Chapter Twenty - Sunset

Draco pulled Harry closer, closer, but there was no more room for him to go, nowhere in Draco's body where he could stick Harry to his skin and have him there forever, so Draco did the next best thing and opened his legs to let Harry settle himself between them. Immediately they moaned together in a way that Draco had never done, and much less along with another person. Their hardness were pressed together, painfully undeniable in between them and making Draco's entire body burn with need.

As soon as the embarrassing sound escaped them Hermione rushed next to them, and her hand seemed to be trembling as it trailed down the side of Draco's face and neck. He couldn't blame her, he was barely in control of himself as Harry continued to kiss him so deeply and intensely that his mind was dangerously close to shutting off, but he couldn't let it, he had to force himself to think. He couldn't let himself be overcome by emotions and end up at a point where there was no turning back.

Because he had never even kissed someone for more than three seconds before Hermione and Harry came along. There was never a time or a place where he could have learned what it was like to be with someone and now he was in the perfect time and place with the perfect two people and he knew… nothing.

He wasn't even sure if he was an adequate kisser, yet here he was, rubbing up his erection against another man, and not just any man.

Draco attempted to slow down the kiss and Harry accepted it, his fingers that had been clutching Draco's hair suddenly loosened and his hands slid down to Draco's hips. Draco tensed up, the feeling both intimidating and delightful. But he didn't have much time to dwell on it, because Harry pulled back slightly, stopping the kiss and tightening his grip. Draco opened his eyes, looking at Harry's breathless face and the next thing he knew, they were rolling over to the side and he was on top of Harry.

They both panted for a moment, their chests rising and falling together as the tightness in their trousers continued to rub together maddeningly.

Draco understood what Harry was trying to do and appreciated it, because maybe he'd be able to figure out what he was supposed to do by having a little more control, but at the same time he felt the weighty pressure of having to decide instead of letting Harry take the lead. After all, Harry had at least some experience that Draco didn't.

Draco turned his head to the side and looked at Hermione, who was half leaning on another cushion. She reached for him, her finger stopping at his mouth and touching his bottom lip softly. He wanted to kiss her, wanted to see her and Harry again, wanted to be pressed between them and let them show him what to do. Hermione was smart and eloquent, she would probably be able to tell him what he ought to do.

Harry's hands had left Draco's hips and were now settling at his back. The shift reminded Draco of the ridiculously intoxicating friction going on between them and for a moment he wished Harry's hands would go lower and lower and grab his ass unabashedly.

But he knew Harry wouldn't, not without a clear sign that Draco wanted to go further, but Draco wasn't sure how to take that step. What would come after that? He barely knew what he was ought to do with Hermione, and weren't blokes supposed to be more complicated?

"I…" the word escaped him suddenly, Hermione's finger still touching his lip before she retreated, looking curiously at him. Draco didn't know how to continue, and he looked down at Harry who was also waiting expectantly. "I don't… I have never…"

"We know," Hermione said softly and caressed his hair.

"That's alright," Harry assured him. "We don't have to." He started running circles on Draco's back.

Unfortunately for Draco, even the smallest movement between them made him ache with pleasure and he closed his eyes as he inhaled sharply through his teeth.

"Sorry," Harry gasped from under him and Draco opened his eyes again, trying desperately to ignore the intense feeling while still not being ready to part from it.

Draco looked at Hermione again, who was biting her bottom lip and looking tense, her hands balled into tight fists on her lap. "I-I want to," Draco admitted, feeling heat rush to his face as he looked back at Harry. "I just don't know what to do."

"Hey," Harry whispered and reach a hand to cup Draco's face. "I don't know either. I mean, I've never done this." He emphasized by rocking his hips just an inch, making Draco curse as he pulled Harry's hair.

Harry smirked and Draco glared at him, wanting both to kiss and insult him.

"And it doesn't have to be today, but we can figure it out together," Harry assured him.

"God, yes."

They both turned to look at Hermione, who was red all over and looked mortified at having said that out loud.

Instantly Draco felt Harry get even harder, and he looked down breathlessly at him as he pinned Hermione with a hungry look. This was akin to torture.

Draco pulled Harry's hair again and Harry grimaced and looked at him.

