Thank you so much to sise87, ann and Naruto Loves FemKyuubi for your kind words on the last chapter. :)

Sorry this took so long to get up, but I had written something entirely different and then started over because I realized this is the perfect place to end this tale. Yup, that's right this is the last chapter. I do have more ideas for this universe if you wanna call it that, but they focus more on the twins, which would be better suited to a sequel if I get enough interest. For now, Chris' journey has come to an end though as he's learned and grown as much as he's going to. That said, I hope you enjoyed and here is the resolution!

Chapter 25

It had taken two lifetimes to get to this moment. Enemies to lovers and back again so many times the first go around. Waffling between friendship and romance in this one. Finally, it was really, truly happening. The stars had aligned. The timing was right. Whatever cliché one preferred, Chris didn't care. All that mattered was that by the end of the day Bianca would be his wife. They'd made it through hell and were about to get their heaven.

Looking in the mirror, he gave a half-smile at the more casual than traditional attire he was donning. A white dress shirt, top button undone, and cool grey dress slacks with no shoes. Perfect for a beach wedding, which was so very them. No big ceremony. No hobnobbing with people they didn't really care about. Simple. To the point. Relaxed and intimate.


Chris turned at the sound of his daughter's voice, his face splitting into a huge smile at the sight of how pretty his little girl looked. A white flower wreath in her softly wavy brown hair, she was wearing a sweet blush colored dress and a matching sash with little white flowers. Like her father, she was shoeless.

Seeing his smile, Victoria's face lit up. "You like it?"

Walking over to her, he went down on his knees, so they were eye level. "I like the dress. I love you." Kissing her cheek then pulling her into a tight hug, he proclaimed, "You look like a princess, sweet girl."

Pulling back, Victoria ducked her head, smiling shyly. As though confessing a secret, she said quietly, "I kinda feel like one." Then, unable to stop a tiny giggle, she stepped back and twirled, the skirt billowing out. "Look, look – This is the best part!" She did it again, and Chris couldn't help but chuckle at her excitement.

"Wow," Wyatt proclaimed from the entrance of the large tent, "I do not think I have ever seen such a pretty girl in such a pretty dress before."

Victoria laughed, running full speed at her uncle, knowing perfectly well he'd catch her when she leapt up at him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed his cheek and hugged him before pulling back to ask with concern, "Where's Christina and Auntie Chloe?"

"They're already sitting waiting for the wedding to start." He slid a look to Chris. "Speaking of which, you about ready to get this show on the road, Little Brother? The guests are all seated, Mel and I finished off all the demons on the list you gave us, and the warding was blessed with your blood, my blood, and the power of three."

Chris frowned. "And my son would be where exactly? I thought you were watching him."

"No, last I saw Dad was showing him how to skip rocks." Wyatt was quick to add, "I did make sure he was ready though. Hair combed and dressed. Bianca was all set too." He looked at the little girl in his arms. "She did want to see you though, Vicki." Setting her down, he affectionately patted her head. "Better hurry. You never want to leave a bride waiting on her big day."

Victoria rolled her eyes. "If you wanna talk to Daddy alone, you can just say so Uncle Wyatt." She then quickly scampered out of the tent to do as told.

"Wow is she ever your kid," Wyatt laughed, "perceptive and blunt."

"Daddy's girl, and I couldn't be prouder," Chris agreed. "Now, what's up? What'd you want to talk to me about? If this is about my husbandly duties Dad already gave me the 'happy wife happy life' speech, which considering Bianca knows how to kill me a hundred ways without even using her hands, I already kinda knew."

Wyatt's eyebrows went up. "Okay, remind me never to get on her bad side. And, no, not what I wanted to talk to you about. I just wanted to tell you . . . it's okay to be nervous, Chris."

"Nervous?" he repeated. "I am not-" When his big brother folded his arms and cocked his head in challenge, Chris let out a breath. "Okay. I may be a tiny, miniscule, infinitesimal bit nervous. Happy?"

