One more hour left before the next challenge starts, Dylan was back in his judges seat along with the other judges and taking his lunch. He looked down at his sandwich while his thoughts went back to what happened between him and Kaiser. He felt hurt after what happened, he didn't know if he should be angry or not.. Not long he was interrupted by his seat mate Elizabeth.

"Is there something wrong Dylan??" She asked, Dylan shook his head and looked up to her.

"I'm okay" He replied.

"You sure??" She said, tilting her head. Dylan nodded to answer

"By the way... You were off to get kaiser out of the competition right? What happened?"

"He.. He refused" Dylan answered. "He got angry at me this time.."

Elizabeth's eyes widened after hearing his reply. "Well, Isn't this what kaiser wanted?" Elizabeth said. "Not that he wants to be rude to you but maybe he just wants to be part of a rescue team just like your parents"

Hearing that made Dylan remember what happened to their parents after the incident in the Riverdale Skyscraper. He fears that his younger brother might experience the same thing, even though it only happened once. Well that's what they think.

"Your brother did tell me that he would want to take his parents place when he becomes part of a rescue team, and said he would do it just to make you proud." She said.

"But i'm just scared to lose a family." Dylan replied. "Thats why i always protect him from any danger."

"He does have friends now, and they do also look after him." Elizabeth Pointed out "And besides, Rocky and Scott are in their team, you can count on them."

When Dylan heard Scott's name, he just can't help but feel angry. "That pup almost killed my brother you know that?"

Elizabeth just sighed after hearing his reply. "Dylan, are you still angry about that? It only happened once."

"And im sure it might happen again!" He said

"You're over reacting you know that?" She said

"And how am i over reacting?" Dylan asked. Elizabeth just shook her head

"I've known Scott and rocky ever since they came into school," Elizabeth said. "Both of them are kind, responsible, Obedient, and they are the pups that you can count on anytime!" Dylan still Doesn't give any trust Onthe two pups, even after listening to Elizabeth. "And one thing I noticed. You and Scott are almost the same."

Hearing that made Dylan's eyes widened. "W-What do you mean?" Elizabeth sighed then turned towards him again. "Why don't you ask him instead?" She replied. "That way. You two might get along."

He still Is curious about how and why Him and Scott are a little similar.

"If you want to make you're brother happy, give him a chance just to do what he always wants." Elizabeth said, Dylan thought for a moment. He looked at the building that was set inside the stadium, he then sighed and finally answered "I'll try..."

"Trust me, you'll change your mind after this." She said

"Attention participants!" The announcer said. "You only have 7 minutes to be prepared for the next challenge. We hope you'll all be ready."

The participating members of the PAW Patrol were at their area outside their assigned building to save, Marshall and sky Piled up empty buckets And filled it with water. Kaiser and crystal were planning to make a strategy to win the challenge.

"That building's got 4 floors." Crystal said. "The building is somewhat like an apartment so there will be a lot of rooms to check on. What we should do is to criss cross every single room and if we find a dummy, we bring them outside. There are actually seven dummies that we need to save so, we start by saving three, then three again, then we go save the last dummy, a perfect speed run."

"7 citizens inside a 4 storey building? Like how can we consider doing this as a speed run?" Kaiser questioned. Crystal stood up and grinned "Each room is small like a kitchen, so it will be easy to grab the dummies, we just run in and out if we see a dummy in trouble. All we have to do is criss cross, bust down the doors, look inside, if we see a dummy, run in and out."

"Why do you keep calling the citizens dummies?" kaiser asked.

"Cuz they are training dummies." She answered. "I can't also consider them a living being."

"But this is a competition." Kaiser said. "We must try and treat them like one."

"We both have our opinion and perspective." She shrugged. "Not like I'll give a damn about it or anything."

"Attention participants!" The announcer called "you only have 5 more minutes left." Crystal got up again then looked at kaiser. "By the way... About earlier..."

"What about earlier?" He questioned with a confused and curious face.

"About how your brother wants to get you out of the competition?" She answered, kaiser went silent for a bit then thought for an answer.

"You know if you have a dream, you really want it to come true." Kaiser said. "And you have to go through some obstacles before you get there, And Dylan's one of it..."

