"The conflict with the Sicilian oil has been solved and the complaints of the population have diminished after the imposed measures. Even so, in Greece they continue complaining about taxes saying that giving us thirty percent of the crops is too much" announced the tall man with the parchment paper in his hand.

Killer sighed tiredly. He had spend the whole damn morning and part of the afternoon solving these kinds of problems, and surely, tomorrow, another mountain of agreements and treaties would be waiting for the stamp of his royal seal. It was one of the main problems of being in charge of an empire. It was too large a territory and there were problems in every damn corner of it, with dissatisfied people waiting for him, the new emperor of Rome, to solve them.

Now he understood why Kidd had been so tired those first weeks. If he, who had risen to power legitimately, was finding this difficult, Kidd who had had to start it all from should be dead. Now, he envied the redhead who had resigned a few weeks ago as emperor and had gone with Law to Persia. No one would survive in this position for more than two weeks unless he worshiped being emperor, he was already thinking of resigning too and he had only been in this office for two days since the assembly had chosen him.

"They're right," he announced at last, addressing the man in front of him hoping he could solve the problems. "Greece has just come out of a war, you can't expect them to pay the same as other territories"

-"So what do we do sir?" the man asked politely with the same bored face as he.

"Lower the taxes to a tenth percent. Seeing that we give in with this will also make them trust us and we can obtain what is missing from other more productive regions" he announced "but, when they recover, we will raise them again"

The man in front of him grinned, understanding his plan. Rome always got what it wanted, if it was not now it would be later, but it would get it.

"Something else?" Killer asked, looking bored and slightly desperate.

"No sir, that's all for today"

Killer jumped for joy inside his mind. Rising from the seat and feeling his muscles clenched after so long sitting in the throne he went to his quarters ready to rest for damn time. He had two free hours left before he had to get in a carriage and visit the aristocrats and merchants to make agreements and make official visits, but he swore that he was going to sleep till then.

However, his dreams of rest and relaxation were destroyed when he entered his room and found two men in full combat with swords on his bed.

Killer frowned, counted to a thousand, took a deep breath, and clenched his fists imagining that he was squeezing something else. It did not help. The two men kept jumping on his bed without realizing his presence.

"No, not like that, you are doing it wrong," one man said, stopping for a moment and approaching the other. "If you want to kill me, you have to hit like this, you see?" He explained, showing a fluid movement hugging his friend from behind.

"Like this?" The other asked innocently, not realizing the hand that rubbed his ass like the most normal thing in the world.

That was the straw that broke this patience, and Killer decided to interrupt this before it got out of hand and they ended up doing something they should not. And in his bed.

"Bepo, Sabo"he called "What the fuck are you doing?"

The two men looked at him in surprise and then smiled at him. The albino with that happy and pure smile, and the blond with that evilone who did not announce anything good, while still not separating from Bepo.

"I'm training him" Sabo finally said with that challenging look on his face.

"Yes, we are playing fights" the other exclaimed excitedly as he got off the bed and came to where Killer was showing him his new sword.

Killer just stared at him. Law had asked him to take care of this guy since according to him "Delphi is not a good environment for someone so innocent and who better than an Emperor to take care of him", then Kidd had insisted and in the end he had to stay with the boy. And what at first had seemed like a nightmare, it had quickly become too interesting. Bepo was simply too innocent, so much, that Killer had been unable to mess with him and take advantage of the situation.

The blond knew that part of that innocence was because the boy had spent practically his whole life locked in that temple, and did not know anything about the world, another reason why he had agreed to welcome him.

Killer's hands flew over his almost white hair and that snowy skin as he listened to the other's fresh laugh in his ears as if it were music. Bepo was his new obsession. An obsession that was costing his beloved hours of sleep.

However, the problem was not the boy, but the idiot who had come with them as an ambassador from Greece. Sabo, accompanied by Bartolomeo, had agreed to come to Rome to organize things a little between the two countries. They came and went from one place to another in what Killer supposed to be short and quick visits, but they were stretching and stretching for longer and longer. And Killer suspected that they had more and more to do with playing with his beloved and innocent albino instead of dealing with political issues.

