It was that time of year. The time where people rush around the shops frantically to find something for their partner. But this person had no partner and didn't want one at all because she couldn't deal with other people correctly. Her friends were all corrupted along with her and were the only ones who understood her. She couldn't date any of them because it would ruin their friendships. Cara took off her coat's hood and sat on a nearby bench, allowing the cold wind to teach her golden hair to fly. A snowflake landed on her frostbitten nose as Cara curiously looked up at the sky. She saw a white cloud hovered above the town she was in. Sighing in defeat she decided to go to a nearby cafe, to avoid the chilling snow. She pulled up her blue scarf and walked. A bell chimed, signaling Cara had come inside of the building. Inside it was warm and welcoming. She was sat at a table and handed a menu. She had just started reading the desert's menu when the bell had signaled some came in. She looked up from the large menu in her gloved covered hands to see Ian talking to a waitress. She waved her hand in the air to call Ian over. He sat down in front of her and was handed a menu by the same waitress. He absentmindedly smiled at Cara while she talked about how it was such fate that they would meet here together. A lightbulb went off in her head, and you could see her face getting brighter. She then asked Ian slyly about Jake and Amy's Saturday night date. Ian told her the information he had acquired while (*cough* Stalking *cough*), I mean watching the two on their date and it was just pure coincidence that he was everywhere they went. Cara laughed at Ian and turned over to the waitress. They ordered and a few minutes later their drinks were coming back to them. Ian drank his chamomile hot while Cara nursed her hot chocolate. They conversated nonetheless and had a great time that day. Alas' it was time for the two to part. As they walked out onto the sidewalk Ian kissed Cara's forehead and walked away with his hands in his pockets.
~END~ Thanks for reading! Star, lovely thanks for entering. Sorry that it's so short, but I've made a story chapter that I'm posting on WATTPAD that will be posted by the time this comes out. No conversation at the end of this time because I have two new fanfic ideas and have to write them down.
The next chapter is for I'mNotAGoodWriter and it's a Danian. I love you all! Goodbye!