Chapter V: Yuko Utsume

Disclaimer: I own nothing that is related to the Boku No Hero Franchise and all credit goes to their respective owners. All I own are my OCs and plot. I also own nothing from the DC or Marvel Franchises

Chatter was the first thing I heard when I awoke from my slumber,my body didn't respond, my eyes didn't open so all I could do is listen.

"I can't believe you let that boy continue after that smack on the wall," this voice was female, and sounded like it belonged to an old lady.

"What was I meant to do? He showed me a resolve that couldn't be denied, I had to let him continue," this time it was a man with a voice similar to All Might but weaker

"I saw that tape, he shouldn't have been able to walk but...Archer you said his name was?

Yes, well Archer was so much better after that beating, his movements faster than the camera could capture, his attack so strong that it knocked out a 3rd year, the 4th strongest in the school.

No normal human should be able to do that,"

"I don't think he's normal at all, I mean he is quirkless and that was confirmed by the many schools he has been to. However I have one theory as to his abnormal strength, he was trained by a GrandMaster,"

"A GrandMaster?! Didn't they all die in the First War of Rebirth, hundreds of years ago?"

"There's rumored to be 7 left in the world and we both know of one. Gran Torino,"

"Gran Torino is a GrandMaster?!" the woman was shocked to say the least

"He is. Truth be told I only found out about it 3 months ago because he felt like he need to tell me."

At this point I had already regained feelings in all my senses and silently shifted so I sat cross legged on the bed.

I used my fist a support by placing it on my knees, and during this the two people deep in conversation didn't notice me. One of them I recognised to be Recovery Girl and the other was a skinny man with long blond hair,I had suspicions as to who he was.

"I see you found out my secret," my voice startled them both as the quickly turned around so I could see their shocked faces. "How many days has it been since I collapsed?" was my next question. Recovery Girl had calmed down and regained her composure.

"3 days, but you shouldn't be up for another week at least,"

"It's shameful that I missed 3 days as it is, so I'll be off."

"Wait," it was the man's time to speak. "Before you go I would like to ask some questions,"

"How could I say no to All Might," he didn't even flinch when I had mentioned his name whilst he was not in muscle form.

"Tell me, young Livius, are you a pupil of a GrandMaster?"


"Just as I thought. Now what is your business in Japan? Whenever someone like you comes along, havoc is soon to follow,"

"Huh? Guess I'll tell you the truth. My dad left me when I was 4 due to my quirkless nature, that when my mom met my stepfather and even at the age of 4 I could tell that it was love at first sight. My stepfather was the doctor who diagnosed me and soon enough he and my mother were inseparable.

But he still cared about me and Aya, my step sister and that was shown by the care he provided the two of us, teaching us and playing with us even due to his busy schedule. His goal in life was to be a hero but quit it after his mother had gotten ill so when I told him that I wanted to be a hero, he was overjoyed.

That still didn't change the fact that I was quirkless and untrained and that was solved when my uncle from my biological dad's side offered to teach me in his dojo. So at that dojo I learnt from both my uncle and his wife, a weapons master,"

"That didn't answer my question, why are you here?"

"My stepfather's dream was to go to Yuei so I came here to apply here in hopes of living his dream and mine. He was a man who didn't know me but was looked after me more than my real father did, so I came here for him. Does that answer you question?Also can you keep it a secret everything I told you. It would be troublesome if people found out,"

Without waiting for a reply I looked over at the clock that read 11:15 meaning I had maths. I stripped off my hospital gown to reveal multiple bandages over my body,covering the scars I already had.

"You should go home," Recovery Girl said.

"I thought you were going to stop me,"

"Don't think I could after listening to your answer, you wouldn't listen," I chuckled.

"True, hey where are my-"

"Over there by the IV drip," she seemed to know what I was talking about as I donned on my school uniform, it was in pristine condition.

