
Yugi: No NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! I'm not doing that stupid disclaimer!!! NO NO NO!!! They already know that you don't own YGO so why do you have to tell them!!!???

Pink P.(pink panther, too long to type sry..): Because I don't want to get sued by the friendly people who DO own you? Good? Good. Now say it.

Yugi: No.

Pink P.: Say IT!!!

Yugi: NO!

Pink p.: *threatening tone* Say it, say it, SAY IT!!!!

Yugi: no

Pink p.: *Chases Yugi around room with large knife SAY IT!! *Cute tone* *bats eyelashes* Please.

Yugi: FINE!! *Clears throat* She does not own Yu-Gi-Oh! So don't say she does. Happy now?

Pink P.: Yes. now for the ficcy.

.Ok so I lied. now for the names.

1. Tristan will be Honda because I feel like it 2. Joey will stay Joey because I want it to be 3. Tea (sorry don't know how to do the line thingie...) will be Anzu because it sounds better or Tea sounds shitty if you do so wish, and I don't know how to do the accent 4. The good Bakura will be Ryou because... *shifty eyes**slowly walks away* 5. Serenity will be known, as Shizuka only because it sounds better and I like is more 6. Isis... where in gods name did 4kids come up with that?? What is wrong with Ishizu?? Huh? HUH? Ok, I'm satisfied. 7. Marik will stay Marik because I don't want to have to type Mariku (spelling?) 8. Evil Bakura will just be Bakura 9. FINALY... Aibou is what Yami calls Yugi when they talk "in their minds" AKA the mind link (complements of Angel_Of_The_Apocalypse) yes we are friends if you didn't notice)

Pink P.: Ok now I promise the ficcy

***In Yami's Bedroom*** [1]


Yugi: *from his room**yawns* what?

Yami: Help!! There is sticky stuff in my hair! *jumping around like a little 5 year old girl with the face that you see people making when they eat sour stuff* Getitout!! Getitout!!! Please!!

Yugi: Yami, that's gum, the stuff that we were chewing before.

Yami: You mean that soft rubber with flavor?

Yugi: Yes, that is gum.

Yami: Ooohhhh.. EEWY EEWY EEWY!!!!

Yugi: Yami it wont kill-

Yami: EEEEEEWWWWWYYYYYY!!!!!! *Puppy-dog-face* Getitout. *sits on the bed hiccupping* YUGI. it's ickyful. and it hurt when I pull *pull* oww *pull* OWW!! *Talking to hair* stopit!!

Yugi: *slaps Yami's Hand*

Yami: OWW!! Now YOU'RE hurting me!! Nobody loves me. *Flops on bed face first and when he comes up the pillow comes with him* Oh man!! For the love of Ra!! I've got pink stuff in my hair, my head hurts, my hand is red, and now I got a pillow stuck to my head! *Pillow flops in front of face**muffled voice* Vats iff. vee nee fo ooo fomfing avou viss bumm!!

Yugi: What?

Yami: *lifts pillow up* I SAID, we need to do something about this gum!

Yugi: OOOHHH! Ok.

Yami: *growls*

[1] Yugi and Yami have different bodies and different rooms too. Please don't ask why.

A/N:: Well. what did you think? Should I keep going? Ehh? Ehh? (No I'm not Canadian) If I don't get reviews I'll keep the hilarium (hi-lair-E-um) to myself.