Small Note: Someone asked for an update, and after working a little bit between my other stories, I got this done. Hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I do not understand why someone even presumes I own Minecraft. Everyone knows Mojang and the original creator Notch own it, right?

I watched, frozen to the ground. Standing in front of the mayor's office, the official place where the mayor leads the town, was a massive vehicle. Standing at least an entire story tall, as long as a bus, and surrounded by more guards then I could count. Every single one wore a mask hiding their face, a leather suit with green ring and intricate green lines. In their hands are weapons I never heard of, and right now they were aimed at one man.

The town's mayor. The man trembled on his feet, hands in the air. From between the guards a man in a black-green suit walked forwards, a single eyepatch on his face and black hair. A scar was visible with the eyepatch, and I could guess it wasn't for dress-up. He had a simple handgun in his hand, and a devilish smirk unlike anything I've ever seen.

Who are these guys? Is this The Organization? I always thought of them as simplistic, stupid, maybe even small. This is not the image I had of them.

Not at all.

"Hello, Mayor. I hope we haven't interrupted anything," The man with the eyepatch began, a gruff voice and hints of amusement. Is this a joke for that guy? "I've just come to inform you that there is a change of plans. From now on, The Organization will be running this town."

"Y-y-you can't do this!" The Mayor stuttered, trying to show some form of bravado. The man of The Organization chuckled at that, before his face turned serious.

"Oh, I can. And I will."

And with that said, he shot the Mayor in the chest without any remorse. Blood gushed from the shot-wound, the man trying desperately to stop the bleeding as he clutched the hole in his chest. He dropped to his knees, gaze weakening as his grip on life fell.

He dropped to the ground, arms going limp and flailing next to him. The Mayor's eyes were filled with fear, as they froze over, no more life behind them. His breath stopped, and with that it's official.

The Mayor, is gone.

Bystanders screamed or started running, whatever they could do to get out of here as quickly as possible. Guard started heading into random directions, doing whatever they were sent to do. The man with the eyepatch grinned at the dead body at his feet, and kicked it a little for his own macabre fun.

As he looked up, his eye locked onto me. I wanted to scream, to run, hide, whatever. But my body was like ice, solid and stuck. My feet seemed glued to the pavement, and as he walked closer, I couldn't find a pitch in my voice.

When he finally reached me, he grinned, looking down at me with a look in his eyes that made my blood run cold.

"My, my. Seems like you are far away from home, aren't you?"

My eyes turned to dots, and knew that had to be the case. I could practically see them reflect in that single brown eye staring at me. His grin only seemed to grow the more scared I became.

"How did a Hybrid like you get in here, huh?"

And that's the moment I knew I was as good as dead.

Perspective: Archer

I turned in the sofa, groaning. My stomach hurt, and not because I ate something bad. Nor a flu. I felt a slight stab of pain when my hand rested on the sore spot at my side.

Sitting in the recliner chair, a sheepish smile on his face, was my brother. He had decided to give me some 'extra training' so I could protect Andrea and the baby. And that resulted in me getting a hard metal boot against my stomach, and a very sore spot along with it.

"I told you to get protective gear before training." Hailey chastised him. He rubbed his neck, obviously feeling bad for hurting his little brother. I chuckled, and flinched when it hurt.

"You can also try and teach him with a dummy, instead of fighting him yourself, right?" Tyler added, thinking more with his brain than his muscle. Darren sighed, and I could tell he was mentally cursing himself for being so stupid, despite the fact he's very smart for a guy his age.

"Just get me some ice." I ordered, a slight hiss in my voice from the pain. The blond nodded and he went to the kitchen, off to grab some icepacks for my stomach.

It was a Saturday, thank goodness. So, I shouldn't have much trouble with school the day after tomorrow. What worried me more was Andrea. The blackhead insisted on going to school, engrossed in all the things she was able to learn about Earth and our culture. The problem is that she'll start to show in a few months. And although what already was visible could easily be scribbled off as some weight-gain, at one point people will realize.

And then, parents will try to get involved.

Our town is a knit society. Everyone knows practically everyone. Rumors go quickly, and news even faster. If even one person finds out, then the whole town will know. And I did not need that to happen. They'll take both of them away from me!

