Cory has left the White House. In a pursuit of football and his father's ban on anime, he has planned to travel far into the depths of his friend's house. The experiences there changed him forever. His friend Doug, or D-Money as they called him, was able to make space for Cory in his house. It was not big, but it would do. There was a bed and a bathroom nearby. He figured that it would be good for him since he parted ways with his family. Feeling drowsy, he decided to sleep, thinking of what would happen the following day. From this point on, Cory's life began to get a bit bizarre.

Cory awoke with a start. A sudden breeze hit his face. He initially thought it was the AC, but it felt too strong for that. Maybe the window was open, but it still wouldn't be that strong. He opened his eyes and sat up to take in his surroundings. He was no longer on the bed in D-Money's house, but he was on a bed of grass out in a forest during the evening. The sun had almost set, but there was still some light in the sky. Cory was no longer in the house. He was no longer in D-Money's house!

This place was unfamiliar to him. None of the places he had been to looked anything like where he was now. He stood up and looked around, nothing but trees and bushes as far as the eye could see. Unable to think of anything better to do, Cory began to walk in a straight line, his eyes wide with terror. He was stuck in an unknown location with no explanation of how he got there. He heard the trees above him rustle. Cory froze and looked up. He saw a figure staring at him, shadowed by the branches and leaves of the tree. All of a sudden, he was tackled from behind to the ground by other figure. This appeared to be a person, wearing an orange suit with a silver and black headband which covered the roots of his bright yellow hair.

The person pinned Cory down and said, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Cory had an expression of fear and confusion on his face. He seemed to recognize the person's clothing and voice, but he did not know from where. He was able to turn his head and get a better look at the person above him. His eyes widened as he immediately recognized who this person was: Naruto. Cory was in disbelief when he was suddenly shocked back into reality.

"Answer me!" Naruto exclaimed, shaking Cory and applying more pressure on him.

"Calm down, Naruto," said the figure still in the tree as it jumped down.

Cory was now able to tell who the figure was by his raven-dark hair, blue shirt, and silver headband: Sasuke. His face conveyed a mixed expression of fear, confusion, and excitement. He was scared as he knew what these two were capable of doing to him, confused as to how all of this was possible, and excited because he had just encountered two of his favorite characters in all of the anime he had watched. "…Y-you're…YOU'RE NARUTO!" Cory whispered at first but then screamed from his excitement. He began to breathe quickly, trying to calm himself down.

"I don't think he means any harm, but I think you've just met your one and only fan," Sasuke said with a smirk.

"Be quiet!" Naruto retorted as he released Cory from his hold.

Cory quickly stood up and looked at them both, speechless for his situation. All of this seemed too bizarre, but he didn't question it. He didn't want to question it! He wanted this day to last forever.

"Teach me how to be a ninja! Please!" Cory pleaded while they looked at each other in confusion.

"I'm afraid we can't," Sasuke began, Naruto nodding in agreement. "Ninja training is dangerous and just practicing it will bring danger your way."

Cory's face fell. He wasn't expecting them to say 'yes' immediately, but he was hoping that they would at least say 'maybe.' Just as Cory looked down, a silver object glistened in the sun as it moved quickly towards Naruto. Naruto was able to sense this and he jumped out of the way at the last moment, but it continued on towards Sasuke, who was behind Naruto. Sasuke only noticed the object, which now began to look like a shuriken, at the last moment, but he did not have enough time to dodge it.

"SASUKE!" Naruto and Cory screamed, their eyes widened while Cory ran towards him.

Just before the shuriken was able to hit Sasuke, a lightning bolt came from the sky immediately stopping the shuriken inches from his face. Sasuke was wincing as he expected to be hit, but he slowly began to open his eyes to see the shuriken vaporized. Naruto and Cory stared in disbelief as the clouds above disappeared towards Cory.

Naruto suddenly marched up to Cory and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "How did you do that?! You are already a ninja! You're from another clan trying to spy on us!" Naruto barked, Cory shivering in his grasp.

"H-hold on. I d-didn't know I could do that," Cory said quietly, almost whispering.

Naruto was glaring angrily at Cory, but Sasuke was looking around to see where the shuriken came from.

