It was just a normal day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There are students and teachers milling around the school, and ghosts, for lack of better words, ghosting around. Overall, it was indeed a very normal day.

Except for the fact that there is an event that will occur in the next few minutes, that might as well changed the wizarding world for good.

And the event mentioned will occur in the potions lab, where there are currently two rivals arguing with each other.

"Potter, hurry up and put it in the cauldron." Draco snapped at Harry.

"Potter, what is that?" Draco asked when he saw Potter put in some dust which is clearly not pixie dust.

"That's pixie dust." Harry said tilting his head in confusion.

"It's not pixie dust, Potter. It's a time sand." Draco said worriedly.

"Uncle Sev, why do you-"

Whatever questions Draco was going to ask was cut off suddenly by a large splash sound as someone tripped near Draco and Harry's table and therefore hitting the table, and the content of the cauldron now covers both Harry and Draco's robes.

And then they started to feel dizzy and a bit lightheaded as the potions effect began to emerge.

The rest of the Gryffindor and Slytherin students can only stare in shock, as they watched their friend and their enemy began to evaporate into thin air.

But before they truly dissapear, Draco managed to get a few words in.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU, UNCLE SEV. MARK MY W-" The rest of his sentences were cut of as they dissapeared with a pop sound not unlike the one associated to apparation.

"I'm so dead when he gets back." Professor Snape said softly while still staring wide eyed at where Draco and Harry had just been.

"Professor, how could you stay so calm? My Dray is gone." And with that Pansy began to sob dramaticly. All the while yelling "My Dray's gone, my Dray's gone" over and over and over again.

Until one anonymous person gets sick of her useless wailing, and decided to take matters to their own hand by silencing her.

Then the whole class, including the Slytherins and Professor Snape, sighed in relief. Though the latter two would never admit it.

Then, Professor Snape said, "10 points to whomever did he that, for a service to the whole community."

And that is the first time in human history, that Severus Snape gave any points to a Gryffindor. Not that he knows of that particular news, of course.