I sighed, letting my arm droop over my eyes. Why, why did things have to be so complicated? Why can't it just be as simple as in Minecraft.

Wait, as in Minecraft…

"The Organization has a way inside Minecraft, right?"

My question surprised everyone in the room. Darren his eyes shot up, and Hailey frowned a little.

"You mean, like, for people to get inside the game?"

"Yeah, like that." I answered, getting up a little from my spot. I hissed when I bended the muscles a little wrong, and in that moment Tyler returned with a decent icepack in his hand. He handed it to me, and I smiled gratefully before placing it on my sore stomach, breathing out in relief for the cold sensation on the burning mark.

"There is. How do you think do they get Hybrids in the game?" Darren said, raising an eyebrow. It seemed to take a little, but soon he realized what I was talking about. "You want to go inside the game?!"

I nodded, and that seemed to get the attention of everyone. They looked at me like I grew a second head, and I sighed, seeing they'll need to hear the full plan before understanding.

"I can't protect Andrea from the government. She's not from here. And who knows how the baby will turn out to be! I only have one option. If I can get inside the server Tyler's running, then I and Andrea can live there, with the other Hybrids. You can talk with me when you're online, and I can raise my child in relative safety. Fighting monsters is easier then fighting the law."

They let the thought sink in, and I could see they found the logic behind the idea. But there is only one problem…

"The nearest facility has a way inside the game. You'll need to put the server in the machine, but other than that the only problem are the guards and heavy security of the base. Breaking in is even harder than breaking out." Darren explained, summarizing our worries. I frowned, thinking about the options, weighing the possibilities. I was in full strategy-mode now, and wasn't planning on quitting.

"Darren, is the security standardized?"


"Are the guard patrols regularized?"

"That too."

"And is the system hackable?"

"Give me maybe ten minutes and I'll have you in."

"And is the training off the guard on firearms alone, or do they know hand-to-hand and other fighting styles?"

"Guns mostly, but hand-to-hand is advised. And specials weapons are only for high-ranked."

"Anything else?"

He was speechless. No one had taken the possibility that we have someone who knows practically the entire system from the back of his hand! Hailey smiled proudly at her boyfriend, and I could only agree with that gesture. I have an amazing big brother.

"This might work. With careful planning, good preparation and some extra scouting, we might make this work!"

And I knew it would. Because I have to find a way to protect Andrea. Not from The Organization or monsters, but from the whole world.

And moving to a different world was my only option.

"How did you even manage this?"

I looked back at the duo, and the sheepish looks on their faces spoke volumes. 'Don't ask' it radiated, and I could only agree.

I honestly did not care.

All I was thinking about was how to fix this… Mess.

The drums were splayed out on the floor, along with my electric guitar. The table holding the piano was snapped in half, and would have to be replaced. The mic was hanging from the cover of the amphitheater by the extra-long wire I only bought a few days ago. The chair I use when practicing my strumming was on its side, and hanging dangerously close to the edge of the raised stage.

"That mic, seriously?" I stated, not caring if my voice sounded angry or disappointed. Because I was, I really was disappointed. And they'll know I am.

"Sorry." Erin muttered, for a dragon-girl being awfully shy right now. The way that Rayleigh had his head hanging low showed he was equally embarrassed. I sighed, really not in the mood for this.

"Look, I've had a bad day. Long school, I couldn't take Andrea on the date we had planned and the computers aren't working because Tyler's upgrading them. I don't care how, why or what, I want this mess cleaned by tomorrow. We have practice in a few days, and I don't want us to end up making a mistake during the School-Festival." I explained, rubbing my temple to try and get the growing headache to go away. After we found our band was getting somewhere I decided to sign us up to play during the festival our school holds every year.

We were accepted, and now it was a race to reach perfection.

"We'll clean it up." They answered, and I had to hold back a remark at the way those two work. Almost like me and Andrea, just, younger. And more free of mind and soul. Childish too, honestly.

Innocent. That's the word I was looking for. They're so innocent together.

