Well hello there. I see you've made it to the end of my story. Good job. If you did it all in one sitting please go eat something, drink something, and take a nap.

So, you may be wondering, "WTF is this? The story is over!" Well, let me get to it! This thing here is my planning document, posted in its entirety. I feel like if you've made it this far you deserve a little look into all the insanity that went into this 200,000-word piece of hell. So, here it is. Complete with all my little footnotes, weird jokes, and so many things out of context. Enjoy!

More Than He Seems

1) Picks up at end of IM2, pepper is a good bro, makes the machine, reads lots of medical journals, baby proofing and building of Stark Tower (Under his skin)

2) Avengers Assemble for the first time, "cradle to grave protocol" Steve has to help Tony put in a new reactor (The cradle to grave protocol)

3) Carter Anthony Stark is born July 1st, 2012 and Tony sends out a group text telling his friends and the team, queue various team reactions, Clint tells about secret family (Hi baby, I'm your dad!)

4) Steve comes to visit with cute baby stuff, stays 2 weeks, arc reactor pain (a long day's night)

5) Avengers tower becomes a thing and Bruce moves in, CAWS happens, Steve is not happy, He tells Tony the truth about his parents' death, Bruce ends up having to baby sit while they sort this out, Tony talks about Howards A+ parenting and Steve sees scars (I'm fine I swear)

6) Clint and Natasha move in part time as well as Thor, cute baby fluff, Tony's new element get recognized and on the periodic table, lots of press conferences, and a Nobel prize nomination. Tony talks about his life before as well as all the shit that happened in IM1 and that before the baby was born he got diagnosed with anxiety and PTSD, Steve shares his worries and the stuff that happened during the war (we share an iron heart)

7) (Start with Nobel stuff) Christmas with just Steve, Tony, and baby (hint at crushes) (Merry Christmas)

8) Time skip, Carter is now 1, first word is Dada, more baby fluff (We go marching on)

9) More baby fluff, mission to stop some evil thing (figure out later) Stony kiss after battle and first steps (Stronger with you) (mention eyes) (coconut and metal kiss)

10) Carter is now walking, more baby fluff. Sharing of personal information (the rape incident) (Break the Silence)

11) Time skip, Carter is 1 year 8 months and showing signs of being just as smart as Tony, Carter calls all the Avengers + Happy, Pepper, and Rhodey his aunts and uncles, except Steve, he calls him Papa Steve, Stony is surprised. Steve gives Tony his dog tags. (Family is more than blood)

12) Hydra fights and such. They deal with that glowing blue thing from guardians 2. Carter turns 2. Thor dark world happens. Team play truth or dare, Steve had to tell the team about the rape incident because tony has a meltdown. Thor gifts Tony with a special dagger from Asgaurd that shows his strengths as a warrior and a survivor. (I trust you)

13) Thor baby sits, Carter is fast and squirmy and breaks his arm, he has Steve paint the cast to look like Iron Mans arm. Carter is 2.5 (Accidents happen)

14) Carter turns 3 and soon after AOU with minor changes, Tony sees Carter get hurt in his Wanda vision and Steve has to help calm him down on the plane, The Avengers knew of Ultron but were not expecting this to happen, Carter lifts the hammer during the hammer scene, Carter is at Clint's farm and such, movie ends as normal with ALL the avengers leaving the tower for the new compound, mention nightmares and clairvoyance due to Thanos and the mind stone (I won't lose you)

15) Parenting woes and toddler troubles. Thor tries to bless Steve and Tony with fertility to have another child (BONE!) Tony gets an ESA dog to help with his trauma, a German Shepard named Curie. Steve and Tony celebrate when gay marriage is legalized in the US! (We're in this together now)

16) All parties smell something fishy with the accords and investigate and find out that Ross was a hydra agent and they take him down in berlin and find Bucky, Tony finds and enlists Peter to help and becomes a mentor to him, they get Bucky into a rehabilitation program with the Avengers. Tony has nerve damage in his arm due to trauma, a broken arm, three broken ribs, and a punctured lung due to the final fight with the very much alive winter soldiers. He's in a coma for 5 days. (Crash and burn)

17) BP happens. Tony makes Peter his personal intern and he gets to spend lots of time at the compound during the summer. Tony gets invited to Wakanda and brings Peter with him so that he can learn stuff too. Shuri and Peter become best friends and Tony and T'Challa regret everything. (Wakanda nonsense is this?)