"Hold on, Naruto," Sasuke began. "If he was from another clan, then why would he have saved me? Not to mention that lightning bolt. There's no ninja training that allows that to happen. Also, where did this shuriken come from?"

Naruto lessened his grip and began to think, realizing Sasuke's logic behind the situation. Cory had a grateful look in his eye as he looked at Sasuke for saving him from being destroyed by the orange ninja.

As they all looked at the shuriken on the ground and night began to fall, a voice began to speak to them, "You are lucky to have survived that, Sasuke."

They all turned to see the source of the voice which was a distance away in a small clearing of trees. There was a man there, but he looked too tall for any normal man. The man was quite muscular and defined. He was wearing a scarf of sorts which covered his head and most of his body, exposing his arms, legs, and chest. The man appeared to be posing as though he was in a Maybelline advertisement. As if on cue, eerie and intimidating music began to play, and floating characters appeared and pulsed around him that disappeared slowly.

Naruto got into a fighting stance, looked at the man and said, "Who are you?! Not one of this guy's friends I hope!"

Cory began to back away slowly, but before he could the man spoke to him. "Do not think you can escape, Cory Baxter," he said to him.

Cory froze as he thought that he recognized this man too. The voice, the posing, the music, it all began to add up. He now knew who this was, but it made absolutely no sense now. The man was Kars, one of the Pillar Men from the anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Cory was more confused than ever at this point, suddenly appearing in a forest, meeting Naruto characters, and now Kars' entrance. He was wondering what was going on, and especially how Kars knew his name.

While he was very confused about the whole situation, a part of him just wanted to stop questioning it and enjoy being with some of his favorite anime characters. Cory decided to forget about reason and just enjoy it while it lasts. With this, his face became more serious as he looked at Kars. At this time, Naruto and Sasuke were getting ready to fight Kars.

"Ninjajutsu!" Naruto yelled as he made ordered motions with his hands.

"Flyingjutsu!" Sasuke yelled while doing similar hand motions to Naruto.

Both of them began to radiate some sort of energy, Naruto's being orange and Sasuke's being blue. The orange ninja bolted towards Kars at an incredible speed, both arms extended behind him, and the blue ninja began to fly in the air quickly and followed Naruto. Meanwhile, Kars (still posing) smirked and put his arms down to his sides. Unfazed by their rapid approach, he extended a large and sharp blade from each of his forearms. Just as Naruto approached him, Kars dashed forward even quicker and managed to strike him with his blades. The orange ninja then froze with the energy beginning to fade.

"NARUTO!" Sasuke screamed as he flew down to help his friend.

Cory then saw something shiny in the bush next to him and walked up to it. The thing that was shining was a long uniform jacket with a chain on it and a matching hat with two pins on it. Cory recognized this too, but he just decided to forget about it and put them on. He immediately began to feel annoyed with the situation, and he walked up to the fight where Sasuke, Naruto and Kars were.

"Yare yare," Cory began. "You guys are taking this way too seriously."

Kars then posed and said, "Oh really? Well, Cory Baxter, how could you add to this fight? How could you have the strength to go up against the mighty Kars?"

Cory stared at Kars, pulled out a small red and white ball, pointed at him, and sighed, "Yare yare."

Just then, he threw the ball and out of it came a large yellow mouse with a jagged tail and red cheeks. Cory then pointed at Kars and shouted, "Thunderbolt!" The mouse jumped into the air and began to charge with electricity and then launched it at Kars. "Pika!" it cried as it launched its attack. Kars was hit by the lightning attack with such force that it launched him into space. Kars was frozen and trapped in ice in space. Sasuke was in awe as he was cradling Naruto's wounded head in his lap.

"Good job, Pikachu," Cory said as he swiped his finger across the brim of his hat and looked down. He then felt a slap on his face as the sun suddenly rose. The rising sun was followed by a scream seeming to come from everywhere. "CORY!" it said.

Just then, Cory woke up and his dad walked in. He said that Cory needed to come back with him now. However, Cory denied and stated that he wanted to continue playing football. His dad responded by saying that the President of the United States will allow him to play football back at the White House. This got Cory's attention and got him thinking. He imagined what it would be like there. Cory imagined that it would result in him ending up like the dream he just had. Cory had decided that he would go with his father after all. Cory has gone out of the house, into the same one.

~To Be Continued~