I sighed, and decided to leave them to the clean-up, not bothering to watch them. I needed an aspirin, and a drink. I walked down the path we always take from The Hideout to my house. I sighed, letting the forest air enter my lungs and the scent of pine-trees and moss fill my nostrils. This is the reason I never moved to town. The forest, its home to me.

A home I intend to keep.

I stopped when a sudden sensation struck me. I felt something, something not belonging to me. I focused, my mind identifying the emotion.

Dread, fear and pure dread.

And if I'm not the source, then that means…


I was off like a rocket. I thanked my impressive stamina and speed for getting me through the forest like a bullet, and I was in the backyard of my house in seconds.

My blood ran cold at what I saw.

'The Organization…' I thought as I looked at the man dressed in a black suit, green ring on the chest. This guy, however, didn't care for a mask, revealing his far too long brownish hair and pale blue eyes. He was standing in front of the door leading inside, and tried another knock.

"Hey!" I yelled, hand flexing at my side. My other one reached to the back of my pants, where I was keeping a small dagger I was able to get my hands on with help from Sky's brother. Rayleigh has some strange connections in the town, that's sure.

The man turned around, and his eyes narrowed a little. I saw him pocket something in a bag hanging from his side, and I already knew I wanted to have my hands on it. He seemed to scan me, looked back at the house, and his gaze softened a little.

"Sorry pal, is this your place?" He asked with an innocent voice. I saw through his act like glass, and suppressed the desire to growl at him. I still had some things to clear with those people.

"Yeah. And this is my lawn, so get off!"

He wrinkled his brows, and I could tell that pissed him off. The man seemed to debate things. Anger me, the owner of the house and the place I guessed his objective is, or leave empty-handed.

He grabbed for his bag and the shape of a gun glinted in the sunlight.

Anger me it is.

I was in front of him and with my hand against his shoulder before he knew it. I punched him in the shoulder-blade, and he dropped the handgun from reflex. I pushed forwards and delivered a hard punch into his stomach, knocking the air out of him. The man stumbled on his feet, and I inched closer, making him trip over his own feet and land on his butt.

I towered over him as he recovered. My foot landed on the gun on the ground, and a crunch of plastic and metal told the guy his weapon just became useless. I glowered at him, and his body trembled under my deathly glare.

"I would kill you if I could, but you're at my home, and right now I'm just not on the mood to deal with you guys. Leave the bag, and don't come back."

The brown bag was at my feet in seconds, the memory in my head the only indication that man was even there a few moments ago. I took a deep breath, letting the adrenaline leave and try to get my heart to stop beating in my throat.

I picked it up and scanned through the bag. Some food, a drink, a case with bullets for the broken handgun. A silencer for it too, huh? Lastly, I took the device he had pocketed away, and scanned it over.

A single screen with a green dot, coordinates displayed next to it. I looked at my house, and guessed those coordinates led him here.

Written in bold black letters were the controls, simple and useful. I fiddled a little with it, and suddenly the dot changed and was now at a different location. I checked the coordinates, and with my knowledge of how they work, concluded it was now somewhere at The Hideout.

'This tracks Hybrids.' I realized, and put it back in the bag.

Looks like Tyler's got a new toy to mess with.

"I checked, and it somehow can identify the difference between humans and Hybrids. It tracks you through some way I am yet to fully understand, but I think it's connected to the fact you're from Minecraft, not Earth."

I yawned, not from boredom but from how late it was. Erin, Andrea and Hailey were gathered in the sofa, looking concernedly at Tyler, who had the tracker in his hand, juggling it form one hand to the other. I sighed, and walked up to him, silencing him by placing a hand on the blonds shoulder.

"Stop. I think they get it."

He chuckled sheepishly and left, going to the kitchen to grab a late snack. It was past nine in the evening, and it showed. For me the most, and I wondered if today has somehow taken longer than 24 hours.

"Tired?" Andrea guessed as I rubbed my eyes. I nodded, and she smiled reassuringly at me. Hailey stood up, face showing that's she's deep in thought.

"We can be found at any time with that thing. What if they track you to school? Or me back here. They'll know that there are Hybrids hiding here now, and will do anything to get us killed."