"Being the center of attention has never been your favorite thing," Wyatt said knowingly, "but it's only one day, and it's only family. You can do this."

Chris shoved his hands in his pants pockets, staring at the sandy floor of the tent. "Is it crazy I'm more nervous I'm going to forget my vows than about actually being married? My palms are sweating thinking about all those people staring at me but becoming a husband doesn't freak me out at all."

"Makes sense to me," Wyatt said with a smile. "You picked the right partner, so all you have to worry about is details. And they are so not important, Chris. Trust me, you won't even remember half of this day. It'll be a blur. Just focus on the reward at the end – you get Bianca forever. That's got to be worth enduring some staring, right?"

"Absolutely," Chris said with a half-smile.

"Feel better?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I do."

"Knock, knock," Leo announced, poking his head into the tent. He was beaming with pride as he crossed over to Chris. Giving the young man's shoulder a squeeze, he was surprised when he was pulled into a hug. The uncharacteristic gesture from the son brought a distinct shine to the father's eyes. "I'm so happy for you, Chris," Leo said voice thick with emotion.

"Thanks for always being there for me, Dad," Chris returned. Stepping back from the embrace, still not completely comfortable with them, he added with a smile, "Even when I made that really really hard to do."

Leo laughed. "Well, that's what fathers are for. Not to mention I had a lot to make up for, with, well, other you."

"You did," Chris assured. "You're the best, Dad."

His father dropped his face rubbing his eyes with his fingers to blot out the emotion he was struggling to contain. When Wyatt put a hand on his shoulder, giving him a nod and smile of confirmation, Leo put one hand on each of his son's shoulders. "I love you boys more than anything."

A flash of light made them all wince, and they turned to the tent opening to find Melinda with her camera at the ready. "Sorry to interrupt the boys club," she said lowering it, "but the bride requested I get some photos of her husband-to-be and new family. Pretty sure it was her nice way of getting rid of me. Not a fan of pictures that one." She shot her father a look identical to the irritation often seen on her mother's face. "I feel loved by the way, Dad."

"You know very well how much I love you," Leo threw back, though he moved quickly to give her a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Today is about your brother, though."

Melinda grinned at the younger of her siblings. "Just so you know, Bianca looks stunning, and you can deny it all you want, but you're going to get all teary when you see her walking toward you in that white dress, and I, your loving little sister, plan to capture it in film for all to see."

"Gee thanks."


Tiny orb lights swirled into Victoria, who immediately ran over to Chris holding something out to him in her hands. "Look! Look what Bianca gave me!" she exclaimed, opening her hand to reveal a pearl necklace accented with pretty silver daisy spacer beads that twinkled in the light.

"That's super pretty," Chris said, squatting to her level. "Did you say thank you?"

Victoria nodded vigorously. "Can you put it on me?"

Taking the delicate piece of jewelry, he fumbled with the teeny tiny latch several times before deciding his fingers were just too big and looking pleadingly up at his sister, who rolled her eyes with a smile and took his place to hook the necklace closed.

Spotting the Charmed Ones at the entrance of the tent, Victoria smiled widely and ran to her grandmother. "Grams, look what Bianca gave me." She lifted her chin to proudly showcase the necklace.

"You look so grown up," Piper said, eyes watering. "You're not supposed to do that you know. You're supposed to stay my sweet little grandbaby forever." She bent to give the girl a good squeeze and a big kiss on the cheek.

"You're smothering the girl," Paige said in a singsong tone. It earned a slap on the arm from her older sister. Rolling her eyes, Paige whispered conspiratorially to Victoria, "She just doesn't like feeling old, but you, my darling niece, look incredibly beautiful, so ignore your grams."

Victoria giggled while Piper levelled a dirty look at her sister.

"Did you know," Phoebe put in, bending to Victoria's height, "they call special necklaces like this one a keepsake? It means you gotta be really, super duper careful with it, okay?"

The little girl put a hand on her necklace as though to protect from an unseen entity. "My new mommy gave it to me. Course I'm gonna be careful with it."

