Disclaimer: I don't own Attack on Titan.

Warning: Contains manga spoiler.

Chapter 5: Decisions

A man in a black suit and hat came into the cave and walked directly to her. "Krista Lenz ... I was there when you got that name."

A flood of unwanted memories flooded into her mind. 'This man killed Mama.'

'It was the military police that murdered her mother.' Eren was staring at the panicked face of Historia and with the only thing he wanted at that moment was to release his hand from the moorings and run to embrace her.

Historia lifted his head and glimpsed Eren's worried and desperate gaze. She stepped out of the trance she was in and nodded to make sure she was okay. The two were soon dragged out of the cave and watched in horror as the men who "kidnapped" them were murdered.

The only thing that went through Eren's mind as a woman in a cloak took away the hidden ghosts of him and Historia was: 'The plan failed.'

A blinding light took his mind from the chaos in which he was flooding. 'They dressed us in straightjackets and locked us in a coffin.'

He rolled to the side and found History in the other coffin, staring at a man with a deadly gaze.

"I'm sorry for everything that happened, Historia." The man's voice broke the terrifying silence of the room they were in.

Historia continued to stare at the man with hatred when he was apprehended by a hug.

'It's all a farce... only a farce' She kept repeating in her head, trying to ignore the warmth of the embrace she had always longed for from this despicable man.

She watched as the man with the hat struck Eren's neck, making him faint. She lunged at them from the coffin on the floor.

"Do not hurt, Historia." Her father said in a tone of preoccupied concern in his voice.

"Now do you care?" She wanted to scream, but with a dry throat did not rise higher than a whisper.

"Do not be ungrateful, brat." The man with the hat said mockingly and lifted her by the arm.

"Do not hurt him." She said through gritted teeth.

"I'll take good care of your boyfriend." The man with the hat said as he carried Eren through the door.

"Come on, daughter. We have a lot to take care of."

'Daughter.' The word echoed in her troubled and confused mind making her question your sanity one more time.

"Eren." She screamed trying to wake him. "Are you listening me?"

Eren opened his eyes once more, not knowing where he was. 'This is getting tiresome.' He tried to rub his eyes with the hands, but he noticed that he was chained and felt a slight sensation of panic fall like stone on an empty stomach.

He heard a voice calling his name one more time and looked down at her. 'She's fine.' He wanted to speak out loud desperately to ask what the hell was going on but he tasted the metal in his mouth. 'A muzzle'.

He kept looking into the girl's blue eyes in front of him trying to find the calmness she always gave him, but it all dropped when she started to speak.

"Eren, my father has never betrayed mankind, he is our ally, we judge him wrong."

She noticed the gleam in his eyes diminished as she opened her mouth, but she needed him to believe her. Her father came back to her, did not he? He was there now, she had a family and he was a good man, was not he?

"It is certain that he interfered with the plans of the exploration troop, and he ordered the death of Pastor Nick and Reebs and his men, but he had no choice, he did all this for the good of mankind." She continued, but she no longer knew if it was to convince Eren or herself.

"Historia, let me explain."

Eren tried to wipe the mess of his head as he watched the man hold Historia's hand and lead her to the stairs leading up to him. 'How long have I been here? What happened to the exploration troop? What did this man say to convince her? I've been to this place ... No, I have not been, but it looks familiar. '

"What is it? This is your first time here, but it would not be strange if this place sounds familiar." Eren heard the man say it again and he was feeling sick with that voice.

Historia watched with suspicion as he led her to Eren and positioned them behind him. She was not comfortable with Eren being trapped like an animal. "Father, were not you going to explain everything to Eren?"

"Yes, that's what I feel, but first I want to try something... We just need to touch him." He turned the hand of Historia to Eren's shoulder. "By doing this, he may remember, this place might serve as a trigger."

Historia and Eren almost collapsed when many images and memories flooded their minds in some seconds.

"Do you remember your father's sin now?" Rod Reiss asked to Eren who was terrified of the memory of having devoured his own father.

