Scarlet-Roads: Hey, I am not dead! Updates are slow, but still coming.

„You look so cute, Al—Red! Look! We could be brothers!" Lavi said, grinning at the scowling boy in front of him. Red´s hair almost matched his from the vibrant color. Cross simply sat on the couch, watching the scene unfold.

"Fuck off, like I would be related ta someon´ like ya. Why ta fuck are we even here to begin with?!" Violet eyes turned to narrow at Cross, Neah simply standing near the other boy, but not speaking. Though when someone looked at him for too long, he´d started fidgeting like he was just shy.

Smart bastard he was.

"That would be because of me, Red. If you would follow me, you two." Komui smiled, moving to another room and leaving the door wide open, while Lavi pouted at the harsh words. Red didn´t look pleased at all and Cross waited for what he would do. Nodding when two pairs of eyes came to rest on him, the brats slowly moved to the door.

"Fuck it…"

"Come on." Neah said lowly, moving a bit faster as Red followed him at a slower pace, eyeing the open door like it was a gate way to hell. Knowing him, he probably thought it was.

The door soon was closed and Cross finally took the time to enjoy a cigarette of his.

"Allen sure is cute at this age. He reminds me of Yuu-chan a bit. Hey, Lena, how about we make these two met? I would love to see that!" Lavi turned to his female friend with a mischievous grin on his face. The boy was entertaining for sure, though the unhealthy rage and hate was a bit of a concern. But that held nothing compared to his older friend, who looked so familiar it was slowly driving him insane. Lavi wasn´t a Bookman for nothing, he´d seen the slight changes in the boy´s emotion and it frankly freaked him out a bit.

That child reminded him a bit too much of the Noah of Dreams.

"Lavi! Allen´s not himself right now, you can´t just throw him at Kanda!" Lenalee disapproved of the idea immediately. She wasn´t sure if it was more for her now little friend or for the tall swordsman, considering she had a feeling that Allen wouldn´t take kindly to being used as entertainment object and the personality of the two would clash, horribly.

Or maybe they would be the best friends, since they were alike. That or worst enemies.

She wasn´t sure what scared her more.

"But-!" Lavi´s protest was cut of by a loud scream echoing and Cross was ripping the door open in a second, having moved from the couch as fast as possible as the others jumped, startled by the noise.


Not blinking at the odd scene in front of him, Cross reached out, grabbing the back of Red´s shirt and pulled the snarling boy out of the room, making him drop the scalpel he´d been holding while Neah merely stepped out after him, eyeing the blood.

"Brat! Calm the fuck down!" Cross´s booming voice had little to almost no effect on the boy, who bared his teeth like an animal as he breathed raggedly. Chest moving wildly with the movement of his pounding heart.

"You fuckin´ lied ta me! Ya said nobody would try ta hurt me, ya bastard!" Red twisted and struggled in the hold and Cross had the urge to rub his temples. Komui stumbled out of the room, looking pale and worried as he held his bleeding arm. Lenalee rushed to his side to check him.

"I…I wouldn´t have hurt you." The words sounded filled with disbelief and sorrow as the scientist gently shoved his sister aside. There was something heavy laying on his stomach at the violent reaction his actions had caused. Going near the boy with something sharp wasn´t the best course of action.

"Ya right, just wanted ta look at my arm, ya dirty liar. I ain´t stupid! Ya held a freakin´ knife in yer hand and giggled like a luniac!" Red hissed, eyes wild as he tried to punch the hand holding him. Cross shot the pale scientist a glare, before sighing and glancing at the other boy inside the room.

Oh well…

Scoping up Neah with the other hand, he held them both like miss-behaving kittens or in Red´s case a dog that´s trying to tear everything apart. No wonder the insane Earl had named him after a mutt, it fitted perfectly.

Though, Red might not like to think so.

"I am getting you back for this, Cross!" Neah´s voice was low and Cross snorted, ignoring the way the hair on the back of his neck stood up. The other may be a murderous psychopath disguised in a child´s body right now, but at least, Cross could cause him some embarrassment.

Knowing how touchy the other was, it would result in a horrible death once the other didn´t need him anymore. Then again, there was always the option of throwing the boy at the Earl now and let him fuss over his adorable little brother.

The mental picture was something he wouldn´t wish for his worst enemy.

Ignoring the yells for him to wait, he simply walked on, shooting each person in the hallway that turned to stare a glare worthy for the Earl or men who hit their woman. Most of them scurried away, stumbling into each other in their hurry.

"Pussies…" Although the brat still looked ready to bite of heads, he had a point. Cross lightly shook him in warning. As amusing as it would be to see Red try to fight his way through the hall, that would mean that the brat could slip away and Cross wasn´t eager about searching for his missing pupil. The kid probably picked up on his techniques to disappear.

Now he almost pitied the poor fools in the Order if the Idiot finally said he had enough and pulled such an act. That the boy had the ark at his disposal didn´t help in the least. They wouldn´t find him again, simply because the boy himself would have no idea where he was.

Bristly walking towards his room, he opened the door and threw the brats onto the bed, the door slamming shut behind him.

"Listen up, brat. I personally don´t give a shit, but you have to be careful in whom you try to maim. I can´t guarantee your safety if you try to fight everything that moves. These idiots you just saw? They are harmless, except if you hurt the girl. The guy you injured would send a robot after you. Now, no more trying to hurt anybody if you aren´t sure you can hide the body and make sure it stays down, got it?"

The boy had balls, not everyone would stare him in the eye like that. That was as pleasing as it was annoying at the moment. Seeing as glaring into submission didn´t work, Cross crossed the distance and raised a hand not anticipating the reaction he got in return.

Red flinched. The brat fucking flinched so violently that Cross thought he had a seizure.

Lightly driving his knuckles into the boy´s head, he pinched a cheek and lightly tugged at the red strands. Neah had suddenly gone very stiff at the reaction, eyeing the boy with a dead stare, though from the way his hands clenched the bed sheets underneath him, it was a surprise they didn´t rip under the force.

"Don´t make me spank you. I can´t hit you because that will make you lose the low number of brain cells you have." The puzzlement in the frown the boy shot him shouldn´t be there in the first place, Cross reasoned with himself as he squashed the anger that sparked.

If anyone came close to hit his kid, they´d face the full force of Judgment. That was a right only reserved for him and maybe the brat´s enemies.

Shoving his hat onto the brat´s head, he strode towards the door, looking over his shoulder as he gripped the door knob.

"Brat number two, don´t corrupt…you know what, don´t corrupt each other while I am gone. Also, stay in the fucking room. Tim stay with them." With that he went out, pulling out another cigarette after locking the door.

As if he´d trust them to stay put.

Now, where to look for that nerd with the glasses his apprentice was so fond off?