18) SMHC happens as normal but Toomes kills May, Tony jumps in and helps Peter and he adopts him, Steve helps a lot too, Bucky gets a cat names Mr. Bigglesworth because someone (Tony) made him watch Austin Powers. (I'll keep you safe)

19) Interviews, family bonding, Peter gets used to living fulltime at the compound, movie night, Peter invited Ned and MJ and Shuri over, embarrassing parents Steve and Tony. Tony helps Peter build his first AI robot (Pixel) Tony takes Steve to go see Hamilton. Peter calls Tony dad for the first time. Trump loses the election and the world is a better place. (One of Us!)

20) Carter gets kidnapped by some rouge Hydra agents and injected with stuff, they get him back but Tony gets caught. (Give him back!)

21) Tony gets tortured and Stone tried to rape him again, but they find him, when he wakes up in the compound infirmary he is super happy to see his kids. Steve helps him get better mentally after all that went down. They discover that Carter now has to wear hearing aids because of HYDRA assholes (The dark. The sun. The stars.)

22) They discover that Carter now has powers (telekinesis but its gold instead of red like Wanda's (Carter now demands to be called "The Iron Shield) (The Iron Shield)

23) Steve proposes to Tony by the lake in early April. They both cry. The ring is made of vibranium taken from Steve's shield. (Will you have me?)

24) Back to school and lunch funny stuff, Carter has to make a family tree also in grade 2 and kids make fun of his hearing aid. (skipped grades) (somehow work in the buck naked stark nude joke, because the avengers do one of those buzzfeed thirst tweet videos). (You are my sunshine)

25) Stony wedding! (You are my everything) October 8th, Steve wears his old military uniform, Tony wears a black suit with a tan vest to match. Peter and Carter walk with Tony down the aisle. Steve takes Tony's last name.

Rings are a gold-titanium alloy with Yinsinium stripes (element tony made) there is crying

Speeches, and laughs (no matter what happens remember I love you in the vows)

First dance song; Everywhere I go- Sleeping at Last cover

26) Steve volunteers to teach Peter's history class about what it was like in WW2. Carter is board at school because it's too easy, so Tony gives him extra work and extremely supervised lab time. (you're an idiot. Yes, but I'm your idiot…forever.) (Tell us a story)

27) Tony has horrible nightmares about alien attacks and the end of the world. He becomes very sick and makes the Bleeding Edge armor with the vibranium Shuri gave him back in chapter 17. Steve gets increasingly worried and tries his best to help. Mention that it feels like there's something horrible coming and like someone evil keeps speaking in his head. (you're not the only one burdened with knowledge) (The calm before the storm)

28) don't put authors note at all! Use multiple points of view. Tony is out with Steve on a date when Strange opens the portal and they meet Bruce. (talk of maybe having another kid) The big floaty ring ship shows up again and Peter and Tony end up on Titan as before. The soul stone ends up being part of Tony (because the red skull thing was stupid) (make no shit sherlock joke, and facial hair bros joke) April 26, 2018, the day the world ended (Dad, I don't feel so good… end on cliff hanger) (To Infinity…)

29) Thanos failed to get the soul stone, Gamora is alive. She meets up with Nebula and the gang on Titan. Thor gets the team there via the Bifrost and the final battle takes place. Tony and Steve force Peter home. Bucky still does that thing where he picked up Rocket and spun in a circle shooting shit. Thanos kills Vision to get the mind stone. Nebula and Gamora deal the final blow. Vision, Rocket, Drax, Wanda, Sam, Nebula, and Strange die in the conflict. (…And Beyond)

30) The immediate aftermath of the battle. Everyone is a crying mess. Tony gets his hands on the gauntlet and with his soul stone. He uses it to help fix some of the damage to Earth and the other worlds affected before having the different Stones and Gauntlet thrown into black holes and neutron stars. Because the gauntlet has too much power it destroys Tony's left arm and he has to preplace it with a prosthetic one. The gauntlet (time stone) also deages his molecules to look like he's in his 20's again but still has all his memories. They travel to Wakanda before they obliterate the stones to do this. While they are doing this on one of the planets they find a little baby girl who looks like Gamora but it's baby blue with her hair being a soft golden blonde. Steve and Tony take her home with them because she was orphaned by Thanos. (Turn it to ash)

31) All the survivors return to the compound to rest and recover before all the funerals. Tony and Steve are just happy to be back with their kids. It is very emotional. The Avengers and remaining guardians begin to heal. Tony makes up some documents to present to the government so that they can keep the baby they found. They get to keep her and name her Ana-Maria Sarah Stark. Valkyrie and Korg make it to Earth with 10 Asgardian children. The Avengers help out and the UN grants them some land to make a new home close to the compound. (We go on)

32) Peter graduates High School. His family are super proud and there are lots of feelings. Peter gets accepted to MIT and Tony puts together a celebration. Steve turns 100. (Oh the places you will go)

33) The Avengers and Guardians win the Nobel Peace Prize for eventually stopping the end of the universe. Something about 20Gayteen (Thank You!)