"Historia, are you okay?" Rod asked when he saw tears forming in the girl's eyes.

"Why did not I remember her? I was not alone all this time ... She gave me books and taught me to read..." Historia stammered.

"Have you and Frida met?" Rod asked confused.

"Frida?" Historia asked, uncertain.

"If you're talking about a girl with long black hair, she's your half sister, Frida Reiss." He explained. "Apparently Frida took care of you... She must have erased your memories to protect you."

"Did she erase my memories?" Historia asked.

"Yes, but now those memories have awakened when you touched Eren." He said a little confused by the whole situation.

"And where is Frida? I want to thank her for everything. If it were not for her I would be ... I would be ... Well, where is she?" Historia said with euphoria and happiness.

"Frida is no longer in this world." Rod answered in a monotone voice, trying to hide the discomfort. "I had five children, and along with my wife, they were all killed five years ago by Eren's father, Grisha Jaeger." Rod approached and braced Historia whose eyes were wide of shock.

He went on explaining without being sure the two teenagers were listening. "Grisha possessed the power of the titan, until that day I did not know who he really was, but his intentions became very clear. He wanted to steal the power of the Reiss family for himself. He wanted to possess the power that was stored inside the body of the her sister Frida. Frida had a form superior to any other tit, she was considered invincible, however at that time she did not have enough experience to deal with such power and ended up devoured by Grisha Jaeger and all her powers were taken. But still not satisfied he devoured my whole family to get rid of every line of the Reiss family. Miraculously I was the only survivor of that hell. "

"Why? Why he did something so cruel?" Historia asked almost out of breath looking at Eren who was also in shock.

"Hey, hey, hey. Are they still chatting? There's a military coup out there, it will not be long before they find this place." The man with the hat interrupted rudely.

"Yes, that's the plan, but I've already told all the anti-human squadrons to get out of here, including you." Rod said calmly.

"Is my majesty angry with me?" He said exaggeratedly. "I was looking for a bathroom."

"Keney, I totally trust you. Now go." Rod said firmly.

"I say the same, Majesty." He replied as he stepped out of the luminous cave.

Historia watched as her father came down the stairs to the pedestal where they were, dragging her with him. He bent to pick up a strange bag.

Her mind was a mess. She glared at the boy she had thought to take care of so many hours ago. 'It's not his fault. It was not he who killed Frida. His father's sins do not belong to him. He is still Eren. My Eren.'

On the pedestal, bound and completely bewildered, Eren watched as the look of hatred on pretty face of Historia was replaced by acceptance and then by something he had not seen in a long time since his mother had died. Was it love?

"I'm sorry for making you wait all this time, Historia." Rod Reiis's voice echoed through the cave, breaking Eye and Eren's eye contact.

"Father, what is this?" Historia walked up to him and saw the syringe with a strange liquid inside.

Eren's heart squeezed as he remembered the image of his own father injecting that same liquid into his arm before transforming him into a titan that made him eat it alive. 'He can not do the same with history. Not with her. '

Historia stared at his father's face as he stood before her and began to explain. "Pay attention, I know it sounds impossible, but Frida is not dead yet."

"What?" Historia said confused.

"The memories of Frida still live. Would you like to see your sister?" He went on to explain.

"Yes, I want to see her." Historia said with a smile of hope on face that made Eren's heart calm down for a second. The calm was soon replaced with terror when he understood what was going to happen next.

Sounds of struggle and clink of arms could be heard in the distance. "Looks like we're running out of time." Rod said with the same annoying calm in his voice.

"What's with that look, Eren?" Historia asked when he saw the look of desperation on his face.

"I think he already understood what will happen to him." Rod said. "The power of Frida will return to the Reiss family through you, Historia. "

"How?" She asked curiously.

"Frida possessed more than the titan powers, she knew all the history of this world and how this world ended up like this. She was 15 years old when she got those memories and powers, devouring my younger brother, and Eren's father got those powers when he devoured Frida"

This statement made the reality of the situation sink into the Historia's mind. 'He wants me to devour Eren.'