Sarah sat at the small table, staring at the sage, Malachi, who looked at her with amusement. "Well, that was certainly revealing, do you not agree Lady Sarah?" He turned to look upon Roslyn. "And you, Princess, what say you to this?"

Roslyn moved over to stand by Sarah placing a small hand on her shoulder. "Malachi, I have payment for your services. I believe I need to return to the Castle beyond the Goblin City at once and take the Lady Sarah with me. Is this the wise choice, oh, great sage of our time." She smiled, placing the leather pouch of gold coins and small jewels on the table. As Malachi nodded his assent, Roslyn helped Sarah to her feet and placed her arm around her waist, transported them both to the throne room of the Goblin castle.

Sarah trembled, tears threatened to spill from her dark lashes. Had the Fates spared Jareth? Would she get a chance to find out if there could be future for them? How would she feel when faced with him: not John, but Jareth, the Fae king, King of the Goblins? Sobs wracked her body and she felt Roslyn take her into a sisterly embrace, placing sweet kisses on her cheeks.

"Sarah, you love my brother, do you not? " She watched the mortal woman nod her head. "But you are married to a man in the Above, are you not?" Sarah shook her head. "What do you mean?"

Sarah wiped the tears from her cheeks and stepped away from Roslyn. "My marriage is a platonic arrangement. Marcus is homosexual and loves a man. His father would have disowned him and cut him off from his family and his inheritance. By marrying me, he secured his legacy. And when his father died last month, he had our marriage annulled since it was never consummated. I am not a married woman, I am unattached." Sarah struggled to smile, feeling weak and weary. Would Roslyn understand and would she help her?

Roslyn walked the mortal woman towards the study of the king, knowing Hamish would be within. Perhaps he had the answer Sarah needed to hear. "Hamish, where is my brother, your king?"

Hamish looked up from the papers on the desk before him. His face was a neutral mask, but something sparkled in his eyes. "The king is in the healer's chambers. He is alive and awake but very weak. It will be a while before he is at full strength again." Now he let a smile crack his calm mask, nodding to Sarah. "You have succeeded in bring him back, fair maiden, but he is not yet out of danger. He could go back into the fade if all is not set right." He rose and walked over to her, bowed before her and touched her hand. "Thank you, my lady. I have had a chamber prepared for you." He barked out a command. "Krukz!" A medium sized grayish Goblin appeared before them. "Escort the Lady Sarah to the chamber prepared for her." He turned to speak to Roslyn. "Princess, your lord husband has allowed you to stay here in the castle to help restore order to this chaos. You will stay in your usual chambers. You are here to help the Lady Sarah, as well." He bowed formally. "I take my leave now. No need for a steward when the king has returned." He grinned, looking truly happy and winked out of sight.

Roslyn took Sarah's hand and the two ladies followed the funny little goblin to a suite of rooms. They were very familiar to Roslyn. She knew all too well that these rooms were reserved for the future queen. Roslyn smiled, knowing that as weak as Jareth may be, he still requested Sarah be installed close to his chambers, in the very rooms he hoped she would one day occupy as his queen. It was all so very romantic.

"Sarah, here is where you will stay. There is a bathing chamber behind that door and a water closet for your personal needs. I suggest you bathe, change into something comfortable and take a nap. You are clearly quite exhausted." She smiled as she opened an armoire full of dresses, and in the drawers within were undergarments and slippers. "I'm going to check on Jareth and I'll be back to rouse you for the evening repast. Rest, my lady, time will reveal all." She kissed Sarah on the cheek and backed out of the room.

Sarah moved into the bathing chamber, soaking briefly in the rose scented water. She washed her hair in a peach scented shampoo and climbed out of the tub once she was rinsed off. Wrapped in a large towel, she padded on bare feet to the armoire and pulled a simple cream colored cotton day dress out of the cabinet. It was plain but quite lovely, with subtle lace trim and pearl buttons. She brushed her hair and braided it, tying it securely with a strip of leather she found on the dresser. The bed had been turned down while she had been bathing, and she slipped between the silken sheets, pulling the warm fur coverlet over her tired body and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the goose down pillows.

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Jareth was sitting, slumped over in bed, arguing with the Elvish healer, Sharaera. The female was clearly extremely worried. "My king, you must rest. You were between our world and the Fade. You are weak and I have already done all I can to restore you strength to you. Please, for your own sake, stay abed."

Jareth waved her off. "Sharaera, I value your healing powers and your advice, but I must be allowed to return to my chambers. I know once I am there and can place my amulet back around my neck, I will improve greatly. Transport me to my chambers…at once. I command you as your monarch."