"I'll be off, if you need me, you know where I am," I made my way to Class 1A which was not hard given the nurse's office for the first years was one floor below where Class 1B was. And here I was just seconds later at the door, my mind split betweening opening it or not but in the end I flung the door open and entered the classroom.

It was safe to say the people present in the room were surprised, well except for Katsuki.

Ectoplasm, the maths teacher looked at me with shock.

"Livius? Why are you up? Recovery Girl said you wouldn't be in lesson for at least a week."

"Nah I woke up and she cleared me to go literally 10 minutes ago,"

"I see, very well then proceed to your seat we're going to be learning the foundations of calculus,"

"Great," I mumbled to myself, making my way to seat 9, Mina gave me a death stare the entire way through. I decided to brush it off because I knew I would get the full brunt of the stare at Lunch.

"So? How are you feeling?" Eijiro asked once I sat on the seat next to him.

"It hurt a bit when I woke up but I'm fine now,"

"Okay now that I'm done sympathising, how the hell did you what you did to the 3rd year? You told us that you don't have a quirk right?"

"You're right I don't, a quirk is a supernatural power that is bestowed to most at the age of 4. Mine...well it's a little different. I had to work for my power and I had to work hard, these past 6 years have been no joke whilst I was learning multiple martial arts simultaneously and getting an education,"

"That's cool and all but are going to explain how this power works?"

"Hmm. You'll have to to wait,"

"But why Archie? Aren't I your best friend?" I shuddered when he said Archie, there was one other who called me by that and I did not wanted to be reminded of him ever , I turned to the boy.

"Okay if you promise to never call me that name again," he nodded in agreement as I started to explain. "You see, Ki is flowing in all living things. In the days of the quirkless, Ki was known as a superpower and only those who had the will could harness the flow of Ki can allow many things that wouldn't be possible for a quirkless human.

But now in the age of quirks, everyone forgets about these things. There are a few who can still harness Ki,"

"So I can learn to use Ki and so awesome moves you did against Jurou-senpai,"


"Yuuki Jurou, 4th strongest in Yuei and is known as the Gravity Point hero, Zero Force,"

"Ah so that's his name,"

"So...can you teach me Ki?"

"I would if you could learn it,"

"What does that mean?"

"It means that since you pinkie toe has 2 joints, it messes up your ki flow so if you try to use Ki, it will kill you," Eijiro gulped when I said this, both sadness and fear apparent on his face.

"That's why, there are barely any Ki users in the world due to the drastic decrease in those who have the capabilities to learn it,"

"That's scary, you must have gone insane trying to harness Ki,"

"," my response triggered my memories of my uncle beating me at full power until I got used to attacks, making me run through states until I got stamina, there was many more things that I would not like to get into.

However I neither had to as the bell for lunch sounded and after 45 minutes of starvation I was more than ready for my sludge.

"Eijiro let's go to lunch,"

"You know I would love to but I promised Tsuyu that I'd spend my lunch with her,"

"Whipped," I mumbled, slinging my bag over my shoulders.

"Did you say something Archer?"

"Nope, say hi to Tsuyu for me," walking out of the 15 feet doors I steadily made my way down the steps, noticing the acidic glare of Mina piercing me whilst she was also walking.

I had made it to the illuminated cafeteria when Mina had caught up to me, at least she wouldn't be able to shout at me...wait wasn't this the place where that happened?Fuck.

The line that I had joined seemed to be much slower than that on my first day, it's just my luck that the small Mina weaved her way through many surprised students with the intent of facing me

"Hello Archer," her voice was scarily peaceful and happy.

"...Hi Mina," in the moment of my reply her face turned from the smiling one that faced me to anger. A deep breath was taken before she continued.

"ARCHER JONATHAN LIVIUS HOW DARE YOU COME BACK TO SCHOOL, YOU SHOULD STILL BE IN BED YOU MOTHER-" I managed to place my hands of Mina's mouth before she could continue further, lucky for us both as once again, the cafeteria fell silent whilst unknown eyes looked upon us.