Killer hated Sabo because he knew what the blond intended to do with Bepo, after all, it was the same thing he was intending. But unlike Killer, Sabo didn't have as many obligations to attend and could spend more time with the boy. For that, Killer hated him even more. The knowledge that Bepo would be with the other, that in those moments when he was writing his signature on a contract, he could be losing against his stupid rival, got him crazy.

Killer had never been a good loser. Grabbing the boy in front of him, he pulled him against his body in a possessive embrace. Bepo leaned back against his chest while a strong blush covered his pale cheeks.

"Bepo" Killer said without realizing anything to not seeing the other's face" I do not want you to talk to Sabo, do you understand?"

Sabo glared at Killer as he finally climbed down from his bed. "You have no power to order that," he growled annoyed. "Bepo, do not listen to him and come and let's continue ..."

A loud bang interrupted them. Bartolomeo, at the door, scanned the room with the face of someone who was going to kill someone. Finally his eyes fell on Sabo. A look of pure hatred creased his face as he entered the room with a firm step.

"Sir, we're going home. Now. "he announced, grabbing Sabo by the arm and pulling him out of the room.

"Why? We still have time" Sabo growled trying to resist his friend and get back to Bepo.

"No, you don't" Killer replied this time smiling evilly as the other had done a moment ago.

Sabo laughed sarcastically, and the look Bartolomeo gave his friend would have made people faint. Sabo froze, then he just smiled at Bartolomeo in response and let him drive him away.

Killer, even the boy still in his arms, smilled in victory, then he looked down at Bepo's adorable blush. Unable to contain himself, he gave a chaste kiss to his white hair. Bepo then raised his eyes and looked at him with confusion. Between his arm, flushed, with doubt in his eyes, and so fucking close that he could feel his breath against his chest.

Killer sighed as he released the boy using all his will power. He definitely needed sleep.


Law walked with quick and angry steps down the damn corridor with the wooden windows overlooking the impresionant garden full of trees and fountains. The servants who crossed him looked at him in terror, running away wisely from his path without telling him anything. Law thanked them, because today, he swore he would lash out at anyone.

Finally reaching the room he was looking for, he flung it open without even deigning to knock. He immediately wanted to hit Kidd to death and beyond.

The redhead was on one of those soft and fluffy Persian carpets of intense red. He was sitting on a pile of fluffy cushions embroidered with gold, and beside him was a table full of mint tea and those arabian pies that carried too much honey for Law's taste. Through the balcony window entered a pleasant summer breeze, giving the room a perfect temperature and filling it with the smell of the Bosphorus sea. The prototype of wealth.

Kidd read a book in the midst of all those pleasures with a bored face. The turban over his hair let loose more strands than it held, the shirt was too open, showing his deliciously muscled chest, and the pants were adjusted just to the curves to which he had to adjust.

Even so, Law was not tempted by that, nor by the fact that, when Kidd saw him enter the door, his gaze went from boring to one of the most absolute happiness. Law was angry with Kidd, and he wanted to stay in that state. Closing the door behind him as to not create a scene in the middle of the palace, he asked the damn question.

"Eustass Kidd, where are my clothes?"

Kidd's happy gaze turned to a playful and amused one while on his face stretched that damn smile that turned the dark brown pulse to an increased beat.

"You do not need them" replied the redhead, looking at him shamelessly from head to toe.

Law's skin bristled at that starving look, but, crossing his arms over his body, he continued the discussion.

Kidd, for his part, delighted with Law's now more tanned body who wore no more garment than one of those Arab pants that fit at the ankles and waist and that were thinner than transparent sheet of paper. They let him see his long legs and that delicious chest exposed without a shirt.

"Kidd" Law insisted again "What have you done with my clothes?!"

