A/N: Hi guys! This idea won't go away so I will write it. It may be slightly confusing as it is AU and some characters are OOC. I will probably bring people back as well. Will be in Hayley's POV unless stated otherwise. Many characters are considered a family…

Summery: What happens when Sam and Dean find out they have another secret sibling. A 10-year-old sister. And What happens in the years after? After her mother dies, Hayley Storm tries to contact her father, but her brothers pick up and say her father died years ago. How will everything play out? Epilogue starts in 2013. Mainly Hayley will be 15. Many characters are back from the dead and this is major AU.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my plot and my OC Hayley.

July 7th 2013…

"Is this John Winchester?" I say into the phone. My mom died, and I have no one else so I decided to contact my birth father. My mom told me enough about him that finding him was fairly simple.

"No. John has been dead since 2006. Who is this?" A man says. Crap. Now what. And who is this man I am talking to?

"I am his daughter." I say as I glance at the social worker sitting beside me. If I don't figure something out it will be a foster home for me. I hear a muffled voice in the background. It sounded like it said, 'Not this again.'

"How old are you?" The voice asks.

"I'm 10." I answer.

"How did you get this number?" The voice asks.

"I found it in a box labelled 'John' and my mom said that was my dads name."

"Can I speak to your mom, sweetie?" The man asks. That would be kinda hard.

"She is dead." I say.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Who are you?" I blurt out. Talking about my mom is not easy.

"I am… 'shut up Sam' Dean." The man, Dean, says.

"Why do you have John's phone?"

"Well, I am his son." He answers to my surprise.

"I…I have a brother." I say, more to my self than him.

"Two actually. Is there a way we can meet?" He asks me.

"Hold on. I need to ask my social worker." I press hold and turn to my social worker. She is tall with brown, shoulder length hair. She has a sweet smile and is nice.

"Can I meet up with them?" I ask.

"Them?" She asks back.

"Turns out my dad is dead. I am talking to my older brother." I say.

"That would be okay, but I have to be there." She says. I quickly say thanks and go back to the phone.

"She said we can, but she has to be there." I say to my brother.

"Okay. Can I talk to her to figure out when and where?" He requests. I nod even though he can't see it and hand her the phone. As they talk, I think about many things. I fantasize about living with my brother Dean in a huge house. It has a cliché white picket fence and we have a dog. He is tall, bald and about 36. He works as a mechanic. I go to a private school where I wear an itchy uniform. I always wanted to go to private school but with mom, I was lucky to go to any school. She tried her best, but we never had much money. Never much food either and I think that's why I don't eat much now.

When the social worker is done on the phone, she informs me that we will be meeting tomorrow in a diner just outside of town. She takes me to her house for the night, so we can leave first thing in the morning.

I open my eyes and for a minute, I don't know where I am. I look around the light pink room and see a clock. 5:10 am. Then, the memories of yesterday flood back and I can't help but feel a little sick. What is my brothers don't like me? What if they won't take me in? I will have to go to a foster home and stay with people who I have no relation to. Suddenly, the alarm goes off and I jump. I'm not usually jumpy but I didn't realize that I was thinking for so long. The alarm was set for 5:30. Well, I should probably get up. I step out of the bed on to the cold, hardwood floor of the guest room in my social workers house. I wish I had my slippers. I walk over to my bag that is sitting on the dresser across from the bed. I didn't unpack because, if all goes well today, I won't be here much longer. I unzip the bag as quietly as possible and grab a pair of ripped jeans and a rock n' roll t-shirt. Should I dress up or dress comfortable. As I am trying to decide, I hear a quiet knock on the door of the little pink room.

"Hayley? Are you awake? Can I come in?" I hear from the door.

"Yeah." I say. The door opens, and I see my social worker. How did she get ready so fast? She looks over to my ugly duffle bag and the clothes in my hands.

"Is that what you're planning on wearing?" She says with a slightly disgusted look. I nod.

"Why?" I say in a sort of snarky voice. How dare she judge my taste in clothes.

"Its just… you don't want to scare them away." She says.

"Well what would you have me wear?" I ask. It was supposed to be sarcastic but…

"I'm glad you asked." She pulls a dress out from behind her. Frilly and pink. There is no way I'm going to wear that. "This is my daughters old dress. You can wear it if you want." If I want? Why would I want that?

"No thanks. Its beautiful. Really. But its just not… me." I say. I try to be polite. She looks disappointed.

"Ok, but are you sure about that outfit choice?" She asks me. I nod. "Well, okay but hurry. We have to go in 15 minutes."

"Okay." I say as she leaves the room. I remove my clothes and put my clean ones on. After I am dressed, I shove my old clothes into my bag and grab my hair brush and a scrunchie. I walk over to the small, round mirror and brush it. I put it in my signature ponytail. Toothbrush in hand, I walk across the hall to the bathroom and brush my teeth.

After fixing my bag, I go downstairs and my social worker hands me a glass of… Green slime? I scrunch up my nose in disgust.

"Drink it, its good for you."

"What is it?" I ask, trying not to throw up.

"It's a kale smoothie. Drink fast we have to go." She tells me. As she turns to put on her shoes, I dump the 'smoothie' down the sink. She turns back.

"Yum." I say and fake wipe my mouth. She smiles as I put on my shoes and head to the car.

We pull up to a diner after driving for an hour. I don't know the town, but the name of the diner is Lexie's Diner. There is only one car and it is a beautiful '67 Chevy Impala. God, I hope that is Dean's car. We get out of our car and go into the diner. I look around and see only two guys. One is sitting. He has short hair and a leather jacket. The other one stands up and asks if I am Hayley. He is super tall with shoulder length brown hair. I nod, and we walk over. This must be Dean.

"Hi, are you Dean Winchester?" I ask.

"No, I am Sam Winchester. This is Dean." He says, gesturing to shorter guy that is sitting and eating a hamburger. He nods to me to say hi. I giggle and nod back.

"I like your shirt." He says with his mouth full. Sam looks at him disgusted. I giggle again and say thanks. Then I glance at my social worker as if to say, 'Scare them away? Eh?'

"Oh yeah, please sit." He says as he moves out of the way. My social worker and I on one side and Sam and Dean on the other. Dean finally finishes chewing and wipes his mouth on a napkin.

"So…what happened to Dad?"