"So," Draco managed through the haze of desire fogging his mind. "What do you want to do?"

Even though he was looking at Harry, Draco reached out one hand that landed on Hermione's thigh and his heart sped up even more. Harry followed the action with his eyes and he seemed to be sharing a look with Hermione.

"We want to make you happy," Harry said, returning his eyes to Draco.

Draco froze. He wasn't expecting an answer like that.

In the silence, he turned to look at Hermione again. One of the lights was shining in the corner beyond her and it made a halo around her wild mane of hair, making her look even more unreal, if possible. She was smiling and covered Draco's hand on her thigh with her own.

"Do you trust us?"

Draco heard the words from her as if from a room far away from him, muffled and strange to his ears. Because of course, of course he trusted them. Even way before any of this, even when they were enemies, even when he thought he didn't, and he couldn't understand why she would even ask that. That wasn't the real question.

Draco nodded. "Do you trust me?"

He realized how small and careful his voice sounded and he knew, painfully and bitterly, that he was deadly afraid of their answer.

Hermione's smile faltered and Draco thought he saw her eyes water before he turned away. He couldn't watch her cry, or he would too.

Harry looked shocked and he held Draco's face with even more purpose. "Can't you tell by now?"

"Yes," Hermione said firmly, and she wasn't crying.

Yes yes yes.

But why? Something inside him asked. Draco pushed it aside.

Harry started sitting up, forcing Draco to kneel back, and the usually warm air around him felt suddenly very cold to him.

Hermione was next to Harry in a second, and together they pushed Draco back to rest on another cushion, their hands over his chest. He complied and leaned back until his head touched the soft fabric.

Towering over him, Harry and Hermione were like an amortentia-induced vision that Draco could hardly believe was real. He thought inexplicably of a desert, and the hallucinations people experience when they've gone a long time without water. Maybe that's what had happened to him; he was dehydrated, desperately seeking, and this is what his mind had produced to comfort him after too much sleeping potion.

Or maybe his mouth was dry for a completely different reason and this was real. Maybe he had found a real-life oasis. Maybe he could allow himself to drink.

They leaned down at the same time, Hermione going for his lips while Harry started a trail of kisses along his collarbone. Draco closed his eyes blissfully and let his hands roam free over every part of them he could touch. He felt no nerves when someone began pulling up his jumper or when a hand settled on his naked chest, and he himself was grabbing fistful of clothing in an attempt to get to the hot skin underneath.

Hermione slowly left his mouth and crawled down his body. Draco opened his heavy eyelids and saw the way she and Harry met over Draco's chest and started kissing there where Harry had managed to pull up Draco's jumper almost entirely. Draco reached down and finished the job, throwing the item over his head as he saw Hermione biting on Harry's lip. He shivered involuntarily.

Hermione was tugging at the hem of Harry's jumper and then he immediately pulled it off, showing more glorious skin that Draco ached to touch.

He saw Hermione's fingers struggling with the buttons of her shirt and he propped himself up a little to help, carefully undoing each button while she and Harry continued kissing. When he was done, he held his breath as Hermione shrugged off the shirt that was his, and it looked so mesmerizing sliding off her smooth shoulders and revealing her completely naked torso. Draco hadn't been expecting it, so he stared with his mouth hanging open and nearly choked when Harry reached and gently cupped one of her breasts.

Draco wanted to do the same, but he didn't want to presume he was invited to do something just because Harry had done it too.

"Is not fair."

Draco looked up, startled at Hermione's words, and he realized he had still been staring down, caught up in his own thoughts.

She was blushed with a nervous smile playing at her lips.

"What's not fair?" Harry asked, seeming just as confused as Draco.

"I have significantly less clothing items than you two," she said in a low voice, dropping her hand to Draco's hip and hooking two fingers on the belt loops of his trousers.

Why had he even wore a belt?

Harry quite literally growled as he pulled Hermione back to kiss her, but his hands started working on Draco's belt. Draco was about to do the same with Harry's trousers, but Hermione caught his wrist. Her eyes were the tiniest bit open when he looked up, but then she closed them again and blindly led Draco's hand up to her chest. Draco didn't know it was possible to get even harder.

