

"Fuck that was close!" A private Commented. "Damn right private. But don't let it distract you." I respond while opening up upon the a group of infantry Neuroi, they were human shaped and we simple drones but could pack a punch, their fire power was one laser canon on their right arm and a blade on their left. And really easy to kill just destroy their head and bada bing bada boom they die.

After firing the last couple rounds in my clip I ducked back down to reload only for a Neuroi to jump on me. I managed to catch the blade with my rifle. Pushing the neuroi off I smashed the butt of my Lee Enfield into its head, shattering the damn thing.

Glancing up I see the Bren gunner have his head disintegrated from a beam. Reaching up I grab the grip and pull the trigger unloading the gun down range. I heard the tell tale sound of Neuroi being destroyed. "Private you alright?" I ask as another beam slashes across the trench line killing a couple farawaylanders. "Sir... I've... been hit... help me... please..." He says as I reach him. He was another 15 year old solider, just like me.

Now you may be wondering how a 15 year old became a Sargent, well it all started when I awoke in hospital, I can't remember anything before that and how would a 14 year old support himself, well simple join the army. That's what I did and now I'm stuck on the island of Hong Kong in the year 1941 fighting for my life for the fifth time that day.

"Private." I start to say before three Neuroi jump into the trench. Whirling around I stab one with my bayonet and shoot another with my rifle before it was knocked out of my hand by the final guy, lucky me I always carry a pistol, asleep, it's under the pillow, awake it's holstered on my right hip. Drawing the Webley Mk VI revolver, I end up in a hand to hand scuffle, which is bad because I'm at a disadvantage, the Neuroi are naturally stronger than a normal human but suddenly I felt more power flow through my muscles as I easily overpowered this Neuroi. I quickly finished it off with my combat knife.

Grabbing my rifle I go to the private again only to see a Neuroi about to stab him. "NO YOU DON'T BASTERED!" I shout as I hurl my rifle like a lance piercing it's head and killing it. "Private look at me, you'll be alright, look at me, you'll make it home come on." I say as I try to get him to respond... he doesn't and he never will respond to anyone ever again. "Sargent we have to pull back there are to many of them." A corporal yells as he destroys another one. "Alright." I say as I fix my helmet. "ALL MEN RETREAT BACK TOWARDS THE REAR LINES!" I shout out as I grab my rifle and a Sten Mk II before leaving. As I'm about to jump the trench and leave, I look back over the battlefield, all I could see was the corpses of dead Fuso and Farawayland men all of which had tried to make it to our lines, all of which had failed. "We better run like hell or we will die here." I comment as I grab a wounded Fuso infantry man. His leg was taken off below the knee. As I ran with him on my back I could see the dead and dying some calling for a medic other calling for their mama's some even praying to god.

I just ran past them, most would die before the doc's could look at 'em. Some had wounds like missing arms and legs, some were disembowelled other had lost half their head. It wasn't a nice sight it was hell, a hell that would stick with me for the rest of my life.

Upon reaching the final line of defence I set the man down, when I stood back up I got a lot of weird looks, I had no clue about it until I looked in a mirror. I had polar bear ears, POLAR BEAR EARS! I looked at my backside and saw a tail from a polar bear. Well I now know why I managed to over power a Neuroi. I was a warlock with the powers of super strength.

Days later I found myself on a ship headed for home once again this time with two Neuroi core kills and dozens upon dozens of Neuroi infantry kills. I was a crack troop now even though I was still fifteen and I knew that this hell would stay in my mind till the day I died, watching my best friend die wasn't something I wanted but it was something I got along with those Neuroi kills.