A/N: I haven't been able to look at the poll results for this because this site isn't updating it like I would have hoped. So instead, I'm going make an executive decision and post Darkstar's Reign separately from Oneshots - because it just makes it easier for me to write the story out. A lot of people have already expressed interest in seeing this continued so I might as well make it easier for them to read it, without all the other oneshot ideas bogging it down. Also, I made a couple of minor edits to the original text - which will remain in Oneshots - so that this story can flow a bit smoother.

Unlike with The Legend Begins, I will not be responding to reviews. However, all criticisms and reviews are welcome, even flames.



Medicine Cat(s):
Yellowfang-old dark gray she-cat with a broad, flattened face, formerly of ShadowClan.
- Apprentice, Cinderpaw

Whitestorm-big, slim white tom.
- Apprentice, Brightpaw
Darkstripe-sleek, black and gray tabby tom.
Longtail-scrawny, pale yellow tabby tom with black stripes.
- Apprentice, Swiftpaw
Runningwind-swift, lithe brown tabby tom.
Mousefur-small, stocky dusky brown tabby she-cat.
- Apprentice, Thornpaw
Fireheart-handsome, short-haired fiery orange tabby tom.
- Apprentice, Cloudpaw
Greystripe-long-haired gray tom.
Dustpelt-small, stocky dark brown tabby tom.
Sandstorm-short-haired, pale tabby she-cat.
Brackenfur-lithe golden-brown tabby tom.

Cinderpaw-slim dark gray she-cat.
Swiftpaw-swift black and white tom.
Brightpaw-beautiful white and ginger she-cat with a black spot on her forehead.
Thornpaw-golden brown tabby tom.
Cloudpaw-long-haired white tom with blue eyes.

Brindleface-pretty grey tabby she-cat.
Willowpelt-very pale gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes.
Frostfur-beautiful white she-cat with blue eyes.
Goldenflower-lithe golden tabby she-cat.
Speckletail-pale golden tabby she-cat

Brindleface: Fernkit, Ashkit
Goldenflower: Bramblekit, Tawnykit.

Halftail-big dark brown tabby tom with part of his tail missing.
Smallear-gray tom with very small ears; the oldest tom in ThunderClan.
Patchpelt-small black-and-white tom.
One-eye-pale gray she-cat; the oldest she-cat in ThunderClan; virtually blind and deaf.
Dappletail-once-pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with a lovely dappled coat.
Brokentail-long-haired dark brown tabby; blind; formerly ShadowClan leader.

The whole Clan stared at the dead, twisted body of their former leader who lay unmoving under the Highrock. They bristled and flexed around her body like a snarling mass of angry dogs.

Fireheart could barely believe it. He was numb. His heart pounded in an endless rhythm that seemed to go on forever, his gaze resting on blue-gray fur.

Why isn't she rising? Fireheart had no idea how many lives she had left. A chill rippled through his pelt. Had that one been her last ?

Fireheart could barely hear what was happening around him. He felt someone press into his side, and he glanced sideways at his apprentice and nephew, Cloudpaw, whose eyes were so round they were as big as two full moons. Another cat appeared on his other side and pressed into his fur, and he couldn't bring himself to react to the pale tabby she-cat beyond a warm blink.

A ripple of unease spread through the Clan as they began to gathering around the fallen body of their leader. When Fireheart looked around, he noticed that Tigerclaw was nowhere to be seen. Had he missed what happened to the tom who murdered their leader? Was he dead, too?

Whitestorm nosed his way through the crowd of cats and dropped down beside Bluestar's still body, resting his head on her shoulder. Fireheart followed, padding away from Cloudpaw and Sandstorm to rest his head against his leader's head. Her scent filled her nose, faint and cold. He curled around her, trying to get his thoughts together as grief finally welled up and pushed away the numbness.

I failed you, he thought, mind racing with all the times he could have tried just a little harder to convince her of her deputy's murderous intent, I'm so sorry.

In the days to follow, the Clan was silent. Some turned their heads towards Brokenstar, as somehow having nine lives made him the automatic right choice, while others looked to Whitestorm, since he was the last remaining senior warrior in ThunderClan. But everyone waited with baited breath for some sign from StarClan.

Whitestorm made sure the Clan remained organized and together, sending out patrols to mark the border and feed the Clan. When he spoke, it was with calm reassurance. "The other Clans shouldn't sense our weakness. We must work to keep our Clan safe from them as we wait." He reminded them of the warrior code, and they welcomed his orders with relish. It helped them to forget there was no leader. More heads turned to look at him instead of anyone else. Everyone expected him to become leader.

All they needed was a sign.

Fireheart emerged from the warrior den and blinked at the sunlight. The noise of the camp moving about in stony silence made his pelt crawl with anxiety. How could the Clan survive what was to come? They were effectively a group of rogues, with only the efforts one warrior preventing them from falling apart. How were they going to survive the next season without a leader blessed by StarClan to guide them?

Fireheart padded towards Whitestorm, who greeted him with a nod.

"It's good to see you up and about again, Fireheart. I have just finished sending out the sunhigh patrols," meowed the slim white tom. He studied Fireheart's face calmly and knowingly. "You are worried about the Clan."

"How can we be a Clan without a leader?" asked Fireheart, glancing around. He was not keen on losing his only home.

Whitestorm frowned. "I don't know." The white warrior gazed over his fellow Clanmates. "No one could have expected this."

Fireheart felt a wave of guilt. I did. His gaze traveled up the stars. Has my failure destroyed the Clan?

The stars felt as if they had grown cold. There was something strange in the air, and Fireheart shuddered.

Please, StarClan, he prayed, hoping beyond all hope that something worse wasn't in store for them all. Send us a sign soon.