The news that Cell had at last been defeated was something that affected many people worldwide.
In the days leading up to it, there had been a blanket of dread and suspense over the world populace, every person able to comprehend it all wondering with great, but silenced, terror if everything would end for them soon.
The world thinking it had finally been over, that the world was safe once again, was therefore one filled with celebration.
Many cities lauded Hercule Satan as the savior of the world, with everyone from the average citizen to the king of the world himself giving him great respect.
As this occurred, the true savior of the world watched the parade from a rooftop, an open but forgotten textbook in his hands as he looked down, hearing the crowds' cacophonous cheers for Hercule, their praise, gratefulness and all other things drowning one another out, things like flowers and other such things being thrown onto the float he stood on, posing dramatically.
"This seems pretty dissatisfying."
The words of the woman's low voice captured his attention, and he looked back to the source of it.
"Hey there." She said, arms crossed as her heeled boots clicked against the roof with each step, her sitting down next to him. "I take it you wanted to see this stuff?"
"A bit. It's nice, seeing everyone happy like this." Gohan replied.
"Really?" #18 glanced to him curiously. "You aren't mad about everything that guy's been doing?"
Gohan didn't respond for a few moments.
"I know the truth." He decided to say. "It's hard hearing him treat everyone like they didn't help beat Cell. But even if he didn't do anything, I'm still happy to hear how happy everyone is. It helps put things into perspective."
"What do you mean?"
"My Dad died because of Cell. He said he wanted to leave it to me, to protect Earth. But I was still sad about what my anger caused. How it's basically my fault it happened. At least this way... It's easier to know how much I really helped." Gohan smiled sadly. "I hear it being used so often, people saying they'll destroy the planet or something. It's terrible, sure, but you never get a feel for just how many lives could be at stake. I don't think it's really possible to. Now that I see all these people though, people who were so afraid of what was going to happen... I know, just a bit, just how much it means to save the world."
They watched the parade continue for a few sparse moments, the crowds' cheers and applause drowning out even the most minute space for silence.
"I wanted to tell you something Gohan." #18 said to him, and he looked over to her. "You helped me too. If not for you, I'd probably still be inside of Cell right now."
Gohan's smile turned bitter.
"I'm sorry #18. But... It wasn't my intention."
"It wasn't your intention to save the world so HE could hog the glory either." #18 cocked her head down at Hercule for emphasis. "But he still did it anyways. So I'm thanking you anyway. I'm glad you were able to find and help us. Things could've been so different, if not for you. So... Thanks."
"Thank you." Gohan smiled gently.
"Hopefully that helps even the scales a bit. It really SHOULD be you down there."
"I'll be fine." Gohan shook his head. "I got what I came for after all."
"Headed home now?"
He nodded.
"What do you plan on doing?"
"Probably study or train a bit." Gohan responded. "What about you?"
"Just roaming around I guess. The world's my oyster. And it's not like my body needs as much food or water as normal people, so there's that too."
"I see." Gohan became pensive, then looked to #18. "Could I ask you something though?"
"Do you mind helping me train? Everyone else is sort of..."
#18 thought it over, then nodded.
"Sure." She smiled. "I wouldn't mind helping you get stronger. I don't see any downsides to that."
"Great." Gohan nodded.
The days and months passed, the world returned to its state of normalcy, the threat of Cell's presence all but forgotten, and yet, with #18 aiding him, Gohan's powers grew in strength greatly, with #18's modified body allowing her to improve in this area greatly as well.
In time, a new threat would rear its head, a group of space pirates who attacked a tournament Gohan participated in.
Despite their immense power however, Gohan's training had prepared him well.
One by one, the pirates were taken down, but not killed.
As Gohan stood over the defeated group and stood with panting breath over their leader, the man tried to kill him in one last dangerous bout, attempting to use his supposed girlfriend as a distraction.
This failed however, as Gohan sped past the woman and diverted the attack, killing Bojack for his actions.
Left alone with the group, Gohan only glared at them.
"I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to."
He said this while giving them treatment, and the pirates, stunned by his kindness despite their trying to kill him and his friends, eventually relented and chose to live life serving him.
All of them were incredibly powerful, moreso than even hardened Super Saiyans, and Gohan found himself accepting their choice to be on his side.
