I don't own RWBY or Kingdom Hearts. I only own the OCs.

Chapter 1: Welcome to Beacon

The airships bringing the new students to Beacon landed at the docks. The walkways stretched from the ship and connected to the cliff. When the doors opened, the first one out raced towards the trashcan to puke out his motion sickness. The other students casually walked off the ship. Among them was a boy in red and black. His brown hair was spiked up and his blue eyes glanced at the blonde boy, who was puking with some concern. Close behind him was a taller boy with silver hair, wearing navy and yellow clothes. He looked more surprised by the puking boy.

"Whoa," the brown haired boy caught his attention. He was marveling at the school, "We're finally here, this is so awesome."

"You can be such a kid, Sora," the silver haired boy rolled his eyes.

"Hey," Sora turned to face him, "You're excited to be here to Riku, don't pretend I'm the only one."

"I'm not pretending I'm being mature," Riku smirked. Sora opened his mouth to retort, but the sound of an explosion caused them both to jump. The two turned to see smoke coming from two girls. One had short black and red hair wearing a long red hood over her black dress. The other was a girl with a side ponytail and dress, Riku couldn't really tell from the ash that covered her, but if he had to guess she was white from head to toe.

"What the hell was tha…" Riku trailed off when he realized Sora was no longer standing next to him but running towards the two girls.

"Are you two okay?" Sora approached them with a worried look.

"Don't worry, we're both okay," the girl in the red hood said.

"Speak for yourself," the girl next to her yelled so loud the ash that covered her flew off her body. Revealing she really was white head to toe, "This… child. Nearly blew us of the cliff because she can't handle dust properly."

"I'm really, really sorry," the red hooded girl said looking between the white girl and Sora, "It was an accident I swear."

"What are you even doing here aren't you a little young to be attending Beacon?" The white girl attacked the red girl.

"Hey," Sora interjected, "She said she was sorry and it was an accident, just leave her alone." Sora then stood between her and the red girl.

"Stay out of this," the white girl placed her hands on her hips, "This is none of your business."

"When someone's being a bully I make it my business," Sora countered.

"Excuse me," the white girl snapped, "Do you know who I am?"

"Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee dust company," A girl with long wavy black hair with an equally black bow approached them holding a vile of dust.

"Who?" Sora asked. Weiss shot Sora a look.

"We're the world's largest dust company."

"Really, cool," Sora said innocently.

"What are you some dunce?" Weiss asked.

"We're from a small island in the middle of the ocean," Riku approached, "We've never heard of the Schnee dust company."

"Consider yourself lucky," the black bow girl said, "They are also known for their slave labor and dangerous partners in business."

Weiss's face grew red with frustration, "What how dare… the nerve…" unable to create a come back she just snatched her dust vial and stormed off.

"I promise I'll make this up to you," the red hooded girl called. She then proceeded to slump, "I guess I'm not the only one having a rough first day."

"It'll get better," Sora said with a smile.

"Thanks, so what's your…" She noticed the black-haired girl had walked away.

"Isn't she just a bundle of sunshine," Riku stated. Sora noticed the red hooded girl frowning that the other girl had left.

"My names Sora," the spikey haired boy introduced.

"Riku," the silver haired boy nodded.

"And I'm Jaune," the three turned to notice the boy who puked on the ship had approached them.

The red hooded girl gave a small smile, "Ruby."

"Aren't you the guy who puked on the ship?" Riku asked.

The four of them walked around the campus talking. "All I'm saying is motion sickness is a much more common thing than people let on."

"I'm sorry vomit boy was the first thing I thought of," Ruby said.

"Same thing," Riku smirked.

"Ditto, sorry," Sora said.

"Oh yeah, well what if I called you crater face, porcupine, and…" Jaune looked, "Okay fine I admit you're to cool to have a dumb nickname." Riku smiled at that.

"Hey, I'm cooler than him," Sora said, "and my hair isn't that spikey."

"And that explosion was an accident," Ruby said.

"Well the names Jaune Arc, short sweet, ladies love it," Jaune smiled.

"Do they," all three asked in unison.

"They will," Jaune held up his hands, "Or at least I hope they will. My mom always said… never mind."

"So," Ruby began, "I got this thing." Ruby pulled out something that unfolded into a large red death scythe, surprising the boys.

"Cool," Sora said. There was no weapon like that on the island.

"Is that a scythe?" Jaune asked looking a little nervous.

"It's also a customizable, high-impact sniper rifle."


Ruby cocked it, "It's also a gun."

"Damn," Riku said impressed.

