Outside Diner LeBlanc

"Your the CHEF and OWNER!?" Joan shouted.

"Yeah that's right" Jaune said as he looked at her while smiling. Jaune was wearing a black, double-breasted suit with a tie and a turquoise without pinstripes long-sleeved, buttoned shirt. He had some of his golden blonde hair covering his left eye while his right eye was left out open. He then took out a golden light that has the shape of a woman sitting, leaning on her leg. He then took out a cigarette from inside his suit before lighting it and smoking. "Why are you causing such a ruckus? Your starting to bother the customers inside Joan." Jaune said before he looked closer at his sister "Hmm are you wearing makeup Joan. OOHHH you look so beautiful." Jaune said smiling while holding his blushing sister's face.

"T-t-th-thanks!" Joan squeaked out blushing redder than Ruby's cloak while said girl along with the other 7 girls and 3 boys looked on as the two siblings talked. Their reactions were all different they varied from the girls thinking he was a brute to him being kinda hot. The men's thoughts were very simple 'Can we go eat already'.

"Putting your beauty to the side for a moment you can go ahead and let your friends know that they can eat with you i'll let the twins know to let you all sit in your reserved seats." Jaune said as he Joan turned and went to her friends to do just that as he walked to the Malachite twins "Anyways Melanie, Miltia please stop shouting and getting angry." Jaune said before giving the twins a suave smile and tilting both of their chins with his hands so they looked at his eye and leaning in "I wouldn't want two very beautiful girls to lose their good voices over something so small and please don't frown you will get wrinkles on your faces and I don't want that for you both." Jaune finished as the twins could only blush hard at his words and shyly reply.

"R-r-right sorry Jaune" Melanie replied blushing more and leaning towards Jaune

"W-we'll be like more c-careful Jaune" Miltia replied as she tried to look away shyly.

"Good, now ladies please take my sister and her friends to their reserved seats. I would love to spend more times with you but our customers are still hungry." Jaune said before he gave them both a wink and headed inside to his customers.

"Mmmm he's so mean doing that to us." Miltia grumbled while Melanie nodded before sighing and looking to Joan and her friends.

"Alright Ms. Arc if your team and your…..friends wanna follow us we will show you to your reservations." Melanie said as she and Miltia opened the doors to the diner before looking back with Miltia and saying in unison

"Welcome to Diner LeBlanc."

Entering Diner LeBlanc (One Piece Party Theme)

As the 3 teams entered they heard cheers and laughter from both men and women from all ages talking and enjoying their food while they talked with one another. As they looked around Blake and Velvet stared in awe as both humans and faunus were cheerfully eating and talking with one another. There was even a little kids table where the faunus and human children were playing and drawing in their books that they had brought with them as their parents sat not far away from them happily talking and drinking.

The diner while not large it was still pretty spacious as many people were sitting in many tables both big and small. There were five flat screen tvs all around the restaurant showing cartoons for the kids to see and a bit of karaoke for singing when certain songs came up. There was a mural in the back were in it fish were drawn swimming in the ocean. The floor was polished wood that was brand new. In all the place looked new and interesting to look at.

"Wow this is amazing!" Velvet said with happiness as she looked around.

"Look at that Velv it seems a bit of your dream is a reality here." Coco said happy for her teammate.

Before anyone else could say anything the Malachite twins interrupted them.

"Hey get over here, we have customers waiting for their meals and we can't give it to them until you all sit down." Miltia said as Melanie went to talk to Jaune to let him know they were here.

As the teams walked to where Miltia was they notice that they were being seated in front of a very large booth were the ingredients and utensils to make them were in front of them.

"Your seats are right here in the live cooking booth." Miltia said as pointed to the 12 seats in front of said booth "Jaune will be with you in just a moment he's giving some of the customers refills." She ended before she left and met with her sister as they began asking customers if they wanted more food or drinks.

"I have to admit this place is pretty cool. I was expecting a rather luxurious diner or a bit of a run down place but this is amazing." Yang said as she took her seat while Ruby sat on her right and Blake on her left with Weiss next to Ruby.

"This is so cool were gonna watch Joan's brother cook in front of us." Ruby exclaimed

"I agree I hope he can actually make a decent meal but I hardly doubt it will be better than the cooks back home." Weiss said

"I wonder how the food actually tastes. It better be good if he's the chef around here or i'm paying him with my purse." Coco said sitting next to Blake while her team sat next to her except for Velvet as she continued to look around while Ren was holding Nora from going over to the kids table and playing with them while Joan looked around happily looking not only for her brother but admiring the place.