The two Enderbounds shivered a little at the thoughts, and I sighed, seeing the merit but not liking the tone. 'Today's been a drag.'

"The more reason to get our plan ready." I stated, crossing my arms. The wolfgirl understood, and gave a curt nod before heading to the room she shares with Darren. Luckily, our mom kept her king-sized bed after dad died. I sighed again, and rubbed my head, trying to get the sleep and headache out of my head.

"I'm going to see if Rayleigh wants to hang out tomorrow." Erin stated before getting up from the sofa and going to her own room. I knew she only left to give me and Andrea some privacy, but I didn't comment, glad for her to understand so well. I took my place in the couch, and in response the endergirl leaned her head on my shoulder. I relaxed a little under her touch, and busied myself with tracing the purple dots scattered her hair. I liked that, those special things about her that make her unique, special, mine.

"You think we'll ever be free of them?"

I paused, brought back from my thoughts with the question. I continued with the tracing, but my mind was set on listening and answering now.

"I don't know. I'm more concerned about you."

"I know, and I really adore that you want to protect me." She said, breathing out with sad eyes and she looked away. "I just feel that it's all my fault."

"Now why would you think that?"

"I was the one who came into your world first. I dragged you to The End to save Erin. I carry our baby." She answered, tears glinting in her eyes before closing them, her hand lying on her stomach, that had a slight bulge to it. Just slightly.

"And you're worth everything." I said with pure honesty. I wasn't going to let my girlfriend beat herself up like that. Don't I have a say in this?

She smiled at me, and I reinforced my words by placing a caring kiss on her lips. Andrea responded with kind, one hand grabbing my shirt to bring me in a little closer.

After we finished our little make-out session, I went to talk with Tyler, a thought in my head. He was drinking a can of beer, and I frowned.

"How did you find my stash of beer?"

"Sky did, sorry." He responded, taking a quick sip with a sheepish smile. I shook my head in exasperation, and smiled at my best friend.

"Doesn't matter. Anyways, I was thinking," He looked from his can, eyes showing he was listening carefully. "Any chance you can use that tracker to make something for me?"

"What do you need?" He asked with a smirk, feeling the mischief radiating off me. I grinned, liking my idea very much myself.

"An EMP-bomb. Designed to take out TO-Tech. Darren thinks that if we hit the barracks with something like that, the doors will lock themselves and keep everyone inside their rooms."

Tyler pondered a little over it, and he nodded, seeing where my brother was coming from.

"The doors will get locked by default setting, and trap the workers from stopping us. Might work. Anything else?"

"Yeah, you know how to make a super-strong magnet?"

The grin on Tyler's face was priceless.

I was scared.

I was scared to death.

And I was almost death, that too.

Somehow they kept the invasion a secret to the public. The roads were blocked off, breaking off the connection between the large town and the outside world.

I really hoped that they'll be able to help the people that live there.

I couldn't do anything. Almost nothing.

My hand reached for the large gash in my side, cut right into my blouse. I flinched as I touched the sensitive skin at the edges. A pool of blood was staining my designer jeans, but I didn't care.

I honestly lost all care for fashion right now.

I could feel how my body was trying to repair the damage, but failing badly. My guts were practically spilled out, and that kind of damage is impossible to repair.

Impossible for a normal human, maybe.

But I'm not human.

I reached for the bag I was able to grab with me before I came to this world. I rummaged through it with a shaking hand, and breathed out in relief when I found the vile with the pink substance, ignoring the burning pain in my side.

How can I even function with a gash covering my left-side? I might never know. Adrenaline and the instinct to survive does some marvelous things with the body.

I gulped the liquid down in a single go, surprised with the good taste it had. Guess that the conversion changed a few things to Potions. I felt the effect taking place, the gash in my side glowing as the healing started kicking in. My boy was swept in a bliss of relief and calm, the pain fading away.

'It'll last for a few minutes. Should be enough to keep my from Death's Door.' I thought as I allowed myself to relax a little. I reached for something else in my bag, and smiled as I pulled out the plastic foil holding the lunch I didn't have the chance to eat. I unwrapped the sandwich inside and took a large bite, grateful for the good taste. It always fascinated me, the amount of foods and tastes this world has to offer.