Despite this, his training partner still helped him for years to come.
"#18," Gohan said one day, "could I talk to you?"
"Yeah?" #18 walked over to the panting boy.
"There's... Something I wanted to tell you."
#18 raised an eyebrow at him.
"For a long time, I've... Had feelings for you." Gohan confessed, heart racing as he admitted this. "I don't know how long I've felt this way, but I..."
"Is that so." #18 spoke coolly, glancing off into the distance while crossing her arms. "Are you really interested in an adult?"
"Yes." He said honestly.
Silence passed them by, #18's sharp gaze looking at him, studying him.
"I have a hard time believing that."
"But... You're so pretty, strong, confident..." Gohan sighed. "Sorry. I just wanted you to know."
#18 thought about it.
"Maybe in a couple years." She said. "If you don't fall for anyone by the time you're... 14, then I'll consider it."
Gohan's hopeful smile was all the proof she needed to know this was his new plan.
#18 soon walked about while trying to meet Gohan again, and her deadline had passed, with her eventually deeming herself Gohan's lover in that time when he asked right on his birthday if she would accept him.
Despite this, their routine did not change drastically, only now there were several late night visits between them where they spent time in Gohan's room, sometimes doing the dirty deed, other times simply spending time with one another.
One day, when Gohan was in the middle of a grocery run, he found her, hiding amongst the trees after their last farewell came with the promise she'd let him do it a large bunch the next time they met.
Gohan walked to the woman's side, her smiling expectantly at him as she hid herself slightly within the forest.
As he reached her side, the boy found himself looking at her body up and down, lust filling his gaze.
Gohan had become used to #18's presence, him grasping a hold of her shirt and pulling it off of her, #18 moving along with it and throwing her striped shirt away, her braless chest revealing the large F-Cups #18 had.
"Don't I get a "hello" from you before we start?" #18 said teasingly, and Gohan regarded her words, the eleven year old smiling up at her.
"Sorry #18, I just got a little excited."
"No problem." #18 replied, Gohan closing the distance between them, his chinese style shirt pressing against her smooth skin, him gripping the back rim of her tight jeans as they clung tightly to her big ass, his hesitance to do whatever he could to see her naked body having left him a long time ago.
As he ripped them apart, Gohan was greeted once more by the sight of her shaven pussy, #18 sliding herself free of the rags she wore now, her left in nothing but a set of her trademark brown boot heels, which she kicked off as well, Gohan smirking before he pulled off his own shirt, bothering to actually use caution now, his arm throwing his shirt away and revealing the sight of his abs as they rippled down his body, black eyes gazing upon #18, kicking off his shoes and pants, smiling as he finally stood in front of the woman, both naked and not caring.
#18 pressed her hand gently into his chest, pushing the boy onto his back slowly, her crawling back and looking down at his loose length, a degree of it being hardened showing that some arousal had birthed itself within Gohan, and she gripped it with both hands, her blue eyes watching his every reaction as soon as she leaned herself down, bringing the head of his cock into her mouth and sucking lightly on it, Gohan letting out a moan as she played with him.
#18 removed one of her hands from his cock after it started to grow harder, her unwrapping the hand preventing her from sucking on anything below the head of his length. As she moved her head down on his length, Gohan gave a shudder that she loved.
Feeling his length growing more and more inside of her mouth, #18 let go completely of his cock, closing her eyes as she started to hobble her head down on his shaft, sucking hungrily on him, his cock pushing deeper and deeper into the depths of her throat, #18 soon pushing his whole length into her mouth once he became fully erect, the tight, hot warmth of her mouth sending Gohan into bliss as she sucked him off, her eyes looking up at him.
As she finished up sucking him off, #18 pulled herself off of his cock, her smiling down at the massive 11 inch length.
Gohan quickly stood up, having used his powers to float himself up, and walked up to #18, pushing her bare back against a tree, his height making it so her breasts were in his face, Gohan pulling her left knee up as he aimed his cock, thrusting inside of her as #18 gave a short moan.