There would be no reasoning with the king. He had absolute power and she was duty-bound to obey. "Yes, majesty." She waved her hands and Jareth winked out of view in the infirmary and reappeared in his own bed, in his chambers. Jareth smiled. He knew that Hamish would have placed Sarah in the Queen's chambers. She was just on the other side of that wall. At thinking on her, his body sprang to life, his manhood grew hard and stood erect, straining against the leggings he was always wearing. The soft kid leather grew uncomfortable tight and he forced himself up on his feet. He would slowly make his way into her room and collect the one thing he had dreamed of for twenty long Aboveground years: a kiss from the red, red lips of his beautiful, beloved Sarah!

It took great effort, but he made it to the adjoining door, turning the handle down and slowly, stealthily pulled the door open. He peered into the room and spied his beloved, reclined on the bed, her chocolate brown hair fanned out around her head, her ample chest rising and falling with each soft, deep breath. His erection twitched painfully as his eyes stared at her breasts. He had felt these stirrings before but he had never been with a female. He had pleasured himself, needing the release to be able to even function, his erections and strong passion for Sarah had demanded an outlet. But now, she was just ten feet away, alive and as beautiful as ever and nothing need stop him from tasting her lips and caressing her skin.

He moved towards the bed, using the wall to help support him, his legs wobbling under the effort. When he finally reached the bed, he gently sat next to Sarah. She looked so lovely and peaceful in her slumber. He couldn't resist her anymore, knowing there was nothing to stop him now. He gingerly placed a hand next to her head, leaned forward and holding his breath, he ghosted his lips over hers. A soft sigh escaped her slightly parted lips and this was Jareth's undoing. He proceeded to kiss her mouth, running his tongue over her bottom lip and begging entrance be granted to his insistent tongue.

Sarah was having a lovely dream. She was in a downy soft bed; warm, gentle lips caressing hers, a tongue pleading for admittance into the honeyed interior of her mouth. She moaned and parted her lips and a warm, wet tongue proceeded to plunder its depths. She threw her arms around this lover's neck and realized this was no dream! Someone was kissing her. Her eyes flew open and spied the blond feathery locks of Jareth's hair. She tightened her arms around him, pulling him down on top of her breasts, crushing them in a very pleasant way.

As soon as Sarah started to respond to his kiss, Jareth knew a brief moment of fear: would she pull away? But her next action drove that fear away. She held him even closer, deepening the kiss they were sharing. His heart was pounding in his chest and his cock was painfully erect and insistent on being freed from the confines of his leggings. He moved back to look into her jade green orbs, and spoke the first words to her in more than fives years. "Sarah, my beautiful lady. Do you wish me to leave? I must warn you, if you do not make me leave now, I will not be able to stop myself."

"Why? Why would you not be able to stop yourself?" She looked at him, with passion swollen lips, desire in her darkened green eyes. She smiled up at him, her hand coming up to caress his cheek.

He flinched at the unfamiliar touch and smiled, looking embarrassed. "Sarah." His voice was deep and husky, a strained sound, whispered in the silence of the chamber. "I, um, I have never been with a female, sexually." He turned his face away, feeling a bit embarrassed.

A gentle hand pulled his face back to look upon hers. The welcoming gaze from her eyes and tender smile on her lips nearly stopped his heart. "Jareth" she whispered. "Do not hide from me. I am not a virgin as you well know, but I am also nearly unknown by a man's touch. Marcus never touched me; our marriage was never consummated. The only sexual contact I've known was the assault I suffered and I barely remember that." She pulled his face closer, whispering against his lips, "stay with me." Her voice was full of emotion. "I wish for you to make me yours."

Jareth knew that he looked shocked because his beloved giggled at his reaction. He sucked in a deep breath and spoke in a deep tone. "Are you certain? I cannot, will not be able to control my raging desire for you." She didn't answer with words. No, she kissed him: a toe curling, earth shattering kiss that stripped him of all restraint. He matched her fiery passion, his lips demanding her surrender, his hands running over her clothed body, pressing into her yielding flesh. "Sarah, oh my Sarah." He worked the pearl buttons through the loops in the lace, pushing the fabric aside to gaze upon her bare breasts. He struggled to breath as he lowered his head down to one plump mound, kissing and licking the nipple until it was a firm pebble.

She had been quite right: she was as unknown to the pleasures of the flesh as was Jareth. Every touch, every caress, every kiss sent her soaring. The sensations he was creating made her feel as though she were melting. Did he feel the same? If his trembling body and shaky hands were any indication, then he was greatly affected by their actions. She moved to touch him, pushing his poet style shirt off his shoulders, exposing his pale, lithe chest. She marveled that he had the lean body of a swimmer, powerful, yet slender. She ran her hands down his chest, her fingers teasing his nipples, on the way to the waistband of his leather leggings. He sucked his breath in past his clenched teeth, hissing like he was in pain. His stomach muscles twitched as Sarah worked the laces of his leggings. When the laces were removed, she used both hands to push the garment down, his cock springing forth into her waiting hand. Gently and timidly, she caressed and stroked the soft yet turgid flesh of his erection, thrilling at his fevered litany of foreign words intermingled with his passionate kisses.