"Um I'm gonna go to the ladies room to wash up before we eat." Pyrrha said as she saw the restrooms and started to walk towards them.

"Alright P-money but better hurry up don't want you missing the show." Coco said as Pyrrha smiled and went in the bathroom.

Jaune was just finishing with a young lady as he had his right arm on her chair holding him up while he served her wine as she looked on holding her face with a small blush on it. Her date that brought her here was glaring daggers at Jaune while waiting for a refill too. Jaune then noticed his sister looking around as he stood up straight before giving the man the wine "Pour it yourself" was all Jaune said before he walked towards his sister. Finally turning her head to him he smiled and she waved. "Sheesh Joan about time you all came in and got seated."

"S-sorry big broth-JAUNE! I MEANT TO SAY JAUNE!" Joan shouted earning her quite a few stares as she chucklued nervously.

"Heh cute" Jaune said making Joan blush a bit and pout. "So are you going to introduce me to your friends?" Jaune said before Joan perked up.

"Oh that's right, hey everyone." Joan started as they all turned to her " this is my brother Jaune." She said introducing Jaune who bowed in respect as they did the same. "Well first off Jaune, this is Ren he's a part of my team an basically a ninja." Joan said as he pointed to Ren who smiled and stuck his hand out for a handshake.

"It's nice to meet you Jaune. I'm Lie Ren but please call me Ren. Joan has told us a lot about you." Ren said

"Hm I hope they weren't embarrassing things." Jaune said shaking his hand while Ren chuckled.

"This is Ren's partner nor-" Joan started before Nora appeared in front of the both of them shouting.

"NORA!" She shouted before sticking her hand out "Nice to meet you Jaune-Jaune."

Jaune stood in place looking at Nora before turning to Ren "You lucky man. To have such a cute and bubbly girl all to yourself. I envy you." Jaune said before turning to Nora and taking her hand "If he ever hurts you please know that I will be here for you if you need me." Jaune said causing Nora to blush a bit and Ren to internally twitch at the sudden contact Jaune made.

"O-oh no me and Renny a-aren't t-together n-not that I don't think your not handsome Ren. It's jus-"Nora continued before Jaune interrupted

"Please say no more. I will be rooting for the both of you. You both clearly mean a lot to each other and love each other deeply. Why just from the short interaction I made with you two I can tell you will be together. Both of your love is so strong." Jaune said looking away as the two childhood friends blushed madly and everyone else looked shock. "Joan please continue." Letting go of Nora's hand as she stayed there.

"R-right" 'Nora damn it. That should have been my hand he was holding.' "Anyways this is Ruby Rose she's the leader of our sister team." Joan said as Ruby walked up to him

"Hi Jaune! I hope we can be friends." Ruby said sticking her hand out only for Jaune to hold it and look her in the eyes closely making Ruby blush and the sudden closeness and Yang get up a bit.

"Such beautiful eyes and my oh my what a pretty face. I haven't seen such a beauty like you ever before in my life and such soft skin I could hold your hand for eternity if you would let me madam." Jaune said as he took Ruby's hand in both of his and looked at her lovingly. She never would have expected anyone to say that about her she always taught they would say that to Yang not her. Ruby began to stammer and steam started to come out of her ears from blushing so hard until Joan hit Jaune in the back of the head.

"Ow why'd you hit me." Jaune said as he rubbed the back of his head and looked at his sister while Ruby was still frozen in place trying to calm down.

"Leave her alone you idiot or else her sister and I will both kick your ass." Joan said angrily while secretly being jealous and what Jaune said to Ruby.

"Hm she has a sister? Is she a beauty like her too?" Jaune said looking around while Joan sighed and pointed to Yang who was already walking up to him to save Ruby before Joan did. "That's her Jaune."

As Jaune turned and saw Yang, she gave him a grin and stuck her hand out "Nice to meet you lover boy. Names Yang Xiao Long" She said as Jaune just stayed looking at her eyes before she spoke again "What's wrong? Is my beauty and hotness to much for you?" She said wiggling her eyebrows before giving Jaune a wink before her jaw dropped at what he said.

"Hm your a pretty lady I will not deny that but I still think your sister has more beauty than you." Jaune said as he took her hand and shook it. "By the way please don't destroy my little diner I would hate to ban a pretty lady like you from here." He said bowing a bit before looking at the rest of her friends.

