Time moves in one direction, memory in another.

William Gibson


"Yeah baby!" Michonne shouted from the sparsely populated bleachers. In after thought she glanced over at Sydney who was cocooned in her baby seat ensuring she didn't wake her baby girl with her excitement. Carl and Andre looked up at her from their positions at the bottom of the court, wanting to be close to the action. They shared in their mother's excitement as they observed Rick kick some butt on the court. Rick turned his head in their direction when he heard Michonne's voice, giving her and the boys a thumbs up in that dorky dad way he had. He was still delicious to her in his grey joggers and white V-neck, dribbling the ball looking like the professional ball players he enjoyed watching on TV.

The guys from the Sheriff's Department came together often now for an intense basketball match. She decided to come watch her man play, making it a family affair.

She checked the time on her phone that was in the baby bag next to her when she noticed her newly engaged friend Rosita approaching the bleachers with a brand new hair do.

"I didn't know you were coming!" Michonne said patting the vacant spot beside her. "Daryl's bike is in the shop so I had to pick him up." Rosita sat next to her, stealing a glimpse of the peaceful, sleeping baby in her carrier. "Who's winning?"

"Aren't you a good wife to be?" Michonne nudged her, "We are!"

Rosita and Daryl had only been engaged for three months but Michonne was looking forward to the culture clash of a wedding between the two.

"I thought this game would've been over by now?" Maggie sauntered in wearing khaki shorts and a purple tank top with her flip flops. Her one year old son, Jordan squirming in her arms.

Maggie threw an eye on the brightly lit court; her brother, Shane, Abe and Daryl and honorary member Glenn were playing against the boys from the Fire Department. The firemen demanded a rematch after the sheriff and his men had provided the heat on the court winning their last game, leaving the fire department out in the cold.

"Hey Mags! What? You live here now?" Michonne asked, knowing Maggie came to the Rec Center at least three times a week.

"Jordan loves his aqua aerobics class!"

"Come by your auntie Chonne Jordan! Before your crazy mama enrolls you in baby boxing and baby karate next." She took her sweet nephew in her arms, admiring how his eyes were a mirror image of his daddy's. It reminded her of Sydney and how half of her looked like Rick too. She smiled thinking that although she didn't look like the typical nine months old baby girl she was quite perfect in her parent's eyes.

"Abe! Quit playing like a girl and show Scooter what you're made of!" Sasha shouted, returning to the seating area with a tray of hotdogs and sodas.

"What the hell!?" Maggie was startled by Sasha's usual big mouth.

"How do you do that?" Rosita asked.

"Do what?"

"Make Abe listen to you like that?"

They all observed Abraham steal the ball from Scooter, dribbling to the left and taking a clean shot at the hoop, scoring two more points for his team. The guys celebrated with high fives and chest bumps while their supporters cheered and applauded. Their loud voices echoed off the yellow walls in the auditorium.

"What can I say? Classical conditioning," she shrugged.

The girls laughed at Sasha and Abe's unique communication techniques.

"Carl! Dre! Come get something to eat!" Michonne called to the boys who were all too eager for their hotdogs.

"We're just one blonde short of the Fussy Posse." Sasha enjoyed when all her girls were together, now that the kids had arrived and her sister had returned to her job, meetings spontaneous or planned were in short supply. The difference this time was they still kept in contact with each other, ensuring to keep abreast with whatever was going on.

"Maybe we should call her? I had no idea we'd all be here," Maggie mentioned.

"Speak of the devil," Sasha said as Andrea pushed through the double door entrance to the courts.

"Hey you!" Michonne was happy to see her best friend. Andrea smiled and waved, climbing up the bleachers to join them.

"Hey what are you guys doing here?"

"You came to watch Shane play?" Rosita scooted around making room for her.

"Yeah. Thought I'd show my support." Andrea and Shane were giving another go at their relationship. They were no longer in a handle with care state. Andrea had used the money from the severance she received from her modelling contract as a down payment for a house. A much needed do-over for her and Shane. It proved to be the right move for them.

"Sydney's sleeping?"

"Yeah, she started walking this week and her poor body is tired from ruining the living room." Michonne adjusted the blanket that covered her baby, seeing so much of Rick on her sweet face.

"So one more week and we're going to the Bahamas!" Sasha couldn't wait for their girls trip. They were leaving the men behind this time, anticipating some much needed R and R.

"I can-not wait!" Michonne clapped. "Four days of no scheduled bedtime. No food in plastic containers. No fruit with every meal? Hell yes!"

"Ooohh! girl you're gonna be a loose cannon next weekend aren't ya!" Sasha chimed in.

"I'm looking forward to cool nights in the jacuzzi with my girls while we sip on Sauvignon Blanc." They were all buzzing with excitement, but as much as Michonne was looking forward to their mini getaway she knew she was going to miss her family.