"Okay Mina I know you're mad but I'll really am fine," the pink haired girl stared deep into my blue eyes, for the first time in 3 days.

"Fine, you're treating me to milkshakes after school," wait... why do I have to? My hands were already reaching into my blazer pockets to reassure that my 10,000 yen was still there,my last 10,000.

"You planned this didn't you?"

"Ever since you woke up,"

"You're the devil in pink,"

"Why thank you, no one has ever complimented me like that before," we sat in row G just like I had done when I first had lunch here.

"Hey where's Eijiro and Tsuyu?" the acid quirk user asked.


"Whipped,"Mina mumbled just like I did causing a chuckle to escape from my mouth. Guess it was true that great minds tend to think alike.

However before we could continue an unknown placed her plate down and took the seat next to G was a table that almost no one came to so as such there were seats all around, empty, but this girl still chose to sit next to me and under the constant glare of Mina.

It was few moments before the girl shuffled in her seat to turn to face me.

"Hello, you're Archer Livius right?"


"So you're the guy whose 4th strongest in Yuei despite being a first year,"

"I am?"

"You didn't know, since you beat Yuuki who was the previous 4th, you took his position in the school power rankings. In fact I'm surprised there are not more people wanting to meet you," I turned to Mina who was also shocked at the fact."But that's not the reason I'm talking to you today, the reason I'm here is to talk to you about your suit,"

"My suit?" It was clear that Mina was agitated that I was talking to another girl, the reason was not apparent to me.

"Yes, after looking at the footage, I believe that I can make improvements to your suit to increase the efficiency of your...abilities,"

"Don't mean to rude but who are you?" the girl looked surprised before planting her face into her white gloved hands.

"I can't believe I forgot about it, my name is Yuko Utsume, a second year," she extended her gloved hands. What intrigued me more was her family name which meant beautiful eyes. It was not wrong as I looked up to see her deep brown eyes, which seemed to entrap those who stare into it.

Her short, curly hair matched the colour of her eyes and laid on top of her pale white skin. From her position sitting down she was slim and probably stood around the same height as Izuku, her chest area more than made up for her small stature.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't shake her hands until she brought me back.

"Archer? You there?"

"Oh yeah, sorry about that, I zoned out. Why the gloves?" I said,shaking her slender hands.

"It has to do with my quirk. Pinpoint."

Name: Yuko Utsume [Hero Name: Iris]

Quirk: Pinpoint. This allows user to keep track of person once touched. Also if the palms of the user touches bare skin, the memories of the person are accessed.

"Basically it can mean that I can see memories when I touch you with my palms and I can track you if I touch you,"

"That's such a useful quirk, but anyway I gotta go now because I need to get ready for Foundational Hero Studies," as I rose to walk away, Yuko pulled out a piece of paper from the insides of her coat pocket and slammed it down next to me.

It had the Yuei letterhead and was printed writing followed by a signature of someone named Chiyo Shuzenji.

"What is this?"

"A letter from Recovery Girl stating that you are not allowed to participate in any outdoor activities for 48 hours and as such meaning you have to spend your time instead with me in the Support Student workshop,"

"What! So you mean to say that Archer has to be with you whenever we have Foundational Hero Studies," it was Mina's turn to speak what had been on my mind.

"For the next two days, yes,"

"Unbelievable," Mina said, clearly fuming, again for no apparent reason.

"Mina it's okay, just go do your thing I'll be fine, we'll meet at the blue gate," she looked at me and calmed down before picking up her plate and walking towards the exit.

"See ya then," she called out before leaving me with Yuko.

"So then...let's go,"

"Nope.I'm going to eat," she then proceeded to eat her mean which consisted of curry and rice. Knowing I had no other choice, I sat next to her. In...utter...silence.