34) One year later. Tony officially retires Iron Man except for end of the world problems. Peter is enjoying MIT, Carter starts taking martial arts, Ana-Maria is a cute baby. (2019 Tony is 45) (Just a man in a can)

35) Tony gets some tattoos. One for each of his kids. (the Spiderman logo for Peter, Carter's Iron Shield logo that he drew, and a sunflower for Ana-Maria.) He also gets Steve's shield on his chest near the reactor over his heart. Steve gets Tony's reactor and the same ones for the kids. (Of course I'm a dad! Have you met me?)

36) Tony and Steve go to career day at Carter's school. Carter is officially the coolest kid in school! Tony and Clint recreate their infamous lip-sync battle on the actual show. (Coolest kid in town)

37) Peter and MJ get married (2023) (Wedding bells are ringing!)

38) Carter heads off to MIT at age 16, Ana-Maria gets into competitive dance. Peter helps run RnD at SI and is a full-on Avenger. Obligatory beach episode. (2028) (All grown up)

39) Steve finally retires as Captain America at 47 (114) (year is 2032) the Young Avengers begin to take over (Peter, Carter, Cassie, Some of the Asgardians, Lila Barton) (The end of an era)

40) It's wrap up time. Tony and Steve watch their grown kids and grandkids, (Benjamin (P), Millie (P), Sammy (P), and Edwin (C)) play in the compounds yard. They watch the new Avengers train and Tony thinks back on everything in flashbacks. (Get dialog from each chapter for this as well as behind the scenes stuff) Tony smiles as he and the old team can enjoy their old age. All is well. (2040, Tony is 66 but looks 45) (More Than He Seems)


Tropes to address- 1) Cap boob grab 8

2) Cap the human Dorito (you taste delicious) 8

3)Avengers movie night and CAH night

4) Never have I ever and Truth or Dare

5) Pepper's heals mean doom

6) fondue 10 and pr6

7) rouge Dorito man

8) Team Nobel peace prize after infinity war

9) stark naked and buck nude

10) Tony Can't have lactose

11) let Bucky have a plum 2k16


13) playing soccer with the kids.

Social media handles

Group Instagram, twitter, vine- avenger_official

Tony's- tstark

Steve's- captain_america_official


Clint- hawkeye

Natasha- romanov1

Thor- thorgodofthunder

Spinoff chapters! / stories! All of these are up and ready to read! Just click on my profile! All of there are part of the main story but with their own unique situations/scenarios that called for their own little fic!

7-2) Tony at the noble awards. He brings Bruce and he tries really hard not to cry when he wins. He video calls everyone after the awards and Rhodey and Steve are so proud of him. (A Nobel Accomplishment)

9-2) post chapter 9 sex! (Stronger with you NSFW scene)

On-going) Various vine and Instagram shenanigans (The Avengers need better PR than this!)

1) Smack cam. Everyone gangs up on Clint because they saw Nat do it to him first (Smack Cam!)

2) What Avengers training really looks like (pool noodle fights), "To all the haters out there" *Steve and Tony kiss*. Some people think it's a publicity stunt, some think their dating, and some think it's to help LGBT rights. The internet and media have a field day. Thor makes a video about Asgardian food and customs. It's super cute. (Home is a crazy place)

3) Tony and Bruce make a Rube Goldberg machine that ends in an explosion. It goes viral. (For the sake of science!)

4) Clint makes a Tumblr chronicling the crazy that is their lives with the worst possible titles for things. (Rouge Dorito man)

5) A lip sync battle between Tony and Clint goes viral. Chaos happens, and the internet loses its shit. (I wanna be Beyoncé!)

