Okay, I don't watch Yo'kai, got it? I ended up starting the movie for my baby brother on Netflix, because I absolutely refused to watch Curios George. I just liked the little song that Jibanyan sang at the beginning and decided to make it Marinette and Plagg's theme song(I changed the words however, because the original weird-ed me out to no end). But it still is sung the same way. Oh, and you know how Adrien and Marinette give each other pet names like My Lady, Princess, and Chaton? These are of course different. Marinette is called Chatte Noire, and given pet names are princess, Chatonne, Kitty, Minuit Étoile. Adrien is called Scarabée, and given the pet names of Beetle, Ladybird(a male ladybug), and Coccinelle. Alya's website is also referred to as Scarablog. Oh, and that whole love-square that consist's of only 2 people? Sorry, but they still like who they like in the show. Alrighty then, enjoy!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Present Time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"I am a cat and I like it like that~ Live above a bakery yet don't get fat~"
Plagg was laying down on a black cushion with green paw prints on it, singing as he ate. It was next to Marinettes pillow at the head of her bed. Plagg finished his piece of cheese bread and started off on some Camembert. Marinette exited the bathroom with her hair down, humming along to her and her Kwami's song. She wore a black tank-top, neon green shorts, and black tennis shoes. She walked up to her closet and grabbed a black workout jacket with a green heart on the right pocket. She took a seat on her swivel chair as she put it on, checking her recent text from Alya. Plagg threw his last bite of Camembert into his mouth, as he floated over to her, and started to pull her hair into her usual 2 pigtails. Marinette smiled at him.
"Thanks Plagg," she said,"Now c'mon, Alya will be waiting for us in the park soon."
Plagg yawned and stretched his arms and tail,"Why? Don't you get enough exercise as Chatte Noire?"
She groaned in response,"Yeah, but I can't tell Alya that. I've tried to give some kind of an excuse, but, well- you know how great that worked out..."
Plagg nodded and hopped into her right pocket,"Just grab me some of your mom's cheesecake on the way out, will ya?"
She gave him a light laugh as she went down the trapdoor, and headed towards the bakery.
"Keep up that appetite, and you'll be the one forced into extra workouts."
Marinette entered the bakery and looked through the boxes of cheesecakes, looking for one she thought plagg might enjoy. Her mother noticed her searching and sighed.
"Aren't you headed to the park to work out?" she asked Marinette,"Why just add on more to work off?"
Marinette grabbed a box, and took a bite from a cookie she had grabbed on the way.
"It's not like I really need the exercise. You'd think for a girl who lives above a bakery, I'd be anything but underweight."
Her mother sighed exasperatedly,"I guess, but you better not come back , looking to devour the bakery. I'd rather us not go out of business here."
Marinette nodded and waved as she exited through the bakery door,"Bye Mama!" And she headed towards the park. Upon arriving, she took a glance at the time on her phone, to see she still had 10 minutes left before she should expect Alya's arrival. She took a seat on an empty park bench, and opened up the box. She couldn't suppress the small giggle that came out as he zipped out of her pocket, and dived head first into the box holding her mother's prized cheesecake. Sure, it wasn't anything compared to Camembert, Brie, or cheese bread, but it was delicious either way. Marinette pulled her legs up close to her chest and sighed into the open air. She thought back to the week she had met Plagg, and how much of an impact they had made to each other.
Marinette entered her room, tossing her bag onto her swivel chair, and falling face first into her bed. Worst. Day. Ever. Chloe was as rude as she was everyday, she had dropped the macaroons she had made for class, she had tripped over thin air 5 times in under 3 minutes, and nearly got hit by a car... twice. She groaned into her pillow. Why, oh why, did she get born with such terrible luck? She sat up at the sound of her phone ringing, and upon checking, she saw it was her new friend Alya.
"Hello? Alya?"
"Hey Marinette!" Alya answered,"Where are you? Did you here about Ivan?"