I finished eating fast, throwing the apple-core from my small snack I carry around with me at the grass patch in front of me. I leaned against the large concrete slab sticking from the ground.

I was resting at what remained of an old military base from old times. I think they called it the Second World War? I honestly didn't care. Right now, it offered some support as I heal.

The last thing I remembered before falling asleep from exhaustion was the sound of an engine, and tires screeching over the asphalt road.

And then the world went black.

Perspective: Sky

I put my platter with food down on the table, a sigh escaping me as I sat down. 'Mondays.'

It was school today, of course. It went well so far, and now we were having lunch-break. Archer and Andrea were talking about their lessons, eating between their explanations. I'll honestly never understand how they manage it. Erin and Rayleigh were at the other side of the table, talking about something that happened in their class, I didn't really care for what.

I did notice something else, though.

Tyler was missing from the group.

I looked left and right, peering over the mass of students in the school. We have few with blond hair, surprisingly enough, so Tyler was easily picked out from a group.

But this time, I couldn't seem to find him. I turned to Archer, and tapped him on the shoulder, catching his attention.

"Where's Tyler?"

"He said he was meeting with us during lunch. Where is he actually? It's getting late, and the kitchen will close soon." The brown-head noted as he looked around. He frowned, and grabbed his smartphone from his pocket, typing a message to our friend.

Five minutes later and we got a reply. But it was not from Tyler. Archer frowned at his phone, and put it back. I could glimpse into his eyes, and saw the burning fury behind them. "Archer?"

"Corran wants to meet us during the last break."

I scowled at the mention of my ex, but was also worried. How does Archer know, he messaged Tyler, not that creep.

"How do you know that?" Rayleigh asked, he and the others having noticed the sudden heavy atmosphere. I nodded in agreement and looked expectantly at the boy. He sighed, scratching his neck a little.

"Corran somehow got a hold of Tyler's phone. That's all I know. I think it's better if we prepare ourselves." He explained with a sigh, eyes glazing over a little. I wasn't sure why he seemed so reluctant, and could only guess he was remembering the time he nearly punched Calus into the hospital. 'He's afraid he might have another tantrum and hurt someone in the process.'

After the classes before the last break, I was growing concerned. How did Connar get Tyler's smartphone? Did something happen to the boy I love? And what does my ex have to do with that? What does he wants of us?

Finally, when the second-last bell rang, we gathered at the front-door and went to the spot Connar send to meet him. It was a little ways from the commotion on the schoolgrounds, but not so secluded as the back of school.

When we arrived, Connar was standing there, leaning against the wall with a grin on his face. He opened his eyes and turned to look at us, the grin never leaving his stupid face.

"What do you want, Connar?" Archer asked, crossing his arms. He had his dagger hidden in the back-pocket of his pants. Rayleigh was carrying his homemade dagger at the side, hidden in his pocket. Erin her eyes blinked, and for a moment I was able to catch not human eyes, but dragon-eyes gazing at the grinning boy. I was hiding my anger behind a lazy smile, not bothering to look my ex in the eyes. He lost that treatment after I caught him cheating. I know for a fact Tyler would never be disloyal to me.

"I just wanted to ask if you might have seen Tyler around, I found something," He held up the smartphone of Tyler, the yellow Pikachu-styled plastic casing proof enough. "That belongs to him?"

"Quit the crap and just tell us where he is!" Rayleigh threatened, I could see he was holding back, hands shaking and a slight twitch in his eyes. Never anger my brother, everyone knows that.

"Where is he, Connar?"

The grin on the black-head's face only seemed to grow as he slowly put the phone away. He reached for something behind him, and I caught a slight glimmer with my eye. I gasped, and quickly dashed forwards, tackling Archer to the ground. A gray blur passed over us, and when we looked back, a shuriken with a green ring in the center was imbedded into the ground.

"How did he?"