Kidd hid behind the book so that the other couldn't see the childish smile on his face. Definitely destroying the tan's clothes had been one of his brightest ideas.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said, this time with the voice of a good boy who had not broken anything in his life. "Why do you think it was me? Why would I want to take anything away from you? It could have been one of the servants, they are weird you know, Persian"

Law strode across the room with a frown. Then he bent down and took the book from Kidd's hands to throw it into a corner and then, with no patience left, he sat astride the hips of the redhead. Preventing him from doing anything other than paying attention to him.

Immediately Kidd's hands were on the skin of his stomach caressing him possessively, hugging him and bringing him closer without letting him escape. Law was tempted to roll his eyes.

"It was you Kidd," said Law. "You're the only one in this palace with the balls and idiocy enough to steal my clothes and hide them as if you were a small child."

This time, it was Kidd's turn to frown. With his wounded pride, he decided that this time, he was not telling him where the clothes were. Law glared at him, as silence stretched.

"Kidd, tell me. . Are"

Kidd grinned mischievously as he rose over his elbows to get closer to those tight lips of the other, full of anger.

"And if I don't?" He asked in that grave tone he knew Law couldn't resist. Law's lips trembled impatiently and his eyes flew to the lips of the redhead now so close to his own. Kidd's pride again bloomed in all its splendor as his hands caressed the tender skin of Law's back delicately.

"We won't have sex for a month" Law said without taking his eyes from his lips.

Kidd licked his lips and watched fascinated as Law followed the movement chasing his lips, now with no hint of anger in his eyes. Only desire. Kidd wanted to laugh.

"I don't believe you" he mocked the dark haired boy with an smile on his mouth "I don't think you can spend two days without sex, and to tell the truth, I can't either"

Law growled defeated and pounced on his mouth. Kidd lay back with the brunette on top of him, he felt his body start to warm up as if always did when Law was around. Law's kisses however always got him hard in seconds, like a fucking virgin, he was fascinated by the control that the brunette could have over his body.

His hands went down the boy's back until they reached his butt where they squeezed his buttocks strongly massaging them possessively. Law bit him in the kiss in response and began to rub against him in that blessed way that turned the redhead mad. Law wanted to punish him without sex? Well, dreaming was always beautiful.

"Guys, I don't care what you do in your free time you know, you are young, you have met after years apart, I understand" said a voice from the door with a bored tone "but I do need Law in a meeting in five minutes, so Kidd, dear, I would appreciate it if you could take your hands off my son" Darius growled, glaring at the redhead.

Kidd clicked his tongue at the interruption. Law sighted.

"Is it necessary?" Law asked, looking at his father without separating from Kidd.

"It's a conclave with the nobles who wanted to overthrow me so, yes, it is," the man said, looking amused at his son's annoyance, "It's ok, it will be fun, there will be a fights and drama" he promised.

"Okay," he said at last, getting up and going to the door where his father was leaning. Then he remembered something important and the reason he had come here "Kidd, come with me and help me get dressed" he commented, worried about the whereabouts of his clothes.

Kidd smiled amused hurrying instantly after the dark, understanding Law's "problem" about the clothes, but wanting to take advantage with the whole 'getting Law dressed'. His dick was still hard after all. However, and as always, a hand stopped him in his place.

"I do not think that's necessary" Dario said with a murderous look but with a huge and chilling smile on his face. Law signed, already knowing him and giving up on his wardrobe, went to his room to find something to wear.

Kidd for his part looked defeated as Law walked down the hall along with his hopes for some fun. This was not the first time this had happened, but even so, Kidd couldn't avoid the feeling of anger and physical relief. He looked at the culprit of everything with hatred while the king in turn also glared at him.

Darius seemed to have developed a visceral hatred for Kidd since they had recovered Law. Kidd partly understood, after all, he was stealing his son away, taking away Darius' opportunity to have grandchildren, and taking Law down the path of depravity and lust ... or something like that that the king had said. Out of respect and understanding, Kidd had contained himself at first, but, recently, the old man didn't allow them to be alone, he always interrupted, and he was quickly ending with Kidd's patience and endurance.

Standing in the middle of the corridor they looked at each other with annoyance, ready to gut each other.

"One day I'll finish you," Darío threatened, crossing his arms in a superior pose.

