Chapter 10

"I was born to Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade, a bounty hunter who used to work for the Empire," Owen Skywalker, the cousin of Ben Solo, began his tale. He was only able to do so after Poe Dameron had gotten right in his face, and peered at him, before pronouncing No, Luke Skywalker couldn't have had a kid. And then Finn had waved a blaster right under Owen's nose, angrily demanding an explanation. "When I was born, people expected much from me, just as they did with Ben. There was just one problem: for most of my childhood, I couldn't use the Force. Dad always used to say that I was a late bloomer, that I was a Skywalker - of course the Force had to be with me. And eventually, the Force did awaken in me, when I was in my early teens - 13 or so. But by that time, the damage was done. I had endured years of mockery from some of my father's other Padawans, watched as Ben was elevated to be the golden child, the future of the Jedi. I felt defeated and not at all good about myself. The night the Temple fell, Ben and the others came to me, and told me Dad had tried to murder my only cousin in his sleep. They looked ready to kill me if I did not believe them, and I admit, a part of me was skeptical. But I had a choice to make: join my cousin and live, or stand by my father and die. I chose the former."

Throughout the whole speech, Rey squinted at Owen, curious and enthralled. But also mad. "You were a coward," she stated, not withdrawing the venom from her voice.

Surprisingly, the comment did not seem to sting Owen the way she thought it might. He merely nodded at her, both grimly and forlornly. "You're right. I was a coward."

"Maybe that's why Luke never mentioned to me he had a son."

Owen gave a mirthless laugh. "No, he wouldn't have, would he? As far as he knew, I had either died in the Temple slaughter, or the Knights had abducted me. He would never have imagined that I went with them willingly." He sighed. "And the map? The one Ben nearly went bonkers for trying to get? My mother made that. She spent years tracking down clues about where my father had vanished, and eventually pieced it together. A finished path to where he was. But before she had the chance to use it... she died. I don't know how the map ended up with Lor San Tekka on Jakku, but I have to imagine that it was the will of the Force."

He turned to face everyone. "And now the First Order is crumbling from within. Lombard is dead, and Hux is floundering, unable to effectively harness his power. He's not long for this world." Owen gestured around at the other Knights. "I know we have done many bad things - unspeakable things - in our lives, but..." and he gazed at Rey. "If Ben can be saved by a forgiving, loving person like you, maybe we can be too. We want to help you rebuild the Jedi... if you'll have us."

Probing into his eyes, Rey could clearly see the eyes of his father. The eyes of a Skywalker. She beamed. "Of course we'll have you. All of you! Welcome aboard."

Owen took her hand and squeezed it, a sad yet hopeful smile on his face. "Thank you... my cousin. I am proud to call you that." For he and Rey were now related as cousins by marriage.

Owen now leaned over and whispered in Rey's ears: "I have always wondered, since I felt his death through the Force, but tell me: was the old man happy at the end? At peace?"

Rey held his gaze, even as her eyes shone with tears. "He was. He died a hero."

Owen grinned widely and winked at her. "Of course he did."

The First Order eventually did fall, culminating in Supreme Leader Hux committing suicide before he could be brought to trial.

Ben and Rey and Sofia Solo set about rebuilding the Jedi, and gleaning all they could from Owen and the other former Knights of Ren. Ben's former colleagues were a big help in finding Force-sensitives, and soon, they were filling to the rafters the new Jedi Temple on Naboo, training in both the Light and Dark Sides of the Force all day long.

And at night, after long days, the little Solo family - all three of them - would curl up in each other's arms, in the large double bed, and fall asleep contentedly.

Just like they did one night, when Rey's gentle voice suddenly pierced the darkness with a question:

"Sofia, sweetie? How would you like to have a little brother or sister?"

"Our parents are Ben and Rey Solo, Masters of the Jedi. Once upon a time, they fell in love. They came from different worlds and didn't listen to a lot of people because Mommy and Daddy wanted to be together forever. They rescued a little girl named Sofia and loved her as their own. Then, Mommy told Daddy she was going to have a baby. And Mommy and Daddy and Sofia and the baby lived happily ever after. The End," Sofia narrated her favorite bedtime story to baby Anakin, where he lay in his bassinet at the foot of their parents' bed. Ben was already propped up on the pillows, rather enjoying the brief synopsis of how he came to be with his wife and how they made a family together.

From the doorway, Rey watched the sight with a tender smile. "All right, young one: time for bed." And she helped Sofia into her cot, tucking her in and kissing her forehead. "I love you, my sweet."

Sofia beamed. "Good night, Mommy."

And Rey turned out the lights with the Force, before slipping into bed beside her husband and lightly kissing his lips. "I love you."

Ben grinned with eyes full of adoration. "I know."

A/N: I know Mara is no longer canon, but I did not have a better idea for the mother's identity, so I just re-used her. I hope you all enjoyed this story!