"Okay done," she finally said after Yuko had finished eatings, only the residue from the curry was all that remained on an otherwise clean plate."Let's go," the girl who stood around 165 cm stood up and placed her empty plate onto the conveyor belt

I followed her out of the cafeteria and towards an unknown section of the base floor of the Yuei building. This place really required a map but unfortunately, one was not provided. The need for one was proven when we had walked a little until we saw All Might look confusingly at an open broom closet.

"Sensei?" asked Yuko, edging closer to All Might.

"Huh, oh thank god someone is here. Can you please tell me where the staff toilet is, I've been looking for it for a good 20 minutes," his voice was pleading and his face looked like he was about to burst into tears.

The symbol of peace had his legges awkwardly crossed and was bobbing up and down, showing the urgency. Yuko sighed.

"Of course you are, I swear the amount of times I have to guide first years because they're lost, even you sensei," All Might laughed sheepishly before his urge to urinate returned.

"Where is it?"

"Open the next door,"

"But I alre-" his voice was cut off when he opened it to reveal a luxury bathroom fit with a bath and a stylised mirror. "But-but this wasn't here two minutes ago,"

"Do you really want to know the answer?" Without even replying, he rushed in an closed the door, cracks appearing at the sides as sound echoes throughout the corridor. Yuko simply walked away, unfazed by this.

"What the hell was that?" I asked as I managed to catch up to her brisk pace.

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean?"

"All Might said that he had already checked that room, so how did it become a bathroom?"

"I wonder," was her response before no more words came out.

This 2nd year girl was a rather strange one, only talking when needed too yet giving off an aura of elegance but still being down to earth. It seemed that her curly hair was the only thing messy about Yuko, her walk somehow being comparable to beauty itself.

I had inspected every aspect of her until she came to a stop.

"We are here,"

"What, where is this place?," she touched a panel at the dead end we had reached and the wall slide away, much like at the walls in Ground Alpha. The wall revealed the room that was behind it, it was a big split level room with polished oak floors and a warm, yellow light that seemed to bask furniture with a sunny aura [Note:Split level room is when one part of the room is raised higher and lower than the rest]

The benches that were present were all cluttered with gadgets and gears, there was a part of the massive room that was entirely covered with metal pieces that seemed to have been latched on by the screws that was visible around the sheets.

All of this was stationed in the upper platform of the split level room, an oak wooden railing signaling the drop off point with polished oak stairs each way that wrapped around the circular railing pillar.

The steep change in platform level inhibited my view of the floor below but nonetheless it was impressive.

"Wow, what is this place?" Yuko actually seemed to emit emotion in her voice when she spoke this time.

"This place, is heaven to all support students in Yuei. This is the…-"

"Baby maker, this place is the baby maker," a new student appeared from the steps holding a gadget that seemed to be busted.

This girl had eyes that resembled a sniper scope and were tinted yellow in colour. She was wearing a wet black tank top, probably wet from the sweat that enclosed the girl, her pale yellow jumper was tied around the waist of the girl.

Oh her pink hair ,which ran to around her shoulders, there was a steampunk esque goggles. It seemed that it went perfect with her...aura, I guess.

"For the last time Mei we are not calling it the Baby maker. And how many times must I tell you not to use the blowtorch downstairs," in her hand was a canister that was labelled 'Blowtorch for my babies'.

"But the lighting is so much better downstairs,"

"I don't care, now leave your stuff and come over here, I have a person that will be with us for the next two days,"

"Ooh someone new, lemme see, is he someone from the support course, will he be using my babies?" she place down her blowtorch and walking over to me before I was met with a wall.

Shit. I forgotten to walk through the door in all the excitement and now I faced the wall that was painted white but then switched to a lime green partway. It was a moment before the wall retracted again to reveal 2 girl giggling,

the one called Mei was rolling on the floor from the laughter and Yuko giving out a more composed chuckle.