"What you did was right... And wrong at the same time.." Crystal said. Having kaiser confused.

"What do you mean?"

"First, it was right that you have to do everything you can do accomplish your dream" She answered. "Whats wrong is that you shouldn't show Anger towards your brother."

"Well I couldn't help it." He said. "I even regret doing it, but at the same time, I had to do it..."

"You should apologies to him afterwards after this." Crystal said. "One thing I hate are people not getting along with each other anymore..."

"I'll try." Kaiser smiled. Crystal shook her head.

"Don't just try it, just do it" She told him.

Kaiser nodded. "Thanks Crystal."

"No problem." She smiled at him. "This is what a teammate should do."

Marshall and Skye then walked up to them, seeing if they're ready.

"Is your plan ready?" Skye asked.

"It's a perfect plan!!" Crystal said, feeling proud even though they haven't tried the plan yet.

"I can clear a fiery path for you guys." Skye reminded them. "Some parts of the building can have lots of flames. I'll take them out through the window, Marshall can clear the fiery stuff outside."

"You'd still take the exit below right?" Marshall asked.

"We don't want kaiser to..." Crystal said but was cut off by kaiser.

"It's okay... But if you would rather take that exit, i'm still okay with it."

"Are you sure about that?" Crystal asked, Kaiser nodded to answer.

"Really, yes. As long as the path to our exit isn't blocked."

Crystal shrugged. "Okay then.. If there's a problem you have to spit it out okay?"


With that, they positioned themselves in front of the building, only a few minutes left before the next challenge starts.

While waiting, Kaiser noticed that Skye's legs were shaking like she was scared of something. "Is something bothering you?" He asked.

"Yeah.." Skye nodded. "Don't worry about it... I'm still okay.."

"If.. You say so... I guess." Kaiser said, still worried. Skye looked over the other participating team members, who were actually on their position already. Skye looked at Reggie, who also looked back but with a evil grin. She then looked away, Chase noticed this earlier before it was their turn to participate. Not long the announcer spoke again. "Alright now folks and our participants. The next match will now begin!!" The crowd showed a lot of excitement for this round, some of the PAW Patrol members were nervous but at the same time excited as well.

"Welcome to the third Challenge!! Burning Structures!" Enzo spoked through the microphone."This Challenge will require 4 members! Two for clearing the flames and two for rescuing the citizens inside! This is simple, You must save each Citizen inside as fast as you can, The two pups that will be extinguish flames will be the ones to clear your path. The winning team of this match will get to choose other members from the other team to participate in the final match!"

"I'm scared to lose this match..." Skye said. Marshall looked at her. "What do you mean?? Sure we can't lose! I mean we already won 2 rounds!"

"I know... But still i'm scared about losing..." She replied. "Reggie is the pup I'm afraid of..."

"And why is that??" Crystal asked.

"Well he is somewhat of a bully... But not just an ordinary one... Whenever I get in his way, he always beats me up and no one even bothered to help me, except for chase.. But he didn't fight back." Skye sighed looking at the tall structure in front of them. "I'm also scared that you guys might get involved. Who knows what they have up their sleeves."

"Him against all of us??" Kaiser exclaimed. "He won't win if we do something about it!"

"Idiot. Cant you think first of what'll happen if we tried?" Crystal questioned him, But kaiser shook his head.

"Well we must try!" He replied. Putting his paws down. "We ain't losing against them!" Skye just stood there, listening. She just smiled afterwards.

"It's alright kaiser." She said, patting kaisers shoulder. "For now. Lets rely on our leaders on what will happen."

"Yeah, I do hope chase can think of something." Marshall said.

"Same goes for Scott!" Kaiser said. "He can figure something out as well!"

Before they could say anything, the announcer spoked through the microphone. "Alright people!!! Alright fellow partcipants!!! Are you ready?!!?!" The crowd cheered having a maximum excitement. "Get to your starting positions now because we are going to start!"

The pups stationed themselves in their starting area, waiting for the announcer to say anything else.

Chase looked over the arena and saw a few pups circling the building, setting it on fire.

"First round doesn't involve dangerous obstacles... This one is even worst than the second round." Chase commented.

