A cloaked figure crouched on the top of one of the Hebra mountains. Far down below him, a group of moblins sat around a warm campfire. They don't look that smart, thought the onlooker. But they do have some powerful weapons for the taking. One, two, three, four. Hmm. Better keep my guard up. I bet there are more behind the rocks. Oh, what do you know?! A lizalfo. He might be a problem. Oh, hello. Two Bokoblins on horseback. Those are some fine horses. I could use a horse out here. What theā¦This isn't the time or place for a dragon spawning.
In the distance, the clouds swirled together in a spiral. Green and blue lightening streaked across the sky. Shades of purple and red painted the clouds in soft hues as a portal opened. Four children fell from the newly formed gateway and landed safely in the piles of Hebra snow.
The onlooker pulled a small device from his belt. He accessed the camera function and attempted to zoom in. Ahh! No use they're still too far away to get a good look. Better investigate.
Just as he pulled out his glider, he noticed one of the figures dressed in red walking away from the group. Now just where are you going? The child headed closer and closer towards the moblins' campfire.
"Hey, Kid," shouted the cloaked figure, "stay away from there!" He can't hear me from here. He's going to be dead if those moblins spot him. "Hang on, Kid!" Gees, I hope I can reach him in time!