A/N : ~~ means that it was in the dream, and the #*^$&*% thing is… Luffy's name.

Disclaimer : Eiichiro Oda owns One Piece

Garp have to visit him again, he doesn't know that him he was talking about. It's been two years and it's his birthday. He sighed, knowing he would see him fail miserably again. He lost all hope in training him, he wasn't just cut off for combat and thinking, unlike his 'brothers'. It was suspicious that a year ago, Makino kept calling and texting him but he ignored it, thinking that he did something idiotic again. After a month it stopped, and Garp was grateful, but the last message, the only message he read was terrifying, he felt anxious.

' He died, and you didn't even cared about it. '

Garp did felt anxious, but he shrugged it off, thinking that he just pranked him, he's going to 'lecture' him about that.

" What was his name… Again? " Garp asked to no one else, but Ace and Sabo heard it. " tomorrow, it's his birthday, we have to see him tomorrow. " Garp said as Sabo and Ace, who was sparing at noon, looked at him.

" It's his birthday already? I didn't even remember. " Ace said as he dried himself in a towel, Sabo silently agreed, the two felt something weird, it felt like they forgot someone important.

And they also had a nightmare a year ago then ever since that day, the kid always visit them when they sleep. At first they were horrified, but now they were used to it, they actually find the kid very funny and welcoming, but they still can't grasp the kid's name and who it really was.

~~ ( The first dream )

Ace was in a garden, there was a kid who was crying in front of him, he doesn't know who it is, but he looks familiar.

" You don't remember me…? " The kid said as Ace furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

" Who are you? " Ace said as the kid, who had his eyes covered by shadows, cried. He can't see the eyes, but he can see that the kid was crying.

" I'm *%^()# !" The kid said, Ace furrowed his eyebrows more, the kid's words were jumbled

" Who? " Ace said as he tried getting closer, but the kid looked so far away even though he was close to him.

" You don't remember me…? I'm &%^# !" The kid said as Ace frowned, the kid was appearing then disappearing like in a computer, it felt weird. The kid looks familiar but he can't just remember him.

" Who…? " Ace said as he took a step closer, but the dream ended before he could even reach the kid.

~~ ( the present today )

Ace and Sabo talk about how they always dream about him and what they do with him, surprisingly what they talk about is different, when they ask about his name, its jumbled.

They all went to their former room where there was two beds. " Let's… Sleep…? " Ace asked as he looked at Sabo, who nodded. They started to miss the kid since the kid was too loveable. The two laid on their former beds as they looked at the ceiling.

" I wonder what's his name is… " Sabo said to no one, but Ace looked at him. They all closed their eyes, for a few minutes they were able to sleep, considering Ace had narcolepsy and Sabo can sleep anytime.

Ace was in the Garden, but this time it had many flowers and he sees the kid sitting in a chair at the center of the garden.

" Hey! Sit with me! " The kid says gleefully as Ace laughs and sits on the other side," It's my birthday tomorrow! Do you know? " The kid added as Ace shook his head.

" No, it's tomorrow? Speaking of which, there's also someone who also has a birthday tomorrow. " Ace informed the kid, who faltered his grin before grinning again. Seriously, the kid's grin could brighten the whole place.

" Oh! Tomorrow's also the last day I'll be able to meet you guys… That's why… I want to spend the whole night with you! " The kid said as Ace frowned.

" Why? Don't you want to meet us again? " Ace asked as the kid shook his head so many times, the kid smiled at him.

" It's only the last day where I'll be able to see you, can we make this the great dream ever? " The kid said as Ace frowned before nodding. " One last thing! " the kid added as Ace had a questioning look.

" What is it? " Ace asked as the kid had a tear that dropped while the kid grinned.

" Don't cry! " The kid said as Ace furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, but he nodded nonetheless. And after that, they spent the greatest dream they would have ever made.

~~ ( At the present )

After the dream ended, Ace woke up with Sabo the same time. They felt the talk they've had with the kid was only for a minute, but it's already 8 am. For some reason, the two felt their hearts clenching and had a hard time breathing.