"So, what do you guys got?" Ruby asked. Sora and Riku pulled out their weapons that were on their backs.

"These is Oathkeeper," Sora showed off a sword that was shaped like a key.

"Mines soul eater," Riku also had a key shaped sword. Riku's looked demonic, the blade was shaped like a bat wing with a blue eye in the hilt. A bird wing was the teeth of the key. In contrast Sora's looked like it was made from light. Feathered wings were the hand guard, and the teeth were shaped like a firework.

"We can put dust in them to help us fight," Riku explained.

"Cool," Ruby examined the two weapons.

"For the record Riku copied me."

"I got this sword," Jaune pulled out a normal sword. Ruby let out an, "Oooh."

"I got a shield too." The swords hilt extended to a kite shaped shield.

"So what do they do?" Ruby reached out to touch the shield. However, the shield then started to bounce into the air, for Jaune to struggle to catch it. Finally the blonde caught it.

"The shield… gets smaller, so that way when I get tired of carrying it I can just put it away."

"Wouldn't it weigh the same?" Riku asked.

"Yeah it does," Jaune slumped.

"Well I'm kinda a dork when it comes to weapons," Ruby ran her hand against her weapon, "I might have gone overboard in designing it."

"Wait," Jaune began star struck, "You made that?"

"Yeah," Ruby responded, "All students at Signal forge their own weapons. Didn't you make yours?"

"We made ours," Sora added, "It was hard."

"Mine is a hand me down," Jaune explained, "My great grandfather used it to fight in the great war."

"Sounds more like a family heirloom," Riku said.

"Well I like it," Ruby said, "Not many people have an appreciation for the classics these days."

"Yeah, the classics."

"So why did you guys help me out back there?" Ruby asked.

"Sora's a sap," Riku answered.

"Hey," Sora said.

"He can't help himself when someone's in trouble," Riku continued.

"Well my mom said, 'strangers are just friends you haven't met yet,'" Jaune said.

"That's a nice way to look at things," Sora said.

"Yeah, now we know Sora's not the only sap," Riku said.

"Hey," Ruby interrupted, "Do you guys now where we're going?"

"No," Sora and Riku answered.

"I was following you," Jaune said.

After getting directions, the four found the Amphitheater, where orientation was being held. After entering they heard someone call, "Hey Ruby over here," they looked to see a blonde haired girl waving, "I saved you a spot."

"Oh, that's my sister, gotta go," Ruby said running to join the blonde girl.

"Hey, wait…" Jaune shouted trying to get Ruby's attention.

"Bye, Ruby see you later," Sora called.

"Stay out of trouble," Riku called.

"Great," Jaune sighed, "Where else am I going to find a nice quirky girl to talk to?"

"Come on Jaune," Sora said, "There's a spot where we can all stand."

Riku couldn't help but notice a girl dressed like a gladiator looking a Jaune as the took their spot.

"So where are you guys from?" Jaune asked his new friends.

"We're from a small cluster of islands," Riku said.

"That sounds…"


"Tropical, I was going to say tropical," Jaune said.

"It's okay," Sora said, "It is remote. The ocean is to shallow for grimm to sneak up on us. So it's safe and not a lot of people leave."

"But you guys did?" Jaune asked.

"We wanted to see the rest of the world, we weren't going to let fear stop us," Riku explained.

"You guys are either brave or crazy," Jaune admitted.

"Thank you," Sora smiled.

"…And we can paint our nails, and try on clothes, and talk about cute boys like tall, blonde and scraggily and porcupine over there," the three heard a voice dripping with sarcasm and looked to see it was Weiss, giving Ruby a hard time again.

"Her again?" Riku asked looking annoyed.

"What does everyone have against my hair?" Sora asked.

"She thinks I'm tall," Jaune said grinning.

"Are you serious?" Riku asked Jaune as Sora patted his hair down, only for it to spring back up into spikes.

The sound of someone clearing their throat silenced the crowd of new students. Everyone looked to the stage to see the headmaster, professor Ozpin and his assistant headmaster Glynda Goodwitch, "I'll… keep this brief," the gray haired man began, "You have travelled here today in search of knowledge. To hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people, but I look amongst you, all I see is wasted energy. In need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove knowledge will only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step." Ozpin stepped off the stage and Glynda stepped up to the microphone.

"You'll gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow your initiation begins, be ready."

"Well that was cheery," Riku scowled.

"You think, they'd say do your best, or something positive," Sora said before turning to Jaune, "Hey Jaune, what do you…?" Jaune had gone off to talk to Weiss.