Phoebe slid a nervous look to Chris, clearly wondering if the new term was something they'd discussed or not. When he smiled and nodded, relief split her face into a wide smile. She turned her attention back to her great niece. "Well, that's really good, Sweetie. I'm so happy you're getting such a good mommy."

"She's the best," Matthew's voice came from behind them. Hair windblown and a healthy dose of sand on his white dress shirt, he came running up to his father looking more excited than he had in months. "Look what I got." From his grey dress pants, he pulled out an antique gold pocket watch, holding it out for his father to see.

Taking the watch, Chris saw an engraving on the back and read aloud, "To my step-son because my love for you is timeless – Bianca."

Chris was glad his sister's camera wasn't pointed at him just then because there was a definite prickling at the back of his eyes. Just when he thought he couldn't love Bianca any more than he already did she found a way to incorporate his children even more into their big day and let them feel her love for them with such beautiful mementos.

Apparently, his mother was having similar thoughts because he saw her eyes were full of tears. "Hey, now," he said moving toward her, "don't start the water works already. You've got a whole ceremony to get through." He orbed a box of tissues into his hands, grinning as he held it out to her. "I only brought the one box. After that you're cut off."

Roughly snatching a tissue and dabbing her eyes, Piper griped, "I'm your mother. I'm allowed to cry at your wedding as much as I want, Mister. Deal with it." Handing the box to Wyatt, she held out her arms to Chris. When he stooped to hug her, squeezing her with unspoken affection, the tears returned to her eyes through a brilliant smile. "I love you so much," she whispered in his ear. "I'm so happy you get your happily ever after, Peanut."

"I love you too, Mom," he whispered back. "I'm sorry I wasted so much time being angry."

Pulling back, Piper shook her head. "No, Chris, you had every right to be angry. I'm sorry it took me so long to understand why. To see what an amazing, strong, smart son I had in this timeline instead of focusing on the one I thought I lost."

He smiled softly. "You didn't lose him. He's here. Sorta. Turns out we were all right in the end. I am different but also the same too."

"And we couldn't be happier about both those facts," Phoebe said, shooing her big sister out of the way to hold out her arms to her nephew. When he allowed a hug, she quietly told him, "I'm so proud of you, Honey. Of the life you've made for yourself."

Releasing her, Chris ducked his head a little embarrassed at all the praise. "I had a lot of help." He shot a look to his youngest Aunt whose shoulders were up in a silent question of whether she'd be allowed a turn too. He chuckled and crossed to her with arms wide, quoting, "Aw, here comes the hugging part."

"Very funny, Mister," Paige grumbled, wrinkling her nose as he pulled her in for a hug. Growing serious, she whispered, "Thank you for forgiving me, Chris. I love you a lot you know."

"Ancient history," he quietly returned. Taking a step back with a grin on his face, he added in a normal tone, "I love you too. Even when you drive me crazy, which with you happens a lot."

She very maturely stuck her tongue at out at him before giving him a smile.

Putting two fingers in her mouth, Piper gave a shrill whistle to get everyone's attention. "Okay, People, this wedding was supposed to start like five minutes ago, so let's go so the happy couple can get this show on the road, all right? All right." She grabbed her sisters by the arms, half drug them out of the tent like errant school children, calling for Leo over her shoulder, who, well trained after all these years, didn't hesitate to quickly follow her, ushering out his grandchildren with him.

"Something to look forward to?" Chris shot to his brother.

"Nah, maybe for George if he ever gets the courage to propose to Mel," Wyatt teased.

With hands on hips, Melinda made her oldest brother's point with the glare she levelled at him. "I am not like Mom."

"Uh-huh, sure." "Riiiight."

Melinda slugged both her brothers in the arms. As they grumbled and rubbed the sore spots, she warned with a pointed finger, "I might be the youngest and the smallest out of us, but do not mess with me fellas. You know I can take you both."

"You realize you just proved our point, right?" Chris challenged. "Tiny but terrifying."