6) The team have a twitter war over who can give the best compliment to another Avenger. Steve and Tony use this a time to shamelessly flirt with each other. The world still has questions about their little kissing stunt and Steve and Tony publicly out their relationship. (Little do you know)

7) The team have a contest over who can post the most unflattering picture of the other Avengers on their Instagram. They try to combat all the thirst comments (Picture (not) perfect)

8) Thor loses a bet and must let Natasha make a hair and makeup tutorial using his face and hair and posts it on YouTube. (Never try to out drink a Russian)

9) The team open fan mail! They get so many letters from kids and it's super cute. (You've got mail!)

10) What really happened in Budapest. There was no mission. Clint can't read Hungarian and got lost. They get kidnaped by the local mob, blow up an underground bunker, and stop an illegal arms deal. They emerge with 2 gunshot wounds, a broken arm, 10 bottles of very expensive wine, and a kilo of meth. (What REALLY happened in Budapest)

12-13) The team play Jenga (Clint can't use his arrows to cheat), Monopoly (Tony and Nat cheat), CAH (poor Steve. Thor makes the dirtiest jokes) (This is why we can't have nice things!)

18-2) Kinky clean-shaven sex! (Clean Shaven)

24) Peter takes a field trip to SI. The Avengers are overprotective and embarrass the fuck out of him, especially Tony and Steve. Bucky is a shadow keeping a close eye on everything. Flash is a problem, but the Avengers quickly fix that. (Permission slips please)

25) Honeymoon sex! (After "I Do")

26) Clint and Peter are left to baby sit all the kids one weekend while all the others are doing stuff. Calamity ensues. (I am a responsible adult!)

32) birthday porn! (Sweet on you)

Potatoes fell out in droves No matter what happens, I love you.

Songs used for each chapter- Here's the URL to the playlist! www. / playlist?list= PLY-Mirc3qL xNy5G3A0v CFCV2hVs7mSyZN (just remove the spaces and put into a browser)

Fear by Sleeping at Last

Breathe by Of Verona

Child by Todd Baker

Shy by Jai Waetford

Je Suis Malade par Laura Fabian

Super Friends from Holy Musical B Man!

Progressive Christmas Carols by PAINT

Five by Sleeping at Last

Love Don't Die by The Fray

Break the Silence by François Mulder

Work Song by Hozier

Lake Shore Drive by Aliotta Haynes Jeremiah

People help the People by Birdy

King of the Clouds by P!ATD

To build a Home by The Cinematic Orchestra

Frost by Racheal Sage

Pray for Me by Kendrick Lamar and The Weekend

Kids by MGMT

Non-Stop from Hamilton

Lazarus by David Bowie

Find you by Stan Walker

Kids by Take That

Not Alone from AVPM

Goin' back to Hogwarts from AVPM

Everywhere I go by Sleeping at Last

PTSD by Lucas King

Medicine by Daughter

This bitter Earth by Dianna Washington (also show the dance)/ Don't fear the reaper by Blue Oyster Cult

Gallows by Katie Garfield

Shelter by Birdy

Sedated by Hozier

Nothing's gonna hurt you baby by Cigarettes after Sex

Sun by Sleeping at Last

I was here by Beyoncé

Home Again by Alexx Calise

When it don't come easy by Sleeping at Last

Woodwork by Sleeping at Last

Jackie and Wilson by Hozier

A Thousand Years by Christine Perri

Man Like Me by Robert Downey Jr.

One last thing before I close the book on this story. I just want to say thank you to all you for reading. Thank you for all the comments that pushed me to keep writing. Thank you for supporting my story by leaving kudos and likes. Just… Thank you.

When I first started writing MTHS, I never thought that it would ever get this big. When I wrote that first chapter, I thought that maybe a handful of people would ever read it because the beginning was so weird. Those were back in the days where I thought that a 5000-word chapter was long. Oh, how wrong I was. Just look at chapter 28. Almost 33000 words! And you guys stayed with it!

So, I hope you give the other works in this story a read if you haven't already. All of them are already posted and ready to read. I hope you like them. In some other news, I do have another project in the works as well as a few Marvel one-shots I want to do. My other big Marvel fic "The Princes Love" is also up to read if you want. It's Tony/Thor.

Also, I would like to announce the title for my next big fic. It's called "What I wouldn't give to see you smile". It's another Marvel fic and is likely to be a long one. Keep an eye out for it. Follow my Tumblr, lupinthealchemist, for updates on my writing or if you just want to chat. I'm lonely so I'm always down to make new friends.

So, with all that said and done, Thank you all so much for reading my fic. For sharing in my tears and 2 am editing blunders. Thank you, and remember, "No matter what happens, remember I love you." -Shadows.