Sup people. Here's the new chapter. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I own some characters. Rick Riordan owns the rest.

"First." Percy said. He grabbed Eternal and punched him in the stomach. "I'm over it."

Suddenly, there was a bright flash of light. Two figures appeared. One looked like Orpheus and the other looked like Percy.

The one that looked like Percy, smiled at me.

"Hello, Allison." He said. A memory flashed into my brain. We were in a throne room. 12 people were sitting on thrones. No not people. Gods. Poseidon, and Apollo.

"Hi, dad." I said a little awkwardly.

"Anyway. Orpheus." Apollo said nodding in our direction. "Everyone. We will take Eternal away so you don't have to deal with him."

"I'm sorry." Poseidon said "But I can't intervene. You will have to do this on your own, although Orpheus knows how to. Good luck and goodbye." Then they left in a flash of light, which no-one was looking at because, well, obvious reasons.

"Okay." Leo said. "Wait. Where's Nico." Orpheus facepalmed.

"C'mon." He said.

We walked into a hallway with one door at the end.

"Nico." Piper said. "We're here to come and get you. Don't attack anyone."

Orpheus opened the door, and Nico came barreling out.

"Finally. Light." He said.

"For a child of Hades, it's weird that you are afraid of the dark." Annabeth said.

"I'm not afraid of the dark. I'm just afraid of not being able to Shadow Travel away. You should know that perfectly well by now." He grumbled.

"Okay, well that's unusual. Let's get going." Orpheus said. He led us to a room with a mad scientist chair. This is where it happened.

"Sit in the chair please." Orpheus said. I sat down.

"Um…..Do you mind not being in here? I'd rather you not be in here." They reluctantly left, except Percy.

"I'm not leaving." He said.

"Fine. Let's do this. I'm ready." A second later, I felt a little pain on my spine. Percy flinched a little. Then it stopped.

I stood up. Percy and Orpheus were looking at me, expectantly.

"Well?" They asked, simultaneously.

"Um, Percy. Give me a second." I walked up to Orpheus, grabbed him by the collar, and kissed him.

"I take that as you're okay." Piper said, as they walked in. I broke apart.

"Yup. I'm fine. Actually, more than fine. I'm great."

That's the end of this story. Remember to look for my other stories.

Peace out.