She and Rick were inseparable now, in sync even when they weren't together. Things had changed for them now that she had returned full time to her job. Even though her bosses divided her caseload among her peers they were kind enough to keep her position vacant in the rising law firm. She was both happy and scared to return, especially after Sydney was born. She had become accustomed to being with her kids and the switch from being accessible to them all day to having to schedule quality time was a big adjustment for her, Carl, Dre and even Sydney. Carl and Andre were amazing big brothers. Sydney Giselle Grimes was born on the 30th September on a rainy afternoon, changing their lives for the better from the moment she arrived. Her brothers were often in competition with each other over who could take care of her best, who could make her smile first or who could feed her right.

It was a sight to see so much joy dwelling in her family. The accident that robbed her of snippets of her memories were a thing of the past now. Something that she tried not to dwell on which was easy considering she hadn't remembered the night in question. It was just an event in her past that never regained any recall in her brain. She had lost pieces of her first few years with Rick, her brain only produced fragments of their romance. It was something she desperately wanted to resurface in spite of the many amazing, funny stories she heard of their courtship.

From what she learnt there was usually a catalyst for amnesia before the trauma took impact. She was always curious to know what in particular her brain was trying to protect her from. It was something she didn't have an answer for nor was it something she wanted to ponder on for longer than necessary. Her life had changed that night and given what came out of the tragedy she had to say she was more blessed than most.

She'd learnt that love didn't require her to be perfect for Rick, she just had to be willing to try. She was glad she decided to let go of her desperate desire for all their moments that had fallen to the cutting floor of her brain. She thought it was necessary to fill in the gaps to their story but it wasn't. Together they found a way to make what they had work. Just like they'd promise on their wedding day. She watched the DVD of that special day so many times, even though she couldn't remember saying her vows to Rick she memorized them knowing she lived them daily.

I promise to stand by your side when the world is walking away.

I promise to always have faith in us.

I promise to love you til I'm gray and old and I promise to never doubt the depth of your love.

She got a chance to make new memories with the people she loved. While she didn't want to put total trust in her brain she started making picture collages of their moments, things that may not be significant to others but were special to her. Most important she knew where her family filled the biggest space and it wasn't in her brain, it was in her heart.

Memories weren't set in stone, they change over time. They evolve and she didn't want to cling to perceptions or imaginations. Not when she had real life pieces to dote on, to love on and to be loved by. Memories couldn't love her back. Memories don't live like people do.

At her side, Sydney began to fuss, she refocused her attention from her musings to her cute baby daughter.

"Hey munchkin!" She eased her out her carrier, holding her securely in her arms.

"Oh! She's awake. Lemme grab her real quick before the other aunties get to her!" Andrea was quick on the draw, taking Sydney from her friend's arms, drawing her close to her chest so she could inhale her sweet baby scent.

"I can't get over how beautiful these eyes of hers are," Andrea said while a waking Sydney played with her blonde tresses. Michonne looked at the unique pair, Andrea too had come a long way. When Sydney was born she couldn't bring herself to hold her. Michonne could imagine the pain of Andrea's miscarriage resurfacing when Sydney was born.

Like her, Andrea was a trooper, overcoming her fears and pain, now she and Sydney were sweet on each other.

Healing came in so many different forms for them.

"I don't think I'll ever be over Sydney having one blue eye and one brown one either! She is too gorgeous for this world," Sasha commented sipping on some water.

Her daughter was born with Heterochromia Iridis a condition that caused the iris of both of Sydney's eyes to bear two different colors. In her case she had one blue and one dark brown iris. She had been thoroughly checked out by her pediatrician and a highly recommended ophthalmologist who found nothing wrong with the strong willed baby girl. Rick thought it was miraculous that she was born with two different color eyes, in a way she had the eyes of both her parents and it was something that always made him smile.

Sydney of course was a daddy's girl through and through. She loved Rick and despite having only half of his eye resemblance she definitely had his full smile. Michonne thought she was perfect despite her scientific imperfection.

Pottery withstanding, she was definitely the best piece she ever made.

"You look good kid," Rosita teased, thinking it was always nice to see this softer side of Andrea.

"You think I'll be lucky enough to have a second chance at this?" Andrea's question was rhetorical and spoken so softly Michonne barely heard it. Her friend almost seemed like a different person, she never returned to her modelling gig. Instead she helped invest in a small foundation called Saving Grace, a place for troubled teenagers and abused women seeking help. She did some formal training and was able to man the suicide hotline at Saving Grace, knowing how to reach those who thought dying was the only answer. She knew that kind of pain better than most, so she was effective in her field. Jessie was also on board with the foundation too, investing her time with women who wanted help standing on their own two feet but not knowing how. It was how she met Tobin, a paramedic who brought in an ill woman who needed their help. He and Jessie had been dating for two months time permitted Michonne and the rest of the girls gave of their time to Saving Grace, helping those in need with a meal or a listening ear. Giving back gave them all renewed purpose. Rick was proud of her efforts and encouraged his guys to help out in any way they could. For them that meant financially, the girls were too eager to put their money to good use. Life was shifting, changing as quickly as the seasons ebbed into each other.

One thing remained constant, love; the thing they all needed to get by. Her life had been shaken because of the accident that occurred over a year ago. She was confused when her amnesia struck but Rick had been her own saving grace. Just like in her mother's kitchen that Wednesday afternoon after watching a silly show about a blue fish Rick gave her one more day with a chance by being her rock.