Wyatt smiled as his sister's shoulders slumped and head bowed. "That's not a bad thing, Mel. Just try to let George win sometimes. It helps our poor male egos not to feel totally unneeded."

Smiling, Melinda wrapped her arms around her older brother's middle. She gestured for Chris to come join the group embrace, and he did so with a put-upon sigh. The three siblings held one another for a moment. The first time it had been just the three musketeers for years.

"You know who I'll always need?" Melinda asked them. "You two. My big brothers. The first teachers and protectors and friends I ever had. I love you guys so much."

"Love you too, Mel." Chris kissed the top of her head before stepping back, as usual the first to break the contact. Looking between his siblings he added, "I'll always need you guys too – especially when I adamantly say I don't."

"We know," Wyatt and Mel echoed.

"Seriously," Chris said, fixing each of them with a serious stare in turn, "I wouldn't be here without you two. Wyatt, you literally saved my life. You found me and made me feel safe in a time I never thought I could again. And, Mel, you stopped me from going completely off the rails when the twins were born. I'm afraid to think where I might've gone if you hadn't stood your ground and called me out on my behavior."

Wyatt put his hands in his pockets, shrugging. "You'd have done the same for us – have done, in fact. Besides, you really did all the hard work. We just offered hands when you needed it."

"Still . . . I don't know that I ever said thanks, so . . . thank you. Both of you. So much."

Melinda sniffled, trying to hide tears by blinking rapidly. When that failed, she roughly wiped them away then clapped her hands. "Okay, enough mushy stuff. We've got to get you hitched to your soulmate before she wizens up and changes her mind." Going around them, she half-shoved her brothers toward the entrance. "Hurry up and get in place. Tell Grams the proceedings will start soon, and I'll get Bianca. Go, go, go."

Laughing Chris and Wyatt walked along the beach toward the ceremony site where the rest of the Halliwell clan was seated in rows of white chairs with blue satin ribbons. A few of Bianca's clan was on the opposite side of the white runner. Her mother, Lynn, was already dotting her eyes in much the same manner Piper was. The two mothers shared a look and found common ground for the first time since their antagonistic meeting in 2004.

Taking his place under the white flower covered arch at the front, Chris found himself standing next to his Grandma Patty, who gave him a brilliant smile and with an unsure tilt of her head opened her currently corporeal arms to him. Not knowing her as well as he'd like, he tentatively allowed her to hug him. It felt strangely like holding his mother, and the tension eased out of him after a second.

"I watched you, you know," she said quietly into his ear, "and I couldn't be more proud of all you did for this family, Christopher. You are so much like my Prue. Strong, brave, smart and loving. You deserve all the happiness life can offer, and I am honored the Elders chose to send me here as your High Priestess."

When she released him, Chris smiled warmly at the grandmother he'd only met a handful of times. "Thanks, Grams. I'm really glad you're here too." He edged a look to his Grandpa, who was seated in the front row with his parents. "Think someone may be looking forward to a dance with you later."

For a dead woman, Patty Halliwell blushed quite red. Though she still snuck a look at her ex-husband and smiled with a little wave. Victor grinned, blue eyes twinkling as they always did for her. Chris watched the exchange with both happiness and sorrow. His grandparents were a lot like how he and Bianca had been – deeply in love but unable to make it work.

"The Elders sent a couple special guests for your big day too," Patty informed, lifting her chin to indicate the pair walking up to them.

Chris' mouth dropped at the sight of a stunning young woman with black hair and cool blue-green eyes. Prue. The Prue. Chris immediately looked at his mother who was beaming up at them. Next to her, his other aunts were smiling like fools. They must have already had their reunion or all three would be pouncing on their fourth sister.

"This moment is for us," Prue confirmed. "For me to meet my incredible and oh-so-handsome nephew."

"It's an honor," Chris managed through his shock.

