Chapter One

"She's just a friend," the words echoed in Marinette's head. She glanced at Adrien who was busy talking to a guy he'd just introduced her to. Even though he'd said the guy's name thirty seconds ago she'd already forgotten, she was too focussed on those last words. Her heart sank and finally broke. After five years she was permanently relegated to the friend zone.

Since finishing high school Marinette had made sure to keep in touch with her crush. He'd happily agreed to a monthly catch up over coffee and it had been her highlight but not anymore. The reality was Adrien couldn't see her as anything but a friend. She looked into her half empty coffee cup with a frown. Maybe it was time she moved on.

When Adrien eventually wrapped up his conversation with what's-his-name Marinette had made up her mind to leave early. Adrien turned back to her with his usual warm smile and she discovered the butterflies in her stomach had finally died. "Sorry about that, Jean-Luc was doing the lighting for the photoshoot yesterday."

Her smile didn't meet her eyes, "That's nice."

His eyes narrowed, "Is everything alright?"

"I just realised I need to be somewhere. Sorry but I need to go," she pulled out her purse and placed what she owed on the table.

He frowned, "Uh okay. If you're free later maybe we can-"

"Maybe but I've got to run," she stopped to take her last long look at him, "Goodbye Adrien."

The afternoon dragged and it wasn't until Marinette left work that she checked her phone. She was surprised to find a number of texts from Adrien. It seemed he'd worked out he'd done something to upset her but he'd been so blind to her true feelings that she decided it wasn't worth trying to explain to him.

She was placing the phone back in her bag when it rang. She answered it when she saw it was Alya calling. There was something conniving in her friend's voice when she asked, "Are you free tonight?"

"What are you up to Alya?"

"Oh, I just thought I'd invite some friends over for dinner."

She raised a brow, "Which friends?"

"The ones you're always keen to see."

Her voice was flat, "You mean Adrien will be there."

Alya let out a defeated groan, "Yes. Wait you don't sound excited."

"I'm not, something happened today that made me realise Adrien is never going to reciprocate my feelings."

"You don't know that."

"Alya it's been five years and I've made zero progress. If he felt anything more than friendship he would have made a move by now."

"He isn't dating anyone Marinette. We know his social skills can be lacking at times."

"Maybe he's gay."

Alya chuckled, "I don't think so."

"He may as well be."

"I think you need to tell him how you feel."

Marinette shook head, "I'm done Alya. I'm sick of being tied in knots and I'm not going to add yet another box of disappointment to the warehouse."

"So that's a no on dinner too?"

"I won't be coming, so no."

"Okay but if you need someone to talk to, give me a call."

"Will do."

Later that night Ladybug made her way along the skyline of Paris. The cool breeze was pleasant as she travelled. As usual Chat Noir was waiting for her, his back was turned to her as he observed the street below. She took her time walking to him. Her akuma fighting partner had certainly grown up since their first meeting. He was no longer the lanky teen, he'd filled out and shot up. These days he had a physique of an athlete which wasn't surprising with the amount of exercise they endured through akuma fights.

His head turned as she sidled up to him and rested her arms on the stone edging. "Good evening milady."

"Hey kitty, find anything interesting tonight?"

He turned to face her, "The most interesting thing is your arrival."

She shook her head and chuckled, five years together and he was still a flirt. She looked up at him as she considered that. Despite her constant rejection Chat Noir had never stopped flirting. It made her wonder, did he want her the way she'd been pining for Adrien? She wasn't sure how long she was looking at him but his face turned serious, "This is the part where you push me away."

She laughed, "I do that a lot don't I?"

He cocked his head as he scrutinised her, "Yes you do." She sighed and looked to the street below. He continued to study her, "Is something on your mind?"

"I was thinking that perhaps we're more similar that I originally thought."

He shifted closer, "Oh why is that?"

She looked into his luminescent green eyes that were as familiar as her own, "I think we're both hopeless romantics longing for the love of someone who doesn't seem interested in returning it."

He stepped back with a look of shock, "You're in love with someone else?"

She looked away from him, "Was in love. He was too stupid to notice or maybe it's me who is stupid."

His hand touched her shoulder and he caught her eye, "You're not stupid it's definitely him."

She laughed, "Thanks Chat." She patted his hand and smiled, "I should have fallen in love with you instead. At least I would have known I was loved back."

"Hey I'm not going anywhere. You can fall in love with me right now. I'm cool with that."

She grinned, "Are you even serious? You are just a big flirt, right?"

The playfulness left his features, "Is that what you think?"

"That's what I've always assumed."

He rubbed the back of his neck, "My social skills have never been fantastic and I always thought flirting the best way to get your attention without seeming… creepy. I enjoy the banter between us but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want more out of our partnership."

It was the first time she'd ever seen Chat Noir looking nervous. She decided to be blunt, "You want to be lovers."

He straightened, his eyes widened and his cheeks darkened, "Y-yes."

She shook her head and grinned, "You don't even know who I am beneath the mask. I could be hideous."

His laugh was a little garbled, "I don't think that's possible." He looked at his twisting hands then back at her, "You could show me."

"Not tonight Chat."

His shoulders sagged, "Okay." He continued to study her, "So who was the guy?"

