A/N: My hands slipped quite a bit again, so I decided I'm going to continue this fic. I'm going to balance the naughty bits with lots of aftercare and fluff, so I'll have something for everyone. I hope you enjoy this short, sweet chapter, and I'll be writing more in the future.

Ruby's eyes lazily fluttered open, the smell of something warm and sweet filling her senses. It took her a moment through the haze of sleep to realize what the smell was before memories of the night before flooded back to her. The bittersweet denial, being left alone while craving a release that would be impossible to achieve, submitting to Weiss and being thoroughly rewarded for it. Most of all she savored the memory of Weiss' gentle aftercare, the way her arms wrapped around her in protection and care, and the way she assured Ruby that she was loved without restraint.

Weiss interrupted Ruby's thoughts with a warm kiss, her silky white hair tickling Ruby's cheeks and drawing a happy giggle from the younger girl. "I promised you cookies in the morning didn't I?" Weiss whispered softly "have some while they're still warm." She grabbed a cookie off their end table and presented it to Ruby's lips where it was graciously accepted with a light blush. Ruby moaned softly at the heavenly taste, Weiss always put extra effort into baking cookies for Ruby, and it payed off, the dough itself melting in her mouth along with the thick chocolate. Weiss slowly hand fed Ruby the rest of the cookies out of love, stealing a deep kiss as her partner finished the final treat. Ruby clutched Weiss' back and pulled her close as their tongues tangled, Weiss' tongue exploring Ruby's and swiping what was left of the sweets. Despite their protests, the need for breath eventually won out and forced them to separate with satisfied pants.

"Thanks for letting me steal a taste" Weiss whis

pered sweetly in Ruby's ear, kissing her earlobe and smiling wide at Ruby's happiness. Ruby couldn't help but drag Weiss back into bed with her after finishing her treat, determined to make Weiss keep her part of the deal where she agreed to cuddle with Ruby as much as she wanted. Weiss couldn't find any reason to complain about that end of the deal either, finding calm and comfort in Ruby's embrace. Ruby snuggled against Weiss' chest, the heiress' unable to resist the urge to shower her lover in gentle kisses on her forehead while whispering in her ear that she was loved. Weiss closed her eyes as she settled into a rhythm of rubbing gentle circles on the small of Ruby's back while keeping her form close, basking in her warmth and wonderful scent.

"I love you Ruby" Weiss whispered softly, her hands caressing her lovers body. Ruby knew well how Weiss felt about her, but something about those special words and the lack of hesitation in her voice made it sweet no matter how many times it had been repeated. Feeling safe and content in Weiss' slender arms, Ruby quickly fell back asleep. Weiss smiled as shallow breaths told her that her adorable partner was asleep. She never took for granted the blessing of having a girlfriend who trusted and loved her no matter what, even through the mistakes and fumbles Weiss had made. She hoped Ruby realized how much she meant to Weiss, and how lucky she knew she was to have her. She intended to cuddle Ruby while she slept, waiting for her to wake up and give her a surprise bout of kisses, but sleep eventually drug Weiss down too, her slumbering form resting next to Ruby's with a content smile.

Ruby repeatedly coaxed Weiss into lingering in their embrace, the pair falling asleep buried in each other until sleep would no longer take them, Ruby finally agreeing that they should get out of bed when Weiss' pointed out it was already late afternoon. Despite the belated rise of the couple, they settled on nothing more productive, choosing merely to cuddle and watch Ruby's favorite shows on the couch instead of in their bed. Ruby knew Weiss didn't bother paying much attention to what was on screen, choosing instead to lay across her lap and let Ruby lovingly thread her fingers through Weiss' soft hair, the white-haired girl humming in content at the calming feeling it sent through her. They let the remaining hours of the day pass lazily, Ruby eventually losing interest in her own show in favor of spoiling Weiss who was rarely as craving of affection. Weiss' legs were wrapped around Ruby's waist, the younger girl holding her up as Weiss kissed her hungrily. Ruby silently loved it when Weiss was needy and affectionate, it gave her a chance to spoil the woman who never ceased to give Ruby what she wanted.