Prue smiled, a wide, bright smile that lit up a room just like his mother's always did. "Don't be silly. We're family, Chris. You don't have to be so formal. Besides, if anyone should be honored to meet someone here, it should be me. You not only saved the world but the whole future and our whole family. All while putting up with my ridiculously stubborn sisters. Believe you me, the Elders had a helluva time keeping me from popping down here to kick some sense into those three."

"They weren't so bad," he tried to defend through a chuckle.

"Yeah, uh-uh, sure."

Chris laughed outright at the knowing look on her face. "Yeah, okay, they were pretty obnoxious."

"I just want to take this opportunity to say how even though we haven't had a chance to get to know one another what with the whole me being dead thing and all I feel like I do know you. I see the best of your parents in you. Piper's boundless strength and fierce love. Leo's patient wisdom and unfailing hope. You, my dear nephew, are an amazing man, and I love you."

Flushing, Chris ducked his head.

"I second that," a familiar voice sharply put in. When he looked up it was to find his great Grams next to Prue, arms crossed and a look both firm and fond on her face. "I didn't know who you were until it was too late to apologize, so hopefully, you'll let an old war horse do it many years too late." She took a breath as though what she was about to say would be incredibly difficult. For Penny Halliwell, it probably was. "I'm sorry. I misjudged you horribly. You were not too green to guide my girls. You were remarkably clever and brave. A man worthy of carrying the Halliwell name."

Chris' eyebrows went up. "High praise."

"Well earned," Penny said with a deliberate emphasis. Then, as though she'd said nothing out of the ordinary, she turned to her granddaughter. "Well, we better take our seats. Let the young man get married, eh?"

Sharing a knowing smile with Chris, Prue nodded agreement and followed her Grams to the row behind her sisters. Just as they were seated, music began to play over the wireless speakers setting next to the arch. The moment had arrived. Chris' heart jumped into excited overtime.

Matthew appeared at the end of the white runner holding a blue pillow harboring the wedding bands. Looking very somber, he carefully stepped in time to the music, eyes glued on the wedding rings he'd been charged with carrying. When Piper and Leo both urged him to smile so Mel could get a good picture, he smiled down into the pillow. Paige sharply whooped his name trying to get him to loosen up, and he scowled at her in a way so identical to his father the entire Halliwell family burst into laughter. The little boy rolled his eyes, which only made the amusement grow with many comments of 'such a mini-Chris' and 'like father like son'.

When Matthew reached Chris' side, he put a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Good job, Kiddo."

The ring bearer let out a relieved breath and finally smiled at his Aunt, who got a great picture of the father son duo under the arch.

Not nearly so serious, Victoria appeared with a light blue basket decorated with a white starfish and two white lace bows on the handle. Instead of tossing flowers, her basket was full of orchids, and she was holding a sign in her other hand someone had helped her make. It read, "Daddy, here comes your bride". As she half-skipped up the aisle, it was to a chorus of 'aww' and 'ooh' and 'so adorable'.

Watching her, Chris smiled, nearly laughing at her contagious enthusiasm. Though, the palms of his hands still felt damp as he was reminded how soon he'd be seeing Bianca walk down that aisle toward him. How soon, they'd be hand in hand promising each other forever. His heart pounded harder in anticipation.

"Auntie Mel helped me with the sign," Victoria whispered as she took her place on her father's other side. "She and Uncle Wy have a bet."

Before Chris could question his daughter, the music suddenly changed. Bianca hadn't wanted the traditional 'Here Comes the Bride', so it was a soft, slow instrumental piano piece that reminded Chris of watching the sunset on the beach. Of lazy drifting clouds over a purple and orange sky. Peace and happiness. All they wanted for their future.

A moment later, Bianca appeared at the end of the aisle, and Chris' breath caught in his chest. He'd never seen anything quite as beautiful before. Her hair was in soft ringlets around her shoulders, the only decoration a single white orchid holding the hair back on one side. Her dress was a sweetheart neckline with straps hanging off the shoulders and a long, airy skirt that gave her the appearance of floating toward him. Though what made her so breathtaking was the excited smile on her face and the love shining bright in her eyes.