"Surprise!" Connar declared when we were suddenly surrounded by men dressed in black suits with green rings. Our eyes widened when we realized this was an Organization trap! Archer growled in fury at the boy who betrayed us, but two men flanked Connar, and one handed him a small device. He nodded as if understanding, and pointed it towards us. From the device, a light emerged, and to everyone's shock, a hologram was displayed in front of us.

And on that hologram was a man wearing an eyepatch, scar surrounding the covered eye. He grinned as his eye locked with ours.

"Greetings, Enders. At least, that's how I heard you call your little band. If you're worried for your friend, fear not, he's at the back of your school, out cold and wrapped up. I have different reasons to contact you, I won't try and kill you, I promise! I can see that you have two Hybrids among you, and although I'm curious as to how they got here, I am more concerned for your well-being."

"Yeah, right." My brother whispered under his breath as the man talked, and I had to hold back from snickering with that.

"I advise you to leave them, and any other Hybrids you might know, alone. Once we get a hold of this country, we will send any Hybrids that escaped back to their old homes, where we expect them to stay this time. You've proven very hard to deal with, and even killed three of my people! But, we are a forgiving bunch, and are willing to dismiss those 'misunderstandings' in favor of assuring you don't get yourself killed. You are the future generation of our world, and as such should be respected. But, one false move against The Organization, and you will be terminated. Heed this warning, Enders, or face the consequences."

And with that, the hologram vanished. The men retreated, and left us alone with Connar. He looked around, surprised for suddenly being left alone, and made a dash for escape. Before he even got past the corner, he was tackled by Erin, who had revealed her wings.

"Where do you think you're going?" She hissed, fangs in her mouth, a little bit of fire escaping with her breath. My brother rushed to her side, wanting to calm the dragongirl down before she does something rash, and kills the boy.

Archer walked up to the trembling boy, pure hatred in his eyes. I was still a little stunned, rooted to the ground. Did that just happen? I didn't imagine that, did I?

"You betrayed us. How did you know?!" He asked, bringing the boy up by the collar of his shirt. He trembled under the death-glare of the brown-head.

"M-m-my f-father works f-for them. I-I've known o-of Hybrids since I w-was little! I k-knew that those t-two weren't h-human!" He pointed a shaking finer at Andrea and Erin, the endergirl helping Rayleigh calm down her BFF. "I-I told my dad, a-and he told m-me what to do! I-I swear, a-all I wanted w-was to scare y-your friend!"

Archer growled, but held himself back and tossed the boy against the wall. Connar grunted at impact, and slid to the ground. He looked up, shaken up by everything. I was finally moving a little, and shook my head to clear my thoughts.

"Let's get Tyler and leave. I suddenly don't feel like doing school anymore." Our band-leader spoke up, suppressing the urge to growl at the boy and instead focused his anger into fueling his resolve. We nodded, and left for the back of school, leaving Connar behind, shaken and afraid. But I didn't care.

I needed to save my boyfriend.

Perspective: Andrea

Me and Erin were sitting in the couch, looking around nervously. The Organization had put an ultimatum, and now the decision was being made on what to do.

Will the others stay our friends, or value their life above us?

I was fidgeting with my fingers, a sweat rolling down my face. I've always been a nervous type when it came down to it. I have my moments when I feel more confident than normal, but this wasn't one of them.

Really, not one of them.

Hailey and Ardere were sitting opposite of each other, Hailey using the old recliner chair and Ardere a chair from the dining room. The Ghast-Hybrid was toying a little with the flames floating around her, holding one in her hand. No one dared touch them, the only one besides Ardere herself that doesn't get burned from them being Alan.

Hailey had a neutral expression, her eyes following Darren, who was pacing behind the couch. Alan was waiting at the windows, eyes focused on the outside. Rayleigh, Sky, Tyler and Archer were gathered at the table with computers. A meeting was going on, not just between our four human friends, but also with the Hybrids that live in the server. We called it Adiria, a simple fantasy-name Tyler proposed and everyone liked.

"And you're sure that's the case?" Archer asked into his mic. I couldn't see who answered, or hear what they answered, but seeing the frown on his face told me it wasn't good. I didn't dare use our bond right now to hear his thoughts or feel his feelings, afraid of doing something wrong.

Everyone was tense, and a simple mistake could make that tension snap.

