AN: Well well, hello people. This is revision number two of the first chapter, which I must say is far better than the first revision (or, shudder to mention, the original. Either of them.) I desperately had to start on this rewrite because of how old this fic is; the writing style is so different from what it used to be. So, at least this chapter more accurately reflects my recent writing. Bear with me people; I started this fic something like two years ago. XD

Also, if you'd like to read a version of this chapter will the easier to understand slashes used in mindlinks before the banning of symbols, you can read this chapter on my site. Go to my homepage from my bio, kill the 'sukuigaarisou' extention, and add 'eiench1dothtm' to the end, you'll get there. Here, due to the symbol restrictions, Yami's link will be bold italics and Yuugi's will be italics.

Another important note is that this chapter won't match up with the others quite so well, due to how much a rewrite this chapter got. I've changed lines that are flashed back too, for instance. So some inconsistancy there is known about and will be fixed as I go through the chapters.

So anyway, I hope you enjoy the new chapter and the fic.

Eien; part 1
by: Amiasha

"How could I lose? I will not allow you to continue your reign; you've been Pharaoh for far longer than you deserve. I will defeat you!"

"No. We had a fair challenge. You have lost, and as such, I will enact the consequences."

"You will regret this! This is not the end, brat. Someday, I will succed in killing you and, will claim my rightful place as Pharaoh!"

"Silence! You will never become Pharaoh, nor will you threaten myself, my priests, or Egypt any longer! Begone!"

Yami's eyes snapped open as he awoke suddenly, shooting upright in the large black bed of his soul room. He brushed his long bangs away from his eyes, breathing heavily from the nightmare, looking around to reaffirm to himself that he was in his soulroom. He reached out and gently ran his fingers over one of the heiroglyphs painted on the wall, sighing.

Yami, are you alright? Yuugi's soft voice startled the spirit again, Yami not having expected the other boy to be contacting him in the middle of the night.

I'm sorry aibou, did I wake you? Yami asked, feeling somewhat guilty.

Not exactly; I felt you were upset. I don't mind, really. Yuugi insisted, before repeating his previous question. Are you okay?

Yes aibou, I'm alright. Yami responded. It was a just a normal dream.

Yuugi snorted. Of course it was. Your dreams are always normal. But really. What was it about? I didn't get much, just voices. One sounded like you.

Yami nodded, even though Yuugi couldn't see him. I think one of them was mine, yes. I don't know the other, though.

Yuugi was quiet a moment. You think that it actually happened?

I can't say. Yami responded, sighing quietly.

I wish I could help you... Yuugi said sadly.

Yami smiled softly and began a familiar spell, materializing outside of the Puzzle in a copy of what Yuugi was wearing, which happened to be dark emerald green pajamas. He sat down on the bed next to Yuugi. You are helping. He reponded, smiling at his aibou.

Yuugi returned the smile, happy for his dark's company. "Why don't you stay out of the Puzzle tonight?" He suggested, knowing the spirit didn't really like staying in his soul room. He would love to have Yami stay materialized all the time, if not for the limitations of Yami's spell. The spirit had to return to his soul room to rest every twelve hours or so.

Yami smiled and nodded at the other boy, getting into the bed and curling up under the blankets. Yuugi gave a small giggle, knowing his dark's dislike of cold, and pulled another blanket over them both.

Yami adjusted a pillow, hudling under the blankets. "I'll try not to wake you again..."

"I already told you, I don't mind." Yuugi responded, giving a gentle tug on one of the spirit's bangs. "Now go to sleep."

Yami poked his aibou in the forehead. "Let go of my hair." He said lightly, looking amused.

"Fine, fine." Yuugi responded. "'Night, mou hitori no boku."

"Goodnight, aibou."


Yuugi cracked open an eye, glaring with it at the alarm clock. Yami, who was near it, had pulled the blankets over his head and was making no move to shut the annoying object off. The boy sighed loudly, sitting up and leaning precariously over the spirit to switch off the clock.

Yuugi looked down at Yami, or the blankets that Yami was under, and giggled slightly. He always loved seeing his dark act silly; the moments were usually rare and reserved for him. Yami had started to become more casual and relaxed around their friends and Sugoroku in the past month or so, but that didn't often extend beyond actually holding a conversation with them.

The teen carefully got out of bed, making sure not to jostle the spirit, and crossed his room to his closet where he began digging for his school uniform. As he reached for his jacket, he hesitated, swallowing. He suddenly felt slightly naseus, putting a hand to his stomach, and leaning against the wall for a moment until it passed.