"Agreed." Scott nodded. "As long as they're careful, they will be okay."

"I'm also worried... Their foes on the other side are also their obstacle as well... They might be planning on something. Like after losing two rounds, they obviously might have a plan." Chase looked at the other teams, having a worried look.

"We'll be looking out for them." Scott said. "It's our responsibility to keep them safe."

"Be ready participants!!" Enzo spoke to the microphone. "The match starts in... 3!!...2!!! ...1!!!! ... GO!!!!!"

Marshal and skye went towards the water buckets that have set earlier. Marshall barked out his water hose and filled his water tanks using the buckets filled with water..

Skye picked up a bucket and flew towards the entrance of the building to clear the flames. Afterwards Kaiser and Crystal ran inside the building going up stairs and went to the hall way filled with doors.

"Seven citizens, 39 doors" Kaiser said. "Time for the criss cross action!"

"Right you are!" Crystal nodded and began to do their strategy. One by one they kicked the doors open and see if there are any dummies inside the room. Kick after kick after kick after kick after kick, they already checked 14 doors and so far they found 3 dummies.

"Let's get them outside kaiser!" Crystal said. Both rushed downstairs and reached outside.. Putting the two dummies on the ground for safety. Then they went back up to find 4 more.

"Team PAW Patrol already found 3 citizens!! While Team noire only got 2!"

"Looks like they are doing great." Rubble commented..

"We will surely win this" Zuma said.

Back inside the building, Crystal and kaiser kicked down 10 doors still haven't found a single dummy. "Next floor!" Kaiser said. Crystal nodded and rushed to the next floor, but their next hallway of doors was blocked with walls of flames.

"We sure need Skye for this.." Crystal said. As she spoke, Skye flew through the window carrying a bucket of water and pouring it down the flames then exited to the other window. Both pups got wet afterwards.

"I TOLD THEM NOT TO GET ME WET!!!" Crystal shouted, shaking off her wet furr.

"You sounded like rocky." Kaiser said, making Her blush a little. "Yeah? S-so what???" Kaiser only shrugged. After that they proceed busting down doors.

Meanwhile on the other team. So far they have found 3/7. Reggie and Blake go to each room to find a few more. While on the outside, Cody and Alan were busy extinguishing the flames. Cody, despite having supernatural powers, he decides not to use it in the competition. He looked on the other teams and saw Kaiser and Crystal already found 3 more Dummies, which leads them to one more dummy to save. "They're good." Cody spoke through his thoughts. Suddenly. He noticed a pup, a team member of his slowly making his way on the other teams building. He saw it was shino. Holding a katana while hiding behind the building.

"Shoot... I forgot to warn them." Cody said through his thoughts.

Meanwhile at the judges area.

Both Elizabeth and Dylan were watching kaisers team and was surprisingly Astound by their teamwork. "I didn't know he was this good." Dylan commented, smiling a little. Elizabeth looked at him and smiled. "Are you still a little uncomfortable watching this?"

"Yeah.." He answered. Elizabeth patted his shoulder "Don't worry, they'll only need to find 1 more citizen." She said.

Dylan nods slowly while his eyes are still on the screen.

"Becareful Kaiser.." He said in his thoughts

Meanwhile, back inside the building. So far they have checked 35 rooms and still haven't found the last citizen. Which leads them to one more floor to go to which only has 4 rooms. They rushed towards the stairs and headed towards their least 4 doors. Busting them down one by one. Kaiser found the last Citizen on their third door bust.

"Got it!!" Kaiser said. "Now let's go!!" Before they could go down the steps. The building began to shake which surprised them. "Wh-whats happening?!?!" Crystal said while she hangs on the side of the wall. The real cause of the shake was a pup trying to break the lower part of the building. Not to take it down, but to block their easiest exit. That pup was Shino, who was using his sharpest blade to make a rubble fall down their stairway, not long he stopped thinking it was enough to slow them down.

Cody was in shock to see this happen. "This is no good" he said in his thoughts

When kaiser and Crystal go down the stairway, they see it was all blocked with A wall of stone.

"Great. We're stuck!!" Crystal said. Looking out the window to find an exit.