So to answer Andrea's whispered question she said "Yes." It's never too late for a second chance.


"They're probably going home to cry to their wives about how we dragged their asses on the court. Again!" Shane was bragging while Andrea passed him a cold water from the small cooler they'd brought along.

"It was a good game." Rick said fresh from the locker room shower.

"Can I have my kid now Abe?" Rick demanded, his arms already feeling empty from being away from Sydney for so long.

"I think it's time Sasha and I make a few gingers." Abe handed over the baby to her father. She latched onto Rick's stubble quickly with her chubby fingers, staring up at the man who put her to sleep most nights like if he was the sun.

"A few? Boy you better be joking!" his wife countered, setting her hands on her hips.

Everybody had lingered on the bleachers for a bit catching up, not quite ready to leave the camaraderie that so easily flowed among them.

"Dad can we go over to the farm tomorrow? Grandpa is gonna need our help." Carl was ready to beg on behalf of him and his brother. Rick stole a glance to his beautiful wife who was a bit quiet in the background. She nodded, showing him she was present and a part of the conversation. He gave his two thriving, cheerful sons a nod and they went over to break the good news to their uncle Glenn and cousin Jordan.

Rick fell back while the rest of their family chatted loudly.

"You good baby?"

She laid a comforting hand on his shoulder, catching Sydney's fleeting attention for a few seconds. "I'm good. Was just doing some thinking."

"Bout what?"

"About time and how quickly a year has flown by." She passed a sweeping hand in front of her, gesturing to the group to which they belonged. Marriages, babies, engagements all had taken place in that time. It was good to see how much the good had outweighed all the bad that had gone before.

"Carl will be a teenager soon," he teased knowing how attached he was to her son. Michonne groaned, covering her eyes. "Don't even…"

"Hey, we're doing okay aren't we?" He kissed her full lips.

"We're doing better than okay." She kissed him back, ready to ditch the group for some Rick time.

"Thank you for letting me do this with you," she said, feeling the tug of emotion at her throat when she thought about where they'd been after the accident to where they were now. There was no place she would rather be than with Rick. She would fight right beside him in a war if she had to.

Sydney was rambling in Rick's arms in her own baby language, making Rick laugh as she giggled loudly at her daddy.

"Umm everyone…I'd like to say something as we're all here…" Andrea was next to Shane on the far end of the bench but spoke loud enough to get their attention. Even Shane had turned his body to face her.

"I've been thinking about the day Shane and I signed divorce papers. A year ago to be exact. And every bad thing that followed it. It was easy to hide how much I was hurting by celebrating our failures." She stole a quick glance at Michonne and smiled. Somehow she knew Michonne was aware that whatever she was about to say wasn't bad. She had given up her flare for the dramatics for the wrong things a while ago. "After the accident I felt like a ghost. Shane somehow still saw me. And I was so blind before I couldn't see him as clearly as he saw me. But time has a way of changing things. Helping you to see what you couldn't before."

Michonne slipped her hand in Rick's, leaning on his shoulder. She was content to know that she and Andrea were still on the same page and her friend wasn't going to let her second chance slip away.

"Do you know what's happening here?" Rick asked softly in her ear.

"Not a clue."

"She pregnant?" he proffered, causing Michonne to stifle her laugh.

"If you know you should tell me."

This earned him a raised eyebrow from Michonne.

"I guess what I'm saying is as much as I'm grateful for Shane giving me a second chance. I don't wanna waste the time we've been granted." She got down on one knee in front of Shane, catching everyone by complete surprise.

"So umm...Shane will you marry me? Again?"

The widest smile stretched across Shane's face. He passed a hand over his cheek, in shock that the woman he loved was being so brave. Joyful that she was letting everyone know how she felt about him. When she fished his old wedding band out of her pocket, placing it in her palm waiting for him to reclaim it he laughed.

"Yeah. Yeah I would." He took the ring and slid it into his wedding finger, took Andrea by her hands and kissed her senseless. Their friends were cheering for them, capping and whistling their congratulations. They were all happy to see despite the few hurdles they had to jump through, Shane and Andrea found their way back to each other.

Michonne leaned into Rick fully now, a sense of completion filling her soul. Not that she was complete or perfect but witnessing Andrea's own progress was compelling for her. It all felt so deserved.

Perfection came in many forms, for her it was being loved in spite of her amnesia, for Andrea it was finding her way back to herself before she could love Shane the right way. Everything was as it was supposed to be.

"Sydney missed all the action." Rick pulled her out of her reverie, showing her their sleeping daughter.

"That means when she gets up at three she's all yours."


"You're so good at this dad thing." He was an incredible father, she couldn't imagine doing it all without him. "I love you Rick."

"I love you too Michonne."

"Let's grab the boys and go home okay."

"Okay." She loved her family but she always preferred when it was just the five of them. The fact Sydney had held on through that horrible car wreck always increased her gratitude that she didn't lose everything that night.

Rick reminded her many times that on the night of the accident he had promised they made a baby together. His promise held true which is why she chose the middle name Giselle for their girl, because that's exactly what it meant, Promise.

It was easy to see that she was the best promise they ever made.
