Chapter 9

Night and Toothless followed Rena onto the Ship and down to the bedrooms, past the kitchen where it sounded like everybody was helping with the dinner preparations.

Rena walked into the last door on the right of the hallway and gestured to them to go in. Inside the room was a bunk bed in the right corner with a guitar next to it. The lower bed seemingly in use, a worktable in the left corner with papers and music notes written on them and a Trunk next to it. The room was big it had a lot of spar space because there was so little inside.

''This is going to be your room'' Rena said after Night finished looking at it. Toothless went inside and got comfortable right away.

''But isn't somebody else using it?'' Night asked Rena.

''Yes, you're going to share it with your Sister Heather'' Rena said with a big smile on her face. After hearing that Night's face broke out in a big smile knowing that she is going to share a room with her new Sister. She then walked in and looked at the room again, inspecting every corner of it. Then she shifted her gaze to Toothless how was still trying to get comfortable. Night noticed the broke artificial fin still attached to Toothless. She figured that that is why he couldn't get comfortable and made her way to take it off him, inspecting it while taking it off. She figured if she could build it in the first place then maybe she can repair in, memory loss or not.

After she took the fin off Toothless, he imminently went to the corner of the bunk bed and went to take a nap on the side of it. Seeing this Night couldn't help but smile.

''Your one big puppy aren't you'' Night said walking to him and patting his head to which he purred.

''Now that Toothless is comfortable it is time to clean you up little Dragon Whisperer'' Rena said with a smile while placing a bucket with warm water and a cloth on the worktable next to a comb and a pair of scissors. She gestured to Night to sit on the chair and went to take out clothing from the Trunk.

While Rena was searching for the something in the Trunk Night got a good look inside it. And in it were clothing that looked very different from what everyone else was wearing on this Island. They were very colorful, and each piece was unique.

After Rena found what she was looking for she placed the clothing next to the bucket, and noticed Night still staring into the Trunk.

''Over the years of traveling, we all collected quite a lot of clothing from different countries. Every country has its unique clothing. And I can promise you your Trunk is going to be filled with them'' Rena told Night who stopped staring into the Trunk and looked up at Rena with an expression that said I'm so excited for it. Rena could only smile and give a little laughter at the little girl's excitement.

''Okay now first we need to clean you up starting with your hair. It looks like a bird has slept in it'' Rena said while laughing and started to comb her hair which seemed to have been burnt in several places. After combing it for a few minutes she placed the comb on the table and took the scissors.

''Night, sweetheart I'm going to cut your hair now should I leave it long?'' Rena questioned Night.

Night took a strain of her hair a looked at it for a while before turning to Rena and smiling.

''No, I have a new name, a new family, a new life and I think my hair should go along with the change…Mom'' Night said with a warm smile towards her mother.

Rena's heart dwelled up with the words of her daughter and nodded.

''Okay dear, so a new haircut for a new life'' Rena said and begun to cut her daughters hair.

''So, a new Family member I can't wait to meet her'' a young woman with brown hair in two braids and brown eyes said placing plates onto the dining table.

''Not one Ida but two did you already forgot the dragon I told you all about'' Eren told Ida from his place on the table.

''Yeah, still can't believe that a little girl made friends with a dragon. She must be quite the feisty one HAHAHA'' a man with brown hair and brown eyes sad.

''Oh no Noel don't say that not another feisty on. Don't we have our hands full with Heather already? She is Feisty enough for 5 people'' a short young man said while stopping his drumming on the table with two spoons and banging his head on the table.

''HEYY I'm not feisty'' shouted Heather while handing out the mugs with water and mead.

''Soooo… a Dragon and a little girl who lost her memory…Hmm, what do you think about this howl situation Vincent?'' asked a tall young man with red hair and blue eyes to the older man with silver-grey hair and green eyes sitting next to him at the end of the table.

He took a sip of the mug that Heather gave him and didn't even look at the young man while answering ''I think there are all kinds of situations one can get into, aren't we all prove of that John''.

''Cut him some slack Vincent, we got so used to our lives that we sometimes forget what circumstances bought us all together, right Maya'' the man with black hair and green eyes asked the women with blond hair in a high bun and brown eyes, he had his arm around.

Maya nodded ''Flynn is right, we really got used to or lives her in the troupe. I just hope that our new family members can get used to it to''.

''I wouldn't worry about that'' came Heather's voice full of confident, as she placed her own mug on her spot and sat down grinning.

''And why is that you little gnome'' Eret asked his sister who pounded at being called a gnome and looked in the opposite direction crossing her arms.

''Not gonna tell you, you have to wait and see you troll'' Heather said, still looking at the opposite direction.

Soon the two of them began throwing insults at each other while the rest of them just laughed at their antics and waited for their new family members to arrive.

