Hi guys this is my first ff and I'm no native speaker of English so don't be too harsh on me ;)
If you find any mistakes, feel free to tell me in the comments so I can improve my English. Thank you.
Now enjoy reading!
"Gotta fly, see you Penny." Talon winks and takes off with his boots. "Uhhh Brain, please be honest. I'm never going to catch him, right?" Brain shrugs his shoulders and Penny drops her head in her hands. Inspector Gadget comes over and lays a hand on her shoulder "No need to be depressed Penny, at least we could reverse M.A.D's plans and Brain is on our side again." Brain face-palms and Penny looks at her uncle with furrowed brow. "Ahm Uncle Gadget you know that Brain never...ok never mind." Chief Quimby appears. "Congratulations Gadget, you once again saved the day." "That's right Chief, the good never loses. Come now Penny, we need to take Brain for a walk and then get a good nights sleep." Brain rolls his eyes and looks at Penny, but Penny is looking at her hands with a sad face. Brain walks over to her to see if she is alright. "Go go Gadget dog leash." A giant flower pot comes out of Gadgets hat and drops on the Chief. Brain runs over to help. "No Brain, bad dog, if you have to do your business than do it in the woods like a good dog." He points at a sign to a dog park. Penny goes to her Uncle. "Uncle Gadget I'm not feeling well. I will go home now. Can you take Brain for a walk?" "Yes of course Penny. You go home and rest well."
Penny slowly walks home with her head hanging low. She goes to her room and throws herself on her bed. She buries her head in her pillows. "Uhhh I thought being an HQ agent would help many people all over the world. But the only one I'm helping is Uncle Gadget not to blow up the entire city while fighting against M.A.D. I'm doing this for more than five years now and still in the end it's always him that earns all the glory." Frustrated Penny changes into her pajamas. She looks in the mirror, lightly slapping her cheeks. She forces herself to smile "Cheer up, Penny, tomorrow is a brand-new day, and anything can happen."
Penny goes to sleep, not yet knowing how right she is with her prediction that anything can happen.
Penny starts her day as usual and trains with holograms in the training room. She defeats the last M.A.D agent when there is an announcement. "Penny and Kayla to the Chief's office please." Penny takes her bag, wondering what the Chief wants from her and her best friend. In the hallway she meets Kayla. "Hey K any idea what the Chief wants from us?" "Sorry Pen no clue. I'm actually glad I even heard the announcement, 'cause I have this new mp3 player and it rocks." Penny giggles and knocks at the Chief's office. "Come in please."
They enter the room. "Kayla, Penny I want the two of you to go to a special training camp." Kayla groans. "But Chief we are like the best agents of HQ why do we need to go to a training camp, we've already been to soooo many." The Chief smiles "I guess you will like this one. If you pass all the tests and tasks at this camp I will promote both of you to full agents of HQ." Kayla looks at Penny and hugs her tight. Penny's eyes are wide open. "This is amazing Chief. Thank you so much for the opportunity." She jumps with joy. "But..." The girls stop jumping and look at the Chief. "But?" Penny asks. "This camp is no regular one-week camp but a six months project. Agents from all over the world and all sorts of agencies will be there. You have to give it your all to pass, because only the best twenty agents out of two hundred will get their diploma. If you fail I will have to kick you out of HQ. That's one of the camps rules, but I'm sure you'll make it. So what do you say?" Penny thinks of her situation in the past five years and how much she wanted change. "I'm more than ready Chief." Penny announced with a bright smile on her face. "What about you Kayla?" Kayla looks at Penny "Let's start packing girl!". "I'm counting on you girls. Make HQ proud. You will leave tomorrow morning."
Penny is packing her things. "Will you be OK without me Uncle Gadget?" she asks. "Don't worry Penny. I will take good care of Brain for you." Penny closes the zipper of her bag. "Good than it's time to say goodbye." She gets up and hugs her uncle. "See you in six months." She goes on her knees to hug Brain. "Please take care of Uncle Gadget for me and stop M.A.D. From whatever he is doing." Brain nods his head and looks at her in a way saying everything will be fine, concentrate on passing, I know you can do it. "Thanks Brain" she mutters. She picks up her bag and leaves. She gets on the bus waiting in front of her house. She waves Gadget and Brain until they disappear around a corner.
The bus transforms into a plane and they fly a couple of hours before they land in the middle of nowhere. The pilot drops them off and sets off again. "Wow, this is supposed to be it?" Kayla says looking around at all the trees and bushes. "Maybe this is a test." Penny says looking around for a secret entrance. She reaches a tree with a broken branch. "Kayla come over this looks weird." Kayla takes out a special pair of glasses and scans the tree. "You are right Pen this is no normal tree." She turns the broken branch one time and a secret passageway opens between the roots. The girls climb into it and slid down a giant slide. First everything is dark but then it becomes bright. Penny and Kayla squeeze their eyes shut. When they open it again they can't believe their eyes. They are sliding down a slide spun around a huge tree. Everywhere are small treehouses equipped with the newest technology. Some agents in training all are already unpacking in their new homes or training at a huge training ground with the latest hologram technology. "Wow this is amazing K!" Penny says happily. "Well that's what I call a cool hide-out." Kayla agrees.