"Keep dreaming old man," Kidd replied sulking.


"And then, when everything seemed lost, the Persian army appeared on the east with Dario on front" the old general was in the middle of the square, with the children's circling around him with bright eyes "Together, Darío and Eustass managed to corral the Greek army against a mountain of rocks thanks to their numerical superiority, and so…"

"Kidd killed Doflamingo," shouted one of the children excitedly.

Garp on his part just smiled at the boy and without worrying about the interruption he continued telling the story.

"And then, Kidd raised one of the metal wagon with his powers and threw it at the terrified soldiers. Some were injured, but most just shrieked like hysterical women and peed themselves" the children laughed eagerly as they imagined the scene "Then Dario approached the group" he said getting serious again "and looking at Doflamingo he asked him to surrender or be massacred right there. And as a reminder of what might happen, Kidd again lifted two heavy wagons as if they weighed no more than a feather"

In the town square the silence was sepulchral while Garp reached the peak of history and everyone held their breath. Even the parents behind the circle of children looked at him without taking his eyes off the man for a second.

Robin also listening to the story, although a little more removed from the crowd and sitting on a bench, leaned against his partner who, like everyone in that square listened to the old man without taking his eyes off him. Franky embraced her unconsciously and Robin let out another funny giggle, delighted with the childlike attitude of this man. Only someone like the old general could have half a town drinking from his words.

"The soldiers threw the weapons to the ground while they knelt in front of the two emperors begging for their lives" Garp continued sending an accomplice smile to Robin "but Doflamingo never surrendered, much less to Kidd, the boy he had exiled years ago. Before anyone could do anything, he rose into the air and disappeared into the clouds escaping from the battle"

The children protested annoyed at that end. Adults began to murmur with each other.

"So he flee? Where is he now?"Asked a red-haired boy who innocently gave his hand to another dark-skined one, with a calculating look that reminded Garp too much of Law.

"It is not known, maybe he is in the other part of the world, maybe the wound that Kidd inflicted him in the fight killed him, or maybe he is here right now" Garp responded, earning a scared look from the people but a challenge from the red-haired boy "but people say that he will one day take his revenge against Kidd and Darius"

The fearful murmurs were heard again while the red-haired boy then went to embrace the dark one at his side by the shoulders with protective air, looking with hatred around him as if looking for Doflamingo. The brunette only pushed him away and addressed the old man.

"And why did Doflamingo expel Kidd from the start? And why did Kidd decide to return if he was already an emperor?" This new boy asked, staring at the older man.

Garp swallowed hard. He had decided not to mention that part of the story so as not to get Kidd and Law in trouble. Besides, those things were not told to the children. So, now that the child had brought up the subject he found himself not knowing what to answer. Robin behind him laughed amused with the mess the old man had gotten into.

"Well, I think that's all for today" said Garp getting up from the seat and trying to move through the children around him trying to escape.

People began to move away and go home satisfied with the story, and quickly the plaza began to empty. However for the torture of Garp the two children, the redhead and the brunette ones began to follow him down the street.

"Hey, old man," the brunette began, calling him how Law always called him, that is, without a hint of respect. "Why won't you answer my question?"

"Let it go" answered the other child "It is clear that Kidd came back to save his honor and the town from Doflamingo" but the brunette passed him and ran after the old man.

"And why did Kidd didn't want to be an emperor and went to Persia with their heir? Wasn't Law your son? Why did Law let Kidd go with him? "The boy did not shut up and Garp was starting to get scared.

This was getting out of hands. This happened when he decided to tell stories. Ignoring the children, he began to hurry towards his house. The children without hesitation, ran after him.


The blond man rolled over in the bed until he caught the warm body of the other again in his arms. The feel of the other's warm skin against his made him tremble as he felt Ace doze without realizing anything. Smiling warmly, he began to kiss him softly on the back of his neck and shoulders, waking him.

It was all just perfect, the pleasant warmth of the sunset, the white curtains rippling with the wind but allowing in those sunbeams that had warmed the air and the delicious skin of his golden lover, the feeling of his tired body after spending all day loitering in bed with Ace... He swore he could die happy.