Melinda was right. The sight of his bride brought tears to Chris' eyes. He didn't care. They'd earned this moment. After all the pain, after all the struggle and loss, he and Bianca were really here. About to commit to one another for their rest of their lives. It made him so unbearably happy his heart hurt from being too full.

Wyatt, who'd been escorting Bianca up the aisle, smiled through a small headshake at his sibling. Depositing the bride next to his brother, he gave Bianca a kiss on the cheek, gave his brother a couple pats on the arm then took his seat next to their parents in the front row.

"Looks like we made it," Bianca whispered, echoing his earlier thoughts.

"You doubted we would?"

She gave a little shrug.

"Have I ever let you down before?" he quietly teased.

She fixed him with a warm stare. "No. You haven't."

Patty whispered to the couple, "Are you ready to begin?" When they both nodded, facing one another and joining hands, she addressed the guests. "We are gathered here today to unite two souls as one. Do you, Chris and Bianca, join us here of your own free will to acknowledge the eternal bond shared by both of you?"

"I do," they said unison.

"Then you may now share your vows to one another."

Chris took a deep breath before beginning. "Bianca, in two lifetimes now, you have been my light in the dark. You've been my strength, my hope, and my heart when I thought I'd lost all of them forever. I promise to spend the rest of my life showing you how grateful I am to have you in it. To love and honor you as my wife, my lover, my friend and my soulmate. All I am is yours."

"Chris," Bianca started, tears threatening to spill, "you are the best thing to have ever happened to me, and I was afraid to believe it was true. That it could last. I didn't think someone like me could deserve someone with such a good heart and strong spirit and quick mind as you. But, after all we've been through, I know now without a doubt I was born to love you, and I promise I always will."

Piper and Leo exchanged looks, the vows exchanged ringing familiar in sentiment to what they'd promised each other during their own handfasting ceremony. They joined hands and smiled knowingly. Another star-crossed couple was about to get their happily ever after.

"Here before witnesses," Patty picked up, "Chris and Bianca have sworn their vows to each other." Gently wrapping a golden cord around the couple's joined hands, she finished, "With this cord, I bind them to those words."

Chris and Bianca chanted, "Heart to thee. Body to thee. Always and Forever. So mote it be."

With a big smile, Patty echoed, "So mote it be."

The couple sealed the promise with a kiss, which earned claps, whistles and cheers from their families. Matthew and Victoria high-fived with huge smiles.

"Now," Patty announced once the couple parted, "the newlyweds have requested one special addition to the handfasting ceremony. To join their new family, they've elected to do a unity ceremony." From a small alter, she handed a jar of green sand to Matthew, one of purple to Victoria, blue to Chris and red to Bianca. Patty then addressed the little family, "Today, you are becoming a family, and to seal your bond, we will blend these four individual vases into one big one."

Setting the large, empty vase on the ground so the twins could easily reach it, Chris and Bianca counted down from three and the four of them each poured their sand into the empty container at the same time, the colors swirling and twisting into a beautiful mixture until the four jars were empty.

"Just as the four different colored sands can from this moment forward no longer be separated," Patty declared, "neither can your new family ever be separated. Blessed be."

"Blessed be," repeated all in attendance.

The twins wrapped their father and new mother in big hugs, the new family sharing a private moment for a minute. All of them were giddy with happiness, laughing and sharing loving, excited looks with each other. Though no heart was fuller than Chris'.

There was a time he never thought he'd be happy again. A time when he couldn't think about a future. Couldn't dare hope for anything beyond survival. He'd been so convinced his life was destined for nothing but darkness and pain and loss, but here he was happier than he'd ever been before.

In this moment, Chris knew he was finally free of both his pasts. He was free from carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Free from the shadow of a man he'd once been and the grief he'd left behind. Free from Lamia and all the horrors she'd made him endure. He was free to cast off the last of the darkness and step wholly into the light of the future.

And what a brilliant future it promised to be.

The End