"I...I can't believe you forgot walk through, Yuko I like this guy better than that foul mouthed one you always bring over,"

"In my defense, I didn't know that the wall could close,"

"That is a weak defense, anyway my name is Mei Hatsume," she extended out a hand whilst using the other to wipe away tear that formed due to the laughter.

Name: Mei Hatsume [Hero Name: Scope]

Quirk: Zoom. Allows eyes to focus in on something in the distance. If it attempted the user can see as far as 5km.

"I'm Archer Livius," I went to shake her hand but she froze as her eyes locked onto me.

"Wait, are the Archer that, on his first day beat a 3rd year and not any 3rd year but Yuuki Jurou who is the 4th strongest in the whole of Yuei,"

"Is that all people want to talk about when the meet me,"

"Yes. You're a legend amongst the first years, some even aspire to be like you, to be as strong and willful as you," I blushed when she said this, to think a person who was disregarded by everyone as second rate trash would now be an inspiration, that was the reason I wanted to become a hero.

"Anyway how did you like the hold bombs, I made them you know," a fake cough came from Yuko now seated at her desk and it meant that it wasn't the case. "Okay so I got a little help from Yuko," another cough, this time in between sips of her newly poured tea.

"Okay she kind did the whole thing I just built the trigger,"

"Good, now that the you know the truth about an invention I'm quite proud of, we will move onto the real reason you're here,"

"Yes you told me about this 2 days ago but I still can't believe it," Mei exclaimed jumping into her own seat. Yuko rose from her seat and made her way to the middle of the platform where it was relatively empty in terms of gadgets,

she then tapped her foot on a panel which led it to slide away and reveal a countertop which seemed to be made of obsidian.

"But wait there's more," Mei commentated from the side whilst her knees were pressed against her chest. True to her word, Yuko pressed yet another false panel to reveal a small stand holding up a circular piece of tech that had glowed a blueish colour.

Next to it was a dark bracelet that gave off that same blue hue but at a much weaker intensity. Yuko beckoned me over so I could examine the two objects.

"Do you know what this is?"

"No clue,"

"This is known as an Arc Reactor and is an artificial power source made by Howard Tech and can be compared to Vibranium and the X-Element," I was shocked to hear this. Vibranium is known as the strongest metal on earth and is easily one of the greatest energy sources.

The X-Element was also similar as it could stabilise many rifts in space and is thought to have come from an asteroid that jumped from the 4th world to ever come into existence in the universe, at least that's how the theory goes.

"Howard Tech? If they made such a huge discovery why hasn't the world heard of them?"

"Because they like to keep things hush due to the magnitude of this, also they are a subsidiary of Stark Industries, a major conglomerate who has the power to keep the media quiet."

"So why is something so powerful here?" I asked, scared of its power.

"For you. But it isn't the original Arc Reactor, Stark Industries would never trust anyone with that.

This is the Palladium Mini-Arc Reactor Mark I and in essence a mini reactor that supposed to replicate the original reactor and was made by Tony Stark or Iron Man as might know him as," Mei couldn't stop squealing at the sight of the glowing mini reactor.

"So what does it have to to with me?" She then moved to the bracelets.

"This is the Arc Reactor embedded into a bracelet. This will bond to your body and insert it with nano machines which will allow to store your hero suit and heal any small injuries you might have,"

"How did you get access to all of this 'powerful' tech?"

"Well… if you must know. I'm Tony Stark's daughter," what. This whole conversation was mind boggling and to add to that, now this bombshell dropped. The billionaire playboy had a daughter, a japanese one at that.


"The name's belongs to my mother's side. She and Stark were secretly married and when they had me, to avoid any publicity to fall upon my mother, she gave her maiden name to me and separated from Stark to start a life in Japan, much to his dismay.

But now that I am of age, Stark enrolled me in his company as a intern so he could spend some more time with me," well even if she explained it, it still was amazing.

"Okay, I got that. But now let's try ask again, why am I involved?"