Removing the thin sheet that timidly covered their naked bodies, he ran his hand along the side of the brunette cradling his soft freckled skin. Squeezing the naked ass while Ace curled up in his arms without knowing anything.

Slowly Ace woke up thanks to his attentions and after stretching a little, he turned, looked at him, and smiled with that bright smile. Marco kissed him immediately, and Ace wrapped his arms around his neck and squeezed him tightly.

And then, he felt the horrible pain rise from his side.

Marco let out a growl and instantly, Ace pulled away with concern in his eyes.

"It's nothing" he tried to calm him down, but Ace just frowned and rose over his lover.

"Law told you that you had to rest, and yet, you keep going to the assembly, and wanted to have sex" Ace complained "You are hurt Marco, accept it"

Marco just grimaced and lay on his back on the mattress. The bandage around his stomach squeezed the wound painfully but he ignored it. It was not so bad, going to the assembly and exercising his position as the new head of the city, didn't involve any physical effort, and sex ...well, he was not going to give that up.

"Ace I told you that we're not gonna stop having sex"

"But you're hurt, and Law said..."

"I'm fine"

After the war, many things had happened, and he, by chance, had ended up as the leader of this piece of the world. He didn't complain, it was a good position, well paid and that allowed him to give Ace everything he wanted or do what he wanted, but he had also do some things that he had not liked at all. After the war there had been people who continued to support the god, Vergo, Bellamy and many other people who had needed to be judged for their actions and sentenced. It had been a long and complicated process, especially because they were his people, his relatives, people with whom they had lived together ...

But yesterday he had finished judging the last one and there was nothing left to do so he could rest. Even so, from the beginning, Ace had been complaining that he didn't take enough care of himself.

He was just his sun, Marco still didn't understand how he had survived without him all those years ago, he had healed and cleansed his wounds when he was writhing in pain after the battle, had massaged him when he came home with his muscles cramped since then... Marco had discovered in those few weeks that Ace was able to excite him just by putting his hands on his body and that a massage could become the most erotic thing in the world.

Marco stretched on the bed and then left it without worrying about putting on anything, after all, Ace had already seen everything there was to see. Moving through the room he went to the door ready to make something to eat. Even if it was seven in the afternoon his stomach needed something after all that exercise.

"Where are you going?" Ace asked from the bed.

"To make something to eat" he answered bored. However, when he turned to see Ace, he met his gaze languidly going over his body and stopping longer than convenient in his butt. He still had a frown on his face, but clearly, his mind was on something much more fun.

Congratulating himself internally for not having put on clothes, he decided that it was time for him to provoke the brunette to the limit.

"Wanna accompany me?" He asked in the most cloying voice he could muster as he turned to face his boyfriend, allowing him to observe hin in all his glory.

Ace's gaze widened and Marco wanted to laugh.

"You're a bastard," Ace growled.

But Marco smiled as Ace got up and approached him to kiss him, this time deeper than the others. Well, Marco thought as he wrapped Ace's waist, the food could always wait.


Zoro felt the pain rise up his back like needles cutting his skin. He had broken two ribs after the battle, which were taking too long to recover. However, that was not his biggest problem at the time. His biggest problem and what caused him the most pain was Luffy's mouth over his.

It had been another of those encounters. Suddenly, a meeting by chance, a cross between looks and in the next moment he was squashed against a wall vilely. Like animals in heat, in any fucking place and without concern of passing people, they went at it as if this was their last time.

And that it still meant nothing to Luffy, hurt more than all the injuries he had.

Feeling his heart break, he decided to carry out the plan he had planned a few days ago. He couldn't go on like this, the relationship was destroying him, and no matter how much he adored Luffy, he needed to get it over, with and find another person who gave him back something. Because he adored Luffy and had told him a thousand times so, but in return, the only thing the other had done was smile at him.

Pushing Luffy away from his body, he took a deep breath to release the words that would end this. The other returned to catch his mouth without letting him do anything but answer him. Zoro growled frustrated. Saying such words required too much strength for the other to just ignore him.