He let go of her knee, and #18 wrapped it tenderly around his waist, Gohan's hands reaching around her body and sinking themselves in her ass cheeks, squeezing them for good measure, #18 hopping up a short elevation and wrapping her other leg around his waist, Gohan letting go of her ass cheeks before bouncing #18 on his cock, his eyes fixated on her breasts as they started to bounce, #18 feeling herself start to moan uncontrollably once he started to do this, the pleasure coursing through Gohan as he started to actually thrust into #18, his hands grabbing her ass again and slamming her down on his length whenever she was bounced back up by his hips, the process becoming rhytmic and rapid, their slapping flesh adding to the melody of #18's voice as it reflected her pleasure, her hugging his face into her cleavage as he released the binds of his regular life from his mind.
Soon, #18 felt her insides churning around strangely, her body starting to emit sweat, Gohan noticing this and slamming her down on his length even harder than before, the boy having yet to sweat or show signs of fatigue himself.
Then, with her climax hitting her quick and hard, #18 clenched her grip around him in a vice, her cum spurting out onto his length, before her tiredness got the better of her and she let go of her grip on him, Gohan smiling while letting go of her ass, #18 falling down on it before he pushed her around, #18 working through the fatigue and holding herself in an all-fours position, Gohan aiming his dick behind her and thrusting fully inside of her, holding her sides as his instincts took over, pounding his meaty length into the woman under him, #18 starting to scream from him doing this to her.
The sound was a heavenly gift to Gohan's ears, and he quickly transformed, hair golden and eyes teal, muscles slightly larger as he pounded even harder into #18, the android's breasts bouncing and jiggling around as she was fucked doggy style, her throwing her head back and relishing in his cock growing to be 12 and a half inches long and three inches wide, his blurred thrusts inside of her driving her to her second orgasm within minutes.
When she arched her back and clenched her walls around him, Gohan once again didn't cum.
He never came that easily.
Her now worn out, #18 rested her cheek on the grass under her, breathing heavily.
Gohan was still hard for obvious reasons however, and he smiled as he gripped her ass cheeks, for the first time to spread them, and at the sight of her tight asshole, Gohan aimed his length, thrusting fully inside of the hole.
#18 screamed out loudly, arching her back as she pressed it into his chest, Gohan reaching up behind her and cupping her breasts, him placing his thighs against the back of hers, his thrusts so brutal as he felt immense pleasure that an earthquake shook the ground, #18 screaming out as he screwed her, her weakness in her own situation feeding Gohan's lust as he grasped her shoulders and fucked her as hard as he could, his body alit with bright energy as he thrust into her, his hips becoming so fast that no one looking at their combined genitelia would be able to see him moving, Gohan thrusting harshly into #18's asshole, him feeling himself about to release and pulling out of her, rubbing himself off with her ass crack, aiming quickly before thrusting back inside of #18's pussy, him thrusting as deeply inside of her as possible before letting himself go, Gohan moaning lightly as he drilled into her for one last, desperate moment before finally he thrust completely inside of her, him ignoring the wall guarding her womb and breaking through it, his cock's thick head spraying cum deep into #18's womb as she screamed, her eyes wide and her body sweaty and clammy, the woman gripping the blades of grass for support.
Gohan felt his cock start pumping the rest of his cum into her, waiting with lost breath, before he pulled abruptly out of her when his climax ended, standing back up while #18 laid on her face, her ass sticking up in the air still.
She lay like this, out of breath, for a few minutes, and as Gohan looked upon that pleasure inducing part of her body, he started rubbing his hand over her ass as she gradually recovered.
When she had recovered enough to breathe almost normally, she slowly got up, first on her hands and knees, her all-fours position causing Gohan not to hesitate to slap her ass, before she stood up completely, her balance shaky as she stood on her two bare feet, her walking very slowly away as Gohan got dressed in the clothes he once wore, the boy realizing his dissatisfaction at the time the two would spend together.
They'd been doing this for weeks now, whenever Gohan would go to buy food for home, him getting sidetracked by his ulterior motives on the matter, the person who embodied said motives walking away from him then after picking up her shirt and shoes, leaving the remains of her jeans and panties behind.
He'd only do this once a week, and by nightfall, Gohan would feel the urge to try it again.
Though he may have wanted this however, Gohan could only cope with trying to ignore his own erection since he knew no other means of satisfying himself.
And so he called out to her, "Excuse me, Ms. 18?"
