Author's Note: Sorry it took so long to get this chapter up. I've been stuck at work working open to close.

I hope you enjoy this next chapeter. Read. Enjoy. Favorite. Review

I fall through the air and hit the ground hard, I tumble for several yards, tearing through trees and ground until I come to a complete stop.

I do not bother struggling against my binds. Humans made them so that dragons cannot escape. Instead, I cry out from all the sudden pain. My wings are pinned in an unnatural way. My legs are tied to the underbelly of my body. I know something wrong with my tailfin because I can feel my blood pooling around it.

Once I am done crying, I let sleep claim me. Sooner or later a human will find me and end my life.

I wake to something touching my front leg. As I growl and move my leg as much as I can, I hear a startled cry. I open my eyes and find myself staring at a human boy. I feel as if I should know this human, but can't figure out why. It doesn't matter now anyway. The boy has a knife in his hands and means to kill me with it.

I hear him talking but I do not understand what he is saying. I have never bothered to learn the human language. It doesn't matter anymore, for I am about to die. But for some reason, I bother to place the tone of the boy's voice. It is nervousness and uncertainty. I take this as a sign of hope that I will live to see another day.

That sign is proved wrong when he raises the knife above his head as he gets ready to go for the kill. I let out a soft growl as I stretch my neck out, hoping he gives me a quick death.

Seconds pass slowly as I wait for him to kill me, I hear him muttering something in his language. Then all of sudden I hear the sound of my binds being cut and my eyes fly open. I feel the ropes fall off of me.

As soon as the final rope is cut I am on my feet. I quickly pin the boy against a boulder and stare at him. I feel that if I kill him I will never be able to bring my dream full circle. He is important to my destiny somehow.

So I take my paw off his tiny chest and roar as loud as I can. I, then, quickly run away and take to the skies. I'm in the air for a few seconds before crashing into a cove.

I am tired. I am hungry. I am a prisoner. I am unable to fly.

I look at the darkened sky and cry to Shawto, the dragon goddess of revenge. "Shawto, I plead for revenge to the human who has done to this me. Make them feel the same pain I have. Make them suffer the way I am suffering."

I know that pleading for revenge will not get me out of my prison, but it felt good to yell rather than to kill the bird that mocks me.

I heat up the ground where I stand and lay down. I can try climbing out again tomorrow.

After another unsuccessful attempt at escaping my prison, I start to realize that I have not eaten in two weeks, because of Red Death. She likes to starve us for periods of time. I think it's because she wants us to think that we can not live without her.

I am no longer in her nest, so I can eat when I want. I look at the pond and see two fish. I thrust my head into the water in an attempt to catch one but fail. I decide that I will try again later after I rest for a bit.

As I lay down I hear a small object fall behind me. I get up, turn around and look up. Hiding behind a ledge is the boy, who freed me. He's watching me.

Once again I get the sense that I should know him, but I don't know how I know him.

We stare at each until the sun sets. Once he is gone, it begins to rain. I feel lonely now. It was nice having him as company.

Fish. I smell dead fish. I also smell the boy. I was not able to smell him before because he had reeked of fear when we first met. Now he smells the same way he did yesterday, curious.

I watch from my perch as he walks into my prison with a fish in his hands. When he spots me, I leap down in front him and start walking toward him. I want that fish.

I retreat from my mission when I see that he was a knife. What was he planning to do? Feed me, then kill me? No, not acceptable.

I snarl. "Get rid of the knife, foolish boy." I know he can not understand what I am saying, but at the same time, he seems to understand. He drops the knife on the ground and kicks it into the water. The boy then holds the fish out for me to take.

I open my mouth and take the fish. I finish it in two bites. I look at the boy, he smells like other fish. He must have more, hidden in the fur vest. As I inch closer to him, he falls to the ground and backs away. He is talking, but I do not understand a word he is saying.

I stop moving toward him when I see that he does not have any more fish, he just smells like he does. I also realize that I probably ate the only food he had. I decide to share, so I regurgitate half of the fish and place it in his lap.

I sit on my back legs and watch as he slowly understands that I am sharing and takes a small bite of the fish. Once he swallows, he smiles at me. I decide to humor him and smile back the best I can. I have never smiled before.

When he reaches his hand out to touch me, I snarl and glide to the other side of the pond. There, I heat up the ground and lay down. I look at the bird that constantly mocks me as it flies away. I would kill it, but it has eggs that will hatch soon. I look down and see that the boy is sitting close by. I sigh and cover my face with my partial tailfin.

I listen as the boy moves closer. Does he have a death wish, or does he know that I can't hurt him? I move my tail and watch as he quickly, but awkwardly, retreats from his mission to touch me.

I huff at him as I stand up and walk over to a root of a tree that has grown down into my prison. I jump up and hang from my tail. It does not take long for me to fall into another dreamless sleep.

I miss my dreams. I have not dreamed since I found shelter in the dragon nest. I thought my dreams would return once I crashed into this prison. I was wrong.