However after the kiss, it was Luffy who broke away from him, hugged his neck and looked at him intensely. Zoro felt the words slip surprised. Luffy had never done this, and in addition, the dark look he had confused him, so much love, so much passion.

"I love you," Luffy muttered "I love you. I love you," he repeated. as if something had finally been released and he could say it. Zoro opened his eyes as Luffy pressed their foreheads together and began spreading kisses on his lips.

"What?" the green haired man murmured "Why?"

The brunette smiled happily as his hands hugged him and forced him to lean in to save the height difference. "Why are you asking me that? You are amazing Zoro, the best thing that has happened to me" he answered happily "I have always loved you, from the first moment I saw you"

Zoro clenched his fists impotent as his eyes filled with tears and his instincts resurged wanting to hit Luffy.

"And why haven't you said it before?" He shouted. He had been about to end with him, he had been about to finish this because Luffy did not want him and now the idiot told him that he had done it from the beginning.

Luffy looked at him suddenly with regret in his eyes, as if knowing what had happened and hating himself for it. "I ... I could not, I thought something bad would happen if I said the words" he confessed "but now it's fine, now I can say them"

And without further ado they kissed in that intense way. In the way that made Zoro's knees tremble and he wanted to just lie down and let Luffy do what he wanted with him. To lost each other in that tent in the middle of the training camp, amid the cries of the soldiers, forgetting everything and just enjoying each other.

When they parted Luffy smiled and Zoro gasped.

"Well" said Luffy annoyingly satisfied "now we just have to tell Mihawk, so he can let you come live with me"

This time Zoro's heart stopped but for a very different reason.

"What?" He asked as he looked at Luffy terrified.

His father, Mihawk, was one of the most traditional men in the world, a great swordsman with the greatest respect among the members of the city. Telling him that his son had decided to spend the rest of his life with a brainless child, that he would not continue with the Roronoa inheritance, was not a good idea. It was definitely a terrible one.

Luffy moved away from him and started heading to the exit with an idea in mind that made Zoro's heart want to pop out of his chest.

"Mihawk is a good man" Luffy said convized, strapping the sword to his waist "Sure he will understand"

The next instant Zoro ran behind Luffy thinking about how ironic life was. In how a few hours ago, it was Luffy who did not want to deepen their relationship, and in how now, he was the one who wanted to prevent the relationship from deepening and becoming public. And wanted to stop prevent the head of his boyfriend to roll on the floor thanks to his father's sword.


Law made a circle with his hand and the bluish sphere grew in his palm. With a little effort he made the walls of the small sphere expand until they surrounded the quiet nature around him. The trees, the grass and the snow that fell from the sky and covered everything with a thick white mantle.

Kidd beside him shifted uneasily as he wrapped himself more tightly in the huge fur coat that covered him. Even so, Law knew that it would not be enough, this cold penetrated any clothes and entered between it until it settled on your bones.

Keeping the sphere as wide as possible, he pressed the redhead's hand to his side asking him to be patient. Regulating his power to divide it and be able to do two tasks at once, he lifted the pile of stones that had been collected and placed them neatly on top the body buried under the ground, indicating that place as a grave that never, should be bothered.

When the stones were placed to his liking, he let his powers dissipate, the sphere dissolve and the snow fall back on them silently.

None said anything, they just stayed silent watching the two tombs side by side. The larger of the two had a rudimentary block of stone on which the weeds and moss had grown. The other one, a little smaller one, where a god covered by the stones that Law had placed, have just been buried. Both peaceful and quiet. In the middle of that desert mountain whose horizon stretched in all directions as far as the eye could see, and surrounded by that circle of smaller stones as a protective barrier that Doflamingo had himself built centuries ago to bury his mother.

"Do you think this is fine?" Law asked Kidd. "Do you think it's okay to bury him with his mother?"