She glanced at him, "You'll laugh if I tell you."

"No, I won't."

She turned to lean on the stone wall and eyed him for a moment, "Adrien Agreste."

His mouth dropped open and jutted as he tried to speak.

"Before you say anything, I'm not some random fan girl I actually know him quite well. Unfortunately, I've been parked in the friend zone for years."

"You're friends with Adrien Agreste."

"Yes, I thought we'd established that."

"When did you last see him?"

"Today, why?"

"When during today?"

She crossed her arms, "Chat Noir I hope you're not planning on doing anything stupid."

"No, I think I've got stupid in the bag already."

She shook her head, "Let's drop this. I told you I'm done crushing on him." She'd expected an ecstatic grin from Chat Noir but instead he looked depressed.

The following morning Marinette was surprised to hear a knock at her door. Tikki immediately flew into her handbag at the noise. With a piece of toast in one hand Marinette peered through the spyhole to see Adrien outside. She opened the door and he presented her with coffee, "Morning I thought I'd come to you since you had to leave early yesterday."

Her chest tightened as she took the cup tray from his hand and a sense of guilt came over her, she hadn't answered his texts. "Uh thanks Adrien," she didn't really want to invite him in but felt rude not to, "I'm just getting ready for work but you can take a seat if you like."

He nodded enthusiastically as he stepped across the threshold, "Thanks Marinette."

She tried to ignore the way he said her name, it was different to normal, like it had suddenly become something special. She took a bite of her toast and closed the door. As she turned Adrien was sliding his coat from his shoulders. The stance seemed unnatural, more like a photoshoot pose than a realistic way to remove a coat. His long-sleeved black shirt was fitted and left little to the imagination. If she didn't know better she would have thought he was putting on a show. "Have you got a photoshoot today?"

He frowned, "No why do you ask?"

She shrugged, "You just look dressed up."

He smiled, "Thanks."

She turned her attention to the coffee tray, "Which one is mine?"

"This one," he said handing her the cup on the left. His fingers brushed hers as she took the cup and she forced herself to ignore it. She made sure she didn't look at him as she took a sip.

"So, what are you up to today?" she asked as she sat down.

"Study mostly, I'll be at home playing catch up."

She looked at her watch, "I've got to finish getting ready."

"Okay I'll wait here."

"You don't have to stay."

"I thought I'd walk you to work."

"Um okay," her eyes searched his face as she finished her toast and left him in the kitchen. Something was different with Adrien but she couldn't put her finger on what it was. She quickly cleaned her teeth and slipped on her jacket. As she walked out Adrien shot to his feet and gave her a smile she couldn't interpret.

"Ready to go?" he asked sounding a little breathless.

She gave a nod as she picked up her handbag, "Yeah I'll just grab my keys."

He picked up both their coffees and waited for her to lock the door before handing hers back. Again, his fingers brushed hers and she looked at him curiously. A faint blush tinted his cheeks, she had to be imagining things. Adrien had made it pretty clear she was just a friend. "Hey um, I was wondering if you've got any plans for Valentine's Day?"

Her eyes widened, "Uh no."

He rubbed the back of his neck the way he always did when he was nervous, "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

The butterflies in her stomach suddenly returned to life. She cocked her head to the side and her eyes narrowed, she had to be reading this wrong. Adrien was probably trying to make up for yesterday. "What did you have in mind?"

"I thought you could come to my place, I'll cook dinner and we could watch a movie," he said as he shifted closer to her.

By all accounts it sounded like a date but she'd done something similar with him before and there had been zero romance attached to it. Yet there was something in his eyes that made her wonder if this time was going to be different. "Okay sounds good. Should I bring anything?"

He shook his head and smiled, "No I've got it covered."

As they moved away from her door she swore she saw him do a small fist pump and really began to wonder if she was dreaming. Maybe she'd woken up in another dimension this morning. She found herself unconsciously reaching for her earrings to check they were there.

"Something up?" Adrien asked as he looked at her hands.

"No, I just wondered if I had my earrings on."

He lifted a hand and tucked a tendril of hair behind her ear, "You didn't forget. They're there." His fingers continued down and gently caressed the skin on her neck before he withdrew his hand.

"Okay who are you and what did you do with Adrien Agreste?"

"Huh?" he said as his brow furrowed.

Crap she'd said that out loud. "You don't seem yourself today. You're much more… attentive."

He looked away and rocked on his feet, "I guess I finally noticed something that's been under my nose a long time."

"And that is?"

He swallowed as he looked up, "You."

The coffee threatened to slip from her fingers, "Care to elaborate?"

His lips tightened, "Well… I realised something yesterday." She lifted a brow as she waited for him to continue. He took her elbow and started them walking again, "I want to get to know you better."

That was ambiguous, she could take what he said a number of ways. Normally her heart would race deciding this was finally it, that Adrien had noticed her the way she wanted him too. But she'd been mistaken so many times in the past when he said or did things which led her to thinking that maybe he was crushing on her too and then would come the famous last words: Marinette is just a friend. Still it beat being alone on Valentine's Day, didn't it?

Thanks for reading so far. I thought it'd be fun to start something with Valentine's Day on the cards. What will happen next? Stay tuned :)