After a while the door to the kitchen opened and in came Rena followed by a little girl with unruly auburn hair that went to nape of her neck, dressed in a long-sleeved red tunic dress, black leggings and black leather shoes with a thin matching black belt around her waist, followed by a big black dragon.

''Well guys they are our new family members Night and Toothless'' Rena said and turned toward Night.

Everybody jumped up from the table and formed a line in front of the two of them, scaring Night in the process. They all looked at her and toothless and then to each other smiling. Suddenly everybody turned their head to them at the same time and smiled.

''WELCOME IN THE FAMILY NIGHT AND TOOTHLESS'' they all shouted at the same time surprising both Night and Toothless.

They both looked at each other and then back to the line in front of them. Night couldn't hold back her laughter and busted out holding her sides while Toothless just began sniffing every one of them for something to eat.

After her laughter Night looked at the group with a big bright smile ''Thank you'' she said knowing that this bright and cheerful group of people is her new family and her new life.

After the warm welcoming of the latest family members, everybody introduced themselves. First were the musicians there was Heather the singer, Eret the guitarist and singer, John the bassist and Luke the drummer. Then there were the floor acrobats her Father and Director Eren, Eren's childhood friend Noel, Flynn who was together with Maja and Vincent the oldest of the troupe. And then there were the 3 air acrobats her Mother Rena, the energetic Ida, and the calm Maja.

After everybody introduced themselves Night asked if there was any fish for Toothless.

''I think we have a barrel of fish in the storage room'' said Maja ''Flynn could you go get it''

''Sure'' Flynn answered going out the door to get the barrel.

''Okay while Flynn is getting the barrel for Toothless we are going to get some food into you'' Maja said while leading Night to the table were everybody took their seat. Night sat down at the end of the bench text to Heather, that's when Flynn came in whit the barrel for Toothless.

He placed it in front of Toothless who imminently began devouring the fish. He finished the whole barrel within second sticking his head into the barrel to check if it really was empty. Everybody laughed at the scene in front of their eyes.

''HAHAHA is Toothless a Dragon or a puppy'' Luke asked jokingly.

''He is a Dragon…. I think'' Night answered which resulted in more laughter.

The dinner went on whit jokes and talking until it was really late.

''Okay I think it is time to for us all to go to bed, we have a busy day tomorrow, whit all the preparations to leave'' Eren said while getting up from the table.

''Um… would it be okay if I go find a forge tomorrow? I was thinking I could try to repair Toothless's tailfin'' Night asked Eren. Eren walked over to her and put a hand on her head patting her.

''Of course, you can. Heather, I want you to go with her Tomorrow'' Eren said while putting his other hand on her head.

''Okay'' Heather said and got up from the table whit Night after their dad stopped patting them.

''I think its time for our beauty sleep'' Heather said grinning towards Night.

''I don't think Night needs that she is a cutie even without beauty sleep but you can sleep for years and still wouldn't look better, a gnome is and will always be a gnome'' Eret said while grinning until a mug came flying towards his head and hitting him on the forehead.

''HEY'' Eret shouted towards his sister who took Nights hand and pulled her out of the Kitchen Toothless following them while Laughter at Eret.

''HAHAHA That Dragon has got a sense of humor'' Noel said while picking the thrown mug up.

''yeah right'' Eret said putting his head on his fist and stared at his Sisters exiting the room and saw that even Night was laughing at him.

'Oh lucky me two sisters and a Dragon with the same sense of Humour. I Hope I live without getting to many scars'

In their room Night and Heather went to their bunk bed and Toothless to his corner. Tucked into bed Heather asked '' You really think you can repair that tailfin of his Sis''.

Night who was laying with the blanket over her body and her arms behind her head answered ''I think so, I mean it doesn't look too complicated and somebody has to repair it. It's not like one can just go and buy a new tailfin for a Dragon, right''.

Night waited for a response but only got silence she turned and looked down seeing that Heather had already fallen asleep. Night laughter softly to herself and picked her head up again. She spotted the desk with the papers.

She got out of bed as silently as possible, not to wake Heather or Toothless and walked over to the desk sitting down and starting to brainstorm ideas for Toothless's tailfin. She was surprised by herself with how easy she seemed to come up with the ideas and draw them out on paper. And soon she had drawn a real blueprint like it was second nature to her.

She was so into her work she didn't even realize how much time had passed, or how she fell asleep at the desk, which was now not only covered in music sheets but also her drawings of different ideas for the tailfin.

It was dawn when Heather woke up and saw Night laying on the desk. She got up and walked over to her to see why she was at the desk and she couldn't believe her eyes on the desk were really professional looking blueprints of a complicated contraption that must have to be Toothless tailfin.

'She is full of mysteries' Heather thought and saw that in Nights hand was still a charcoal pencil and it was only a tiny bit left of it. Night had used up almost all of it. And now she is sleeping so soundly that Heather wanted to mess with her. She went over to Toothless and woke him up.

