A/N: Teensy little epilogue - enjoy!

Ron peeked around the hall corner, grateful for his height that allowed him to see over most of the people in the pub. He spotted the booth he and Hermione had just recently vacated.

"They're snogging again, Hermione!" He turned back towards her, and she clutched at his shoulder and attempted to see for herself. Even on her tiptoes, though, she was too short and she wrinkled her nose in frustration.

"I wish I could see," she complained, and Ron smiled at her.

"Don't you believe me?" he teased gently, slipping his arms around her waist and tugging her closer to him.

Hermione rolled her eyes at him affectionately. "Well, yes, but I want to see it for myself."

Ron laughed. "Trust me, I think it's all we're going to see for a very long time." He stopped laughing and frowned as if the meaning of his words were just now dawning on him. "Oh bugger, my best mate is snogging my sister!" He groaned, and it was Hermione's turn to laugh at him.

"You were the one who wanted them to get together," she reminded him, squeezing his shoulders. "Tonight was your idea entirely."

Ron shut his eyes. "It was, wasn't it."

Hermione nodded knowingly. "'We can leave them alone to sort themselves out, Hermione, and then I'll take you somewhere romantic, I swear,'" she mimicked him. "Sure. The toilets hallway is quite romantic."

Ron opened his eyes to find her grinning at him. "Oi," he said with a grin, "you're just mad that I was right."

Hermione winked at him. "I never doubted you. Now take me somewhere really romantic where we cannot see your sister snogging your best mate."

Ron leaned forward and kissed her, then took her by the hand and led her out the front door.

Harry and Ginny didn't notice.