"Because you are of a GrandMaster Bloodline, are you not?" I was startled, how did she know? "You're thinking how I know, right? My dad can silence the media, the most powerful source of information in the world, I'm pretty sure he can find GrandMasters,"

"Y-yes you're right I am, but how does that do with anything?" the question kept piling up.

"Since you have GrandMaster heritage, you body is engineered differently, stronger and as this reactor is a experimental project, my dad believes that you can survive it if something goes wrong,"

"Meaning I have to put on that bracelet now," she chuckled.

"No…oh my god no, how did you pass the written exam," that stung a little seeing as how I only got 1 mark above the pulled out a contract from the desk and placed it on the obsidian worktop.

"We can't have you take our experimental tech without a little trust, after all GrandMasters were the enemy of mankind. So this is a contract that states that once you turn 16 you start to intern at the Stark Industries hero department in the Japan branch, then at 18 you will receive the bracelet and join Iron Man's hero team as a sidekick.

Now the you don't have to sign the contract now but the offer only lasts for the next week, what you do need to sign now is this," she pulled out another piece of paper, much smaller than the first.

"This is a disclosure agreement which means that anything that is said in this room cannot leave this room, if you do, not only will you be sent to jail but all your family members will receive the same punishment," this was hefty, but I had to sign it.

"What about Mei?" I said whilst putting pen to paper on the disclosure agreement, the contract needed some more time because it just planned out my whole future for me and I don't think I am ready for that.

"Mei has already signed hers, now will you sign the contract now?"

"I'm going to sleep on it,"

"Okay then," she pulled out her phone. " You have 5 minutes left until final bell sounds, do you have any questions?"

"Yes what is this place?" she smiled as the countertop retracted to leave an empty space on the platform once again.

"I was wondering when you will ask that. This place is known as The Invention and had many brilliant minds in the 30 years since this was built, it is only accessible by one person in each of 3 years. These are the people who have the highest mark in the support course are allow to use this place.

We have Mei for the first years, me for the second and another person who is on a mission so he won't be back for some time," the conversation between the 3 of us went on for some time switching between topics of best movies, best games and obviously best heroes.

I hadn't noticed the time until my phone rang causing me to pull out my bright red Iphone to see that Mina was calling. At the top of the screen the time read 15:47. That was 42 minutes since the final bell had rang.

"...Hi Mina,"

"Don't hi Mina me, where the hell are you?"

"Uh I lost track of time,"

"Well you better get your ass to blue gate in the next 5 minutes or I will burn you with acid," that did not sound like a joke, so I quickly grabbed my things and faced the wall when I realised that I had no way to get back seeing as I forgot the way.

I sighed as I turned on my heel who were waving goodbye to be.

"I kinda forgot how to get back," Mei giggled as she rose from her seat.

"Follow me then," she then turned to walk down the stairs that led away from the retractable wall.

"Where is she going?" I asked Yuko.

"Just follow her," was her reply whilst sipping on another cup of tea she had made herself. I had walked down the polished steps just like she had instructed to be met with the lower end of the split level room that I had not viewed before.

In this platform there was no mechanical tools or anything in that regard except 3 lounge sofas which faced a burning fire. There was a brick chimney attached to it which spanned the whole wall, contrasting with the polished natural oak design.

To the left the was a glass window and sliding door that looked out into a white room, the glass was outlined with reinforced steel. On the right was plain and where Mei was beckoning me towards.

"Why are we here?"

"Have you learnt nothing in the past hour?" she turned to wall and pressed a false panel which caused the wall to retract and to reveal a forest.

"Where is this?"

"East side of the Yuei building, have fun," Mei pushed me forward so I stumbled into the grass ahead of me. I had gotten up and soon enough made my way to the blue gate where Mina was chatting to a group of 2 guys in a different school's uniform, laughing whenever either of them made a joke.

