Chapter one

For three months after the battle of Hogwarts, Harry Potter stayed with his friends at the Burrow. While he was there, he rested and he organised to have his parent's house fixed. His friends could not believe he wanted to live in the place where his parents had been murdered. All Harry said, he wanted to see how his parents lived, what their everyday lives were like and he figured it would make him know them more and feel closer to them.

The first lot of trials started, for the captured death eaters, snatchers and supporters of Voldemort. Harry, of course was a major witness along with Hermione and Ron, but so were a lot of the DA and order of the phoenix members that were going to testify.

One thing Harry was glad about, after giving evidence to the newly reformed wizengamot, Draco Malfoy was released without any punishment at all. His mother, Narcissa Malfoy was released but with restrictions place upon her and her home and they would stay for five years. But everyone cheered when Lucius Malfoy was given live in Azkaban, after hearing all the evidence, he couldn't talk his way out of being punished this time, especially when his own wife and son testified against him. Narcissa thanked Harry after court that day, and everyone got surprised when Draco thanked Harry but also shook his hand, saying that if he ever needed anything, to ask, that he owed Harry his life.

During that time, Ginny had wanted to get serious again, Harry didn't, which caused a few problems while Harry was at the Burrow. When Hermione and Ron left to go find the Grangers and return their real memories, Harry would spend as much time as he could away from the Burrow to give Ginny time to realise that they would never be together.

He was notified when the house was finished, but as the builders said, they never touched anything in any of the rooms that needed repairing. All they did was move things out of the way. Harry still hadn't been inside, all he did was unseal it to allow the builders in, then left them to do the work. Sometimes he would turn up and stand in the front garden and speak to one of the builders to see how everything was coming along, but otherwise he left them to do his work. The times he was there, lots of witches and wizards would turn up. Some just to stare at Harry, others to talk to him but Harry found he liked speaking with them because he found out how the war had affected them and it also took the attention off him.

Harry stood in the garden staring at the door of his parent's home. He knew he needed to get over his anxiety, this is what he wanted, but he did admit he was nervous. Finally Harry took a couple of deep breaths and opened the door. He looked in before slowly stepping inside the house that he had been taken from seventeen years before. The first thing he noticed was apart from being dusty, everything looked good.

Harry slowly walked up the stairs and found his parents old room, so he dropped his bag and stared around. The only thing Harry was going to change in this room was a new mattress, but keep his parents bed because Harry thought it was beautiful. A four poster with ornate carvings down the posts and it had beautiful lilac coloured lace curtains hanging around it. He stared at everything else and thought it looked like a very nice room.

He went into another room and found what he figured was a spare room, and Harry could imagine Sirius staying in this room. He went to another room and again it looked like a spare room. Then he stepped over to the last door, his old room. The name plate was still on the door and Harry ran his fingers over his own name before he pushed it open. Again, apart from being a bit dusty, there was nothing wrong with his old room. As he stared around, he did find one thing and knew he'd have to get rid of it, the mattress in the cot had blood on it.

After Harry finished upstairs, he looked around downstairs. There was a large living room, a dining room with a large rectangle shape eight seater dining setting. There was a kitchen that also had a dining setting, but it was round and only sat four. He found a large library with a couple of sofa's and a large fireplace. It had huge books shelves filled with book that covered the other three walls. He found what he thought was his father's office, or his parent's office as it seemed to have one large desk but two chairs, one on each side. There was another room downstairs that looked like another living room, just smaller, then a conservatory off the back which led to a large tree covered garden.

Harry went out and bought a new mattress for his parent's bed, now his bed, then he reduced the old one to dust along with the mattress from his cot. He stocked up on food and anything he needed before heading in to Diagon Alley.

Harry knew what he wanted to do, he wanted to return to Hogwarts and do his last year. Thankfully the newly named headmistress, Professor McGonagall and the newly formed governors believed that anyone wishing to return because they couldn't finish due to the war, would be allowed.

Professor McGonagall was organising more rooms as there would be more students starting than ever before. Since the school would not open for a full year, it meant three lots of first years. The first years that had to redo their year from when Voldemort had control of Hogwarts. The muggleborns that could not attend, then the new first years. All the other students had to redo their year from when the Carrow's ran the school.

Harry still wanted to be an auror and that's why he headed to Flourish and Blotts, he stocked up on books to do with aurors, books on advanced spells and potions. He also went to the apothecary and bought two new cauldrons, potion ingredients and everything else he could think of. One cauldron was for home, the other for Hogwarts and that he could use as a spare hopefully when he was an auror.

Severus Snape had been found barely alive a day after the fighting finished. He's recovery took months even though he will never fully recovery, his voice was softer and was very croaky. After Harry proved that Snape really didn't murder Albus Dumbledore and had indeed been helping him for years. He was not punished, so he was given his old job as potions master if he wished to take it as Horace Slughorn decided to go back to his retirement.

So even though Harry knew Snape loved his mother and never really hated him, he knew it would be an uneasy alliance between them. Harry just hoped that now Voldemort was dead, Snape wouldn't be so hard or as cold as he used to be, but Harry supposed he would find out soon enough.