"Oh, precious. You must stop or I'll spill myself all over you." He grabbed her hand to still her movements. "My turn. He grinned at her as his hands lifted her dress up over her head. Now her glorious body was bared to his hungry gaze. He touched the slightly rounded belly near the thatch of brown curls. Slowly, he dragged his hand down to her womanhood, touching with the timidness of an untried youth. "I do not know how to give you pleasure," He whispered hoarsely. "Help me."

Sarah placed her hand over Jareth's and proceeded to school him on how to finger her and pleasure the bundle of nerves that was her clit. With her help, his slender fingers rubbed and ground down on her until she trembled and moaned, her first orgasm coming on hard and fast. "Oh, Jareth, I'm going to cum, kiss me!" She felt his lips claim her as the walls of her pussy clenched and unclenched. "I'm ready Jareth, claim what is yours." She grinned at him.

Jareth removed his leggings and climbed on top of Sarah, his cock poised at the slick entrance of her punani. He pushed forward with his hips as his hard cock slid into her and he felt his climax threatening to end this encounter quickly. He felt Sarah press her hips up to meet his and he pumped into her three times and his orgasm came on hard and sudden. He collapsed, panting into her ear. "I'm so sorry, my love. I couldn't stop myself. You are so damn tight and I didn't know it would feel this amazing." He moved to lay next to her, pulling her close again. "I am glad you were my first. Are you disappointed, my Sarah?"

Shaking her head, she moved to place her head on his chest. "Jareth, I have no basis for comparison but it felt like we fit together perfectly. And while I may be inexperienced, I've heard that we can do that again, almost as much as we want." She placed soft kisses on his chest as her hand ran down the taut muscles of his chest and abdomen, hesitating only a moment before touching and stroking his manhood, feeling powerful when his once flaccid cock came to life with her touch, growing longer and harder as she continued her tender assault. She giggled as he copied her hand movements with his hips. "Jareth, are you ready to take me again?" She spoke aloud, but the next was barely a whisper. "I want you inside me again, please?"

As if she needed to plead. "Yes, Precious. I long to join with you again." He made to roll over on top of her but Sarah placed her hands on his chest and threw her leg over his middle, just as if she were mounting a horse. He stared at her, his eyes widening in surprise. When she reached between them to grab his member and proceeded to impale herself on his hard erection, he gasped, half in shock and half in pure pleasure. "Oh my gods, what are you doing to me?"

She spoke not a word, but laughed huskily. She started to rock her hips, back and forth, mimicking the movements of those old school mechanical horse rides she used to beg her daddy to let her ride when they went to the grocery store. Her hands rested on his chest as she moved, pressing her hips down as she rode him, moving with ever increasing speed. Jareth's strange words and groans egged her on. While she couldn't understand the actual words, what he was saying needed no translation. His hands massaged her breasts and helped guide her hips back and forth. Sarah felt her climax building with each movement and Jareth was thrusting his hips up to deepen their connection as he panted.

"Sarah, I love you!" He shouted as he came hard, his whole body spasming as he shot his seed into her pussy. He shuddered as he felt her walls contracted around his member, milking him as she fell on top of him, her hot breath fanning against his neck. It was at this moment that Jareth considered the reason he had been warned not to have sex with a mortal woman: she would almost certainly become pregnant with his child; his heir. It was the way things were when a Fae male mated with a human female. He stroked her hair and her back. "Sarah, my beautiful Sarah. I care not if this isn't the time for I simply must ask: Be my queen, I want nothing in this world but to have you for my wife. Please say yes?"

He watched her turn her head to face him and the smile on her lips was blissful.

"Jareth, nothing could make me happier. I love you and want to be with you forever." She kissed him tenderly, imparting her whole being to him in just that one kiss.

"You have made me the happiest of fae!" He returned her kiss with all his love and pulled her snuggly next to him. He chuckled as he then continued to speak in a low voice. "And it is most fortunate you have consented, for both of us, since I have every reason to believe our child already grows in your belly." He held her more tightly to his chest as she shrieked in shock.

"Are you serious, Jareth?" He nodded, grinning at her with so much joy and love she couldn't remember why she had been shocked: this was Jareth and the Underground, where anything was possible and nothing was what is seemed.

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The end

A/N: well that's it. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Perhaps you'll give my other stories a perusal? ~ faithfully, your humble scribe