He sat up even more to lean into Hermione's neck, feeling as though her skin might burn his lips. He trailed kisses up to her chin, and then with unmatched thrill he continued onto Harry's chin, brushing his lips against the place where they touched and then feeling the light stubble prickling his face.

He heard a zipper going down and his heart skipped a beat. He pulled away to look down, but was confused to see that Harry had not yet managed to undo his trousers, and then there was a gasp and he was being pushed back again, only this time, Harry was also lying down next to him.

Hermione had one hand on his chest and one on Harry's, and when Draco looked down again he realized it had been Harry's trousers that were being zipped down. Hermione looked at the both of them for a second before she finished the job Harry had started with Draco's trousers, her hands brushing against his almost painful erection. Without a moment of hesitation, she was pulling down his trousers and Draco's head was spinning very fast. Harry made a sound that was almost like a laugh.

Draco turned his head to look at him, Harry's eyes were already set on Draco's face and he was smiling. "Is Hermione scaring you?" Harry whispered as he reached a hand to trail up and down Draco's chest.

In all truthfulness, she was. But Draco hadn't realized his face was giving him away, because he was also ridiculously turned on.

"No," he half-panted. "Is she scaring you?"

Harry jerked in that moment, and they both looked down to see Hermione pulling Harry's trousers down. Draco finished kicking off his own that were pooled at his ankles.

"A bit," Harry exhaled with a laugh.

Draco kissed him then, pulling Harry's face to his with one hand and relishing in the taste of his surprise, his arousal, his laughter, all the emotions that filled Harry right then.

Draco wanted to climb on top of Harry again, but judging by the shifting and shuffling that he felt around his legs, Hermione had other plans. And sure enough, a few moments later there was a small hand on his upper thigh trying to push his legs apart. Draco did as much without a second thought, and even as he continued to kiss Harry he held his breath in preparation for something unknown.

He and Harry broke apart at the same time, both looking up upon the unmistakable feeling of Hermione climbing over them. She had moved them so Draco's right leg and Harry's left were side by side and she was straddling them both at the same time, her knees brushing their groins.

"Fuck," Draco breathed out, unable to contain himself. The feeling of the soft fabric of Hermione's underwear on his upper thigh was maddening, and knowing that Harry was feeling exactly the same was almost too much to handle.

She had a hand on each of their chests, and when she started leaning forward, Harry's fingers found Draco's, intertwining together and flooding Draco's insides with a different kind of warmth.

Hermione kissed Draco first, her long hair falling like curtains over him as her tongue moved slowly against his. She placed a soft peck on his cheek before moving over to Harry, and Draco's other hand found its way to Hermione's thigh and hip, exploring up and down all the wonderful spots that he had longed to see and touch.

For a second he thought he heard words, and he took his eyes off Hermione's mesmerizing skin to look up at her and Harry. Her hair fell over Harry as it had done with him, so Draco couldn't see their faces. His stomach did a flip but not in a good way. We're they talking to each other or was it just his imagination? Did they not want him to hear? Were they talking about him?

A sick, ugly feeling was creeping up on him, reminding him of the moment he found out they had had sex. Despite being in close, blissful skin-to-skin contact with both of them, he suddenly felt oddly detached, as though he was looking at them from a great distance, and they were no longer Harry and Hermione. They were Potter and Granger, a couple of Gryffindors, the Golden couple, a love.

His heart seemed to collapse within itself and it hurt.


His voice was spoken by two voices, and it shook him out of his thoughts. He realized his hand had dropped from Hermione's body and his other hand was slack in Harry's tight grip, and he had been quite literally looking out into space, the bright stars above suddenly coming into focus.

They were both looking at him with big, worried eyes.

And Draco saw himself in them.

But he didn't see the person he usually saw when he looked in the mirror. Perhaps he had changed since he got here, or perhaps they made him seem different. He saw someone good reflected back at him, someone content, at peace, lucky, trusting.

Cared for.

Draco bit his lip to calm himself, because otherwise his eyes would start watering at any second now and he'd be damned if he was going to be the bloke crying at the time of losing his virginity.

