I've been teasing this fic for so long, here it finally is! Out for my birthday, heheh. Although you don't need to read it to understand, for more info on how they both ended up in the Land of Departure, you can have a look at my other fic, "The Wil to Protect". It's pretty short, and gives more context. Anyway, enjoy!

Disclaimer : KH and its characters belongs to Square Enix

"You're so stupid, and I hate you!"

"Well, I hate you more!"

The two kids looked angrily at each other, ready to fight at any moment. Eraqus rushed into the room as soon as he heard the screams.

"What is the meaning of this? Terra? Aqua?"

Aqua crossed her arms and turned her back to Terra.

"Terra said I was an ugly moron."

"Excuse-me? Terra, is that true?"

"That she is an ugly moron? Yes, that's true."

Eraqus sighed. If the kids got along fairly well, it still wasn't the first time they would fight. And not the last, he bitterly thought.

"Why would you say that to her?"

Terra crossed his arms too. Eraqus sighed again. He probably had sighed more in the last year than for his entire life.

"Terra? I'm waiting."

"She didn't want to play swords with me, and I said I didn't need an ugly moron to play with me anyway."

Eraqus did his best not to sigh a third time. He felt like he was aging so much when with these two.

"I'd like you to apologize to her."

"I won't. She said that her books were a better company than me. She apologizes first."


"No way. I was telling the truth. You can't punish me for telling the truth."

Eraqus massaged his temples for a moment.

"Go to your rooms. Both of you. Do whatever activity you see fit, but I don't want you to leave the room before dinner. I don't want to hear any complaint. Any screaming. Anything. Am I clear?"

The kids glared at him, but his severe look did not falter.

"Yes, Master."

They both left for their room, Terra walking as far from Aqua as he could. Eraqus had to think of something to teach them the value of friendship. Of how they should not waste their time in fighting each other, but instead have each other's back at anytime.

He had been in this position, once. He had a friend, a fellow disciple, learning with the same Master. They got along when they were kids, and would often play together, but as time passed, they grew apart, following drastically different roads… Eraqus did not wish that for his students.

He knew how much they loved each other, but as they grew up, they started to develop a certain pride. When they first met, Terra was always very honest with how he was feeling, and Aqua was nothing but smiles and compliments. But now, they were starting to hide their feelings. Terra wanted to act all tough and proud, and he wouldn't let any "weakness", as he called it, show up. Aqua had started building a wall around her heart again, and instead of saying when she was hurt by Terra's words, she would keep it for herself, sulking in silence.

Eraqus feared it would be because of what they read - the books were the only way they would know about the other worlds, now. Terra was fascinated by stories of strong men slaying dragons, and these men never complained, never asked for help, never spilled any emotion. Aqua read lots of books, but she simply started imitating Terra - although she was softer than him, and probably had started keeping things for herself because she did not want to trouble others.

Eraqus smiled. He had an idea.

He first knocked on Aqua's door. The little girl did not answer. He slowly pushed the door, and she was on the floor, braiding threads into a bracelet.

"Aqua. I have a little assignment for you."

She lifted her head.

"What is it?"

"See this book?" He showed her a simple notebook, its cover as blue as the girl's hair. She nodded. "This is an apology book. I know you are angry at Terra, but he's still your friend, isn't he?"

She thought for a few seconds before shyly nodding.

"Do you want him to stay angry at you?"

"No… But he won't apologize. I know it."

"This is what the apology book is for. You have to write an apology for hurting him, as well as something nice about him. Then magic will operate and will make everything better!"

The girl's eyes sparkled. "For real? Can magic make that?"

Eraqus chuckled. "Of course. Magic can do anything, if you believe hard enough. Bring the notebook at dinner, okay?"

She took it from his hand and hurriedly went to her desk, opening it and taking a pen. Eraqus gave her a soft smile before moving to Terra's room.

The boy was reading a book, and Eraqus noticed with joy that it was Aqua's favourite book. She had been trying to get Terra to read it for a while, but he always refused, pretending it was a "girl's book".

Eraqus gave him the same speech about the notebook, and Terra was as eager as Aqua had been to write in it and fix things up. Eraqus left his room, a smile on his lips.

When dinnertime came, the two kids quickly exchanged an angry look, before turning their head in the opposite direction. Eraqus still noticed how they both looked sadly at their notebooks, thinking it did not work.

"Please, sit down, children." They did. "I believe you both have something written in that book?"

"You said it would fix things. I think mine is broken." Aqua pouted.

"Mine too. Your magic sucks."

"Terra, watch your language, please. Broken, huh? That is strange, it should be working… Terra, would you mind reading what you wrote in there?"

"What? No way! That's too…"

"Too what? Didn't you write in it to be friend with Aqua again?"

"Yes, but… That's… That's embarrassing."

"Shall I read it myself, then?" Playfully asked the Master, reaching out for the book.

"No! No! I will… I will read it, okay? I will."

Terra opened his book, his cheeks burning up.

"I'm sorry I called Aqua an ugly moron." He stopped there and looked at Eraqus, terrified, his gaze avoiding at all cost Aqua whose cheeks were also a nice shade of pink.

"Is that all? Then it's no wonder the magic did not work. You forgot the most important part."

"No, I did not! It's there! It's just that… Oh, whatever. I'm sorry I called Aqua an ugly moron. She is not that ugly and she is clever."

Eraqus almost drowned in the glass of water he was drinking. That was an interesting concept of compliment.

"Aqua, would you mind…?"

The girl's hands were shaking, and she did not open her book. Instead, she closed her eyes, the way she did when she was reciting her lessons.

"I'm sorry I hurt Terra by telling him my books were a better company. But last time we did a swordfight, my spell almost hurt him and I'm scared I would hurt him again. I hope he won't stay mad at me forever."

They both dropped their book at the same time and ran into each other's arms, blabbering apologies and forgiveness. Eraqus smiled tenderly.

"My magic always work."

This fic will be weekly! It was quite challenging, because I'm not really good at writing children speaking. But with this, you will get glimpses of their childhood and watch them grow up. Hope you liked this first chapter :D