''Mornin Toothless, look somebody over there is still in dreamland don't you think we should wake her with a good morning kiss'' Heather said to Toothless who looked at Night sleeping at the desk and back to Heather showing his gummy smile and waging his tail. He bounced over to Night and started liking her face fiercely. Night woke up instantly and fell out of the chair crossing her arms in front of her face to keep Toothless away.

''Toothless stop I don't want to bath in your salvia'' Night said while trying to free herself and then she spotted Heather laughing her lungs out. She had a feeling that this howl wakeup was her idea.

''Look Toothless I think someone over there is jealous of the love you're giving me you should share your love'' Night said while pointing toward Heather who stopped laughing and started backing away.

''Oh no Toothless I'm fine really'' Heather said putting her hand out front but all that was useless because Toothless jumped and threw her to the ground licking her face like he liked Nights. Now Night was collapsing because of laughter.

Both laughter their Lungs out after the howl Salvia ordeal while Toothless just wagged his tail and showed his gummy smile.

''I hope this washes out'' Night said trying to shake some of the salvias of.

''How knows I can't think on an empty stomach. Let's go eat Breakfast and then go find a forge'' Heather said, and they made their way towards the Kitchen chatting all the way.

No one of them could understand why but both felt like their always bin Sisters and Best Friends, it felt natural.

Upon entering the Kitchen, they were greeted by Eret who just finished his breakfast and Ida who was cleaning up.

''Morning you two'' Ida greeted them.

''Morning'' Night and Heather greeted back in union smiling.

''Your Breakfast is on the Table waiting for you and Toothless your Breakfast is over there in the barrel'' Ida said while finishing the dishes.

Night and Heather went to the table and Toothless to the barrel of fish. After a while, Eret who was still sitting with them despite having something to do asked them why they wet.

''Toothless wake-up kiss'' Heather said as she chewed the last bit of her breakfast and washed it down with water.

Eret's nose scrunched up by the thought of Dragon salvia. Which gave Heather and Night an idea, they both looked at each other and then smiled getting up and walking around the table from different sides until they stand on both sides of Eret how looked confused and ready to run.

''Brother do you know what you need to get motivated?'' Night said smiling sweetly while Eret got up from his seat having a bad feeling of what is to come.

''A Hug from your sweet little Sisters'' Heather finished and both her and Night jumped forward for the hug but missed as Eret ran out the Kitchen door.

''I think I pass on this one'' Eret said as he ran out the kitchen but Night and Heater weren't done with him yet. They ran after him in hot pursue whit Toothless right behind them. As they got to the deck of the ship they saw Eret leaving it.

''Dammit he got away!'' Heather exclaimed. Night put a hand on her shoulder and smiled.

''Don't worry he can't get away when we're on the sea right'' Night assured Heather with a wicked smirk making Heather smirk as well.

''Your right we have other opportunities to have fun whit him'' she said while giving a nod and looking up to the sky.

''I think we should get going as well, we don't know how long it is going to take to make that tailfin'' Heather added.

''Yeah'' Night agreed and they both went inside cleaned their clothes, grabbed the blueprint for the new tailfin and went to go find a forge, having to leave Toothless on the ship.

It took them a while to find a blacksmith who would let them Inside to work on the project themselves but after a while, they found an old blacksmith who was really friendly and let them inside as long as they did not disturb him.

So Night got to work imminently heating metal, cutting leader and hammering the metal all like it was second nature to her.

Heather just sat there and watched her work, amazed at what she could do.

It was dark outside as Night finished her work and they both went back to the ship where everyone was after finishing their tasks for departure.

''It's about time you two finished up you are the last ones to arrive'' Luke said while sitting against the wall of the entrance to the living quarters and playing with his drumsticks.

''It took longer than we thought to finish the tailfin'' Night said hugging the tailfin to her chest smiling.

''Well now that you two are here we can depart I am going to report to Eren that we can go now'' Luke said while smiling at the two of them and opened the door to go inside, only to be ran over by Toothless how bounced over to Night and Heather running and jumping around them like an excited puppy whit is tong hanging from his mount.

Ones Toothless stopped running around them he eyed the tailfin and then the sky.

''I know you want to fly sweetie, but we got to leave the port first we can't risk someone seeing you'' Night said patting Toothless head affectionately.

''Then I suppose we must depart immediately because I don't think Toothless can last any longer without flying. He has been restless since I came back from the Market'' Eren said coming out to the deck.

''Everyone get ready we are departing'' Eren yelled and soon after they were on the open sea.

''Are you ready to live a life full of discoveries, music, and excitement'' Heather asked Night.

''I wouldn't want it any other way sis'' Night answered while the two of them looked out the sea smiling.

Hi everyone

So, this is my first time creating characters and I would like to hear your thoughts about them and the story so far.

I don't know if I already said this or not but I am determined to complete this story even if it is going to take me a while.