He tightened his grip on Harry's fingers and then reached up with his other hand to touch Hermione's cheek, trying to convey that he was fine without having to say it. She smiled weakly at him, and then she and Harry shared a quick look before she started climbing off them, promptly lying down on her side next to Draco so he was now in between the two of them. Harry rolled onto his side too, facing Draco with one hand on his chest. He kissed his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Harry whispered so low that Draco was sure Hermione couldn't hear.

Draco turned his head slightly towards him. "Yes," he replied, equally low. He couldn't bring himself to say more.

"Draco, do you want to stop?" Hermione whispered into his other ear, and Draco turned his head towards her this time.

"No." He shook his head softly.

As if on cue, Hermione nodded and put a hand on his chest, next to Harry's, and the next thing Daco knew, both hands were sliding lower and lower down his body while he was being showered with nips, licks, and kisses all over his neck and face. He was losing his mind again, all logical thought flying out and disappearing into nothingness. Why had he been worried? There could be nothing to be concerned about in the world if something could feel this good, if all his problems could be so easily wiped away by a few magical touches.

Hermione slipped her other hand into his, so he was now completely helpless, both hands clad in theirs as their free hands roamed openly over the expanse of his skin. He knew they could feel every pore, every scar, every curve and edge that composed him, and he had never felt so secure while being so exposed.

He didn't know whose fingers reached the hem of his underwear first, he had closed his eyes because the physical stimulation was already enough without having to worry about seeing and becoming thoroughly overwhelmed. But they were there, grazing the fabric softly and maybe with a little insecurity. Draco's entire body was tense with anticipation, Hermione sinking her teeth carefully into the lobe of his ear while Harry sucked at a spot under his jaw.

Someone did it; someone grabbed Draco's entire length through the fabric, gripping it with a sort of hungry satisfaction that shook him to the core, and he groaned loudly, throwing his head back and exhaling in relief.

The two people at his sides made appreciative noises, their rasping breaths filling Draco's ears with even more reasons to try and hold onto his self-control.

When he tried his hardest to focus for a moment, he discovered that the hand cupping him didn't feel small, so he decided it must have been Harry's, which meant that Hermione's was the one currently attempting to pull down the hem from his right side. She certainly enjoyed removing clothes.

Draco relished in the feeling of knowing something so intimate about her.

Harry started rubbing up and down and Draco's train of thought got erased again, specially when a second later Harry was pushing his entire body against Draco's left side, his own hardness pressing into Draco's leg and seeking contact in any way.

"Harry, let go," Hermione said quietly and Draco forced his brain to come back to him again.

Hermione's thumb was hooked into the hem of Draco's underwear, but she couldn't pull them down unless Harry removed his hand, but Harry didn't seem to be understanding this. Finally, he felt the absence of Hermione's hand as she nudged Harry's away, which he did reluctantly before the two of them pulled down Draco's underwear.

He shut his eyes even tighter now, feeling himself breaking down a sweat thanks to the warm air combined with the scorching bodies at his sides.

There was a sharp intake of breath from next to him, he couldn't tell where exactly, and then he gasped loudly when someone took a hold of him. This time, he had enough reference to compare, and the hand that was around him was smaller and with a much tighter grip; this was definitely Hermione. Draco bit his lip and concentrated all his might in not getting overly excited, because he was certain that it was perfectly possible for him to come just from this. He had already spent what felt like years all riled up by them, and now the direct skin-on skin touch was too extraordinary, too perfect, too much.

Hermione moved her leg to rest on top of Draco's, and then she moved her hand. It was just one slow, experimental up and down motion, but to Draco it was as if he had never experienced it before; all the sensations completely new and unheard of, and he wondered what he had been doing wrong all these years. She did it again and again, very deliberate and careful.

He could tell that both Harry and Hermione were watching Hermione's movements, because their heads weren't resting on him now and they were probably raised in rapt concentration. Draco could picture the look on their eyes following up and down and a shiver ran down his spine. Immediately after, Harry's free hand came up to his chin and made him turn his head to the right, where warm, eager lips awaited him. Draco couldn't react much right then, so he let Harry snog him without much thought about what he was doing, and it was only when he felt movement down his thigh that he realized that Harry's hand wasn't at his chin anymore and Draco's stomach dropped.

