
Pink P.: Ok... I know that most people make this up to be a big deal... and I usually do but I think I can handle ONE disclaimer. So... here we go... I'm going to do the disclaimer... really I am... I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! *wipes forehead* That was... not too bad.

***Still in Yugi's Kitchen***

Yami: You're going to let that maniac near me with a chisel and a hammer? Are you crazy? *Says Yami while huddled in the corner cuddling the pillow that was stuck to his head*

Yugi: Well, in short... yes.

Seto: I don't have to be nice about it do I?

Yugi: No

Seto: *grin*

Anzu: *Who was in the bathroom* What are you guys doing? *Yami runs past screaming with Seto behind flailing a chisel and a hammer in the air with Yugi behind them all screaming "If you hurt him you liable for paying his medical bills!!"* Oh thanks for the explanation

Joey: *Still grumpy in the corner because Mai doesn't love him* Stupid Seto... he gets everything. He get Mai AND he gets to chase Yugi around the room with a chisel! It just isn't fair!

Honda: *Taking advantage of Joey's spaced-out-ness* So Joey, do you mind if your sister and I oh I don't know, go make out?

Joey: Huh? Oh sure Honda. Just don't mess up my teddy bear collection k?

Honda: Sure Joey... sure. *Tries to get Shizuka to come out of the room*

Shizuka: Um, Honda, I think this will have to wait. The girls and I are doing our nails. *at her feet sits Mai with a nail file*

Honda: Damn girls and their peticures

Yugi: OOO me next!!

Honda: *Rolls eyes*

Yami: How do we get the gum out!!!!!

GM: Why not a hot bath!!

Yugi: Yea that usually works

Yami: ok whatever

***In The bathroom***

Yami: Ok we didn't mention the naked here Yugi

Yugi: Its ok I think you'll live. Ill get you a swimsuit that you can wear

GM: Why? He is going to be in here alone isn't he?

Yugi: Grandpa... the guy can't turn on a faucet... how is he going to wash his hair?

Anzu: I CAN!!!! *Jumping up and down and waving arms wildly to get noticed*

Yami: *hiding behind Mai* Keep the evil bitch away from me!!!!

Anzu: I resent that! *is wearing a t-shirt that says (front) that's right... (back) I AM a bitch and I sure as hell like it!*

Yugi: When did you put that shirt on?

Anzu: Mai loaned it to me... you like it?

Yugi: *Shudders* Sure Anzu, sure.

***Ten minutes later***

Yugi: Ok I got the baithing suit! Now Yami can- WHAT THE HELL?!?

Yami: *Naked in the tub with bubbles all around getting shampooed by the three girls* Hey Aibou! What's up?

GM: Don't look at me it wasn't my idea!

Seto: Ahh! Three girls in wet t-shirts! What a life it is!

Yami: I think its coming out! *gum plops out into the tub*

Everyone but Mai: YAY!!!

Mai: Nope that was my gum... sorry Yami

Yami: Damn that sticky stuff!!!!

Yugi: Wait! Try to comb it out!

Anzu: *With Comb* I think its coming!!!

Yugi: *Hands her sissors* Not fast enough

Anzu: *Snips on of Yami's spikes off*

Yami: Wha-! You... you... CUT MY HAIR!!!!

*Yami falls into a spiral of depression but then is helped by the people at the nice home with the people in white jackets. He is declared legally insane (as opposed to illegally) After month of therapy Yami learns to live with out his spike and moves on. We are all proud of you Yami! Later that year he shaved his head... not one of his wiser decisions. Yami was then laughed at by the following people; Yugi, Anzu, Mai, Grandpa Moto, Mokuba, Bakura, Ryou, Marik, Yami Marik, Shizuka, Joey, Honda, and Seto. It was a sad day.*