"Hmmm, Ruby, bed please" Weiss moaned longingly after leaving an especially greedy nibble on Ruby's tender neck. Ruby huffed and carried Weiss to their bedroom, smiling giddily as Weiss clung to her and kissed her. Despite her fancy, proper image, Weiss was secretly a sucker for being showered in affection when she wanted to be. They lay silently in bed for a few minutes, Ruby expecting to fall asleep as her eyes began to feel heavy, that was, until Weiss spoke up, her voice carrying a warm but serious tone. "Hey Ruby?" she asked tentatively

"Yes my love." came the calm response, her hand finding Weiss' and gripping it in reassurance

"A-About last night, why do you let me tie you up and tease you like that, especially when you beg and whine, I just don't understand."

Ruby stared at her, thinking for a moment before preceding her response with a short kiss. "I love letting go Weiss. I love trusting my body, and my pleasure, with you. I love it when you dominate me." Weiss shuddered at the thought of Ruby physically wanting to be at her whim. "I trust you so much that I don't have to worry anymore. When you're in control I can relax and let feelings take over" Ruby's voice dropped lower for a second "and when I'm with you it feels so good. I love when you deny me, and make me beg. I love all the ways you make me break, and how good it feels to submit and be yours. So don't worry about me, I trust you and I would let you know the instant something goes too far. Okay?"

"Promise?" Weiss responded, her nerves soothed by Ruby's reassurance.

"I promise" Ruby assured with a smile, kissing Weiss tenderly. Ruby's hands rose with the kiss to graze Weiss' form, gently brushing the skin under her shirt and causing an adorable squeak to leave her lips. "I worry about you though" Ruby said huskily "You haven't even suggested that I touch you yet, and don't lie and tell me that you haven't been turned on" she continued. "Don't you want me to make you come while denying me what I want so bad?"

Ruby was definitely teasing her, but Weiss wasn't ashamed to admit it was working, the spot between her legs suddenly aching with the thought of Ruby's gentle yet perfect touch. "I-I just don't want to show you how pent up I am while we play, it ruins the d-dominance" she defended shakily as Ruby licked and nibbled at her neck.

"Oh I don't think so" Ruby began "Don't you want to watch me squirm and plead while being forced to watch you achieve the climax I can't have?" Ruby was painting a very good image in her mind of what it would look like, and Weiss would be lying if she said she wasn't horribly aroused at the mere thought.

"Gods Ruby, yes." she replied

"Do you want me to touch you right now? I know how much you must want it."

"Yesss" Weiss hissed in response as Ruby began to gently tug at her bottoms, shedding them off and teasing Weiss through her soaked underwear. Weiss whimpered in need and grasped Ruby's wrist, pushing her fingers closer and groaning loudly in relief. Ruby held Weiss tightly against her, kissing and nibbling wherever her mouth could reach, determined to relieve Weiss of her frustration. Ruby lacked the patience to fully undress Weiss, settling on dipping below the cloth and sink two fingers into Weiss' heat.

"Mmmmm. Rubyyy" Weiss moaned in content. Ruby's touch felt so good. Every kiss, every nibble, every sweet thrust of Ruby's fingers sent an electric feeling through her body. Ruby's palm was grinding at a practiced rhythm against Weiss' core, tending to her throbbing clit. Weiss' toes curled with every thrust and rub, her body tensing as she neared her much needed climax.

"Weisss" Ruby breathed huskily into her partners ear "I want you so bad" she finished with a greedy bite on Weiss' collar. That did the trick for the heiress, Ruby smiling as she felt her walls clench and body shudder in her orgasm. Ruby didn't stop pleasuring Weiss until the girl's high pitched moans faded to content whimpers. Slowly Ruby drew her fingers from her partner, greedily sucking the tangy essence from her fingers, much to Weiss' embarrassment.

She curled up around Ruby regardless, whispering in her ear. "Thank you Ruby, for thinking of me and...taking care of my needs. Sometimes I forget just how much I need you, and I don't think that will change."

"Well it's a good thing I'll always be here for you when you need me. Princess." Ruby teased, snuggling into Weiss' neck and humming in content. Weiss affectionately rubbed at Ruby's back in thanks, waiting for her partner to fall into her telltale slumber before letting go of any worries and falling asleep next to the girl who loved her like no one else.