Harry ran his hand up Draco's thigh, grazing everything on its path before he covered Hermione's hand with his own. Draco couldn't take it anymore, and he moaned embarrassingly unrestrained, even breaking the kiss and opening his eyes to stare with bleak focus at Harry, who looked so turned on that he couldn't even manage the cheeky smile that Draco imagined him having.

Draco felt the pressure increase with the addition of Harry's hand and he threw his head back and closed his eyes again, biting his own tongue and praying to the stars for the power to last more than a few seconds because he never wanted this moment to end. He couldn't believe how much he was feeling. It was impossible to remember a time when he had been feeling so varied and intense emotions, all at once. He just wanted to wrap Hermione and Harry around himself, let them protect him and make him feel this way forever.

"I can't believe you like me."

"I can't believe you like me."

"I can't believe you like me."

He heard the words and felt them deep in his core; knew them to be true and honest, but how had they known?

It took him a while to realize that the words were coming out of him, rapid murmurs from his lips like the incantations to a spell he'd never made but desperately needed. And despite himself, he kept repeating them and felt his heart pour out with each syllable.

Two warm and heavy heads fell onto his shoulders again, and their mouths and tongues seemed as enamoured with his skin as he was with them. Draco panted, his chest rising and falling like all the suns he watched with them, like the only movement he could concentrate on right now; up and down. Up and down. Up and down.

Draco felt their hands loosening and shifting around him, and he wondered what did they have in mind that could possibly be better than what they'd been doing before.

Turns out, everything.

Their fingers intertwined, laced together in the same way his hands were with theirs, but as one they gripped Draco in between their palms and resumed their previous hypnotizing stroking that had Draco balancing on the edge of a cliff, the danger of falling more and more imminent by the second.

There were bites and licks on his chest, nibbles and mutterings in his ears, and then another, heavier leg slid on top of his, Draco's last remaining free limb, and he was completely trapped under their bodies and clemency. He could imagine the way the three of them looked from above, the way the moon might have been looking down at them, and he just had to know, had to make sure not to miss another detail of whatever he could land his eyes on because in an instant it could all be over.

Draco raised his head and then opened his eyes. It was elation as he had never seen before, so lovely and exciting that it made his chest hurt, and he could tell right then exactly how long he had to continue watching their wonderful antics on him.

One. Two. Three.

He let his head fall back onto the cushion, his hands gripping Hermione's and Harry's painfully hard, and he cried out into the noiseless night, only for them and for it; the vast ocean stretching forever in front of him, the only other witness of their strange and unforetold encounter.

Draco saw stars of all kinds, the surreal, colorful ones flashing behind his eyes, the still, quiet ones dotting the darkness above, and the moving ones shooting across the sky in graceful arches that only aided the slip of Draco's mind from reality to dream and back again.

As the mountain of sensations subsided, Draco continued to stare straight up, transfixed and completely slack, feeling as though the night was weighing him down.

He had heard many tales of losses of virginities. Crabbe's, Pansy's, Blaise's, some gruesome and explicit Death Eater's, and even more disturbingly, his father's. But he had never heard anything like this, couldn't even imagine it a few hours ago.

But he was certain that his was the best of all his acquaintances and non-acquaintances, best of all the magical and Muggle worlds, best of all the lands and seven seas surrounding the living and dead alike.

With careful deliberation, their hands left him, and Draco felt Harry and Hermione rising at his sides. One moment he was admiring the dancing shower of stars, and the next he was admiring brown and green.

They were perfectly contrasted harmony embodied. So alike, yet so different. Their shining dark skin and wild hair. Brave. Beautiful.

Boy. Girl.



A/N: This is technically the last chapter BUTI wouldn't let you all hanging like this, so there will be an epilogue. It's all planned so it shouldn't be too long now. Still, I wanted to thank you all for reading and reviewing and liking this story. It means a lot to me because this is my favourite thing I've written and it's very special, so I hope it was for you as well. I love this trio and I have a lot more of them on my tumblr so if you want to read more or talk to me about them, come say hello at amaliabones on tumblr. 3 Thank you!