The slide comes to an end and Kayla and Penny get up. They are greeted by and agent in his late 30s. "Welcome to our camp. You already passed the first test and found one of the secret passageways to our hideout. You are Penny and Kayla from HQ right?" "Yes sir that's right." Penny answers smiling. "Great. Here you have a map of the hideout. Your treehouses are numbers 134 and 135. Go and unpack. Now it's 4pm at 6pm you need to be at the dinning hall." Penny nods. Kayla looks at her phone. "Why isn't my phone working here?" "Because we are underground", a male voice answers and Kayla turns around. A young man around 23 stands behind them. "You have to be Ben from the Eagle Agency right?" the agent in his late 30s asks the young man. "That's correct sir." "Here is your map. Your treehouse is number 136. You can go with the girls. Until 6pm."
The agent turns around to greet other agents in training arriving from another passageway and Penny gathers her stuff. "Nice to meet you Ben, we are Penny and Kayla from HQ. Now let's go and check out our treehouses." Penny starts walking. Ben looks after her "Is she always so enthusiastic?" Kayla smiles at him. "Yeah. Well you get used to it. I just hope I can get used to no cell phone reception." Ben similes. "I think I can help you with that. But now let's hurry up or your friend leaves us behind.
"OK, this is number 134 and right next to it 136. Where is my treehouse?" Penny asks confused. "Maybe it's like a street and odd and even numbers are on opposite sides." Ben says looking at the map. "He's right." Kayla points at a treehouse on the opposite side of the tree. "Seems like the odd numbers are on the other side of the tree." Penny drops her shoulders. "I thought we have our treehouses right next to each other." Ben pats her shoulder. "It could be worse Penny. My brother told me last year his treehouse was surrounded by enemy agents." "Enemy agents, how is that even possible?" Penny asks. "Well all agents can participate in this camp. There is no distinction between good and evil. The only way we are judged is by our physical skills, how creative we can think and so on..." Ben explains. "Well I hope that no one from M.A.D is at the other side of the tree than." Penny says laughing and waves her hand. "I'll call as soon as I'm at my treehouse." Kayla and Ben wave back. "Take care girl." Kayla says before disappearing in her treehouse.
"Number 135. There!" Penny enters her treehouse. It looks small from the outside but is quite spacious from the inside. With a huge bed and closet, a little cooking area and a sofa with flat screen TV and other research and communication technology. Near the bed is a door to a little bathroom with a shower, toilet and sink. "Cool." Penny drops her bag in a corner and sits on the sofa. She pushes a button on the table in front of her and a hologram monitor opens. "Call treehouse 134" she says. A second later she sees Kayla laying on her bed. "Hey K.". Kayla jumps up. "Hey how are you doing?" "Good. The technology here is brilliant." Penny says looking around her. "How are the ones in treehouses 133 and 137?" Kayla asks. Penny shrugs her shoulders "Don't know haven't seen them yet." "I'm sure they'll be great. Ben just told me that at 6pm in the dining hall we will be getting assigned to work partners. We will train with them and have missions with them. I hope the two of us can be partners!" Penny looks shocked. "Aren't we going to be partners?" "Sorry Pen this is not sure. They will match you with whomever they think benefits most from the other…so maybe we are partners but maybe not." "OK, I see, let's hope for the best. I'm going to unpack now so see you at the dinning hall!" "Yeah. And be sure not to be late. Ben's brother told him they don't like it at all." Penny ends the call and unpacks her bag. After that she grabs an apple and her map and leaves for the dinning hall. When she arrives, there are already some agents in training sitting at the tables, a nervous atmosphere is hanging in the air.
Penny sits down at a table and eats her apple. She looks around and recognizes the emblems of many agencies from all over the world on the shirts and backpacks of the other students sitting there. Kayla and Ben come five minutes before 6pm and sit next to Penny. "Hey Pen. I'm glad we made it in time. Mr. No Problem over there said he knows the way." Kayla glares at him and Penny snickers. "You are on time, that's what counts." Ben looks at Penny in a thankful matter.
"Welcome at our training camp. You are the worlds best agents in training and we are here to see who has it in him or her to be one of the best agents. Twenty of you will pass and get their diploma the rest of you will have to quit being an agent. We are 186 agents in total. The rest didn't find a way to our hideout in the appropriate time. Before diner is served we will assign you to your partners, with whom you'll spend the next six months. Once I call your name come forward. When you have your partner, you can go and get your dinner together, training will start tomorrow."
Penny was so nervous she didn't listen to any of the names until "Kayla from HQ, your partner will be Ben form the Eagle Agency." Penny drops her jaw, her spirits low, she had hoped she would be Kayla's partner. But Kayla didn't seem to mind. She gets up and follows Ben to the buffet. Penny sits there while the hall is getting emptier "Penny from HQ with Talon from M.A.D". Penny gets up like hypnotized. This must be a joke. Talon is here and out of 185 possibilities he is her partner for the next six months and they have to work together? Penny reached the stage and turns around just to see Talon coming her way. A smug grin on his face. "Hey Penny" he says stopping in front of her. "Talon" is the only thing she gets out. "I'm hungry, let's go." Talon says shoving her to the buffet.