"I'm at home, and no. Why, what happened?"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After the phone call and watching the news on her computer~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Great. You know that list of terrible happenings you read about a couple of lines above? Now she could add an evilly turned Classmate to it. But hey, it's not like she could do anything about it, right?
"You could fight."
Yeah, she could fight it and- wait, what? She couldn't fight it! She was just an ordinary girl, not a super hero.
"But you could be."
Knock it off, mysterious voice. She couldn't be a superhero if she wanted to, and she- ?! Marinette looked around the room confused.
"Right in front of your face."
Marinette turned to look down to her desk, to see a small jewelry box, which had not been there before. She just stared at it in confusion.
"...Yeah, I'm just a talking jewelry box. What do you think? I'm inside the box! Now can ya hurry up and open it, it's cramped in here."
Her look of confusion turned to one of slight annoyance,"Well with an attitude like that, I don't really think I want to."
She stood up to show her act of leaving.
"Wait! Sorry, please don't leave me in here!"
Marinette stared at the box cautiously, before letting out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding in. She picked up the box, and sighed before opening it.
"Please, don't be a bomb..."
She opened the box and was momentarily blinded by the bright light that shone from inside of it.
Yep, had to be a bomb.
But when her vision returned, instead of seeing heaven, or an angel, she was unknowingly looking at what she would soon be calling her little devil. She stared at the small black cat in shock, but hey, can you blame her? It was the size of her hand, was floating-
"Allow me to introduce myself..."
-and could talk.
"My name is-"
Plagg flew back, covering his ears from Marinettes loud shriek. Mari jumped onto her bed and started to fling her pillows at him.
"I-i-it's a rat! A-a, bug?! A, cat? It's a tiny black floating cat-rat-bug thing!"
Plagg continued to dodge the pillows,"As I was trying to say, my name is Plagg. I'm a Kwami, not even closely related to a bug, nor a disgusting rat. I grant magical powers and I-!"
The next pillow he couldn't dodge, and it hit him square in the face. He fell on his back, and smiled to Mari.
"Nice throw you got there kid. But how about you instead, target that."
He pointed to Stoneheart on her computer, who was currently being filmed smashing up Paris on the news.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After Both Stoneheart Battles~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Marinette fell back onto her bed, and gave a heaving sigh, as Plagg floated above her face, with as slice of Camembert in hand.
"Are the battles always going to be this exhausting?"
Plagg shrugged,"Yeah, but this was just your first one, so don't worry too much about it."
Marinette didn't though. She worried of something else.
"Plagg, do you really think I'm cut out for this?" she asked.
He stopped and looked up to her confused,"Whaddya mean?"
Marinette sat up and looked towards her mirror. She looked at the silver earings that she wore, looking normal to the world, while holding immense power.
"What if I mess up, or make us lose?..."
Plagg smiled comfortingly,"Hey, mistakes happen. I mean, Beetle didn't even capture the Akuma the first time around, remember?"
She nodded,"Yeah, because we didn't know yet. What if Hawkmoth gets my earrings, then what? It would be all my fault..."
Plagg stayed silent for a moment as she continued.
"You can ask anyone in Paris, and they would all agree I'm the wrong person for the job. I'm a huge klutz, 100% bad luck, and a magnet to disaster. I'm nowhere near brave, have low self esteem- how could I possibly fight evil when I'm just...me?"
Silence. Marinette slowly reached up to her earings,"You should choose someone else, Plagg. Someone more qualified..."
She took off the earrings and held them out to Plagg, who only stared at her, with no emotions showing. He slowly took the earrings, and gave a sigh.
"Look kid, I'm not all that good at this stuff. Tikki, Beetle's Kwami, was the best talker of us all. I would normally just tell ya to suck it up, and grab some Camembert. So don't ever tell Tikki about what I'm about to do, got it?"
Marinette wiped away a tear and gave a light nod. Plagg floated closer to her face and gave a stern yet gentle look.