"We'll need to be ready, then." Rayleigh said, to whom I didn't know. I did know he was the strategist in Aldor, the town they build in Adiria to house all the Hybrids. He was most likely talking with the people assigned to be guards.

"Town meetings. They're as frustrating as the meetings back in the facility." Darren muttered as he kept on pacing. It helped him stay focused and not start lashing out to anyone, at least that's what he told us. I was growing worried he was wearing a hole into the floor!

After a little while, it seemed like they were done. Archer took his headphone off and left his computer, walking over to us. That caught Darren's attention, and he stopped pacing. The brothers shared a meaningful look before my boyfriend walked to us.

"There is decided."

I gulped, swallowing the lump in my throat. Erin clutched her hands together, eyes looking down. Ardere stopped playing with her fire, and focused on the brown-head. Hailey her attention switched from Darren to Archer. He sweated a little under the wolfgirl's gaze, but held himself strong. I managed a shaky smile to show I supported him, and he nodded to show he saw. He focused back on all of us.

"We're changing Plan A, but the general idea hasn't changed. Instead of just me and Andrea, we're also taking the rest of you with us into Adiria."

Everyone their heads shot up, and a small growl escaped Hailey.

"You're proposing we run?!" The wolfgirl shouted, standing up from her seat, seething with rage. Archer didn't flinch, and he held a hand up, silencing anything else to be said and makin the white-head calm down a fair bit. Hailey managed to sop baring her fangs at the boy, and breathed out, calming down. When Archer saw she was calm, he continued.

"I'm not saying we're running. I propose we use Adiria as a way to prepare ourselves. I will guide everyone as leader of the operation, spending my time going between Adiria and the Real World. Andrea will stay in the game, that's obvious, so she and the baby are safe. The others will commute between the two worlds, but if any of the Hybrids among us want it, they can stay as long as they want in any of the two worlds. I know you'll stay here until The Organization is defeated, Hailey, so I'm assigning you, ahead of time, to be our intermediate with Hybrids we might meet in the Real World. You and Darren will also lead the missions against The Organization."

We gawked at the plan, the pure explanation and also the professional way Archer stated this taking us aback a little. He chuckled at the faces we pulled, showing the real Archer I know. I smiled at him, knowing that he's holding a brave face for everyone.

"I know it's a lot said, and not easily done. Tyler will try and get his hands on the blueprints for the device for getting into Minecraft. The plan is to steal the blueprints, any additional info we can gather from the TO Facility, and maybe the machine in a whole if possible. Running, is only a last resort. Not an option." He stated, eyes intent as he kept his brave. Hailey was temporarily stunned before recovering a little. She smiled at him, and nodded, now more understanding of the situation.

Now all that was needed was to get the plan started. But it wasn't going to be easy.

Everyone realized that after today.

Perspective: Unknown

My eyes blinked as they opened, my mind returning from a sleepless rest. I looked around, vision foggy but able to define one thing.

I was lying on my back. Something soft was underneath me. And it felt like I was moving. A slight shock jerked me forwards a little, waking me up more. I got up and looked around, noticing where I am.

In the backseats of a car. And that car had stopped. I looked at the driver's section, and met the worried eyes of a woman with long, silk brown hair and blue eyes. She looked at me with a smile, but I wasn't sure if I could trust her and didn't smile back. She seemed to understand and angled herself a bit more.

"No need to be afraid, dearie. You're save now. I saw where you came from, and knew you were in trouble." She explained, holding a reassuring smile. I found myself smiling a little, but quickly forced it away. She giggled in her hand, and I frowned.

"Who are you?" I decided to ask, not wanting to have to call her 'that woman'. She smiled at me, and somehow I felt a lot saver around her.

"My name is Sarah, dear. Sarah Romanos. And I know what you are."

I blinked, not understanding what she meant. She knows what I am?

"You're a Hybrid."

And suddenly I felt like I could faint.

Author's note: Dun Dun Duuuun! Archer's mother is here! And another Hybrid. The Organization is starting to make it's presence known, and a plan has started to form. Remembered to Review, fav and follow, and until next chapter!

See you all soon!