"Aibou?" Yami asked quietly from behind him, causing Yuugi to turn around to face the spirit who was sitting up, long hair somewhat disheveled from sleeping. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, mou hitori no boku." Yuugi responded reassuringly. "Just felt sick for a moment, that's all. It's passed now." That was true, after all; he was no longer queasy, though it was now replaced with the heavy feeling of a stone in his stomach.

Yami climbed out of bed relatively ungracefully, having to take a moment to untangle an ankle from the sheets before he could stand up. He wandered over to watch his other grab his school jacket then dig through the closet in seach of the rest of his uniform.

Yuugi frowned at his clothes which weren't organized in the slightest. The boy had a suspicion that Yami's clothes on the other side of closet were color-coded and in alphabetical order, but Yuugi wasn't nearly so meticulous with his own clothes. At least they were hung up. Well, some of them.

"Getting ready for school?" Yami ventured, earning him a 'wow, you're so bright' look from Yuugi before the younger teen returned to his quest.

Yami sighed and rolled his eyes, easily locating the pants and Yuugi's favorite shirt, which were draped over a chair on the other side of the room. He wandered over, grabbed the clothing, and returned to drop them on top of Yuugi's head.

Yuugi laughed, pulling them off his hair. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." Yami responded, smirking.

Yuugi bounded off into the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed and Yami went to sit down on the end of the bed, trying not to fall back asleep. He wasn't exactly a morning person; he stayed up too late to be. The spirit leaned back against the wall, going over the dream the night before. It was certainly an odd dream, being only voices and no pictures; his dreams were usually vibrant and realistic.

It wasn't long before Yuugi reappeared, his hair poofy from being dryed vigorously, and muttering to himself about school. Yami gave an amused glance at him.

"Don't you have a math test today?" The spirit asked, earning a look from Yuugi and then a sigh. "I take it that's a yes."

"And gym, too." Yuugi added, sighing again and stalking off to go make the bed. As he straightened the blankets and pillows, he spoke up again. "Mou hitori no boku?"

"Hm?" Yami asked, looking back from where he was crouched packing Yuugi's books into his backpack.

"...I sort of have a bad feeling." Yuugi admitted. He finished with the bed, turning around to face Yami, who'd stood up and also turned around.

Yami tilted his head slightly and regarded his other. "I do as well." He said finally. "But don't worry, aibou. If something does come of it, we'll handle it. You need to focus on something more readily upcoming; your math test."

Yuugi made a face. "I'd rather not." He responded, going over to pick up the bag Yami had packed for him and casting a smile at the spirit as a thanks.

Yami smirked a bit. "Then fail it; I don't really care. I'm going back into the Puzzle; you can switch out during gym class, if you'd really like to, but I expect you to take the test yourself."

"Aw, fine." Yuugi responded with a laugh as the spirit faded out and returned to his soul room. The boy turned to walk out the door, but suddenly felt something sharp on his back. He screamed and jumped, whirling around, and seeing nothing there. He felt Yami's alarm through their link, as the spirit was obviously wondering whether he needed to come out and help. Looking around and seeing nothing, Yuugi was against startled by a 'mew?' from next to his feet.

Yuugi blinked and looked down, and nearly fell over. Mafdet, Yami's kitten, was looking up at him angelicly, either not knowing or not caring that she's scared the boy half to death. "Mafdet!"

Yuugi heard Yami sigh in relief that it was only the kitten through the link. Yuugi was slightly annoyed now that he'd gotten over the shock. Yami! Your cat tried to startle me into a heart attack! Again!

Yami laughed. She's good at that.

Yuugi looked down at the Abyssinian kitten again, earning another cheerful 'mew?' He sighed loudly, cursing his grandfather mentally for letting Yami have the kitten in the first place and himself for thinking it was a good idea, and then began to make his way out of the room again. Mafdet happily ran after him, doing her best to trip him into falling down the stairs.

She has something in for me, I just know it. Yuugi commented, and got another laugh.

He finally made it down the stairs relatively unscathed, and wandered into the kitchen where Sugoroku was putting breakfast on the table.

"Hello, Yuugi." He said cheerfully. "Sleep well?"

"Not really." Yuugi answered, being careful not to let Yami hear as he picked up a peice of toast. He didn't want the spirit to take what he said the wrong way.

Sugoroku frowned slightly but didn't respond, sitting down and opening a newspaper. He read it for a few minutes as Yuugi ate, then seemed to remember something and put it down. "Yuugi, I need to go out for a while this afternoon and pick up some new booster packs. Could you or Yami watch the shop after you get back from school?"

Yuugi nodded. "Sure, of course." He said, finishing his toast and getting up from the table. "Going to go now; I want to meet up with Joey, Tristan, and Tea."

Sugoroku nodded. "See you this evening, then."

"Bye, jiichan!" Yuugi said, slipping on his shoes, and bounding out the door.