"Yang could do nothing but freeze up with her hand still sticking out. 'W-what?' she thought before looking back at him only to see he was being introduced to Weiss. 'How the hell can he think i'm only pretty! No one tells Yang Xiao Long that she is only 'pretty' Yang thought angrily before smirking 'Hm I'll get him to call me 'Beautiful' one way or another. I do like a challenge.' She finished smiling devilishly

"This is Weiss Schnee, She is Ruby's partner and the heiress to the SDC." Joan said as Weiss smiled proudly.

"What's the SDC?" Jaune said as he tilted his head a bit confused. While Weiss dropped her smile and everyone else chuckled a bit.

"Do you live under a rock you massive brute. I am Weiss Schnee, Heiress to the Schnee Dust Company. The biggest dust distributing company." She said while glaring at the blonde boy before he apologized to her.

"I am sorry young miss. I didn't mean to anger such a lovely lady as yourself. Please do not glare at me I could not live with myself if I were to be the cause that your cute face gets a wrinkle." Jaune said bowing a bit and smiling at Weiss who was taken aback by the response and his smile that he gave her before softening up.

"Hmph W-well apology accepted." Weiss said as she courtesy while looking away slightly with a tinge of pink on her cheeks.

"Aaaanyways this is Yang's partner Blake. Their resident smut reader." Joan said before Blake sighed

"It isn't smut its art. Anyways my name is Blake Belladonna it's a pleasure to meet you Jaune." She said sticking her hand out as Jaune shook.

"The pleasure is all mine milady. Do be able to meet such a dark haired beauty with pretty amber eyes like yourself is such a happy moment for me but why do you wear the bow?" Jaune said as he looked at the bow on Blakes head before she became nervous and came up with an excuse.

"I like wearing my a bow. I feel more safe with it. It's a gift from home." She lied as Jaune looked her in the eyes clearly not believing her.

"Hm well it does make your beauty stand out more." He said with a wink to let her know that he was going to keep quiet as she relaxed a bit before he walked up closer to her and leaned at her ear before whispering. "I know your a Faunus but don't worry I promise I wont say anything milady besides you will always be welcomed here." backing away and winking at her before he rubbed the top of her hand with his thumb soothingly making Blake relax more.

"T-thanks." Blake said as she looked at his eyes and saw that he was being genuinely truthful before smiling at him.

"Ooookay enough hand holding there are still other people that need to be introduced." Joan said while sending a small glare and pout at Blake.

"Wow Blakey I don't think i've seen you smile like that before. Did lover boy say something you like." Yang said trying to tease Blake a little before she responded.

"Yeah he did." Blake said before smiling again sending a wink to Jaune who saw this and stood there for a moment before his right eye became a heart while seeming to pop out as it were beating and he smiled widely with a small blush on his face.

"Ooohhhhh I am so happy to receive such a beautiful smile and wink from Blake-chan." He said as they notice his body wiggle a bit as Blake giggled a bit at making the Arc become putty.

To say some of the girls were a bit jealous was an understatement. Joan was livid at Blake from making her brother lovestruck with her. Yang's right brow twitched as she was angry that Blake made Jaune putty with just a wink and a smile. Ruby seem to pout as she saw how quickly the attention went to Blake. As Joan grabbed her brother from the collar turning him around to face Team CFVY.

"Jaune this is Coco leader of team CFVY." She said through gritted teeth.

"Haha nice to meet you Mr. chef. Names Coco Adel and I gotta say I'm liking your style but don't think your flirting can work with me." Coco said as she shook his hand while tilting her shades and looking up and down his body.

"Ah but mademoiselle I would never think of it. I can see a cute girl like yourself would rather be the one to flirt with someone." Jaune said

"Whoa whoa whoa who you calling 'cute' kid. I'm pretty sure I fall under the category of beautiful." Coco said while pulling him closer. "Or maybe I need to show you how beautiful I am." She said with a seductive grin.

Jaune upon seeing this smiled and while still holding her hand moved his other hand to her back before pulling her closer to him a couple inches away from her lips. "Careful now mademoiselle or I might take you up on that offer and give you a time to remember." Jaune said seductively as he was now mere centimeters away from Coco's lips while she began to blush before Joan came in between them and separated them.

