knows that game." Peter answered. It wasn't exactly an intellectual game, but it was fun enough, and it was something to do besides sitting and staring at the walls.

They both turned expectant eyes toward Pepper.

"Oh fine." She agreed and then started to deal. "But no swearing in front of the innocent ears."

"His ears aren't that innocent." Happy muttered.

"We say BS instead. Agreed?" Pepper continued, ignoring Happy.

Peter and Happy nodded.

Yeah that lasted all of two minutes before Happy slipped and then Pepper slipped and then everyone was saying bullshit.

"Two sevens." Happy said as he placed two cards down on the pile face down.

"Bullshit!" Peter yelled. He knew Happy was bluffing since he had three sevens in his own hand.

"Dammit!" Happy swore and picked up the large pile.

"Whoa. Language." Tony's voice suddenly appeared. "What are you two teaching my kid?"

They turned and watched as Tony and the rest of the Avengers streamed in through the door that lead into the Senate room.

"Oh please you know he's no angel." Happy said as Tony walked over toward them.

"Happy taught me how to play Bullshit." Peter said earnestly as his dad stopped to stand by his couch. "I've been corrupted."

"You little gremlin." Happy grumbled. "Don't listen to him boss. He already knew how to play."

Peter grinned widely and unapologetically up at his dad. "Who are you going to believe? Me or Happy?"

Even Pepper laughed at that.

"Happy." Tony answered instantly.

Peter fake gasped. "You didn't even think about it."

"Oh please kid. He knows you." Happy said.

Peter let out a put upon sigh.

"How'd the signing go?" Pepper asked as she gathered the cards and stood.

"Fine." Tony shrugged. "Everything's all set. Just like we agreed. No last minute changes. We signed everything we needed to and now they're going to feed us up and then we can get out of here."

Right as Tony said it, some government aids wheeled carts full of food into the room. The Avengers made a beeline to the offerings. Peter's mouth started to water at the delicious smells. He hadn't eaten in a few hours and that was another thing his spider healing demanded. More food. More sleep and more food. He hated getting hurt. It was like he turned into a toddler.

"You hungry kid?" Happy asked him, catching his coveting gaze.

Peter nodded.

"I'll get you a plate." Happy offered. "Sit tight."

"No. I got it Happy." His dad said, waving him off. "Don't worry about it."

"You sure?"

"Yeah." Tony said. "I'll be right back. Watch the kid."

"You got it boss." Happy said and slouched further into his armchair.

Pepper followed Tony, and Peter watched as she helped his dad load up two plates with food. As he walked back with a plate in each hand, Pepper stayed and filled another two plates with food as well.

Tony sat down on the edge of the couch and handed him the plate with almost twice the amount of food on it.

"Thanks." Peter said as he grabbed it and started to dig in. The catering selection was smart. Since there weren't any tables in the room, all the food could be eaten without silverware. Peter took a mini quiche and shoved it in his mouth.

"This is good." He said appreciatively as he chewed.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." Tony reminded lightly as he picked up a grape from his own plate and popped it in his mouth.

Peter gave him an incredulous look and went back to inhaling the food in front of him. He was starving.

Pepper came over a minute later and handed a plate to Happy while she kept the other one for herself.

"Thanks Pepper." Happy said as he took it.

Happy and Tony both offered their seats to her but she elected to stand and eat.

Rhodey came over a couple minutes later and posted up next to Happy as they all ate and talked about various things. Peter didn't really contribute much. He just took it all in.

Some of the other Avengers stopped by to chitchat briefly but none of them stayed for too long. Steve and Bruce stayed the longest, but even they eventually went back to mingle with everyone else in the room. Peter wondered if it was because Tony was surrounded by his oldest friends and they were giving him time with them. Peter couldn't even remember a time he'd ever been with his just his dad, Pepper, Happy, and Rhodey. Sure, he'd been around different combinations of them at different times, but never all of them at once and never only them. It was interesting.

Rhodey jazzed his dad about things that had happened in the past. That was nothing new. But then Happy or Pepper would chime in and it made it all that much better. But all the teasing was lighthearted and Peter could tell they all really loved his dad.

"I see how it is." Tony complained after one particular story, but the crinkles at the corner of his eyes gave away the fact that he was actually enjoying it. "You're all ganging up on me."

"Just stating the facts Tones." Rhodey said.

"What you call facts, I call lies." Tony argued from where he still sat on the couch at Peter's hip.

"Facts." Rhodey reiterated.

"Don't listen to him kiddo. They're definitely lies." Tony told Peter as he gave his good leg a gentle squeeze.

Pepper chuckled as she typed something on her phone.

The whole interaction was nice. It was warm. Comfortable. Safe.

Peter smiled.

It was a familiar sensation.

It was family.

"And we have a photograph we're going to show you viewers. Something that's sure to get everyone talking." The TV anchor said dramatically. "It was taken last week at the Accords amendments signing by a government aid in the room the Avengers went to after the signing."

A somewhat grainy photo popped up on the screen.

"As you can see, the quality of the photo isn't great, but you can definitely see Tony Stark sitting on the couch in the background surrounded by some of his closest friends. In case you don't know who they are, we'll identify them for you. Pepper Potts the CEO of Stark Industries is standing right behind him. You can see the head of Stark's security, the man who used to be Stark's personal bodyguard before he became Ironman, who goes by the name Happy Hogan, sitting in the armchair across from Stark. Colonel James Rhodes, also known as War Machine or Iron Patriot depending on your preference, who is Tony Stark's longest standing friend, is standing next to Hogan. But the big question here, the question everyone's going to be asking, is who is this kid sitting on the couch with Tony Stark?"

The screen zoomed in to show the blurry profile of a teenage boy with brown hair, looking at Tony with a smile on his face as Tony said something to Rhodes.

"Who is this kid that he gets admittance to the room housing the Avengers after the signing? And not only that, but he's also clearly gained acceptance into Tony's Stark's closest inner circle. And is sitting next to Tony Stark himself?"

"And you can see the way Stark's facing him in the image even as he talks to Colonel Rhodes." The co-anchor commented. "We actually had one of our body language experts analyze the photo and according to her, since Stark's shoulders along with his hips are angled toward this boy, it's an indicator that to Stark, this boy is the most important person in the room. The one most deserving of his attention. In a group of his closest friends. It sure makes you wonder…"

"It really does John." The original anchor commented again.

"So the big question on our minds and soon to be on everyone else's is…who is this kid?"

A/N: I can't believe this story's over, but as you can see I'm planning on writing more in this series, so it's not really the end. I'm just having too much fun to be done yet. I have the next story completely outlined but I haven't started writing it yet so it'll probably be awhile before I start posting. Thank you all for patiently bearing with me as it took me over a year to finish this story and for all your support and amazing feedback! Also, it probably goes without saying but please don't post any Endgame spoilers or hints in the comments out of respect for people who haven't seen it (sadly, I'm not seeing it until Saturday).