"What do we do??" Kaiser asked. Crystal looked over back to the stairway. "Lets try going to the roof top." She said. as they both went up to the top of The building. still. There was nothing they could find. "Since this is a burning building, having it collapse slowly can also happen." Kaiser walked up over the edge of the building and looked down.. With a huge regret.

"Ohhhhhh thattttssss tooo highhhh!!!" Kaiser tried to walk back but before he could, the building began to shake again. He slowly loses his balance and fell of the building. "KAISER!" Crystal tried to catch him, but she couldn't

All the other PAW Patrol members saw the situation and was panicking. Dylan saw it and began to run towards him trying to catch him. But Of how fast he was running, he tripped and fell on the ground. Kaiser thought to himself that this will be his end. His own fear might be his death for sure... Before he could hit the ground, a pup caught him, saving him from his fall.

The pup tripped just as soon as he caught kaiser. Kaiser was safe and sound but was shaking after knowing the feeling of falling that high. kaiser looked down at the pup who saved Him, surprised that the pup was his leader, his good friend. Scott.

Even Dylan was surprised, seeing his younger brother saved by his friend and a student who he doesn't trust. "Scott??" Kaiser called out, the collie got up and adjusted the spectacles by his nose. The spectacles had a crack on one side because of the fall he had. "A-Are you okay??"

"I should be the one asking you that." Scott said. panting "When I saw you falling, I panicked and just began to rush towards you."

"Thanks... For saving me." Kaiser said, Scott patted his head. "I'm just doing my job... You got us all panicking"

Dylan got up the ground and just stood there, watching his brother Being with his leader and friend. He doesnt know if he should smile and be happy or Being Angry and worried. But in his thoughts... "I... Guess I was wrong..."

"Unbelievable folks!! What we saw just now was a real rescue!!!" Enzo Said.

"Oh no!! Scott! Where's Crystal??" Kaiser asked

"We've prepared for a situation like this." Scott replied "We prepared a trampoline just in case you two got stuck."

Kaiser looked the other way and saw Marshall Setting the trampoline next to the building. Crystal dropped the dummy and letting it land on the trampoline followed by her doing the same thing. As she bounces of the trampoline and landed on the ground she began to walk up to Kaiser.

"What we're you thinking, Idiot!" Crystal shouted at him. "You already know the buildings collapsing and you just decide to take a look at the edge!"

"Hehe.. Sorry about that..." He said, chuckling.

"Kaiser! Crystal!!" Ocean called out. "Are you two okay??"

"See? You even made my sister worried." Crystal shrugged.

"What??" Ocean said, confused.

"Doesn't matter. At least we won!!" Crystal said, proudly.. Them winning the match was in her thoughts but it wasn't the case.

"Ladies and gentle men! " Enzo spoke to the microphone. "The winners of this match are the team noire!!"

"What??!?!?" The PAW Patrol participants said in sync.

"H-how?!" Crystal exclaimed, disappointed.

"We saw everything." Chase walked up. " Ever since Kaisers fall Happened. They were already finished." Hearing this made Skye shake. Having the feeling of nervousness came into her. "Our first lost" She muttered.

"It's okay." Ocean said. "You guys did your best."

Despite having a lost. None of them cared except for Skye. Besides there's still one more Match left.

"Now ladies and gentle men! We shall now announce the fourth and final match!!" The audience were anticipating this next round ever since the competition started. The PAW Patrol and the team Noire both looked at each other as Enzo Speaks. "Rescuers are brave! Strong and determined. This round will prove your strength! Ability, and skills!

"What could be the last round??" Chase questioned.

"The fourth and final round is!!!! A One on One combat!!!!!"


Hey whats up. Summer here is over and i just posted This chapter Now. Well i just had tons of life problems and suddenly forgot to go back to fanfiction writing.. But now here i am! I am back!I'll be continuing writing the next chapter if i have. If you see any mistakes here, be sure to PM me and NOT post it as a review. Its STUPIDLY ANNOYING.If you want to see your OC's here in later chapters you can just leave it in the reviews or send me a PM.

Character name:




Fear/Phobia: (Must have a Fear)

If they have a certain back story... It could change a bit here.Anyways thats all.. PEACE