"Stop! Jaune what do you think your doing?" Joan said smiling angrily at him while Coco tried to recover from the experience that no guy has ever done to her.

"I'm sorry Joan but I can not let such a cute lady take the lead." Jaune said as he winked at Coco not noticing the mad blush on Ruby, Weiss and Velvet's face while Nora looked on excited and Blake and Yang gritted their teeth before being punched in the gut.

"Bwah what you hit me for." Jaune said as he looked at an angry Joan. "um….N-nerver mind please continue to introduce your friends." He said nervously

"Fine. This is Yatsuhashi." she said gesturing at the giant who bowed as Jaune did the same.

"I am Yatsuhashi Daichi and I apologize for our team leader's flirting." Yatsuhashi said while giving Jaune a strong handshake.

"Hey don't worry about it I have to apologize too." Jaune said before the tall man nodded and sat back down.

"The guy sitting next to him is Fox." Joan started gesturing towards Fox as he gave Jaune a wave.

"I'm Fox Alistair. Nice to meet you." Fox said before shaking hands.

"Nice to meet you too Fox." Jaune said before Fox sat back down.

"Lastly the girl standing over there is Velvet." Joan said looking over to Velvet who was looking around the diner again.

Jaune noticing her became lovestruck again as his eye turned into a heart again while more hearts came out of him and he began to blush and smile happily while holding his hands together to his face.

"OOOOHHHHH! WHAT A BEAUTY!" Jaune shouted as he ran with his arms waving funnily towards Velvet. As Velvet looked around she suddenly felt a tug on her hand as she looked down to see Jaune on one knee looking at her with a heart in his eye. She began to blush madly as he kissed the back of her hand before he stood up and spoke.

"Oh, love… floating love…." He began as he started to dance " I'm driftwood that just lays its burnt-to-a-crisp body in that stream…" as Velvet looked at him still blushing as he danced a bit more in front cause of her. "I'm driftwood that has been struck by the thunderbolt that is your beauty and caught in a raging torrent…" He said as Velvet eyes started to spin from what Jaune said and all the attention she was getting and at being called a beauty. Jaune with his eyes closed finally came back to her and kneeled again with his arms spread wide. "May this lowly cook please have your name my beautiful lady." Jaune said as Velvet's mind was basically shutting down before Coco came from behind and shook her out of it.

"Tell him your name bun bun." She said as Velvet nervously nodded before looking back.

"M-mm-my name is V-v-velvet Scarl-latina" Velvet replied nervously still red in the face.

"AAHhh such a lovely name for someone as beautiful as you. Shall I call you 'Velvet-chan'? Or should it be 'Velvet-san'?" Jaune said still lovestruck while Velvet began to hyperventilate. Lucky for her Coco was there to help.

"Psst Velv give a smile and a wink." Coco whispered to Velvet who in turn listened since her mind was going crazy. Velvet gave Jaune the sweetest smile she could give him before winking at him. Jaune seeing this could not stop his loving heart "AAHHHH SUCH BEAUTY! IT'S" he said as he fell back and fainted with his heart eye and huge smile and a nosebleed. "...Dynamic3" he said before hitting the ground as Velvet's mind stopped working and she also fainted while Coco smiled and laughed with some of the customers that saw what transpired.

Just then Pyrrha came back and saw Velvet and Jaune fainted and looked to her friends.

"Um what happened?" Pyrrha asked before some customers started to whisper.

"Nothing just introducing Jaune to everyone." Joan said angrily as Pyrrha smiled nervously.

"Hey isn't that Pyrrha Nikos?" Said one customer

"Yeah that's her..wow she really is beautiful." Another said as a little girl spoke up

"Mommy she's really beautiful. Almost like a goddess." she said making the Red haired spartan blush.

Jaune hearing the words goddess woke up and sat up "Goddess?!" He said before getting up and running around with his hand up "Where is she?! Goddess? Goddess?" He said looking around with a heart in his eye "Goddess… Oh, goddess.. Goddess… Godd…" As he finally spotted Pyrrha all he could say was "G…" Before several more heart shapes came out of his body as he turned to stone.

"Haha I guess Jaune's never seen someone as beautiful as Pyrrha huh?" Some men said as they laughed a bit at what happened to Jaune.

Pyrrha hearing this could only blush at what had happened when Joan's brother looked at her.

"Um.. Nice to meet you Jaune." Pyrrha said with a small wave.

To be continued…

Not my best chapter but hope you like it.