She turned to look at him, face somewhat curious, "What's wrong?"
"Do you have a place to stay?"
#18 reluctantly shook her head no.
"Wait here, you'll be staying with me." Gohan said, before running off.
#18 found that there shouldn't have been any harm in this, especially since she could only stay awake for so long before something tried to hurt her.
Going to a fixed shelter would be good.
She waited for a long time, and soon Gohan returned, both with the groceries and a pair of pants for her.
She took the pants gratefully, them being a size larger than the ones she wore before Gohan ripped them off, being more comfortable than those.
Smiling down at him, #18 walked beside Gohan as he walked away, him now in his base form.
"I appreciate you trying to help me," she started, "But you wouldn't be planning on doing something to me later on, would you?"
At her knowing smirk, Gohan blushed lightly, but smiled nonetheless, "I do. I just can't take the waiting anymore for every time we do that together. I thought it'd be easier if you did it at home."
"You could've just come there any day and I'd probably still be there." #18 said honestly.
"Oh well." Gohan reached up, hand pressing against her ass, "I just hope I can enjoy doing it with you as much as possible now."
#18 returned his smile with a smirk of her own, her holding his hand there and pressing it deeper into her ass cheek, "I'd be fine doing that for you. Even for an amateur, you actually know what you're doing."
He smiled gently.
As the years passed them by, life had settled into a relaxed flow, only broken by the initial backlash his mother had when the revelation that #18 had been dating and screwing Gohan came to pass, courtesy of the android getting pregnant.
Eventually using his knowledge to his advantage, Gohan tried to get a job with everyone else living with him at Capsule Corp., and though the transition was hard at first, Gohan was happy with his life.
One day however, it would all change, even if he couldn't see it for himself while it was beginnning.
As the man woke up in his bed, Gohan sat up slowly, looking over to the alarm clock besides him and frowning at how early it rang.
It took him a few moments to realize why he'd set it up to ring at this time, but when he did, he reached over and turned it off.
His wife groaned lowly in her sleep, her opening her blue eyes slowly to look up at him.
"It's that time already?" #18 asked in a blearing tone.
"Yeah." He said down to the woman, leaning down and kissing her forehead, her tired frown curving into a smile as he brushed a few strands of hair from her eyes.
"I don't get why you have to go to school." #18 said to him, her arm wrapped snugly around his stomach. "You've already got a job."
"Bulma said she didn't want me putting all my eggs in one basket." Gohan said, and when he tried getting up, #18's arm tugged on him in a playful manner, her want for him not to leave just yet made clear by this gesture.
Gohan looked down to her, and #18 leaned up, kissing her husband while laying herself against his body, her moving herself so she straddled him, sitting on his lap as she leaned into the man, Gohan's strong yet gentle hands holding her sides as she deepened their kiss.
His arms soon wrapped around her waist, and #18's around his neck, as they opened their mouths and let their tongues explore each other's mouths, the display of affection lasting a few moments before the two parted, both smiling down at one another breathlessly.
Her blue eyes gazed into his onyx ones, and she nuzzled her head affectionately into his neck.
"I'll miss you while you're gone." She said.
"I will too." Gohan said. "But... I don't have a full day schedule at least. I worked it out with the administrators, since I learned most of everything already."
#18 chuckled softly.
"That's my scholar." She cooed. "I hope you have a good day, anyhow."
He hugged her closer to him, and they released a gentle sigh of content in their embrace.
#18 then pulled herself off of him, laying back down as Gohan pulled out of the bed, the man rubbing his tired face as he walked out of the bedroom.
Upon leaving the room, he quickly found his daughter playing with her uncle, Goten doing a high five style game with her as this happened.
"Good morning you two." Gohan said as he walked over to them, the two looking up to the 18 year old and smiling.
"Hey Gohan!" Goten said, happy to see him.
His first daughter, Pan, a young girl that had yet to speak words, only gave a giggle while clapping her tiny hands together.
Gohan reached down and scooped both of them up in his arms, the two laughing as Chi-Chi came into the room.
She smiled at the sight of her family happy, and many greetings were given as everyone went about their morning.
Soon came the time when Gohan said his goodbyes to everyone, from his wife, children and family to the alien pirates who he'd taken in years ago.