Kidd looked at him seriously for a moment, then turned and looked at the two graves. Releasing a sigh, he scratched the back of his neck without really knowing how to answer that question. Law had told him the god's story, and although Kidd understood, his resentment of the man was still too much to forgive. He would have dumped his body in the river. However this had seemed important for Law.

"It's the best place for him" he said at last "calm, peaceful ... and it will remain this way for a long time. It is a good place to rest"

Law nodded as he leaned on the redhead's shoulder looking tired at the two graves. It had cost them a few years to find the grave of the blonde's mother. Many times, they had thought that it was impossible to find, but here they were. And now that Law had managed to give the blonde a small farewell gift, he realized that saying goodbye was costing him more than it should. Kidd wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"Are you all right?" He asked as the last rays of the winter solstice streamed down the trees and illuminated his hair, making it look like fire.

Law nodded. Taking one last look at the stones and thinking one last minute about the man buried under them, he turned decisively. It was time to forget all the suffering and evil of the world, and simply facing his future and happiness with Kidd. To remove this last weight from his shoulders and leaving it on those stones with the man who had actually taught him so much.

"Let's go" he asked "we can not do anything else"

Kidd followed him without saying anything. They both climbed on their horses. Pinguin neighed happily because his master was coming back and they could get out of here for a damn time. The cold affected everyone, both, animals and people.

"What do you think happens when we die?" Kidd asked suddenly, watching the lonely tombs thoughtfully.

Law turned to look at him, surprised at the sudden, profound topic of conversation. The redhead was not the kind of person who gave a lot of thought to that kind of things and although, this moment was somewhat disturbing with the solemnity and silence, Law didn't expect it from the redhead.

"I do not know," said the dark-haired man as he buttoned his long coat a little more, "but we still have a lot of time to find out, right Kidd?" He asked with a twisted smile, trying to bring some light back into the conversation.

Kidd smiled warmly as he began to spur his mare to start walking after Law's horse. However, when he was beginning to approach him, he frowned, realizing something.

"Wait ... How do you "find out"something like that?"

Law put on his best psycho smile insinuating everything gore and evil while Kidd stood by his side still riding his horse. Kidd paled and Law could not help but laugh at his reaction. God messing with the other was so funny. Leaning over the chair, he kissed the redhead's cold lips as he began to frown at Law for making fun of him.

"I sometimes wonder how you could become an emperor"


But Law had already set up a fast gallop and was riding away laughing through the snow-covered field. Grinning evilly, Kidd spurred his white mare and encouraged her to follow Law in a race that reminded him of one they had had a long time ago.

Moving away from the silent circle of dark stones and chasing a man laughing happily in front of him, making fun of him, making him also want to laugh stupidly of pure happiness and scream at the cold to make it now that it couldn't hide such warmness.

Returning home to never leave again, to be happy with the person he loved the most in the world.


It's interesting to translate old stories. I finished the original story in 2014, just four years ago, and I can still see the difference. Not only for the way my writing had changed (I don't think I would ever mix so many cultures as I did in this fic, at least not without a mayor motive and not in such a careless way) but also for how my way of thinking had changed.

I don't think that now, if I wrote this story again, I would let Law forgive Doflamingo, no matter what happened to him in the past or what he did. There are also ways of thinking or expressions from the characters had hit me wrong, but I used back them as if they were nothing.

I have changed a lot of things from the original, I have tried to be exact in the translation, but there were things that just, I just couldn't do. In the rape scene for example, Doflamingo breaks Law's ankle and there is a lot more blood. I decided it was already bad enough as it is so I skipped this. I wasn't good with dialogs back then too, so some conversations between the brothers were almost erased because they didn't add anything to the conversation and were TOO silly. Law also cried for Doflamingo death, but since I didn't like that, I also deleted it.

In this chapter for example Bartolomeo ended up with Sabo as a pair, or they buried Doflamingo in Stonehenge. I considered it too weird, and I didn't want to add another more culture, so yeah, also erased it.

In general, I think I am happy with this story, the plot is interesting, and I can start to see how I began o take care of details, backgrounds and well, the story.

I hope you can also keep improving, I hope you liked it and will forgive my past self.

See you guys