Chapter 6-
"You did WHAT?" Jamie exclaimed. It was later that night, and Eddie had just told Jamie about how she was supposedly pregnant. They were in the car on the way home from dinner and a movie, and Eddie was rethinking her decision to tell him in such a small space. In the five years of their partnership, Eddie hadn't seen him this mad too often; this was sitting out a 10-13 level mad, and not at all like him.
"I HAD to say that! I didn't have a choice without blowing our covers. They know I like alcohol, but they haven't ever seen me drink it. They got suspicious. I couldn't say it was for work, or religious reasons and I was on the spot. Since you're so perfect, what would you've have done golden boy?" Eddie spat back trying to defend herself. Jamie rolled his eyes. Deep down he knew she was right, but he still wasn't sure how they could fix it.
"I'm calling Danny. Maybe he can help get us out of this mess." Jamie muttered.
"Fine." Eddie sneered. Jamie rolled his eyes and dialed the phone.
"You did WHAT?" Danny screamed into the phone. They had just explained the fake pregnancy to him, and Danny was just as mad as Jamie had been. Huh. Both Reagan brothers in one day. This was a first, Eddie thought to herself. Truthfully though, this was exactly what she had expected. She rolled her eyes while Danny lectured her through the phone, tuning him out because she knew he was likely saying exactly what Jamie had. After he finished lecturing her, he finally just told them that he would figure out what to do. In the meantime, though, Danny still wanted them checking out the real estate company; the lead was way too good to just ignore it. Danny was still giving them instructions when Jamie and Eddie heard someone walk up to his desk and interrupt him.
"What Baez?" They heard Danny bark. "What? You're sure? Greeeaat." He groaned in shock. Jamie and Eddie just looked at each other confused as they waited for him to explain what was going on.
"Well Janko, it's your lucky day. Sorry I yelled." Danny calmly told her with a sigh. Jamie and Eddie shared another glance, as apologies from Danny were so uncommon.
"Uh… it's fine." Eddie stammered, still not sure what to think.
"Now…" Danny started. "Eddie, what are the odds that you're actually pregnant?" Danny asked seriously.
"Uhhh, none?" Eddie answered confused.
"Yeah… in case you forgot she's been here with me for the last several weeks. What's going on?" Jamie refuted questioningly.
"Well yeah Harvard, that's why I asked. If she'd been undercover with anyone else I wouldn't have. Danny shot back seriously; he knew how his little brother felt about her. Jamie and Eddie both blushed, glad that Danny couldn't see their faces.
"Very funny. But… forget it. You know we wouldn't do it. Now why is it so important?" Jamie defended himself, still trying to figure out why it mattered.
"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, we just got the final biopsy results on the Johnsons. Turns out Katie was pregnant." Danny explained. Jamie sighed.
"Greeeat. So, you think that-" Jamie began, but stopped when they pulled into the driveway to see that there were lights on that hadn't been on when they left. After checking the door to see that that the lock had been broken, he shared a concerned glance with Eddie before telling Danny what was going on. They thought about going inside and busting whoever it was but decided against it since they didn't have anything else to go on. They called 911 and waited on some other cops to get there.
A/N- I'm so sorry it's short, this just seemed to be the right content fit. Hoping to publish another chapter Sunday to make for it. So what do y'all think? Where you at all shocked by this? Any more ideas as to what's going on? Because some of y'all were SO far off, but others of you? Dang. It's like you read my mind and idea list because you predicted the entire thing. There are definitely some observant people here who should become detectives. I've so appreciated all the reviews and messages with your thoughts!