" Did the kid… Asked you to not cry, too? " Sabo asked as he looked at Ace, who nodded. Suddenly, their Grandfather knocked the door.

" Today's the day, let's eat, prepare then go to Makino's house! " Garp said as he grinned at his grandsons, that only smiled. Ace and Sabo somehow felt that something was wrong, like someone's should have been said, someone important.

The two ate, prepared everything and did a quick spar. When they went out at their house, it felt like someone should have been with them, but they shrugged it off.

" Is everything ready? " Garp asked as his Grandsons nodded and grinned, when they went in the car, it felt like someone should have sat with them, once again, they shrugged it off.

" I feel… Weird. " Ace said to no one as Garp went to the driver's seat and started to drive, Sabo looked at him weirdly.

" Yeah… " Sabo said as he looked at the sky, it was quite dark. " It looks like it's going to rain later on. " Sabo added as Garp looked to the sky.

" Really? Bwahahaha! Then it was a good thing that we brought the umbrellas with us! " Garp said as he drove towards Makino's house. Strangely, Garp felt that he didn't laughed cheerily like the other days, the two noticed this.


" We're here! " Garp said as he, Ace, and Sabo jumped out of the car. Strangely, they felt like someone should have waved at them, or hugged them, but they shrugged it off again. When they entered the house, they hear someone crying in the garden. It was Makino.

" Why is Makino crying? " Ace asked as he frowned, he didn't like hearing Makino crying, not like it was only him.

" Did that damn brat did something again!? " Garp said as he curled his fist in anger, but somehow, he felt sad and pained when he hears Makino crying. When they reached the Garden, they see Makino crying in a mound with a cross on it, who's grave was it?

" Mak-! " Before Garp could continue, he can see Shanks and his friends on the side, their heads bowed like they were mourning. Why?

" What are you doing here!? " Ace shouted as he hated to see Shanks because he- Ace frowned ' who's he? ' he thought as Makino stopped crying.

" G-Garp…? " Makino said as she looked at her side, and saw Garp, first she was surprised, before her face showed anger, she stood up, the first thing she did was slap Garp in the face. " HE DIED! " Makino shouted. Who?

It was the first time Makino did that, so the three was surprised. When Sabo looked where Shanks and his friends were, they were glaring at them.

" HE DIED AND YOU DIDN'T CARED ABOUT IT! " Makino shouted as the sky darkened and it started making noises. Who is 'he'!?

Garp widened his eyes as his cheek reddened. " Who died?! " Ace asked in confusion, Makino and the others looked at him. Slowly, Makino cried as Yasopp, who was Shanks' friend, started to shout at them, some of Shanks' friend tried calming Yasopp.


" Makino, who died? " Garp asked calmly, the sky started to make higher noises, Makino started crying and also started to attack Garp with her fist in the chest, but Garp didn't felt it.

" Who died?! " Sabo said as it started raining, Ace wanted to know too, it was confusing him so much his mind started to hurt.

" LUFFY! " Makino shouted as she fell down the ground and started crying fully. Garp, Ace and Sabo widened their eyes. The rain finally went down.

" Luf…fy? " Ace quietly said as he and Sabo remembers the dreams they always had, the one that always made them laugh at their dreams, the one that always visits them. It was Luffy. They fell on the ground as they had a horrified face, the little 'brother' they should have cherished and loved, was gone.

Garp, who widened his eyes, looked at the mound. It was Luffy who died, It was his grandson who died, and the last time he met Luffy was a memory of only abusing him.

" Why didn't we remembered him!? " Ace said in anger to himself as he tugged his hair, unlike Sabo who placed his hand on his eyes to cover the whole world.

Then suddenly, they remembered, at the same time Garp did.



















They forgot Luffy, so Luffy fully erased himself from reality. And turned himself to a dream. It was their fault.




















It wasn't too long before Ace and Sabo broke their last promise along with Garp to Luffy.

A/N : It hurts…