"Don't ever, and I mean EVER,think those things. Don't think you're not good enough, cause that's far from the truth. So what, you can be clumsy, and a little shy, but hey! No one's perfect. You're right though, you're you, and don't ever forget it. You were chosen because of it. You are the most qualified to be Chatte Noire, and I wouldn't have it any other way. So you can just forget about me choosing someone else, cause you're stuck with me no matter what."
Marinette gave a soft giggle as she wiped away the rest of her tears and nodded. Plagg smiled, and started to reattach her earings.
"So what if you mess up? Then I'll always be there to help you fix what went wrong. Besides- bad luck? Disaster? Those 2 things right there just make you twice as qualified to being Chatte Noire!"
Marinette laughed, eliciting a proud and happy smile on her Kwami's face.
"Thanks Plagg," she said,"You're the best."
He chuckled,"Yeah, I know."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~About A Week Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"I am a cat and I like it like that! Curl up by a fire layin on a mat!~"
Marinette laughed happily as Plagg sang loudly while hopping up and down on the fluffy black pillow Marinette had made him. She was already changed into her pajamas and had just given Plagg her gift for him. He stopped his bouncing to shove a large piece of Camembert into his mouth. Marinette sat down next to him on the bed, and softly pat his head.
"I've just gotta ask," she started,"Why do you only eat cheese? Camembert at that."
Plagg swallowed and chuckled up at her,"Well, as I've told you before, us Kwami eat only 1 kind of food, so that we can regain our energy. Tikki only eats sweets, which means that she would absolutely love you by the way. I used to, actually, only eat seafood- you know, me being a cat and all. But I ended up switching over to cheese during the beginning years of the 1800's."
Marinette cocked her head to the side,"Why? Cheese has been around for WAY longer than that."
Plagg nodded,"Yeah, but the blame would have to got to the chosen I had at the time. His mother was Marie Harel, who had, pretty much, invented Camembert. His civilian self worked in a family cheese shop in Normandy, which I believe should still be there. I was with him for only about 3 years, but those 3 years still had a big impact. Camembert is kind of like a small memory of him."
Marinette smiled down at him,"It reminds you of him..."
Plagg nodded,"I always keep a close reminder of all of my previous chosens. Like the cat song i sing when I'm happy. In the 1940's, my chosen and I had taken a trip to New York City, in the states. We were in some cafe, listening to Monroe sing on stage, when he made it for me. Let me tell you, everyone in that cafe, besides us... was tone-deaf. When we heard her, we both agreed that 2 yowling cats could do better tenfold. And we did."
Marinette giggled again at the thought of Plagg singing his cat song somewhere on broadway.
"Then I guess that I'll have to try hard to give you something to remember me by."
"If you want to, go right ahead, but know that you already have given me something to remember."
Marinette looked to the cheese loving Kwami in confusion. What could she possibly, in less than a week, give him to remember her specially by? She didn't think he could fit his pillow into the jewelry box for when he got a new chosen, so that wasn't it.
"I don't get it. What?"
Plagg floated up and hugged her cheek,"Well for one, you're the first female chosen I've ever had. I always got stuck with boy's who were either dense, annoying, stuck-up, or 100 times more love sick then you. Another thing is, that you're unbelievably selfless, dangerously so. Heck, some of my previous kittens didn't care if others got hurt, and you're willing to yourself to help others. There's also my favorite- your ability to happily endure my love for cheese, without getting annoyed!"
She hugged Plagg,"Thank you Plagg."
"You're welcome, kid."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Of Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Hey, Mari!"
Marinette opened her eyes to see Alya headed towards her. She took a glance down to where Plagg was, to find him and the box missing.
"Don't worry, kid. I finished the cake and threw away the box. I'm hiding right behind your heart."
Marinette smiled and looked down to her right pocket, with the green heart, slightly bulging.
'Thanks Plagg,' she thought.
"No problem, just remember to make me grilled cheese tomorrow for lunch."
'You got it!'