I had no clue as to why but the sight peeved me but decided to put it to the back of my mind as I approached the group.

"Hey Mina,"

"Oh look who it is," her glare seemed to melt me.

"I lost track of time,"

"Oh with that second year girl I see," I decided to keep shut about Mei, seeing as it would only make her madder.

"I got lost, so anyway want to go get that milkshake?"
"I think I'll stay with these two gentleman, I mean they didn't make me wait near enough an hour,"

"I'm sorry, okay. Look I'll buy you two milkshakes, TWO," to emphasise my point, I struck my two fingers up to show her.

"Intriguing, all right then let's go," Mina was quick to agree and started walk over when her wrist was grabbed by one of the guys.

"Come on Ashido-san why would you want to spend your free time with this frail looking boy when you can have 2 real men," he grinned, showing his sharpened teeth.

"Let me go," Mina tried to get of this guy's grasp but to no avail.

"Trust me, I'm doing this for you," he was going to continue but yelped when Mina released acid where his hands grabbed.

"Ey watch it you bitch," the guy growled, clutching his injured hand.

"How dare you hurt the strongest first year,Jay Kuroshi,now you'll pay," the other guy said as some sort of purple substance dripped from his hands.

Name: Doku Doku Sei [Hero Name: Venom Demon]

Quirk: Poison. Allows poisonous substance to be secreted from anywhere in user's body.

"Take them Doku, they are not worthy of my time," it was at this point I had enough.

"Ki-Manipulation: Sonic," I muttered quietly before I faced the person who was dripping purple. Without warning I grabbed his face, and drove him to the grounds, a small crater forming where I had done so.

"Didn't your parents ever teach you manners?" this was a rhetorical question to Jay whilst I was stepping over his unconcious minion.

"How dare you speak do me in that tone, I'll teach you some manners, you peasant," Jay roared as he jumped and swung a fist at me.

Name: Jay Kuroshi [Hero Name: Jay Strong]

Quirk. Metal Skeleton. User's bone structure turns that similar to metal meaning that user can take harder hit and also deliver harder hits with relatively no pain.

"Ki-Manipulation: Unyielding wall," my body turned stiff as it was empowered by Ki before a fist smashed my head, Jay was chuckling when he thought he beat me but I simply turned my head to look him dead in the eye and it was apparent that I had felt nothing from that attack.

"But-but how? That was my strongest attack," to reply to his question I flung my foot to the side of his stomach and sent him flying into nearby tree.

"Well, that was my weakest," I said once the smoke had cleared to reveal a barely conscious man. "Now take your friend and leave, if I ever see near Yuei again, I will actually try to hurt you,"

I walked over to Mina who was dumbfounded about what happened.

"Well let's go then,"

"That was so...BADASS, forget the two milkshakes just buy me the one,"

"After I beat up two people for you, all you can think about is food,"

"Well isn't food the meaning of life?"

"...You know what, sure it is so where is this place?" We walked along the streets of Mustafu, happy and ignorant of the storm to come.

The man in mask chuckled from the shadows, "Ignorance is Bliss but Ignorance can lead to death,"

Author's Note:

So this is unexpected, me being late to the scheduled upload. BUT I have an excuse, I had to do my March Mocks so I did not have as much time as I would've liked

but I still got it nonetheless so you guys should be proud. So in this chapter I introduced a new OC and she is Stark's Daughter so that is amazing as fuck. That was

where I got the idea for introducing the characters from other superhero franchises and especially Tony Stark who I think will be very important to the plot. But

however you don't like the fact that Archer is going to intern at Stark industries[Spoiler but we already knew that was gonna happen]. I have an alternate story line

planned out.

Also as you can see, this fan fiction is very reliant on its OCs so if you have someone who you think will be beneficial to the story PM and I'll add him in. That's all

from me so tune in next time for the adventures of Archer Livius, the quirkless hero.

[Note: There is a major announcement on the next page]